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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / TV-spottet kører på dansk TV!
« Dato: Maj 06, 2012, 05:54:28 pm »
I pausen af Premier League-kampen mellem Manchester United og Swansea, har Diablo 3 TV-spottet lige gjort sit indtog på Kanal 6. Jeg er ikke sikker på, om andre har skrevet det, men det er i hvert fald første gang, jeg har set spottet på dansk tv. Det er i øvrigt det første TV-spot, vi så for et par dage siden med EVIL IS BACK.

Det er stort :)

Information fra D3X / Shoutbox - hvad siger I?
« Dato: April 27, 2012, 04:00:32 pm »
Tidligere har der været en del snak om muligheden for en chat/shoutbox. Pt er jeg ved at undersøge mulighederne for at få en sådan etableret med et par tweaks, så den understøtter måden, hvorpå dette forum fungerer på.

Hvordan kunne I tænke jer, en sådan skulle fungere? Og egentlig mere interessant; hvor skulle den placeres på siden?

Det er ikke sikkert, at det sker, men lad os lege, at det gør :)

Off Topic / FLYTTET: Jeg vil også være grøn.
« Dato: April 16, 2012, 05:17:15 pm »
Dette emne er blevet flyttet til Feedback.


Information fra D3X / Månedens medlem marts 2012
« Dato: April 11, 2012, 11:22:02 pm »
Det er efterhånden en måneds tid siden, vi sidst udpegede månedens medlem, så nu er det igen tid til at kigge tilbage og gøre lidt status.

Der er kommet lidt mere ro over tempoet, siden vi oplevede den største aktivitet på Diablo3x.dk nogensinde i forbindelse med vores mange og vellykkede betakonkurrencer. Lur mig, om det dog ikke blot var en forsmag på, hvad vi har i vente, når Diablo 3 rammer os om lidt over en måned.

Mens aktiviteten har buldret afsted, har der været en håndfuld brugere, der stadig har holdt udkig efter nyheder, og postet dem på denne side, hvilket har været en kæmpe hjælp for os bag siden. Månedens medlem er Fifikus, da han om nogen har været konstant i sine bidrag og desuden i sin aktivitet på forummet. Krasso fortjener også at blive nævnt i denne ombæring, da han på lignende vis har bidraget flot med nyheder og aktivitet. Traditionen tro holder vi os dog til at udpege én vinder, og her har vi vurderet, at Fifikus fortjener det største skulderklap i denne omgang.

Tillykke til Fifikus!

Om en måned kommer så sidste omgang månedens medlem inden udgivelsen af Diablo 3. :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Beta patch 16 undervejs
« Dato: April 09, 2012, 09:21:09 pm »
Blizzards Lylirra har netop skrevet, at Diablo 3 beta-serverne er nede, idet man forbereder udsendelse af patch 16. Vi får character wipe med i købet. ALT bliver nulstillet!

The Diablo III beta is currently undergoing maintenance as we prepare to deploy the next beta patch. We anticipate that downtime will last for about 8 to 9 hours, until approximately 8:00 p.m./9:00 p.m. PDT.

Please note that Beta Patch 16 will include a character wipe. As with previous character wipes, this wipe will also affect gold, achievements, items, followers, and artisans.

Thank you for your patience!


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Dato: April 05, 2012, 10:43:19 am »
Vi har netop modtaget en mail, hvor vi informeres om, at Blizzard gerne vil have en række spørgsmål stillet fra fansites. Spørgsmålene skal være omkring 'game mechanics' - hvordan komplicerede ingame-mekanikker virker.

Eftersom mailen egentlig er mere rettet mod jer brugere, synes jeg lige så godt, I kan få den i sin fulde længde.

Diablo III gameplay systems hold many secrets and mastering those will allow us to better prepare for the war on prime evils. We are opening the gates of our archives to share ancient knowledge with you, so that we all stand ready when all hell breaks loose…
We are preparing a game guide project for Diablo III and require both your feedback and that of your community. The aim of this project is to provide all our players with information on the intricacies of game mechanics so they can explore them according to their needs and sharpen their skills.
Feel free to reach out to your valiant community to come up with questions on complex game systems and mechanics that they crave to be answered so that they can hone their craft. Don’t hesitate to ask about the basics as well. We are eager to find out which basic concepts you would like to have explained and what specific details and data you’re interested in for in-depth analysis of gameplay.
Please limit your questions/subjects to the specific area of raw gameplay mechanics and reply to us no later than Thursday 12 April, 5pm CEST, to be sure your input is received by us in time.
Thank you for joining us in the effort to make the Diablo III community even stronger.
Kind regards,
The Community Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

I kan bruge denne tråd til at stille jeres spørgsmål. Jeg foretrækker, at I skriver dem på engelsk - gerne formuleret, så de er klar til at blive sendt til Blizzard. Hvis det er helt galt med den engelske kunnen, er dansk fint.

Det er nu, I har chancen for at blive hørt, folkens! Og der lægges både op til spørgsmål vedrørende 'basics' og mere 'komplekse' systemer. Sørg endelig for at gennemtænke jeres spørgsmål, så vi har en chance for at få nogle interessante svar. Jeg ved ikke, hvordan selve svarene bliver leveret, men håbet er, at de sender os en mail tilbage med svarene, så vi får lov til at publicere det hele selv. Dog lyder det som om, at de er ved at etablere en database af en art, hvor en masse info vil være tilgængelig. De skal bare lige vide, hvad spillerne gerne vil vide. Om spørgsmålene så skal tjene udelukkende til dette formål, eller om vi får helt konkrete svar tilbage, er svært at gennemskue. Men vi får se...

Alt afhængigt af mængden og kvaliteten af spørgsmål, tillader vi os at vrage og vælge mellem dem, I måtte stille.

Denne mulighed skyldes udelukkende, at vi er officiel fansite. Der er ikke andre danske sider, der får samme mulighed :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Nye officielle skill-videoer
« Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:56:36 am »
Blizzard har tilføjet en række nye videoer, hvor forskellige skills for alle klasser bliver vist i forskellige omgivelser og blandt en række forskellige monstre.

Peg på skill-navnet nedenfor for at se beskrivelser, og klik for at få vist de nye videoer.


Demon Hunter
Fan of Knives og Sentry.

Tempest Rush og Way of the Hundred Fists.

Witch Doctor
Locust Swarm, Mass Confusion, Wall of Zombies og Fetish Army.

Explosive Blast.

Tech. Support / FLYTTET: Servers down for Maintenance?
« Dato: Marts 26, 2012, 11:57:40 pm »

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Dato: Marts 26, 2012, 11:41:37 pm »
Man kunne håbe, at det var Diablo3x.dk som officiel fanside, der havde været så heldige at få lov at stille en række spørgsmål til Blizzard vedrørende Diablo 3. Sådan skulle det ikke gå. Heldigvis kan vi altid quote spørgsmål og svar fra Diablofans.

Der er lidt af hvert at komme efter. Generelt drejer det sig om uddybelse af allerede kendte aspekter i spillet.

Q. People keep asking about the wings perk from the Collector’s Edition:
How will your character receive this item?
Will each character have the item, or does it have to be shared across your characters (like heirloom items did in WoW)?
If a unique item, how will transferring the wings work?
Can the wings be accidentally sold or destroyed?
How will these wings work on a HC character when they die -- do you lose them?
Each character you make will receive CE items in their inventory. They cannot be dropped, but can be destroyed if you want the inventory space, for example. If you want them back you can transfer through the shared stash from another character.

Q. Also will there be items similar to the wings (fluff items) that drop in game later?
No plans for any right now, but we’re not opposed to it. The amount of equippable items we have is pretty intense.

Q. Some players are starting to suggest that the use of “yards” in elective mode skill descriptions is a bit misleading. Players feel that the area of effects are much smaller than the tooltips indicate and joke that their characters must be at least 15 feet tall if the tooltips are accurate. Have we put any thought into changing the unit of measurement or reducing the numerical values to better the distance of the abilities?
We’re well aware that it’s not entirely accurate, but once you use the ability once or twice you understand how it’s supposed to perform. With the fast and furious action of Diablo III, the exact measurements really aren’t as important as how you actually understand and use the skill.

Q. Will the Collector’s Edition dyes have any sort of "particle effect" on the items, or are they simply dying them with a unique color?
No they don’t have particle effects. For now they can technically only be single color gradients.

Q. Will dyes be shown on gear on the AH? (For example: "This gear is dyed 'Off-White.' ") This is semi-important because of Collector’s Edition dyes. Players anticipate that since this dye will be rare, it will carry more value within the community.
No, dyes are removed from items when you put them on the AH.

Q. As a follow up to that, can items dyed with Collector’s Edition dyes be placed on both auction houses?
Absolutely, but the dye color is removed. Dyes are not removed if an item is dropped/traded, though.

Q. Will the AH be a part of the game world (find an auctioneer in the city to do it) or is it staying in the game menu?
We think it’d be cool, but no it’s only within the Battle.net menu.

Q. Can we expect any achievements that aren’t strictly focused on game mechanics? For example, there’s rumor that finding and killing Bashiok in game is an achievement. Are these going to be similar achievements that are more Easter Egg-like and inspired by the community?
Yes, we have many achievements that ask you to do something weird or crazy or just difficult to pull off.

Q. We’ve already shared that cosmetic rewards will be coming with some achievements. We know about the banners, but are there any other rewards we haven’t yet mentioned that we could also share with the community?
We don’t have any now, no. Titles and cosmetic item rewards would be cool but it’s a wish list item for the future. All achievement rewards are banner related, which we think is pretty cool as it displays very prominently when forming groups, as well in-game at the waypoint hubs.

Q. Will there be feat of strength achievements (I.E. first person to hit 60)?
We do have feats of strength but not one specifically for first to 60.

Q. Will you be able to bind Force Move to a mouse key?
You can bind it to anything but primary and secondary mouse buttons, but it can be bound to any other mouse buttons.

Q. Since there seems to be a cap for adventurer stats ( +MF/+GF), will the stacks refresh on a Rare or Champion kill after you hit stack cap? Example: Say a stack cap of 5, on the 6th Rare/Champion kill, will the whole stack refreshes?
The whole stack refreshes.

Q. Will there be difficulty-exclusive random events/quests?
We don’t have any, no. It’s not a bad idea so maybe it’s something we could look into for the future.

Q. When does the exit indicator appear on the mini-map? When you are within range or when your character can see it (line of sight)?
When you’re within range.

Q. Will weapons with elemental affixes get extra damage against their elemental counter-part (e.g. Holy weapons get more damage against undead)?
No, we don’t want people to feel like they’re forced to carry around a bunch of weapons with each damage type and swap them in and out to remain effective. We actually had it in the game at one point where each damage type had a secondary effect, and we were super excited about it, and then we played it and it just sucked. It sounds super cool, but in practice it just forces too much on the player and makes decisions for them on which types of items are best based on the damage type.

Q. Will poison damage stack?
DoTs can stack, and the DoT can be poison based, but poison is not inherently a DoT.

Q. In Hardcore Mode, will players receive damage from collapsing/destroyed walls and/or parts of the décor (as it is not the case in Normal Mode)?
No. Hardcore is the exact same as “softcore” in every way, you just can’t die more than once.

Q. Will the Scroll of Companion (if/when it returns) be cute and cuddly or will it be more visually gritty and dark (keeping in line with the rest of the creatures in D3)?
If companions return, we have no idea. There may be some cute and cuddly things. Cute and cuddly things can and do exist in Sanctuary. They just may get stepped on by a demon. We’d make an effort to create more dark and gritty companions though, if we do revisit the system.

Q. Will you be looking at the visuals of the Wizard skill "Blizzard" and “Meteor” after the community's negative reaction to it? Players aren’t impressed with their current visuals as compared to those in D2.
There are plenty of people that like them, and plenty of people that like one or more of the rune variants. No, we don’t have any plans to make changes to any skill visuals.

Q. Are you guys happy with where the Witch Doctor is as of patch 15? We noticed as of the last few patches, particularly 14 to 15 the WD has received an enormous amount of tuning compared to the other classes and currently feels a little overpowered at early levels.
Balance is always ongoing. It’s possible the build for patch 15 caught us at a point where we had made a lot of witch doctor changes and not changes to other classes? We generate beta patches to test ongoing updates, and don’t wait to make sure each class has had equal attention. We’re very happy with class balance on our internal builds.

Q. Since arena is temporary out of picture. Is there any other way to take participate in PvP after D3 launch? Do you plan to implement world pvp mode like D2?
No. There are many reasons why we’re focusing PvP into the arenas and not bringing back hostility. PvP Arenas will only be a few months after release, and in that time people will be trying out classes and perfecting their gear and builds. When they do arrive they’ll be an awesome addition to the game, and players will be ready to face off in some awesome PvP action in a designed and crafted experience.

Q. How does the new “Nephalem Valor” mechanism work in multiplay game? Say if 4 player kill rare creatures separately, will they receive buffs from other players’ killing credit? Or the buff will be counted separately.
Everyone in the game gets the buff when a champion/rare is killed.

Det bliver som bekendt muligt at anskaffe Diablo 3 som digital eller fysisk kopi. Hvilken mulighed har du tænkt dig at benytte dig af? Uddyb gerne med svar i denne tråd.

Witch Doctor / Første omgang WD for mig...
« Dato: Marts 20, 2012, 01:38:51 am »
Jeg spillede for første gang betaen med Witch Doctor her til aften, og jeg blev da positivt overrasket. Kombinationen af ranged attack via pusterøret og især flamme-flagermusene var ganske interessant. Derudover finder jeg faktisk WD's stemmeskuespil overraskende godt, når man hører på, hvad han har at sige. Langt bedre end visse andre classes.

Der er dog stadig enkelte elementer ved WD, jeg ikke synes om. Nogle enkelte skill-animationer hovedsageligt. Og så er she-WD lidt for skinger at høre på stadig. Spider-skill virker lidt fjollet; hvor får han alle de urner fra, som han smider afsted? Det må kunne animeres på en helt anden måde.

Men alt i alt var det en overraskende positiv oplevelse at spille WD for første gang. Jeg ved ikke helt, hvad der gør det. Det var nok bare en kombination af sjove skills, og en umiddelbart gennemført character på forskellige niveauer.

Så skete det endelig. Blizzard har fastsat en dato; 15. maj 2012. Så sker det endelig!

Diablo III Launching May 15 – Digital Pre-Sales NOW OPEN
by Blizzard Entertainment Mar 15, 2012 6:00 AM PDT 45

The End of Days approaches…. Diablo III will be unleashed from the Burning Hells on May 15, 2012, and you can be ready to play the minute the servers go live by pre-purchasing the game digitally on Battle.net today.

Beginning May 15, players around the world will be able to return to Tristram to discover the dark secrets of a fallen star and begin their quest to save Sanctuary from the impending demonic invasion. To secure your place as a barbarian, monk, demon hunter, witch doctor, or wizard right now, simply log in to your Battle.net account, and then purchase and download* Diablo III, and you’ll be ready to play when the game launches.

World of Warcraft players interested in getting Diablo III for free can still get in on the World of Warcraft Annual Pass, but the promotion will be ending at 12:01 a.m. PDT on May 1, 2012. When you sign up for the Annual Pass and make a 1-year commitment to World of Warcraft, you’ll receive a free digital copy of Diablo III, an exclusive World of Warcraft in-game mount (Tyrael’s Charger), as well as access to the upcoming World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria beta test. Learn more at the Annual Pass signup page.

For more details on the May 15 release of Diablo III, be sure to hit the official press release, or head to our new Diablo III game page to learn more about the game and pre-purchase your digital copy.

*When you pre-purchase Diablo III, you will be able to download an encrypted version of the game that will be unlocked upon release on May 15.

Link - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4612389

Hvad siger I?

Credits til Matih for citeret tekst, samt til alle jer andre, der opsnappede nyheden og straks lavede tråd!

Her får I så den officielle pressemeddelse


Battle.net® presales for the hottest game of 2012 NOW LIVE

World of Warcraft® Annual Pass Promotion Ends May 1


IRVINE, Calif. -- March 15, 2012 -- The end is nigh! Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Diablo® III, the next chapter in its critically acclaimed action role-playing game series, will be unleashed from the Burning Hells on May 15.

Starting that day, gamers with a thirst for fast-paced action and adventure will be able to purchase Diablo III at retailers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. In addition, gamers in the regions above as well as in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil will be able to buy Diablo III digitally via Blizzard’s Battle.net® website.

Players in the listed Latin American countries and in Russia will be able to purchase Diablo III at local retail locations starting June 7. Digital availability for the Russian version of the game will also begin June 7. In addition to the English version, Diablo III will be fully localized into Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.

Blizzard also kicked off global digital presales for Diablo III today. Would-be wizards, witch doctors, demon hunters, barbarians, and monks throughout the world should head to http://www.blizzard.com/games/d3/ now to reserve their digital copies.

“After many years of hard work by our development team and months of beta testing by hundreds of thousands of dedicated players around the world, we’re now in the homestretch,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We look forward to putting the final polish on Diablo III over the next two months and delivering the ultimate action-RPG experience to gamers worldwide starting on May 15.”

Diablo III will be available for Windows® XP/Windows Vista®/Windows® 7 and Macintosh® at a suggested price of $59.99 USD for both the retail DVD-ROM version and the digital version sold directly from Blizzard. A special alabaster-white Collector’s Edition, sold exclusively in retail stores at a suggested retail price of $99.99 USD, will include the full game on DVD-ROM, a behind-the-scenes Blu-ray/DVD two-disc set, the Diablo III soundtrack CD, a 208-page Art of Diablo III book, and a 4 GB USB soulstone (including full versions of Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction®) and corresponding Diablo skull base, as well as exclusive in-game content for Diablo III, World of Warcraft®, and StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty®. Diablo III has received a Mature rating from the ESRB.

World of Warcraft players interested in getting Diablo III free are encouraged to join the more than 1 million players who have already signed up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass.* Through this promotion, with a 1-year commitment to World of Warcraft, players will receive a free digital copy of Diablo III -- which they’ll be able to start playing immediately on May 15 -- as well as an exclusive World of Warcraft in-game mount and access to the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria™ beta test. This offer will no longer be available as of 12:01 a.m. PDT on May 1. Learn more at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/annualpass.

In Diablo III, players take on the role of one of five heroic characters -- barbarian, witch doctor, wizard, monk, or demon hunter -- and engage in pulse-pounding combat with endless legions of evil. As they undertake an epic quest to rid Sanctuary from the corrupting forces of the Burning Hells, players will explore diverse and perilous settings, grow in experience and ability, acquire artifacts of incredible power, and meet key characters who’ll join them in battle or aid them in other ways.

Diablo III was built from the ground up to leverage the full functionality of the Battle.net platform, which delivers powerful matchmaking and communication tools, allowing adventurers to seamlessly join forces for exciting cooperative play. Battle.net also provides a secure infrastructure for the Diablo III auction house, a feature-rich marketplace that Sanctuary’s heroes can use to trade their hard-earned treasures. Players will be able to buy and sell weapons, armor, and other valuable items in the auction house in exchange for in-game gold. Players will also have the option to receive real-world currency for auction house sales, which they can apply to their Battle.net Balance for the purchase of a variety of digital products through Battle.net, including Diablo III auction house items, or cash out through a third-party payment service such as PayPal™ in most regions. Further details related to the auction house will be announced in the coming weeks.

For more information on Diablo III, please visit the official website at http://www.diablo3.com. To set up a Battle.net account and to opt-in to Blizzard Entertainment beta tests, please visit the official Battle.net website at http://www.battle.net. With multiple games in development, Blizzard Entertainment has numerous positions currently available -- visit http://jobs.blizzard.com for more information and to learn how to apply.

*Based on internal company records.

About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Best known for blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft® and the Warcraft®, StarCraft®, and Diablo® franchises, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (www.blizzard.com), a division of Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI), is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software renowned for creating some of the industry's most critically acclaimed games. Blizzard Entertainment’s track record includes thirteen #1-selling games and multiple Game of the Year awards. The company's online-gaming service, Battle.net®, is one of the largest in the world, with millions of active players.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements: Information in this press release that involves Blizzard Entertainment’s expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Blizzard Entertainment generally uses words such as “outlook,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “might,” “remains,” “to be,” “plans,” “believes,” “may,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “estimate,” “future,” “plan,” “positioned,” “potential,” “project,” “remain,” “scheduled,” “set to,” “subject to,” “upcoming” and similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause Blizzard Entertainment’s actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include, but are not limited to, sales levels of Blizzard Entertainment’s titles, shifts in consumer spending trends, the impact of the current macroeconomic environment, the seasonal and cyclical nature of the interactive game market, declines in software pricing, product returns and price protection, product delays, retail acceptance of Blizzard Entertainment’s products, competition from the used game market, industry competition and competition from other forms of entertainment, rapid changes in technology, industry standards and consumer preferences, including interest in specific genres such as real-time strategy, action–role-playing and massively multiplayer online games, protection of proprietary rights, litigation against Blizzard Entertainment, maintenance of relationships with key personnel, customers, licensees, licensors, vendors and third-party developers, including the ability to attract, retain and develop key personnel and developers who can create high quality “hit” titles, counterparty risks relating to customers, licensees, licensors and manufacturers, domestic and international economic, financial and political conditions and policies, foreign exchange rates and tax rates, and the identification of suitable future acquisition opportunities, and the other factors identified in the risk factors section of Activision Blizzard’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Blizzard as of the date of this release, and neither Blizzard Entertainment nor Activision Blizzard assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Blizzard Entertainment or Activision Blizzard and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.


Off Topic / 49 beta keys tilbage...
« Dato: Marts 14, 2012, 11:43:17 pm »
...og de skal have fundet ejermænd søndag. Hvordan synes I, vi skal finde dem?

Information fra D3X / Månedens medlem februar 2012 + status
« Dato: Marts 12, 2012, 06:28:55 am »
Dette bliver en lidt længere tekst end normalt, men der sker meget på siden, og det kan vi ikke lade gå ubemærket hen. Derfor får denne tråd mere karakter af en statusopdatering.

En stadig tiltagende aktivitet, stor tilstrømning af nye medlemmer og en stor håndfuld brugere, der er villige til at bidrage med nyheder, har bevirket, at månedens medlem i februar 2012 har været svær at udpege. Folk har nærmest slåsset om at være først med de gode nyheder, hvilket flere gange har resulteret i, at vi har måttet låse nyhedstråde, fordi der blev oprettet flere end én omhandlende samme emne. Det er ikke negativt - det er ufatteligt positivt! Hellere låse et par tråde end undvære en nyhed. Denne sides nyheder er, om noget, blevet næsten 100% brugerdrevet. Og tak for det! Det er især nye medlemmer som Alowan og Fifikus, der har leveret varen på denne front med mange nyheder. Stor credit til disse to især, og alle andre, der bidrager med nyheder.

Månedens medlem i januar har heller ikke lagt på den lade side, og TheDomino har således bibeholdt den stabile aktivitet og interesse for denne side, og bidraget med ufatteligt mange ideer og tanker. Det har været guld værd på det sidste. Senest var TheDomino et smut forbi CeBit (med en 30% Diablo3x-sponsoreret billet ;) ), hvor han fik vist Diablo3x-fanen frem. Flot!

For et par dage siden var Diablo3x.dk også så heldig at få fin reklame på diablo.incgamers.com, da Spoisens Tristram-sammenligningsvideo blev udødeliggjort. Det er sådan noget, der gør det fedt at drive et site som dette. Stort skulderklap til Spoisen.

Derudover har det generelt været fantastisk at se, hvordan nye medlemmer hurtigt tager Diablo3x og sidens ånd til sig og deltager på lige niveau som andre. Diablo3x.dk er efterhånden blevet berømt for at være en enormt imødekommende side, hvor dårlig stemning er bandlyst. Spændende diskussioner og debatter udvikler sig sjældent til noget ubehageligt, og det skyldes en holdindsats af alle brugere her på siden. Det er en fornøjelse at være vidne til, hvordan medlemmer, der var 'nye' for en måneds tid siden, nu kan hilse velkommen til endnu nyere medlemmer - det er dejligt at se, at folk tager siden 'til sig'.

Og da aktiviteten aldrig er set højere på Diablo3x.dk end over den seneste måneds tid, sætter siden nye rekorder på alle fronter; antal indlæg, emner, medlemmer osv. Og i denne weekend satte vi en stor milepæl; 100.000 indlæg! Det er flot! Tillykke til os alle! Lur os, om vi ikke rammer de næste 100.000 hurtigere, end de første.

Men hvad så? Hvad har det at gøre med månedens medlem i februar 2012? Det er vigtigt at sætte tingene i kontekst denne gang, da den høje aktivitet, har bevirket, at der har været mange kandidater som antydet tidligere, og måden, hvorpå folk bidrager til siden er dybt forskellig fra bidrag til bidrag. En kandidat som endnu ikke er blevet nævnt, er hattemager, som er af 'den gamle skole'. Han og jeg var begge medlemmer på Diablo3x' 'forfader', RSC - 'det blå forum'. Det var en flot gestus, da hattemager tilbød at sponsorere et eksemplar af Diablo 3 Collectors Edition i release date-konkurrencen. Vi har tidligere været inde på, hvor meget I brugere bidrager med, men dette er første gang, vi oplever, at et medlem bidrager med noget så håndfast som kolde kontanter - og så af egen helt frie vilje. For dette konkrete bidrag udpeges hattemager som månedens medlem i februar 2012 i hård konkurrence med mange andre kandidater, der har bidraget på andre måder. Tillykke med det!

Information fra D3X / Det nye kuld moderatorer!
« Dato: Marts 10, 2012, 01:18:25 am »
Det er ingen hemmelighed, at aktivitet og besøgsvolumen er røget i vejret over de seneste par måneder, og tendensen vil uden tvivl gentage sig op til og efter release af Diablo 3.

Derfor har vi valgt at udpege fire nye moderatorer, som vil hjælpe til med at holde forummet kørende. De kan slette indlæg, redigere indlæg, se folks IP, bandlyse medlemmer og meget mere. De er i det hele taget fire medlemmer med mange rettigheder.

De fire nye moderatorer er Shorty, TheDomino, Angstskrig og Pecenetra. Jeg vil ikke komme for meget ind på, hvorfor netop disse fire er udvalgt, men det bunder i en stabil og høj aktivitet og en stor interesse for denne side og dens udvikling.

Tillykke til de nye moderatorer.

Indtil videre vil moderatorerne blive vist som lyseblå, men de får tildelt deres egen farve senere hen :)

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