Trailer & Artikel: Kend din CrusaderNy trailer og en gennemgang af The Crusader's baggrundshistorie.Crusaderen, som er den nye spilbare klasse i Reaper of Souls, får her en lore-mæssig gennemgang i en officiel artikel fra Blizzard - og så er det også blevet til en video med Crusader-gameplay og grafiske lækkerier. Herunder videoen og et kort uddrag fra artiklen.
Faithful of Akkhan. Bastions of the Light. Stalwart redeemers of the Zakarum. All of these names could very well describe the newest hero class available in Reaper of Souls™.
Unlike other orders of the Zakarum, the Crusaders bring a distinctly grittier version of a traditional holy warrior to the world of Sanctuary. But where did they come from? What is their role in the Zakarum faith? How will they tackle the looming threat of Malthael on the horizon?
The answers to these questions and many more lay below, so let's kick off our week-long inside look at the Crusader class with some delectable servings of lore!