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Emner - Ohm
« Dato: April 01, 2014, 06:41:40 am »
« Dato: Marts 30, 2014, 10:01:56 am »
Så skete det igen i år! Husk nu at det er tid til at sætte havemøblerne frem og dermed også urene.
« Dato: Marts 27, 2014, 04:18:55 pm »
« Dato: Marts 26, 2014, 08:24:05 am »
Hold nu op hvor er der mange lore elementer, som lægger op til endnu en ny expansion!
Her tænker jeg både Kormac, Eirena og Lyndon's historier, Shen's historie, og ikke mindst selve slutningen på Reaper of Souls.
Hvis Blizzard ikke laver endnu en expansion, så dør jeg. Det ville være lige som Dungeons and Dragons TV-serien, som aldrig fik sin slutning!
« Dato: Marts 24, 2014, 07:32:43 pm »
Fandt det gennem: The Escapist men direkte link er: Facebook
« Dato: Marts 24, 2014, 04:18:34 pm »
WHAT?! Har lige modtaget følgende i en mail: Vi må beklage at vi desværre som alle andre er blevet ramt af at Activisions/Blizzard ikke har kunne levere vores fulde ordre til release dagen på Diablo 3 Reaper Souls.
Derfor kan vi ikke garantere at alle får leveret deres spil i aften/nat, da vi ikke har fået hele vores ordre leveret.
Dog forventer vi at kunne levere alle forudbestillinger i løbet af i morgen tirsdag.
« Dato: Marts 20, 2014, 02:12:23 pm »
Blizzard Official RoS Spotify PlaylistBlizzard har lagt en fin playliste ud, der gerne skulle få de fleste i et helvedes humør!Listen kan findes her.<3 Elsker at "Another Bites the Dust" er på.
« Dato: Marts 19, 2014, 11:50:55 pm »
For helvede da også. Jeg dingede 52 og fandt denne:å var der bare kyllinger over det hele resten af aftenen!
« Dato: Marts 18, 2014, 05:23:46 pm »
Kan se at sidste gang jeg var på Diablo3x var for lige knapt 2 år siden Har nu fundet Diablo 3 frem af skuffen igen, og gør klar til denne gang at få ALLE achievements!
« Dato: Maj 14, 2012, 06:03:22 pm »
God news everyone! Jeg spurgte til om man kunne få pengene tilbage, hvis man nu købte Diablo III over, mens man ventede på at få CE med posten. Kommer sgu til at spille med jer alligevel! Thank you for contacting us.
The chances of a refund depends on the amount of time between the digital purchase and when you contact us for a refund.
You will need to contact us 3 days after the purchase to be able to get the refund, if you contact us any longer after that then we will not be giving a refund but we will give you a replacement standard key that you can pass on to somebody else.
If you want the refund i recommend that you contact us within the 3 days even if your Collector’s Edition has not arrived yet.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this ticket. If you would rather speak with a representative directly, please contact Account & Technical Services. Our contact information can be found at
« Dato: Maj 03, 2012, 07:59:52 am »
Denne dukkede op i mit Twitter-feed her til morgen. And at midnight, May 15, the wait shall end, and so come the #EndofDays. #D3 #EvilisBack Tænkte at det bare var den samme video, som man allerede havde set, men snydt igen.
Der er dog ikke mange nye ting at komme efter.
« Dato: Maj 01, 2012, 09:17:24 am »
I forbindelse med 1. maj har jeg slået op i min kære sangbog og fundet disse to guldkorn. De skal selvfølgelig tages med et gran salt, og sarkasmen i dem burde ose ud af dem.
Melodi: Jeg en gård mig bygge vil
Se min skjorte, den er brun Jeg går ind for union Vil ha' centraliseret styre Ledere jeg ikk' ka' fyre. Adolf Hitlers idé var sand: Gør Europa til et land
Melodi: Jeg en gård mig bygge vil
Se min fane, den er blå Hvis og rød med stjerner på Jeg har solgt min sjæl til Mammon Spiller dødsmetal på Hammond Jeg' min egen lykkesmed Derfro tramp de svage ned!
« Dato: April 20, 2012, 07:11:51 am »
Så er der godt nyt til alle jer der endnu ikke har haft fornøjelsen af at deltage i Diablo III Betaen. Fra i aften kl 21.01 til på mandag kl. 19.00 har I nu muligheden for at få adgang til betaversionen. Blizzard skal have stresstestet serverne og det skal gøres i denne weekend! Diablo III Open Beta Weekend
We're pleased to announce the Diablo III open beta weekend, which offers open access to all players with a valid account! Beginning this Friday everyone is invited to log in and help us put the game and servers through their paces in this three day stress test as we march toward the game's release on May 15. You can begin downloading the Diablo III client right now!
From Friday, April 20 at 21:01 CEST, until Monday, April 23 at 19:00 CEST you'll be able to log in, team up with friends, and play each of the five heroic classes to level 13 as you fight to save the world from the impending demonic invasion.
What steps do I need to take?
I don't have a account — can I still play?
Absolutely! Just visit to create a free account. Next, download the client from and install it. Create your BattleTag, and then log in to the game using your account name (email address) and password to begin slaughtering the demonic hellspawn that dare stand in your way.
Are there any differences for stress test participants versus invited closed beta testers?
Stress test participants will only be able to access the beta between Friday, April 20 at 21:01 CEST, and Monday, April 23 at 19:00 CEST In addition, stress test participants will not have access to post in the beta forums and will not be provided Beta Bucks for use in testing the currency-based auction house.
Can all regions/countries participate?
Due to regional differences and features of the stress test client, Korean players will not be able to partake in the stress test weekend. However, beginning the week of April 23, we will be conducting a separate, invitation-only closed beta test that will give players in Korea a chance to try out the game, along with players in the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
What if the service is down/laggy/disconnecting me?
It's very possible that players connecting to the stress test could experience issues with the service. While not ideal, this is exactly why we're having a stress test. We want to catch and analyze as many bugs as possible during this stress test period, so that we can try to ensure a smooth launch on May 15.
I'm having an issue, how can I get help?
Due to the limited window of the stress test we encourage you to visit the Technical Support forum if you're having any issues running the game, and checking the Known Issues list if you're running into a bug. As a stress test participant you will not be able to post in the beta forums.
What platforms and languages do you support?
For the stress test we're offering the client in English, French, and German for both Windows and Mac. At release the game will be fully localized into English, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Korean, and Traditional Chinese for Windows, and English, French, and German for Mac.
I'm an invited closed beta tester, what happens after the stress test weekend ends?
As an invited closed beta tester you'll continue to have access until the beta ends on May 1. Kilde