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Emner - gronsk

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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / The 9
« Dato: Marts 03, 2012, 01:10:58 pm »
First it was "soon"

Then it was "in the near future"

Now it is a "9"

Whats next ?


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / salvage loot
« Dato: Februar 24, 2012, 03:37:00 pm »
Prøvede uden held at søge lidt rundt omkring, om der er en form for formel for hvor ofte man modtager subtle essence, fallen tooth og petrified bark når man salvage et blue item ?

Skriver dette da jeg lige har salvage et blue item ind til petrified bark og ville undersøge hvor sjældent dette sker.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / AH News
« Dato: Februar 17, 2012, 10:17:23 pm »

Blizzard Quote (Source)
In the near future, we'll be implementing several changes to the posting limits and fees related to the beta version of the Diablo III auction house. Here’s a quick summary of what’s in store:

Listing fee is being removed.
Transaction fee is being increased to 1.25 Beta Bucks.
Minimum listing price is being raised to 1.50 Beta Bucks.
You will be limited to 10 active auctions per auction house.

With the removal of the listing fee, players will no longer need to worry about whether they’re going to run out of free listings for the week. In addition, introducing a limit on the number of active auctions means players won’t feel as though they should be trying to sell everything they find, potentially flooding the auction house with unwanted items. Under this new system, players will only pay an auction house fee if and when an item actually sells. This has the main advantage of allowing players to try to sell their items risk-free. In addition, because the transaction fee is already baked into the price when an item is listed (as part of the minimum listing price), it’s no longer possible to be in a situation where you don’t have enough Battle.net Balance to list an item, forcing you to have to charge up your Balance just to attempt a sale. We think this will be a much cleaner process for selling items and will ultimately lead to a better experience when using the currency-based auction house.

This new active-auction limit will also apply to the gold-based auction house. Because gold can be sold on the currency-based auction house, we need to ensure there are limitations on the gold auction house as well; otherwise, a player might be tempted to sell everything for gold and then sell that gold on the currency-based auction house, which isn’t supportive of the kind of thriving item-driven market we’re trying to foster. In addition, for the first time in the beta test, we're planning to have both the gold- and currency-based auction houses active at the same time when these changes go live. Of course, one of our main goals in making these changes to the beta is to test how they’ll work out, and we look forward to hearing your feedback once you have a chance to try them.

Sweet hvis i spørger mig " Listing fee is being removed."   Woot Woot

Sider: [1]