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Beskeder - GreatOne

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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Sv: Våben Affix Optimering
« Dato: August 01, 2014, 11:51:59 am »
Super guide!  :) Godt arbejde!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Sv: Ændringer på vej til Greater Rifts
« Dato: Juli 31, 2014, 01:01:54 am »
Og nu skal man ramme level 200 før man får adgang til en gems special power!

Nevalistis skriver...

Good questions! The quick answer is no, the secondary ability no longer unlocks at level 50 - it now unlocks at 200. The reward scaling and rank power of Legendary gems has been completely revamped, and we're still working on additional tuning. You’ll see our first iteration in the next PTR patch. It roughly works out to the same amount of power gained over time, but you'll have fewer "no rank up" droughts. Hope that makes sense.

hele svaret er her : http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13595189902?page=4#67

Simplicity's strength er altså rimelig voldsom i sin effekt :O

Men der er nu stor ubalance i hvordan og hvornår de forskellige topper, eller når deres soft/hard cap.

Simplicity blive THE GEM til alle wizard med en Mirror Ball.

Det er KLART den jeg kommer til at farme for!!!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Two-Hander buff i næste ptr patch
« Dato: Juli 18, 2014, 07:59:36 am »
Two-Hander buff i næste ptr patch

Two-handers bliver nu mere interessante, da de får højere damage.

John Yang, game designer, snakker om at buffe two-handers i næste ptr patch.

Han siger:

We’ve been discussing 2-Hander buffs for a while now. Right now on live, 2-Handers are almost always less powerful than dual-wielding 1-Handers for a few different reasons, and we wanted to rebalance them for Patch 2.1. We had two options to address the issue:

    1) Make new 2-Hander passives and buff existing 2-Hander passives for Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Wizard.

    2) Buff all 2-Handed weapons baseline and adjust Heavenly Strength accordingly.

After trying both options out internally, we decided to go with option 2. This solution has two desirable benefits: 1) it’s immediately noticeable to all players when they pick up a 2-Hander and see the DPS number both significantly higher than a 1-Hander and higher than pre-Patch 2.1 2-Handers and 2) changing 1 passive is less of a jarring overall change for players than changing/adding 4 passives.

In the upcoming PTR patch, you should see the DPS of 2-Handed Melee Weapons increased by 23-26% across the board. The goal is to get the raw DPS of a 2H build to be close enough to the raw DPS of a Dual-Wield build that the weapon choice is mostly determined by the legendary powers on the item and by the build you are using. Some of the tradeoffs of 2-Handers vs. Dual-Wielding are that 2-Handers are intended to make more efficient use of resources and hit harder for skills with cooldowns while Dual-Wielding is intended to generate more procs, Life on Hit, and give more of certain stats. Currently, the raw DPS gap is large enough that Dual-Wielding feels like it is always the right answer.

To summarize the changes:
The DPS of 2-Handed Melee Weapons has been increased by 23-26% across the board.
This applies to the following weapon types:

    2-Handed Maces
    2-Handed Mighty Weapons
    2-Handed Axes
    2-Handed Flails
    2-Handed Staffs
    2-Handed Swords

In direct response, Heavenly Strength will now reduce damage done by 20%. With both changes, Crusaders using a 2-Hander should see a very small DPS increase.
This change is retroactive to existing live items.
This change only affects level 70 two-handed melee weapons.
This change affects two-handed melee weapons of all rarities.

We are still considering additional changes if needed but this should be a solid step towards making 2-Handers viable again for all classes.
Er det nok, bare at buffe damage med 23-26%? Som en bruger skriver, så er det et skridt i den rigtige retning, men ikke nok, da:

1 two-hander = 4 mainstat og
2 one-hander = 8 mainstat

Jeg syntes det er et skridt i den rigtige retning, men stadig ikke nok. De burde gøre mere ud af mulighed nr 1, som han John Yang selv nævner i sit opslag.

Hvad mener du?

edit: Tråden kan findes her: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13510080878#1

Shoutbox / Shoutbox: 09/07/2014
« Dato: Juli 10, 2014, 12:02:24 am »

Wizard / Sv: Ny firebird bonus
« Dato: Juli 09, 2014, 11:56:44 pm »
Jeg er spiller også fire, men kun fordi at min favorit, cold, slet ikke kan følge med!
Cold mangler noget seriøs kærlighed!!! :)

Men settet ser da bedre ud nu :)

En cool feature! Er der noget info om hvordan og hvorledes man får fat i denne gave?

Shoutbox / Shoutbox: 26/06/2014
« Dato: Juni 26, 2014, 10:34:26 pm »

Shoutbox / Shoutbox: 25/06/2014
« Dato: Juni 25, 2014, 10:22:36 am »
Skæg og tankevækkende video : http://youtu.be/gbRqf3Evv1o

Shoutbox / Shoutbox: 24/06/2014
« Dato: Juni 24, 2014, 11:56:23 pm »
Håber han får en lang straf! For det er virkelig dumt!

Shoutbox / Shoutbox: 24/06/2014
« Dato: Juni 24, 2014, 11:55:42 pm »
Han ærgrer sig sikkert over, at han ikke spillede for mere end 32 kroner! :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / 2.1 PTR inden næste måned!
« Dato: Juni 24, 2014, 11:36:03 pm »
2.1 PTR inden næste måned!

Den længe ventede patch 2.1 ryger sandsynligvis på patch test realm inden juni måned er ovre.

Fandt dette citat på us forum, som siger at 2.1 ptr kommer op inden juni måneds udgang...

I'd like to encourage all of you to keep this thread going. I've been on a mini-vacation, but I'm back now, and interested in seeing how this conversation evolves over the coming weeks. We're still intending to release the patch 2.1 PTR by the end of the month, and that should create some interesting shifts in discussion.

Hvis dette er en gammel nyhed - så beklager jeg og så kan I bare slette tråden.
Men jeg er da spændt!

Skal I deltage i ptr?

Blær og Tud / Sv: royal ring
« Dato: Juni 21, 2014, 12:47:34 pm »
Den er sgu nice! Tillykke med den!

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