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"Two decades have passed since the demonic lords, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, set out across the world of Sanctuary on a vicious rampage, twisting humanity to their unholy will. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils, the memory fades slowly.            

When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral seeking clues to defeat new stirrings of evil, a fiery harbinger of doom falls from the heavens, striking the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. This fire from the sky reawakens ancient evils and calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells once again."


Forfatter Emne: Endlesss dungeons - ikke umuligt i D3  (Læst 949 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Endlesss dungeons - ikke umuligt i D3
« Dato: Marts 30, 2013, 12:55:18 pm »
Blizzards Travis Day har udtalt sig om muligheden for endless dungeons i Diablo 3 - et koncept hvor spillerne kan dræbe monstre i en uendelighed i bestemte levels/områder, der bare bliver ved og ved. Selvom Travis Day kan afsløre, at det er noget, der bestemt tales om blandt udviklerne, er det ikke noget, han overhovedet vil love. Omvendt virker han heller ikke afvisende.

Han nævner samtidig andre mulige tiltag, der kan give alternativer til den evindelige farming i act 3. Læs det hele nedenfor.

Replayability and ideas like Endless Dungeons come up a lot around the office. We definitely have plans to expand the game in these areas. Adding more monster power levels is also something that we have discussed. I personally love the idea of an endless dungeon, don't take that as a quote that I promised we are adding them though! At the heart of that idea is something really compelling, wave events, endless dungeons, hold out missions etc. Standing as the lone hero, or one of a party of heroes, against an onslaught of demons really sells the fantasy of Diablo, it's just a matter of taking the seed of that idea and iterating on it to a point where it feels like it fits into the game as a piece and not just "the only thing to do". I do hope that down the road we can find some way to make that idea a part of the content options players have at their disposal. I've said one numerous occasions, in a perfect world, when a player sits down at their computer for the evening to play the Diablo the question I want them to say to themselves is "What do I feel like doing tonight?" not "Ok time to run Act 3 again".


I første omgang må vi nok bare glæde os til monster density-ændringerne, som vi ser i næste patch.
« Senest Redigeret: Marts 30, 2013, 12:55:57 pm af Camelo »

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Sv: Endlesss dungeons - ikke umuligt i D3
« Svar #1 Dato: Marts 30, 2013, 04:41:26 pm »
Det lyder fedt, helt klart noget jeg vil gøre brug af, hvis det bliver en realitet. Jeg krydser fingre ;)


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