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Der vil eksistere i alt tre forskellige typer Artisans; The Blacksmith, The Mystic, og The Jeweler. Hver især tilbyder forskellige services, der forbedrer dine items.

  • Blacksmith laver sockets i samt reparerer dine items.
  • Mystic crafter items med magiske attributter
  • Jeweler kombinerer jewels/gems på opgraderingsvis

Diablo 3 Artisan Reveal Video (Gamescom 2010)

De forskellige artisans har mulighed for at blive bedre og bedre og tilbyde services alt afhængigt af, hvilket niveau de er på. I takt med at niveauet eskalerer, vil den enkelte artisans 'shop'/bod ændre udseende i retning af at blive mere avanceret. Forbedring af artisans sker tilsyneladende gennem brug af guld.

Man har ikke artisans til rådighed fra spillets start. I stedet introduceres man løbende for disse NPC'er i kraft af sin fremfærd i spillet. Man opnår ikke adgang til artisans som følge af side quests uden egentlig relation til spillets plot. Derimod indgår de som en naturlig del af hovedhistorien i spillet.

I takt med at man opnår adgang til de forskellige artisans, vil de placere sig i den såkaldte Caravan, som er et område i byen, hvor man befinder sig i den pågældende act.

Yderligere info om artisans findes nedenfor i FAQ'en om Artisans/The Caravan, som var at finde i det press kit, som var til rådighed til Gamescom 2010.

Diablo III Caravan FAQ

Q:  What is the caravan?
A:  The caravan is a persistent group that follows the heroes across Sanctuary, providing a centralized hub for players to find quest givers, crafters, and other important NPCs.  As your character moves through the world so too will your loyal band, setting up in specific locations to remain close by should you need them.

Q:  Who are the artisans?
A:  In order to access the professions in Diablo III, you’ll need to gain the loyalty of various artisans through your travels in Sanctuary.  The blacksmith, mystic, and jeweler will each provide unique services over the course of the game.

Q:  What do the artisans offer?
A:  Skilling up your artisans will unlock unique recipes, granting your character access to benefits that may not be found anywhere else in the world.  The blacksmith crafts weapons and armor, and can add sockets to some items.  The mystic creates scrolls, potions, magical weapons, spell runes, and charms, and can also enchant items.  The jeweler crafts gems , amulets, and rings. The jeweler can also remove gems from socketed items and can combine gems to improve their quality.

Q:  How do I find the artisans?
A:  Finding the artisans will be part of the main quest. Each artisan has been fleshed out to include their own story and quest line.

Q:  How do I use the artisans?
A:  You’ll collect loot as a reward for slaughtering the forces of the Burning Hells. Unwanted items can be salvaged in your inventory, converting these goods into raw crafting materials—higher-level items are salvaged into higher-level materials. You’ll then take those raw materials and hand them over to the artisans, putting them to work crafting or enchanting for you. Upon returning to the caravan after a lengthy foray, you may also find that the artisans have been hard at work plying their trade for your benefit.

Q: How do I salvage my items?
A: Players will find an item while progressing through the main quest that will allow them to convert unwanted gear into crafting materials from the inventory. This item will not take up any inventory space. This should be a more satisfying option for offloading unwanted loot than the alternative—dropping things on the ground or making frequent trips to a vendor.

Q:  Why are you including crafting professions in an action game?
A:  Professions add depth to the item collection gameplay that drives the action of Diablo III. We want to provide players with an alternative way to acquire gear, potions, and other randomly found items. We also want to provide additional forms of customization for players—adding jewels, enchants, or sockets to existing gear allows players to further tailor their characters. Many rare crafting recipes and materials are only found as world drops, enhancing the item acquisition process by increasing the diversity of items dropped by monsters.

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