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Forfatter Emne: Legendary drop blev 100% buffed - og er ikke blevet nerfed efterfølgende  (Læst 1123 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Legendary drop blev 100% buffed - og er ikke blevet nerfed efterfølgende

Blizzard har ikke nedsat droprate på legendaries i det skjulte.

Diablo-serien har altid været baseret på RNG (Random Number Generation) på stort set samtlige elementer i spillet - inklusive items og itemdrops. Da Blizzard for to uger siden valgte at bibeholde fødselsdagsbonusen på 100% ekstra legendary drop-chance, var det til stor glæde for langt de fleste spillere. Men netop RNG lader til at spille folk et puds, og så snart det ikke går den rigtige vej, synes nogle af være tilbøjelige til hurtigt at opfinde konspirationsteorier.

Siden fødselsdagsbuff og efterfølgende permanentering af samme, har der været et par kritiske røster (også på denne side), om, at Blizzard i det skjulte skulle have mindsket dropraten uden at fortælle os spillere om det. I et længere svar på et par kritiske spilleres frustrationer og beskyldninger, afkræfter Community Manager Nevalisits dette - og giver i samme forbindelse et par verbale lussinger (dog pænt formulerede) til brugeren, der synes at mistænke Blizzard for skjulte dagsordener. Tråden blev låst af samme grund, da sådanne tråde, ifølge Nevalistis, kun er med til at sprede falsk information.

Hovedpointen for os er dog, at Blizzard ikke har nerfed dropraten, siden de satte den i vejret i forbindelse med fødselsdags-buff, som vi altså fik lov at beholde efter fødselsdagsugen. Hvor mange troede egentlig helt oprigtigt, at de havde lavet ændringer på den front uden at fortælle os om det?

Citat fra: nekkra
They are trying to deliberately discredit people who challenge the validity of anything they we are told.

This is a rather bold assumption. We are attempting to avoid a situation where a rumor rampages out of control and becomes community "truth." In this case, we have investigated multiple times into drop rates to make sure they are working as they should. We have tested and retested. The results have come back consistently in each instance - drop rates are where they are supposed to be, and haven't been changed since the implementation of the Community Buff for the 2nd Anniversary. Each time we post regarding misinformation being spread, we are as certain as we can be that this is the case.

Citat fra: nekkra
Are you really going to come on here and say that there is not and has never been any bugs/faulty programming in the game?

Not at all! But we do check and recheck things when community concerns are brought up or reports come in consistently. That's not the case here - rather, the occasional string of bad luck comes up and these types of posts come in waves. The reports we've received on drop rates are inconsistent, and our testing results and internal drop rate numbers contradict the suggested pattern.

RNG, being inherently random in nature and definition, is something that's easy to mistake as working inconsistently. That's the nature of the beast. What I can do is reassure you that we've done everything we can (and more) on our end to make sure it's working the way it should.

Citat fra: nekkra
Especially when you have knee jerk reactions to people having fun and you nerf something by saying it was a bug?

That's a pretty unfair statement. Any change made is in the interest of the game's health in the long term, whether it's a bug fix or a balance change. We carefully weigh the benefits and detriments to such changes, and while some do result in a reduction of power, it's a byproduct of fixing something that is working against its original intent.

Everyone loves to smash face and feel powerful - but without a little control, we can inadvertantly severely restrict growth of power in the future. We want to provide additional content down the road, and if a single skill or item upsets the balance of everything else available, it substantially changes the way we develop that content. Instead of balancing everything in the future around a single outlier, it's more appropriate to bring that outlier back into balance with other aspects of the game.

You're welcome to provide constructive feedback regarding changes, or raise your concerns regarding whether or not something is working as it should. That isn't something we're trying to take away. However, in this case, we've done our leg work, and I've shared that information.

That said, this is a pretty unproductive conversation with little productive discourse, so I'll be locking this thread. If you'd like to send us your feedback regarding moderation practices, you're welcome to do so directly to lylirra@blizzard.com - she's our manager, and will be happy to review your concerns.
« Senest Redigeret: Juni 05, 2014, 02:43:04 pm af Camelo »

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Jeg gad vide hvorfor folk er så hurtig til at tage sølvpapirshatten på. I det her tilfælde bliver vi nød til og tro på hvad Blizzard siger til os. Jeg kan ærlig talt ikke se hvorfor dét er så svært...

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Det kaldes lemming effekten

Offline mads-wm3

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Folk må altså virkelig stoppe med at whine fordi de ikke får 5 legs inden for 10 min...

Nogle af dem der beklager sig på battle.net lyder virkelig til at have den her mentalitet:

"omg jeg fik 10 legs på 2 timer i går, men har kun fundet 1 leg på 30 min nu! Blizzard må have nerfed shit uden at sige det waaaah! Jeg må hellere lade være med at spille videre, og se om der kommer flere drops, og i stedet gå ind og anklage blizzard for snyd og bedrag på battle.net"

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den får du lige +1 for mads ;) funneh shit
Venlig hilsen DreamWalker

Min profil: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamWalker-2175/hero/93745

Donnie: Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


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