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Witch Doctor / IGN Witch Doctor Spotlight Video
« Dato: April 23, 2012, 10:29:18 am »
Så kom tiden også til at IGN viser os en lækker trailer for Witch Doctor.
Så til alle jer fans derude af den maskerede helt, nyd deres spotlight :)

Witch Doctor Spotlight Video

Off Topic / Tur til London
« Dato: April 16, 2012, 11:11:38 am »
Hey folkens.

Jeg tager et smut til London nu her fra torsdag til søndag, og jeg ville høre om folk der har været der, kan anbefale nogle ting at se derovre :)? Har allerede planlagt at skulle ind og se Wicked, så musicals er der styr på ;)
Men andre ting? Shopping steder? Markeder? Andet?

Monk / IGN Monk Class Video
« Dato: April 16, 2012, 10:59:10 am »
Så er nyeste class video oppe!
Denne gang er det Monk classen der får æren af at blive fremvist i en super fed video fra IGN. Kig over på deres side og se den seje video!

IGN Monk Class Video


Tech. Support / Ivy Bridges processoren kommer d. 23. april
« Dato: April 12, 2012, 11:43:25 pm »
Det ser nu ud til at Intel fremskynder lanceringen på deres nye processor Ivy Bridges, fra d. 29. april til d. 23. april, så der er godt nyt for alle entusiaster :) Formentlig skal vi dog ikke forvente at se dem i handlen før starten af maj formentlig.

Entusiaster kan i sær se frem til desktopmodellerne: Core i7-3770K med en clock-hastighed på 3,5 GHz (3,9 GHz med Turbo) samt en 8 MB L3-cache og Core i5-3570K-processoren med 3,4 GHz (3,8 GHz med Turbo) samt en lidt mindre 6 MB L3 cache.


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Unlock hastighed:
« Dato: April 12, 2012, 10:47:01 pm »
Det tog hele 96 timer for at få unlocked de første 10%, men dette skyldes dels at de havde problemer med at få counteren til at virke i starten, og dels at folk lige skulle opdage siden.
De næste 10% har kun taget 40 timer, så lige under to dage for hele 10%.
Med denne hastighed vil vi have de kommende unlocks ca:

10%: d. 11. april kl. 04 (96 timer fra start)
20%: d. 12. april kl. 22 (40 timer fra 10%, 136 timer fra start)
30%: d. 14. april kl. 11 (37 timer fra 20%, 173 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 14. april kl. 14, Forskel: -3 timer)
40%: d. 18. april kl. 04 (89 timer fra 30%, 262 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 16. april kl. 06, Forskel: +46 timer)
50%: d. 21. april kl. 02 (70 timer fra 40%, 302 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 19. april kl. 18, Forskel: +32 timer)
60%: d. 25. april kl. 05 (99 timer fra 50%, 401 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 21. april kl. 10, Forskel: +91 timer)
70%: d. 29. april kl. 03 (94 timer fra 60%, 495 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 28. april kl. 05, Forskel: +22 timer)
80%: d. 02. maj kl. 01 (70 timer fra 70%, 565 timer fra start) (Estimeret tid: ca. 02. maj kl. 10, Forskel: -9 timer)

90%: ca. 04. maj kl. 22
100%: ca. 08. maj kl. 20

I virkeligheden, vil det naturligvis ikke tage præcis 40 timer for hver 10%, men alligevel sjovt at tænke på ;) 2 uger så vil vi have 100% unlocken efter den beregning.
Men i realiteten så skal vi nok regne med at 30% og 40% kommer til at tage længere tid, da flere og flere har lavet deres barb banner, og derfor ikke laver nye, men lige så snart at næste class kommer på, vil vi til gengæld se en eksplosion, og vi kan måske få 10% på så lidt som 24 timer.

Men dette er first estimates :) så må vi se om de holder, eller om de skal justeres ^^ jeg opdatere denne post løbende som de næste 10% bliver unlocked, og laver nye estimationer om nødvendigt ^^

Opdateret med nye tider!

Så nåede vi også de 20%

Til de som allerede har Book of Cain er der intet nyt at hente desværre, men for alle andre, er det en glimrende treat :)

Se den i større PDF format her:

Tech. Support / Nvidia GeForce 660
« Dato: April 11, 2012, 11:01:33 am »
Nvidia har officielt lanceret flagskibet GeForce GTX 680 samt gjort en række mobile udgaver tilgængelig for laptop producenterne. I maj måned skulle vi få GTX 670 og 670 Ti kortene at se og de vil blive efterfulgt af et kort med en GK106 chip, som der nu er dukket nogle detaljer op om.

Grafikkortet baseret på GK106 GPU'en får navnet GeForce GTX 660 og vil angiveligt erstatte GeForce GTX 550 Ti kortet, baseret på GF116 chippen. GK106'en fabrikeres af TSMC på 28 nm noden og vil være pakket med 768 CUDA cores, 64 TMU, 24 ROP'er og have 1.5 eller 2 GB GDDR5 RAM med en busbredde på 192-bit. TDP skulle ligge på 130W.

GeForce GTX 660 understøtter som sine andre 600-serie familiemedlemmer PCI Express 3.0 grænsefladen og dette kort vil sandsynligvis placere sig performancemæssigt i nærheden af GeForce GTX 560 Ti, Radeon HD 6950 og Radeon HD 7850 kortene.

Så det kommer nok til at blive det nye "budget"-kort i forhold til sine brødre 670, 670 ti og 680'eren, men fornuftigt alligevel, især når at man betænker at det kommer med den nye Kepler arkitektur, og nye AA-rendering.
Glæder mig i hvert fald til at se hvordan pris og performance kommer til at ligge på 660'eren og 670 ti'eren :)


Tech. Support / Rygte: Spec's på den nye Nvidia GeForce 670 ti
« Dato: April 06, 2012, 05:15:41 pm »
Når noget går galt under produktionen af et nyt grafikkort, hvad gør man så? Man laver grafikkortet til en ny version og sælger den med den defekte del disabled.

Det ser udmiddelbart ifølge rygterne ud til at være hvad der kommer til at ske med Nvidia GeForce's 680 modeller.
De næste to modeller i Kepler serien kommer formentlig til at blive udgivet i maj måned under navnene GTX 670 og GTX 670 Ti. Ifølge den tyske publisist 3DCenter.org, så vil disse GK104's følge samme fremgangsmåde som GF100'erne, nemlig ved at have 1 mindre SMX (Streaming Multiprocessors).
Dette vil sige at man basalt får et GTX 680 kort, som ikke helt klarede cuttet under fremstillingen og derfor har 1 af sine SMX units disabled. SMX'en holder 192 CUDA cores, hvilket vil sige at med 7 ud af de 8 SMX units brugbare, så vil grafikkortet ende op med hele 1344 CUDA cores.
På denne måde vil Nvidia kunne redde nogle af deres grafikkort som ellers virker helt fint, og således sælge dem til de brugere der ønsker et godt grafikkort, men til en lavere pris.

Specifikationerne på de rygtede GeForce GTX 670 Ti:

    4 Graphics Processing Clusters (GPC)
    7 SMX Units (192 CUDA cores per units)
    1344 CUDA Cores (mod 680'erens 1536 cores)
    112 Texture Units (TU)
    32 Raster Units (ROP)
    256-bit Memory Controller
    2 GB GDDR5 Memory
    Estimerede base core clock på 900 MHz (boost clock ukendt)
    Estimerede 1250 MHz (5.00 GHz GDDR5 effective) memory clock, med omkring 160 GB/s memory bandwidth
    Estimerede pris $349-399 dollars (mod de ca. 510$ for 680'eren)

Man forventer at se en ca. 20% performance drop i forhold til 680'eren, og kortet vil formenlig konkurerer med 580'eren og Radeon HD 7950.

Kilde: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/geforce-GK104-Kepler-GTX670_Ti-GTX670,15235.html

Off Topic / Game of Thrones sæson 2
« Dato: April 03, 2012, 02:37:00 pm »
Hvem elskede lige det nye afsnit i Game of Thrones? Det tror jeg nok lige jeg gjorde!

Og hvor meget elsker vi lige The Imp? Så meget her: ∞

Uhhh glæder mig allerede til at få mit næste fix af GoT :D

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / 2. omgang Fansite Q&A fra andre regions
« Dato: Marts 31, 2012, 01:48:13 pm »
Så har verdens andre fansites også været på banen med gode spørgsmål, som i sigt er blevet besvaret af Blizzard. Der er nogle spændende ting iblandt, og i kan læse det hele nedenfor:

In the new website database all gems only display “Head” and “Weapon” slot effect. Does this mean they can be no longer be placed in other slots? And this page only display 4 types of gems, were Diamond and Sapphire removed?
The website is currently incorrect, gems can still be placed in all the same slots as before (including Weapon). We did remove Diamond and Sapphire a while back. Their effects just weren’t very interesting. We can always bring them back later if we find some stat spots to fill.

In the last feedback, we find that give item to other players would not remove item’s dyed effects. So can we use CE dye on our items and then give them to our friends? Is there any restriction on it?
Dyes will be removed when selling them on the AH, but items dropped on the ground will retain their dye color. You can CE dye an item and drop it for your friend, yes. We don’t really feel this is a serious issue as it’s up to that player to dye someone else’s gear. If they choose to do so it’s them deciding to lessen the special-ness of their dye colors. It’s one of those things that in theory sounds like it’ll be a serious issue, but in practice probably won’t really affect the color rarity. Plus it’s almost assured that the CE colors won’t be everyone’s favorites.

Paying gold to upgrade blacksmith seems detached… Can we make this feature work like the blacksmith profession in WoW?
The blacksmith is trained with gold as we didn’t want someone who ignored crafting for a difficulty level or two to have to go back and farm low level materials, like you do in WoW. And since crafting is generally intended to support itemization in higher difficulty levels, our focus for crafting is on Nightmare and beyond.

The model of the life potion is a cube, but its icon is a vial. Will we fix it?
We have not intent to make them match. The 3D models that drop in the world (we call them flippies) are not accurate representations of items as they appear in icons and on your character.

If a friend has joined your game, how do you kick them out?
We have plans for a kick system, but it won’t make it for ship. We think it’s more important to wait and see how people are playing the game with each other before giving tools that could potentially be more useful for griefing than their actual intent.

In Diablo II, players are able to leave the game immediately by Alt+F4. It’s very important for players playing hardcore mode to protect their character when they encounter latency. Now what can they do if a hardcore character died in the latency caused by the unstable server?
Playing Hardcore comes with inherent risks. Some of those risks are going to be things that you cannot help, such as your computer crashing, the game freezing, the internet dropping, a chipmunk dressed up as a treasure goblin tapping on your window, etc. Those are risks that you take, and we will absolutely not restore Hardcore characters for any reason whatsoever, including it being lost for a reason that is very clearly not the fault of the player.

This question is about two skills of Witch Doctor. The detail about Haunt mentioned “Haunt an enemy with a spirit, dealing 575% weapon damage as Arcane…”, but for the skill Spirit Barrage, it says “Bombard a target with a spirit blast that deals 190% weapon damage as Physical, which doesn’t make sense for players since they all attack with spirit. What makes the different? Or is it a mistake?
We put more weight on the damage type fitting the visual effect of the skill than most anything else. It’s more important to us that when you use a skill and see the visual that the damage type match the visual, than to have it conform to the lore or skill name.

Do weapon affixes such as life leech or additional elemental damage apply to spells (Wizard’s Spectral Blade) and abilities (Barbarian’s Bash)? If it applies to some but not all, how do we make that determination?
They apply to all abilities.

Are there any concerns that certain affixes and affix combinations may be unbeatable even by the most skilled and well equipped players at higher difficulty levels? For example, the Jailer affix seems like it may present issues in Inferno because players will be locked down and unable to avoid the damage. Are we okay with there being unbeatable (or virtually unbeatable) packs of Champions and Rares?
If something is truly unbeatable, we would be concerned, yes. We don’t believe that’s likely to be the case. There’s a difference between “I can’t beat it yet” and “I can’t ever beat this”.

The monk ability Crippling Wave seems to outshine other monk Primary Attacks, mostly by virtue of its ability to strike every creature in the front arc for 2 strikes then all creatures in 360 degrees on the third strike, but also because it does equivalent or more damage than other monk abilities as well as applies a debuff. That said, it feels very good to use it in its current iteration, so it would be a shame to nerf it.
We knew the game was really close to complete when multiple people are playing the same class and each of them says that X ability is a must-have and they all say different skills. Crippling Wave is very strong, but it’s certainly not a must-have to be successful, or even competitive. There are many competitive builds that don’t take it at all.

Is Magic Find using diminishing returns in the same way as in Diablo II, where Magic Find stat affected in a different way the chance for blue, yellow and gold drops (actual bonus of MF was diminished for rarest items)?
No, it’s a literal (and lateral) improvement across the board. We may tweak it but that’s the way it is right now.

What happens in a situation when 3 players party who have stacked 3 stacks of Nephalem Valor is joined by another player? Will the new player start with 0 stacks of Nephalem Valor?
Yes, the person that just joined will start with 0.

Is Nepahalem Valor buff area limited or will all players in game get it independent of their location at the time of the kill?
All players receive it. They could be sitting in town and still get a stack. Keep in mind their presence in the game just made everything more difficult, so good luck to their team if they’re trying to kill a champion/rare without the full group.

Is there snare resistance present in game that allows to reduce snare effect partially, or do is there only complete immunity to snares?
There is CC reduction, which includes snares.

What is the maximum bonus to movement speed? Is there a limit to how fast a character can move?
The maximum is 25%. There are some skills that break the cap, though, like Sprint.

With removal of secondary effects from elemental affixes (apart from freeze in cold damage) players are wondering if there still is a difference between damage generated from different elemental affixes other than graphic effect?
There are still elemental resistances, both on monsters and players, so damage type can come into play both in PvE and PvP. There isn’t a ton of resistance around though, so it’s not something that stacks super high, and there’s no elemental immunity. Skills also differ enough that you’ll have some outs if you do run into an enemy with high resistance. (it’s not D2 where you just spam your 1 skill and if you come up against an enemy that’s resistant to that 1 skill you’re screwed)

Will monsters have stun resistance of some kind? A party of 4 barbarians with Ground Stomp appears to be able to apply stuns infinitely by rotating the use of this skill within their party.
Yes this is a possibility, and CCing enemies is a great build focus for characters, but higher level enemies have higher CC resists so it’ll be difficult to replicate later on the in the game.

What was the reason for replacing the kick animation used in Diablo 2 for attacks and spells when breaking jars, urns, barrels and ashes in Diablo 3?
Because it’s more awesome to be able to blow up dozens of destructible objects than walk around and kick them one by one.

Speaking of ashes and loose stones - do they share the same item drop rate as mobs or is it higher/lower?
Everything in the game has varying chances to drop loot from a giant loot pool. You could absolutely get a legendary item from smashing an urn, but the chances are insanely small compared to a champion/rare which has a higher chance.

Do players get a benefit from having a higher MF or GF when opening ashes, loose stones and bookcases?
Yes. There are some very specific items, usually related to quests, that can only drop gold. But your Gold Find will still affect those.

Kilde: http://d.163.com/12/0330/17/7TS2OGKE00314LDR.html

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Inferno vil være BRUTALT - udtaler Bashiok
« Dato: Marts 30, 2012, 11:26:08 pm »
Der har været megen snak om at folk er bange for at inferno skulle blive for let, og at de mest hardcore fans kommer til at kede sig i sidste ende.
Bashiok har været ude og mane dette i jorden, så godt og grundigt, og han antyder endda at mere casual spillere måske aldrig vil se act 3 og 4 i inferno, så svært skulle det være! Bedøm selv udfra hans blue-post:

This is may be a good a time as any to REVEAL TEH SEKRITS! that Inferno monster levels aren't linear any longer. They get progressively more difficult. This was really a reaction to Inferno playtesting. Our original intent was to have a flat difficulty level where you could go wherever you want, farm for items, and it'd be no more or less difficult than any other area in Inferno. This caused a few inherent issues for us, though:

- It just felt wrong. It didn't feel right to be progressing through the game and have it stay pretty much the same difficulty the whole time. It felt like a letdown to get to the final boss of the game and it be no more difficult than the first.

- There’s a wide variety of players out there and we wanted to make sure everybody had something to sink their teeth into. We expect that anybody with enough time and dedication will reach level 60.  But the jump in difficulty to Inferno needed to be different amounts for different people.  For the crazy people they need a HUGE ramp in difficulty, for a more “casual but still hardcore” audience you want an obvious but milder increase in difficulty.  So for the crazy people who play non-stop they’ll hit Act I and get a challenge, but 1 month later they’ll still have something to work on (Acts II, III and IV).  For the “hardcore-casual” they will reach level 60 later and not get brick walled when they reach Inferno.  They can experience some “small victories” working on Act I with the dream of maybe someday reaching the later acts.

- Longevity.  We know people really want goals to work towards and challenges to overcome.  We made Act III and Act IV really, really brutally hard, for the most elite players only.  It felt wrong to make ALL of Inferno that brutally hard.

Now, you may be saying “I thought you wanted us to be able to farm anywhere we wanted.  Now we only have half as much area in the game to farm in? What gives?” Our goal is to make the loot mathematically better in the later acts without making the earlier gear completely obsolete. We feel Diablo II actually did a very good job with this and we expect Diablo III to perform similarly.

Specifically, people in D2 did Diablo runs, Mephisto runs, Pindleskin runs, Pit runs, Baal runs, etc. because the loot in Diablo is extremely random. Even though the theoretical best items might come from the later Acts, well-rolled items from earlier acts will still be better. Internally we find sometimes after an intense session of brutally hard Inferno it can be really fun to cruise through Hell Act III or IV and it’s not too uncommon surprise when an upgrade drops. We expect this to carry through to Inferno difficulty where somebody who can theoretically farm Act IV will likely still enjoy romping through Act I simply because the drop potential is still there. It’s all because of the highly random items having lots of overlap in their power distribution curves.


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Custom farver og icons til D3 chatten
« Dato: Marts 30, 2012, 11:55:39 am »
Hej folkens. Folk der har datamined Mist betaen, er faldet over nogle text-strenge, der kan bruges til at convertere tekstens farve, samt tilføje iconer. Se herunder hvordan det gøres:

For forskellige farver, kan standard-farver bruges således:

{c_red}This is my red text{/c}
{c_blue}This is my blue text{/c}
{c_green}This is my green text{/c}

Men man kan også bruge hex:

{c:FF000000}This is my black text{/c}
{c:FFFF8C00}This is my orange text{/c}

Man kan også bruge item-farver så som magic, rare og legendary til sin tekst:


Og så sagde jeg at der også var iconer der kunne vises. Disse er således:


Og ser ca. sådan her ud:

Til sidst, skulle man desuden kunne ændre ens font-størrelse med denne kommando:
{f_alpha_tiny}This is smaller text{/f_alpha_tiny}

Alt i alt, lidt besværligt at bruge måske, men ret fedt fund alligevel ;)


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Book of Cain concept art
« Dato: Marts 30, 2012, 11:40:13 am »
En af kunstnerne bag Book of Cain, Jean-Baptise Monge, har delt nogle af sine sketches han lavede til bogen.
I kan læse hans blog her:

Og se hans sketches her:
(click to show/hide)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Curse - March Gaming Bracket Challenge
« Dato: Marts 29, 2012, 11:00:50 am »
Til de af jer, der elsker at se matchups af karaktere, så har curse i denne måned lavet en bracket challenge, hvor at folk har kunnet stemme på den karakter de foretrak matched op mod hinanden. Hele bracketen kan ses her:


Diablo universets karaktere klarede sig rigtig godt indtil kvartfinalerne, mens at Tyrael står alene tilbage til semifinalerne mod Sarah Kerrigan. På modsatte side har vi grisen og creeperen fra minecraft, så bliver spænnende at se hvem der kommer i finalen (jeg tror personligt på Tyrael versus Pig)

Man kan vote, hvis man vil her:

Det kræver dog en curse-account, som dog er gratis at lave.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 fra en modders perspektiv
« Dato: Marts 29, 2012, 10:55:33 am »
Malu05, som også tidligere har udgivet en
Diablo 3 Mashinima Video
, har lavet en rigtig sjov lille video, hvor at man får et lidt anderledes blik på diablo 3, blandt andet igennem poligoner og lignende. Begge videoer er et kig værd, så nyd dem.

Diablo 3 (from a modders perspective)

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