Send en email til dig selv i en fremtid du selv vælger
jeg valgte at sende et brev til mig selv om præcis 10 år... synes det kan være fedt at læse den om 10 år for at se hvad der er ændret på den tid
glæder mig allerede...
ved ik lige hvorfor den er på engelsk men i kan da lige få den
Hey Lauesgaard
Today you have a girlfriend named Mathilde
Your brother just moved to Spain a few days ago
Your mother has a boyfriend named Thomas
and your out of work
Your waiting to go to Italy with (danish travelling thingy, im going to work for them)
Your weight is 75kilograms
Your going to a Volbeat concert in 3 weeks
You own a Nokia 5310 express music cellphone
You spend multiple hours a day infront of the pc at home
Your taking a break from world of warcraft, but misses it alot
Your computer is fucked up, and your uncle is slow fixing it...
Aab (danish soccer team) is in the quarterfinals of the uefa cup
Your a big fan of Anders ”anden” Matthesen (a danish comedian)
Gas costs about 8-9kr pr liter, depending on the mood of the companies
To mention it again, your very happy for Mathilde
This is gonna be fun to read in 10 years
Dearest regards
a very important person in your life... yourself
Lauesgaard ***
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og hvis i tør så post da også lige brevet herinde