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"Two decades have passed since the demonic lords, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, set out across the world of Sanctuary on a vicious rampage, twisting humanity to their unholy will. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils, the memory fades slowly.            

When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral seeking clues to defeat new stirrings of evil, a fiery harbinger of doom falls from the heavens, striking the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. This fire from the sky reawakens ancient evils and calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells once again."


Forfatter Emne: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch  (Læst 2664 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Blizzards Community Manager, Lyllirra, har delt lidt information med os vedrørende de kommende ændringer med patch og expansion. Der er ikke alverdens nyt i hendes udtalelser - dog med undtagelse af et par linjer om Magic Find og Gold Find. Hidtil har en character fået tildelt 3% af hver pr. paragon level, men i fremtiden vil denne bonus blive fjernet - noget mange sikkert havde gættet, eftersom vi har set, at vi manuelt kan smide Paragon Points i eksempelvis magic og gold find i det nye Paragon 2.0-system. Nedenfor er, hvad Lyllirra bød på angående emnet, og derudover også om pre-patch og main levels versus paragon levels.

Spørgsmål: Is blizzard removing the MF/GF bonus currently with the paragon levels, and are we going to have to assign points to MF/GF, if we choose, over other stats?

Lyllirra: Yup. Under current design, that's how it'll work. (Everything still subject to change, of course.)

Bit more detail: When Paragon 2.0 goes live, the innate bonuses granted by the current system will be removed; all the Paragon experience across your characters will be added together to determine your new shared Paragon level; and then, based on that level, each of your characters will be granted a specific number of Paragon Points (your total # of shared Paragon levels = your total # of Paragon Points). From there, players will be able to allocate their Paragon Points into different stats across four different categories: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, and Adventure. Magic Find is available in the "Adventure" category. Gold Find isn't a Paragon 2.0 stat right now, but again...that may change.

(Note that what category a Paragon Point can be spent in will be determined by what Paragon level you earn. Paragon level 1 gives you a point to spend in "Core Stat," Paragon level 2 gives you a point to in "Offensive," Paragon level 3 gives you a point to spend in "Defensive," and Paragon level 4 gives you a point to spend in "Utility" (or "Adventure"). Each Paragon level past that follows the same pattern.)

Spørgsmål: Removing this bonus and making us spend points on MF/GF reverts back to the original problem that the paragon system originally solved: the gear swapping. How is this going to be handled?

Gear swapping is still a concern, and getting rid of the innate bonuses and having Magic Find as a Paragon 2.0 stat does reintroduce some issues. That's something we're still tinkering around with, but haven't settled on a design solution for just yet (a few other gameplay systems and changes need to be finalized first). I fully anticipate that will be something we communicate to players ahead of time, before it's implemented, or at least once we lock down exactly what we'd like to do. :)

Spørgsmål: New level cap in RoS is 70, how will the exp gain work with character that already gaining paragon level?

Lyllirra: After Paragon 2.0 goes live, if you are level 60 and do not have the expansion enabled on your account, you will continue to earn Paragon experience in the new system. This is because you are still technically at the level cap. However, if you are level 60 and decide to enable the expansion on your account, you will stop earning Paragon experience. This is because the expansion increases the level cap to 70. Once you reach level 70, you will start to accrue Paragon experience again from where you left off. (So, basically: Only max-level characters will be able to earn Paragon experience. If you don't have the expansion, max-level = 60. If you have the expansion, max-level = 70.)

Spørgsmål: So the whole statement about releasing the paragon 2.0 systems and Loot 2.0 systems BEFORE the expansion are null and void?

Lyllirra: We're still looking to release Paragon 2.0 and Loot 2.0 in a pre-expansion patch. The information you quoted was simply providing examples in the context of two co-existing level caps (level 60 for players who don't purchase the expansion and level 70 for players who do purchase the expansion).

The basic gist is pretty straightforward, though. If your character is considered to be at max level cap, that character will earn Paragon experience. If your character isn't considered to be at max level cap, it won't earn Paragon experience.

Spørgsmål: since obviously Loot 2 will come before RoS, what will happen to the paragon points you have earned if you install RoS to raise your lvl cap to 70? will they vanish, because you no longer can paragon-level until you reach the NEW cap?

Lyllirra: Nothing will happen to your existing Paragon levels or Points in that scenario. You'll just stop earning Paragon experience while you level up from 60 to 70, which means you won't be gaining any additional Paragon levels or Points during that time either (but you also won't be losing any). Once you reach level 70, you'll start earning Paragon experience again from where you left off. Easy-peasy.
« Senest Redigeret: Oktober 17, 2013, 08:34:38 am af Camelo »

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #1 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 08:48:08 am »
Men når auction house forsvinder(som jeg mener at have læst) så er der jo ingen grund til at placere point i gold find for der er jo så stort set ingen steder at bruge det(ved godt at man kan prøve heldet hos smeden mm men alligvel)

Offline Camelo

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #2 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 08:52:02 am »
AH forsvinder, ja :) http://diablo3x.dk/index.php?topic=13541.0

Men jeg tror ikke, at guld bliver overflødiggjort. Der kommer helt sikkert nye recipes, hvor gold bliver nødvendigt i store mængder. Og der skal bruges guld til alt, der skal upgrades. Husk, at man bliver afskåret fra at købe specifikke gems på AH nu eksempelvis. Det kommer til at tage lang tid og meget guld at få alle gems op i ønsket level.

Generelt tror jeg, at Blizzard har en god plan for, hvordan gold skal blive ved med at være hovedvaluta. Men jeg gisner også kun. Lad os se, hvad der sker :)

Offline Ceepa

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #3 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 08:56:22 am »
uden guld duer helten ikke! fuld gear repair koster hvad? 60-70K?
Syns at have læst et sted at MPL/Inferno bliver svært igen?

tror nu nok du skal få brug for guld :)
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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #4 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 02:03:49 pm »
En let løsning på deres gear swapping problem ville vel bare være at fjerne MF/GF affixen fra items, problem solved!
Venlig hilsen DreamWalker

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Offline Camelo

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #5 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 02:46:57 pm »
En let løsning på deres gear swapping problem ville vel bare være at fjerne MF/GF affixen fra items, problem solved!

Eller fjerne det helt fra spillet. Men er mere tilhænger af din løsning ;)
« Senest Redigeret: Oktober 17, 2013, 02:47:07 pm af Camelo »

Offline mikkel51

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #6 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 03:20:54 pm »
En let løsning på deres gear swapping problem ville vel bare være at fjerne MF/GF affixen fra items, problem solved!

Er der stadig nogen der swapper gear :O?

Offline Camelo

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Sv: MF-/GF-bonus væk med Paragon 2.0 - yderligere oplysninger om patch
« Svar #7 Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 03:49:01 pm »
Nej, det er der ikke nu, men det er jo netop pointen i den betragtning, der fremhæves i citaterne; gear swap blev elimineret med det nuværende system, men med de nye tiltag, der snart kommer, vil man bringe det i spil igen. Det er også det, DreamWalker hentyder til.


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