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Emner - GreatOne

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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Two-Hander buff i næste ptr patch
« Dato: Juli 18, 2014, 07:59:36 am »
Two-Hander buff i næste ptr patch

Two-handers bliver nu mere interessante, da de får højere damage.

John Yang, game designer, snakker om at buffe two-handers i næste ptr patch.

Han siger:

We’ve been discussing 2-Hander buffs for a while now. Right now on live, 2-Handers are almost always less powerful than dual-wielding 1-Handers for a few different reasons, and we wanted to rebalance them for Patch 2.1. We had two options to address the issue:

    1) Make new 2-Hander passives and buff existing 2-Hander passives for Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Wizard.

    2) Buff all 2-Handed weapons baseline and adjust Heavenly Strength accordingly.

After trying both options out internally, we decided to go with option 2. This solution has two desirable benefits: 1) it’s immediately noticeable to all players when they pick up a 2-Hander and see the DPS number both significantly higher than a 1-Hander and higher than pre-Patch 2.1 2-Handers and 2) changing 1 passive is less of a jarring overall change for players than changing/adding 4 passives.

In the upcoming PTR patch, you should see the DPS of 2-Handed Melee Weapons increased by 23-26% across the board. The goal is to get the raw DPS of a 2H build to be close enough to the raw DPS of a Dual-Wield build that the weapon choice is mostly determined by the legendary powers on the item and by the build you are using. Some of the tradeoffs of 2-Handers vs. Dual-Wielding are that 2-Handers are intended to make more efficient use of resources and hit harder for skills with cooldowns while Dual-Wielding is intended to generate more procs, Life on Hit, and give more of certain stats. Currently, the raw DPS gap is large enough that Dual-Wielding feels like it is always the right answer.

To summarize the changes:
The DPS of 2-Handed Melee Weapons has been increased by 23-26% across the board.
This applies to the following weapon types:

    2-Handed Maces
    2-Handed Mighty Weapons
    2-Handed Axes
    2-Handed Flails
    2-Handed Staffs
    2-Handed Swords

In direct response, Heavenly Strength will now reduce damage done by 20%. With both changes, Crusaders using a 2-Hander should see a very small DPS increase.
This change is retroactive to existing live items.
This change only affects level 70 two-handed melee weapons.
This change affects two-handed melee weapons of all rarities.

We are still considering additional changes if needed but this should be a solid step towards making 2-Handers viable again for all classes.
Er det nok, bare at buffe damage med 23-26%? Som en bruger skriver, så er det et skridt i den rigtige retning, men ikke nok, da:

1 two-hander = 4 mainstat og
2 one-hander = 8 mainstat

Jeg syntes det er et skridt i den rigtige retning, men stadig ikke nok. De burde gøre mere ud af mulighed nr 1, som han John Yang selv nævner i sit opslag.

Hvad mener du?

edit: Tråden kan findes her: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13510080878#1

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / 2.1 PTR inden næste måned!
« Dato: Juni 24, 2014, 11:36:03 pm »
2.1 PTR inden næste måned!

Den længe ventede patch 2.1 ryger sandsynligvis på patch test realm inden juni måned er ovre.

Fandt dette citat på us forum, som siger at 2.1 ptr kommer op inden juni måneds udgang...

I'd like to encourage all of you to keep this thread going. I've been on a mini-vacation, but I'm back now, and interested in seeing how this conversation evolves over the coming weeks. We're still intending to release the patch 2.1 PTR by the end of the month, and that should create some interesting shifts in discussion.

Hvis dette er en gammel nyhed - så beklager jeg og så kan I bare slette tråden.
Men jeg er da spændt!

Skal I deltage i ptr?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / D3 RoS difficulty chart
« Dato: April 05, 2014, 04:58:17 pm »
Fandt denne ret informative oversigt over forskellige procentsatser, der bl.a. viser bonus til xp, monster health og osv...

De mest interessante er nok satserne for leg drops i spillet generelt og i rifts. Men det er også her der er lidt usikkerhed for satserne for T3 - T6 er estimeret ud fra de satser som
community manager Lylirra fortalte om her:

So, the 25% bonus to Legendary drops in Nephalem Rifts is multiplicative and will actually stack with the scaling Legendary drop rate bonus in Torment 1-6.

This means if you're playing through a Rift in Normal-Master, you'll have a 25% bonus to Legendary drops. If you're playing through a Rift in Torment 1, you'll have a 43% bonus to Legendary drops (1.15 * 1.25 = 1.43). If you're playing through a Rift in Torment 2, you'll have a 65% bonus to Legendary drops (1.32* 1.25 = 1.65). And so on.

Hope that helps clear some things up a bit. (Also, I really hope my math checks out. >.>)

Note that we're going to continue to keep an eye on Rifts and how rewarding they are (or, more importantly, how rewarding they feel). We've already seen some great feedback from players on that topic that we're taking a look at now. This buff is just a small change we could make quickly, and we're definitely looking forward to your feedback over the next few days.

Edit: stavefejl

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Live hotfix, inkluderet chest hotfix
« Dato: Februar 28, 2014, 10:58:03 pm »
Der er lidt live hotfixes, som primært tager sig af chest runs, som nu ikke spawner det samme sted hver gang.

Fra diablofans:


    The Cursed Bellows will now spawn randomly rather than in a fixed location. In addition, it now only has a chance to spawn rather than being a guaranteed spawn.*
    Corrected the experience granted by enemies spawned by certain Cursed Chest events to the appropriate amounts*
    Reduced the amount of experience gained by lower level characters in high level games*
    Crafted Legendaries are now properly Bind on Account items
    Players who have preordered Reaper of Souls can now use the Reset Quests button
    Fixed a crash that could occur with the Spectral Hound pet*
    Fixed a crash that could occasionally occur when players received multiple clan member achievement updates at the same time


    Fixed an issue where Dashing Strike would be removed from player hot bars on login.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Garanteret legendary fra boss!!!
« Dato: Februar 28, 2014, 10:48:29 pm »
Hey all!

Snublede over denne blå post, og den besvarer et spørgsmål som jeg har haft. For jeg har ikke fået nogen legendaries første gang jeg besejrede en boss.

Grimiku skriver:

As of patch 2.0.1 the first time you kill a major boss (Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, and Diablo) you're guaranteed to find a Legendary item, but only for characters below level 60. Characters who killed these bosses prior to patch 2.0.1 will still get their guaranteed Legendary the first time they kill one after the patch, but only if they are level 59 or below.

Also, some of you may notice an option in the Game Settings tab called Reset Quests (just under the Change option for selecting your Campaign quest). I should point out that you do not need to use the Reset Quest option in order to be eligible for the guaranteed Legendary for a first time boss kill.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Låst item!
« Dato: Februar 26, 2014, 09:07:29 pm »
Er der andre som har været ude for dette? Havde ikke tænkt mig at bruge den - men alligevel underligt :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Sværhedsgrader i 2.0.1/RoS
« Dato: Februar 18, 2014, 06:10:34 pm »
Faldt over denne tråd på eu forum, den omhandler hvordan sværhedsgraderne hænger sammen i RoS og 2.0.1.

Der faldt et par brikker på plads for mig, så tænkte at den skulle I da også lige se :)

Brugeren Nightshade gør det meget klart hvordan det hænger sammen og com manager Vaneras bekræfter :

If you are asking about the difficulty settings on patch 2.0 (PTR and RoS Beta) it works like this:

- Dynamic difficulty
Monsters level up along with your character, so if you have a level 1 character every monster is level 1 reguardless of the difficulty setting, when the character levels up so do the monsters.
This way you get more experience and have a constantly challenging game (depending on difficulty).

- Difficulty settings
In the new version, difficulty settings are independent on your playthrough (now you have to play on normal, nightmare, hell and inferno one after the other) in the new system you can choose the difficulty you want when you create the game (and if it is too difficult you can lower difficulty inside the game itself).

Difficulty settings are:
Master (unlocked when you reach level 60 with at least 1 character)
Torment 1,2,3,4,5,6 (unlocked when you clear act IV in PTR)
(if I remember correctly)

As long as you unlocked one difficulty setting with at least one character, then every other character will have access to the unlocked difficulty.
So if you unlocked torment difficulty with one character, you can even create a new level 1 character and start playing in torment difficulty.

I hope I've been clear enough.

Link til tråden : http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/9751235649

Kort på dansk :

Sværhedsgraderne hedder :

- Normal
- Hard
- Expert
- Master (bliver først lukket op for på lvl 60)
- Torment (bliver også åbnet op på lvl 60. Oprindeligt blev der først åbnet op for denne på lvl 70, men blizz sørgede for at dem som kun havde PTR (max lvl 60) adgang også fik mulighed for at prøve den. Det kan være, at det bliver lavet om igen, så der først er adgang fra lvl 70 når RoS går live).

Det nye i RoS/2.0.1 er at sværhedgraden er dynamisk! Kort fortalt betyder det at, monstrene skalerer med din karakter. Eks. er du på lvl 12, så er monstrene på lvl 12. Jeg ser dette som en god ting, da monstrene konstant vil udfordre dig og udvikle dit gameplay.

Det betyder endvidere, at du kan starte en ny karakter på den sværhedsgrad du vil. Du kan feks starte en karakter på expert, hvis du gerne vil det. Du kan også starte en ny karakter på Master eller Torment fra lvl 1. Dette er bare forudsat, at du en gang har ramt lvl 60 (og måske lvl 70 når RoS går live) med en anden karakter.

Tech. Support / Ny bærbar!
« Dato: Februar 17, 2014, 10:26:02 pm »
Hi all!

Er ved at finde en bærbar til kæresten. Hun skal ikke rigtig bruge den til gaming, men mere til videoredigering i forbindelse med sit studie.
Den skal selvfølgelig være billig! Helst så billig som muligt!
Har kigget lidt rundt omkring, hvad en bærbar skal bruge når det drejer sig om videoredigering.
Det de fleste sider siger, er at processoren skal være i7 og resten er knap så vigtig.

Har så fundet denne...


Er den helt hen i vejret eller kan den bruges?

på forhånd tak :)

Off Topic / Profilnavn!
« Dato: Februar 14, 2014, 02:36:42 pm »
Er lidt nysgerrig, hvor de navne I har valgt til jeres profil navn stammer fra :)

Mit navn hentyder til Par-Salian, en karakter, i Dragonlance universet :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / RoS klan
« Dato: Februar 14, 2014, 10:11:50 am »
Hej alle!

Undskyld hvis dette emne har været oppe før eller der allerede er planer fra admins side :)

Men tænkte på hvor mange herinde fra var interesseret i at vi lavede en Diablo3x klan når RoS udkommer?

Det kunne være en god måde, at udbygge det udmærkede community vi har herinde og bedre muligheder for at trade med nogen :)

Tanker og ideer modtages gerne :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Mini patch på PTR/Beta
« Dato: Februar 12, 2014, 11:51:40 pm »
'Mini' patch på PTR/beta

Et lille heads up fra community manager Nevalistis angående ny patch på PTR/Beta.

In order to help resolve some critical bugs and implement class tuning changes, we will be pushing out a new Beta and PTR patch later today. This patch will be relatively small, and a miniature patch note update will be provided once the patch is live.

As a result of some testing that will accompany this patch, character progress on the Beta/PTR may be affected. See the below list for details.

Later this week (after the Beta/PTR patch goes live), we will be performing some tests on our storage system that maintains inactive Diablo III accounts.

This may result in the loss of up to 24 hours' worth of progress on the Beta or PTR for some players.

We anticipate the number of affected Beta/PTR accounts will be extremely low, and should only impact those who play within a very small window of time.

In addition, shortly after testing has completed, we will be adding an additional wave of new players to the Closed Beta. Keep an eye on your inbox for an invite if you've opted in!

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued participation in the Closed Beta and 2.0.1 PTR!

Edit: Og så kom patch notes :)

Off Topic / Game of Thrones sæson 4 [Spoilers frabedes]
« Dato: Februar 10, 2014, 06:14:55 pm »
Hvis du, ligesom jeg, glæder dig til GoT sæson 4, så er denne video helt sikkert seværdig :)

Game of Thrones Season 4: Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Hellfire ring i RoS - en kort gennemgang
« Dato: Februar 10, 2014, 01:09:44 am »
Faldt over denne video, som er et kig på vejen til en Hellfire ring i RoS. DatModz viser lidt om hvordan det foregår i RoS og kæmper i mod Uber Diablo :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Uber Diablo First look

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / RoS Collector's Edition
« Dato: Januar 30, 2014, 12:38:59 pm »
Så er indholdet af RoS CE blevet afsløret :)
Har ikke selv den store interesse i at købe denne udgave, men der er måske nogen af jer derude, som planlægger at købe den? :)


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Paragon calculator
« Dato: Januar 26, 2014, 12:55:15 pm »
Hej alle!

Jeg fandt dette lille sjove stykke værktøj, som kan udregne hvilken paragon level du starter fra når RoS udkommer.
Det nye er, jo (som de fleste nok allerede ved), at det er hele din konto som har en paragon level, og ikke dine individuelle karakterer som har en paragon level.

Prøv dette link og se hvor du starter: http://paragoncalculator.com/ - og tryk på "Paragon Converter"

Ved ikke om linket har været oppe før, så ville lige dele det med jer :)

UPDATE: Ovenstående link virker ikke optimalt. Har fundet dette i stedet :)


God fornøjelse!

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