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Emner - TheDomino

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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Ny her inde, hjælp!
« Dato: Marts 06, 2014, 12:21:37 am »
Hej D3X, jeg er ny her inde. Har lige købt og betalt for udvidelsen, selvfølgelig i deluxe version. Jeg har ikke spillet D3 i lang tid og har ikke den store forstand på udvidelsen. Har I nogle tips til hvad jeg bør læse op på?.. Måske et par ideer til hvad jeg kan farme/lvl'e/gøre klar til udvidelsen?

Med venlig hilsen

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Hvem tager pis på mig?
« Dato: December 07, 2012, 01:01:44 am »
Okay, det var en sjov joke, men vil smadder gerne vide om der er en her inde der troller mig ved at ha oprettet en bruger med samme battletag for så at add'e mig.

Hvis det er en her inde fra må du/I gerne give jer til kende så jeg ved om det skal rapporteres eller ej :) Er blevet forsøgt hacket på det seneste så derfor er jeg lidt nervøs ved det :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 PvP Soundpack
« Dato: November 28, 2012, 11:28:42 am »
Til jer der går og venter i spænding på PvP så kan I her høre de forskellige announcements som vi kommer til at høre en hel del i arenaen!

Jeg ved godt hvilken en jeg synes bedst om...

Domination!! :P

Har I nogen farvoritter?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.6 kommer i morgen!
« Dato: November 27, 2012, 01:10:41 pm »
Der sker ting og sager i dag!

Når man starter D3 op nu, får man denne besked i Braking News:

Vi har ikke set noget som helst om hvad 1.0.6 kommer til at tilføre spiller, eller om det blot et nogle bugfixes.. Håber de kommer med lidt opklaring på det i løbet af dagen.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 PvP Blog kommer snart!
« Dato: November 27, 2012, 09:08:05 am »
ENDELIG hører vi barer et eller andet fra Blizz om pvp. I aftes kom Jay Wilson med et svar, på et tweet, om hvornår vi kan forvente pvp.

@scaryrobots We'll be doing a PVP blog update very soon. Sorry to keep you waiting.

For os der går og ser frem til pvp er det en glædelig nyhed :)

Godmorgen allesammen!


Nogen har måske hørt en hvisken i det fjerne... Kan det passe?.. Ja det kan så! Nu er det her, det længe ventede og meget gennemtænkt'ne - Diablo3x.dk Midnatslotteri på TeamSpeak, igen!!

Har du en indre gambler? Kunne du tænke dig at vinde kassen? Pludselig have råd til alle de vilde ting på Auction House så du kan farme hurtigere, sælge flere ting på RMAH, få en flottere bil, større hus, kønnere børn og ferier du altid har drømt om?

Diablo3x.dk giver dig nu muligheden for at gøre alle dine drømme til virkelighed. Vi sætter gang i det store lotteri i aften og alle kan være med!

For at deltage skal du turde satse noget af dit guld!

I aften har du muligheden for at købe lodder til det store lotteri som afholdes ved midnat. Du kan købe fra 1 - 10 lodder, hvor hvert lod koster ikke 100.000 som sidste gang vi afholdte MEN 200.000 guld - altså double up!

Når du har betalt for dine lodder, gøres til kasseren - undertegnede selvfølgelig, deltager du automatisk i konkurrencen. For at deltage kræver det at du sidder på teamspeak når lodtrækningen sker.

Lodtrækningen vil selvfølgelig blive livestreamet, og ved hjælp af random.org vil vi lidt over midnatstid, når vi har fået de sidste tilmeldinger på plads, finde vinderne!

Præmiesummen fordeles således:

1. præmie - 75%
2. præmie - 25%

Tune ind på teamspeak ved midnatstid og tag del i festlighederne.

Så grib chancen og støt op om dette fantastiske projekt!

I må smadder gerne skrive her I tråden hvor mange lodder I har tænkt jer at købe :)

Som noget nyt åbner vi også op for muligheden for at donere lidt guld til præmiepuljen, hvis du har lyst til at donere lidt må du også meget gerne skrive det i denne træd.

Samlet "lodpulje" indtil nu: 6m

Samlet "donationspulje" indtil nu: 25m
Tak til Hattemager for 25m i donation

Samlet "vinderpulje" indtil nu: 31m!!


Dokument til Lotteriet! Se hvem der vandt og hvor meget de vandt!


Nogen har måske hørt en hvisken i det fjerne... Kan det passe?.. Ja det kan så! Nu er det her, det længe ventede og meget gennemtænkt'ne - Diablo3x.dk Midnatslotteri på TeamSpeak!!

Har du en indre gambler? Kunne du tænke dig at vinde kassen? Pludselig have råd til alle de vilde ting på Auction House så du kan farme hurtigere, sælge flere ting på RMAH, få en flottere bil, større hus, kønnere børn og ferier du altid har drømt om?

Diablo3x.dk giver dig nu muligheden for at gøre alle dine drømme til virkelighed. Vi sætter gang i det store lotteri og alle kan være med!

For at deltage skal du turde satse noget af dit guld, hvo intet vover, intet ... ja nemlig!

Du har nu muligheden for at købe lodder til det store lotteri som vi fremover vil forsøge at afholde hver lørdag! (evt. søndag). Du kan købe fra 1 - 10 lodder, hvor hvert lod koster 100.000 guld.

Når du har betalt for dine lodder, gøres til kasseren - undertegnede selvfølgelig, deltager du automatisk i konkurrencen. For at deltage kræver det at du sidder på teamspeak når lodtrækningen sker.

Lodtrækningen vil selvfølgelig blive livestreamet, og ved hjælp af random.org vil vi omkring midnats tid, når vi har fået de sidste tilmeldinger på plads, finde vinderne!

Præmiesummen fordeles således:

1. præmie - 75%
2. præmie - 25%

Tune ind på teamspeak ved midnatstid og tag del i festlighederne.

Så grib chancen og støt op om dette nye fantastiske projekt!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Html og photoshop skills savnes! :)
« Dato: Oktober 16, 2012, 01:02:23 pm »
Jeg står og mangler en dygtig grafiker der kan finde ud af lidt html samtidig, skal bruge det bla til vores Diablo3xTV channel på twitch. Så hvis en af jer har nogle evner vi endnu ikke har set så må vedkommende smadder gerne melde sig på banen! :)

Update:Hvis I overvejer at tage med og kommer fra Fyn, men ikke har nogen transportmuligheder, så har Tranq tilbudt at lege taxa og hente jer og tage jer med til lan'et. Han har plads til 2 personer, så skynd jer at fange ham hvis I vil sikre jer en af pladserne.



Hvert år mødes hundrede vis af folk til computer-træf/net-party/LAN. Et arrangement, hvor en masse spilleglade computerfolk mødes, og sætter deres medbragte computere i et kæmpe netværk, hvor de spiller, hygger og konkurrerer i nogle af tidens mest populære computerspil. I år regner man med at der kommer op mod 1000 deltagere! Vi har her ved Diablo3x.dk fået æren af at stå for hele Diablo III delen til eventet, hvor vi skal afholde konkurrencer og lave en masse sjov og ballade med jer.

LAN'et er i år blevet flyttet til en ny og noget større lokation, Fredericia Messecenter, og bliver afholdt fra den 12. oktober til den 14. oktober, altså bare om en måned! Til eventet vil der blive afholdt større turneringer i LoL, BF3, CS:GO og andre spil med flotte premier, og monstro vi ikke også har lidt at dele ud til dem som deltager i vores Diablo III konkurrencer.

Som I kan se for oven står Lasser Rimmer og Carsten Eskelund i flot figur, de har valgt at ligge vejen forbi lan'et og giver en optræden, det bliver stort!

Billetbestillingen er netop blevet frigivet så det gælder om at være hurtige så I kan sikre jer en billet! Der er endvidere blevet sørget for at vi kan få lov at sidde sammen og hygge os i stemningsfulde Diablo III omgivelser. Billetten bestilles via billetnet på følgende måde:

  • Køb en billet
    Billetter købes på BilletNet
  • Tilmeld dig til NPF #13 på npf.dk
    Dette kræver at du har en bruger på npf.dk, oprettes her, og at du er logget på. Herefter kan du tilmelde dig arrangementet.
    Under tilmeldingen skal du tilmelde dig gruppen - Diablo3x.dk hvor kodeordet til denne gruppe er: diablo
    Det er vigtigt at I tilmelder jeg denne gruppe da det er den eneste mulighed jeg har for at holde styr på hvor mange vi deltager.
  • Plads reservation
    Helt eksklusivt har vi har fået en aftale med NPF om at vi får lov at sidde sammen alle fra Diablo3x.dk. Når vi har et overblik over hvor mange vi er der skal af sted kommer nærmere info omkring plads reservation.
  • Hvad skal jeg have med?
    Det er altid rart at være godt forberedt, og huske at få det hele med, så derfor har NPF lavet et par huskelister til dig - se dem her.

Det er en oplagt chance for at I kan stikke hovederne sammen med dem I sidder og gamer med her inde fra så skynd jer at få bestilt en billet! Håber at se så mange af jer til eventet!

Desuden har både Sygodoeden (world first diablo inferno killer) og Nugiyen (top 10 dh i Europa og rigtig dygtig live streamer) meldt deres ankomst sammen med flere af de bedste Diablo III gamere i landet - en fin mulighed for at få lidt tips og tricks.

Nuværende deltagerliste:
TheDomino - Vejle
Nex0r - Fyn
nugiyen - Ikast
Sygodoeden - Vejle
Popz - Vejle
Talic - Billund
Tranq - Middelfart
Jainax - Billund
Ranalape - Aarhus
JackRandom - Aalborg
DoomBitch - Billund
RedMunch - Aarhus
AllerR - Middelfart
AlocDrol - Roslev
Nrok - Nykøbing Mors
RedMunch - Lystrup
Rotten - Horsens
ThePowerGame - Fur
Zwips - Middelfart

/Senest opdateret: 19:02 / 30-09-2012

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo3x.dk - TeamSpeak Server
« Dato: August 29, 2012, 02:27:46 pm »
Diablo3x.dk - TeamSpeak Server

Diablo III er som skabt til at sidde og snakke sammen, udtænke strategier og team'e up med andre når der skal farmes...

Langt om længe har vi her på Diablo3x.dk fået vores egen TeamSpeak server. Der er blevet oprettet en lobby, hvor I kan sidde og hyggesnakke og diskutere spillet med hinanden, flere forskellige rum med plads til 4 personer i hver og en hc-del, hvor alle jer der ynder at skulle starte forfra, når man får et tilfældig lagspike, kan holde til :)

For at hente installationsfilen Team Speak 3 - tryk på dette link.

Når I har fået installeret programmet kommer der et vindue, hvor I skal vælge "connections" -> "connect" (eller ctrl + s).

Når det er gjort får I dette vindue:

Her skriver I diablo3x.dk i "server address" og i nickname skriver I jeres brugernavn her fra siden. Password til serveren skal I også huske at indtaste, det er: d3x
Når I trykker på "connect" får I dette skærmbillede:

By default hopper I direkte ind på Diablo3x.dk-lobbyrummet, det er som nævnt her i lobbyrummet I kan hænge ud med andre fra siden og hvis I bliver enige om at tage et run eller spille lidt sammen kan I hoppe ned i et af de forskellige rum 1.-4., hvor der er plads til 4 personer i hvert rum.

Hvis I allerede har en fast gruppe I spiller med og gerne vil have jeres eget private rum, er I mere end velkomne til at fange mig, TheDomino, i lobbyrummet eller her på siden så skal jeg nok oprette det til jer!

Hvis I sidder med nogle spørgsmål til D3, hvad end det er price checks, undren over game mechanics eller andre finurligheder kan I jo hurtig lige hoppe på og se om der er nogen der kan være behjælpelige :)

Team Speak 3 - hentes her
Server - Diablo3x.dk
Password til rummet - d3x
Admins: TheDomino & Devilrance

De gældende regler for brug af vores TeamSpeak server er selvfølgelig de samme som her på siden. Den vigtigste er dog at vi taler pænt til hinanden! :)

Vi håber på at I har lyst til at tilslutte jer på serveren og hilse på, vi er slet ikke så farlige...  ::)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.4: Introducing the Paragon System
« Dato: August 20, 2012, 06:16:10 pm »
Så kom tidspunktet hvor Blizzard løfter sløret for hvad de har arbejdet med de sidste par måneder. Det ser ud til at de har fundet en perfekt løsning på hele "magic find problemet"!!

Introducing the Paragon System
by Jay Wilson 20 Aug 2012 16:00 UTC 26

While working on patch 1.0.4, we came up with all sorts of ideas for ways to improve Diablo III. Some of them you’ve probably already seen, such as the general systems changes, the awesome buffs for Legendaries, and the improvements we’re making to the barbarian, demon hunter, monk, witch doctor, and wizard. The entire team really banded together to get as much into this patch as possible, and one of the exciting changes I’d like to tell you about today is called the Paragon system.

Two of the issues we’ve been thinking about while working on patch 1.0.4 have been what to do with Magic Find and how to give level-60 players who aren’t satisfied with the item hunt something more to strive for. I’m sure many of you are aware of the blog we posted proposing some different Magic Find gear-swapping solutions, as well as our general thoughts on how rewarding the game is once you hit level 60. The Paragon system is designed to help us address these concerns — but before we get into exactly how it works, let’s go over these two core issues in a little more detail.

Magic Find
As you may remember, we posed a number of possible solutions to the gear-swapping issue and asked you to give us your feedback. While we saw some support for a couple of the options, what your responses ultimately told us was that although having to swap into Magic Find gear mid-fight annoyed some of you greatly, others were ambivalent, didn’t gear swap themselves, or — in a few cases — wanted to see gear-swappers penalized in some fashion. Those who do swap gear generally do so for the raw power advantage it gives, so we wanted any solution we went with to provide the same level of power. Overall, our analysis of the situation really hammered home one stark truth: we needed to come up with a way to make our Magic Find system more fun.

Level 60 Rewards
We understand that some players feel frustrated once they hit level 60 because they no longer feel like they’re making progress. It can be demoralizing to play for an hour, not get any drops, and also be out a big chunk of gold from repair costs. Your play session may not only end without an upgrade, it can wind up being a net loss. Everyone wants to feel like they’re making some progress when they log in, even if they don’t get that new sword.

Introducing the Paragon System
The new Paragon system coming in patch 1.0.4 is designed to address Magic Find gear-swapping while providing players who’ve reached level 60 with an extended progression system.

Here’s how it works:

  • After you hit level 60, any further experience you earn from killing monsters will begin to count toward Paragon levels
  • There are 100 Paragon levels
  • Every Paragon level will reward you with:
    • Core stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality in amounts similar to what you’d gain from a normal level
    • 3% Magic Find and 3% Gold Find
  • In addition, a distinctive increasingly-impressive border will surround your character portrait in the in-game party frame to denote your Paragon progression, with a new frame earned after every ten levels. Your Paragon level will also be visible to other players wherever your normal level is shown

We know that a lot of you out there are level 60 — maybe on multiple characters — and this system provides a way to make progress every time you log in to the game.

To support the new system, Nephalem Valor (NV) will now also provide a 15% experience bonus per stack, applicable toward Paragon levels. The first Paragon level should take about as long as it took most players to get from level 59 to 60, and the experience requirement will rise from there. The time to reach the upper Paragon levels approximates the long-term time investment required to get a level 99 character in Diablo II.

… What Was That About Magic Find On Items?
While the benefits to progression are obvious, you may be asking how this impacts Magic Find on items. We wanted to find a solution that was not only very forgiving of gear swapping, but one that would ultimately help us slowly and gently move Magic Find off of items in the future. It’s such an intrinsically important stat to the core purpose of playing the game that tying it to gear — which is a customization system in many ways — is ultimately an approach that would continue to cause problems. We need to transition away from it, and do so in a way that doesn’t flip the entire game end-over-end.

With the Paragon system in place, we’re capping Magic Find and Gold Find to 300% (before Nephalem Valor). This means that without any Magic Find gear at all, you’ll hit the cap when you reach Paragon level 100. This way, you can continue wearing your current Magic Find gear as you slowly but surely work to gain Paragon levels. Eventually, once you hit Paragon level 100, you’ll have the freedom to completely focus every slot on stats that help your character kill stuff faster and stay alive longer. The idea is that if you’re currently swapping gear in and out for the Magic Find bonuses, you can continue to do so… but gain enough Paragon levels, and you won’t need to anymore.
It’s also worth reiterating is that Nephalem Valor will not count towards the cap, which means the maximum will be 375% MF/GF at Paragon level 100 with 5five stacks of NV.

The Paragon system is a fairly big addition to the game, and one we’re pretty excited about. On behalf of the entire Diablo III development team, we hope you enjoy the changes we’re making with patch 1.0.4, and we look forward to seeing you in-game when it releases. Stay tuned to Diablo3.com for the final patch notes and official launch announcement in the days ahead.

Jay Wilson is Game Director for Diablo III, and his Necron army is WAY better than your Eldar army.

Det ser meget lovende ud! Synes det er en helt genial måde de har valgt at gribe det an på! Nu bliver der noget at progresse efter igen - JA TAK!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.4 Preview: Auction House Updates
« Dato: August 20, 2012, 04:10:31 pm »
Lidt uventet har vi her til eftermiddag fået en opdatering om auction house-ændringer i den kommende patch 1.0.4
Over the last few days, we’ve seen a lot of requests from players for us to make improvements to the auction house. We’ve also seen questions regarding what, if any, changes are being made to the AH in 1.0.4. While we’ve already talked about many of the updates we have planned, we know some players may have missed those discussions. So, rather than make you wait for the patch notes, we’ve put together a list of everything that’s changing in 1.0.4 for you below.

Take a look:

General Improvements:
  • Players can now cancel their auctions at any point so long they do not have any active bids on them (it will still take five minutes for a listed auction to become searchable, however).
  • We’ve increased the maximum stack size of gold per listing from 100,000 to 1,000,000. The minimum listing price will remain at $0.25 per stack.
  • We’ve added description text to several error messages. We’ve also improved several existing descriptions so that they more clearly describe why you’ve encountered an error.

Search Improvements:
  • We’re upping the allowed number of “Preferred Stats” per search from 3 to 6.
  • We’re upping the number of digits you can enter in the “Min Value” field for equipment searches from 3 to 5 (i.e. you can now search for values > 999).
  • We’ve replaced “Minimum Damage” with “Average Damage” as a searchable stat, which can be defined as follows: (Min Damage + Max Damage) / 2. So, for example, searching for an Average Damage of 12 will find an item with 10-14 damage, 12 Minimum damage, or 24 Maximum damage.
  • Stat increases which come from slotted gems will no longer be factored in when searching for equipment. Instead, your search criteria will only take into account the base stat values for an item.
  • Armor, DPS, Buyout, and Time Left columns are now sortable columns in the Search tab.

UI Improvements:
  • The Auctions tab and Completed tab will now refresh whenever one of your items has been purchased.
  • Whenever an auction expires or is cancelled, the listing price of that item will now display in the Completed tab.
  • Tooltips have been added for items in the Completed tab (which means you’ll be able to see the stats of the items you’ve purchased or sold, as well as items which failed to sell or were cancelled).
  • Tooltips have been added for commodities.
  • Item Compare tooltips have been added to the Recommended Items page.

In addition to these improvements, we’re also fixing several bugs with the auction house UI and functionality (many of which you reported on these forums).

Bug Fixes:
  • Auction house filters are no longer case-sensitive.
  • Players can now search for stats on Legendary items! Yay!
  • The Recommended Items page will now display quivers for demon hunters even if you have a two-handed ranged weapon equipped.
  • Witch doctor’s Corpse Spider bonus is now listed when searching for mojos.
  • And, last but not least, we’ve fixed several issues with affixes not displaying correctly or being unavailable for equipment searches:
    • “Attack Speed” is now a searchable affix for quivers
    • Items with the “Level Requirement Reduced” affix will now properly appear in search results when specifying the level range
    • Searches will now properly filter results according to the set Minimum and Maximum values for “Life per Spirit Spent”
And there you have it! Please note that this isn’t a preview, and that the above list represents every change we are making to the auction house in 1.0.4. While the list is exhaustive for this patch, it’s definitely not the end of the road — we still have additional improvements planned for 1.1.0 and for the long-term. We don’t have a lot of juicy details to share right now on that front, but we’ll be sure to provide more information as development continues.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.4 Preview: Barbarian
« Dato: August 15, 2012, 06:20:17 pm »
Blizzard har netop løftet sløret på det første developer preview der berører de forskellige class-ændringer!

Patch 1.0.4 Preview: Barbarian

One of our primary goals with class changes in patch 1.0.4 is to help improve build diversity. Of course, this has been a goal for the Diablo III development team since launch, but our approach this patch has been a little different. For 1.0.4, we're taking a good look at some of the most unpopular skills for each class, figuring out why they aren't being used in your builds, and then seeing how we can make them better — either by redesigning how they work or just buffing the hell out of them.
For barbarians, we focused on improving the following areas:

  • Bash and Cleave are not very attractive compared to Frenzy
  • Many of the damage-oriented Fury Spenders don't do enough damage to justify the spot on your bar


Fury Generators
It’s easy to see why Frenzy is the most popular Fury Generator right now. It generates a solid amount of Fury, it has the highest single-target damage of any Fury generator, and it has the highest single-target healing using Life on Hit. The bonus attack speed also provides good combat mobility as well as the option to focus all your damage on a single target or distribute it between multiple targets as needed. We're going to buff Bash and Cleave to be viable alternatives to Frenzy for people who would like to try a different play style.

From a design perspective, Bash should be the definitive choice when it comes to maximizing your Fury generation. That’s not the currently the case, and given the current state of the game, this means attacking the problem from two sides. First, we need to make Fury a more attractive resource to build up (which also means making Fury Spenders more attractive, which I talk about below). Second, we’re going to increase the amount of Fury generated by Bash from 6 to 8, as well as the amount of weapon damage done by Bash from 150% to 165%. The goal is to make Bash not only a very compelling option if you decide you want to focus on Fury generation, but also an appealing single-target alternative to Frenzy if you don’t enjoy its mechanics (like having to manage Frenzy stacks). Currently, Frenzy surpasses Bash in single-target damage as soon as you have your third stack of Frenzy, and it feels like the breakpoint should be around the fourth stack instead. These changes should help better balance the appeal of the two skills.

Looking at the three basic Fury Generators (Frenzy, Bash and Cleave), the role of Cleave is fairly straight-forward: it should be the clear winner when there is more than one target to hit. In a single-target situation, however, Cleave will always perform worse than Bash and Frenzy. While this is intended to a degree, the amount of single-target damage you currently have to give up feels too great to make the trade-off worthwhile. At an extreme, if Cleave did almost exactly the same damage as Bash or Frenzy, but had the ability to hit a second target when one was around, Cleave would definitely become that “clear winner.” So, to make it more appealing to some players, our goal is then to find that sweet spot between where Cleave is now and doing the same single-target as Frenzy and Bash. We’re going to increase both the damage and proc coefficient on Cleave to close the gap when fighting a single target.


Fury Spenders
For many players, using Hammer of the Ancients, Seismic Slam, or Rend just doesn’t seem worth it. To make these skills more attractive, we're going to straight up buff their damage across the board. How much? Well, we noticed that more players use Battle Rage than any of these other Fury Spenders, but Battle Rage is less exciting to use and doesn’t quite evoke the same visceral joy. So, we used Battle Rage and Frenzy as our starting point. We basically asked ourselves the question "How much damage would Hammer of the Ancients have to do in order to make Frenzy + Hammer [of the Ancients] as appealing as Frenzy + Battle Rage?" Players who really want to go the extra mile for the most damage could go so far as to combine all three skills together, so we kept that in mind as well.

Hammer of the Ancients vs. Battle Rage was a simple starting point, but we used similar approaches with Seismic Slam, and Rend. The basic idea was: Fury generation isn’t attractive to players because Fury spending isn’t attractive to players, so what do the numbers need to be to fix that? To continue using Hammer of the Ancients as an example:

  • We're increasing its base damage from 200% to 325%
  • We're increasing the damage for Rolling Thunder from 155% to 275%
  • We’re increasing the damage for Smash from 270% to 406%

And to provide another example, here’s what we’re doing with Rend:

  • Weapon damage increased from 210% over 3 seconds to 700% over 5 seconds
  • Lacerate weapon damage increased from 271% over 3 seconds to 903% over 5 seconds
  • Bloodbath weapon damage increased from 60% over 3 seconds to 100% over 5 second

With these improvements (Whirlwind and Seismic Slam will be receiving similar tweaks to improve their viability), we hope to see Fury Spenders become more appealing for all levels of play.


But What About…
I'll close by adding that there are no changes planned for either Sprint or Battle Rage, so all you crazy double tornado barbarians will still be able to log in after 1.0.4 goes live and continue with your current build. Or, you can try out some of the new toys we’re adding. Either way, we hope you have fun and are looking forward to 1.0.4!

Be sure to check out our other class previews for patch 1.0.4:

Wyatt Cheng is a Senior Technical Game Designer for Diablo III. He is currently trying to convince a friend to make him a baneling plushie doll. (Any takers?)


Sikke nogle ændringer vi har i vente!! Spændende..

Off Topic / Diablokemon! :) Genial video..
« Dato: August 11, 2012, 06:39:15 pm »
Hej folkens, så lige denne på inc.gamers og synes ikke I skal snydes for den! :)


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 4 Info Coming Soon - Nyt fra Blizzard
« Dato: August 09, 2012, 11:17:17 am »
Langt om længe har vi fået noget nyt info omkring patch 1.0.4 og hvad vi har i vente. Umiddelbart ser det ud til at blive en noget større patch, end vi har set tidligere.

The Diablo III developers have been hard at work on some exciting new features and updates for the game. Many of you have asked for more details, and we're busily preparing several developer blogs filled with information on what's coming in patch 1.0.4. In the meantime, here's an overview of the information we're planning to share here on the Diablo III community site in the not-too-distant future.

Please keep in mind that this list isn't set in stone, but it should provide a useful preview of what we'll be revealing in the days ahead.

  • System Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
    Senior Technical Game Designer Wyatt Cheng is preparing a high-level summary of some of the system changes planned for 1.0.4.
  • Legendary Item Improvements, by Andrew Chambers
    Senior Game Designer Andrew Chambers is working on a blog detailing all the ways we’re making Legendary items stand out.
  • Magic Find Update, by Jay Wilson
    Following up on earlier discussions, Game Director Jay Wilson will be providing an update on how Magic Find is evolving in patch 1.0.4.
  • Class Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
    Wyatt will also be providing a preview of the changes we’ll be making for each class in 1.0.4 (and the philosophy behind those changes).
  • Patch Notes, by Lylirra
    Of course, this is all building up to the actual patch 1.0.4 release, and we’ll be releasing the full patch notes shortly before the update goes live.

We're also planning to run some interviews and developer chats surrounding patch 1.0.4, and we’ll be sharing those on the Diablo III front page. Be on the lookout, as we'd love to get you involved in any live chats we host.

As always, your constructive feedback is very much appreciated. Stay tuned for the updates to follow!

Jeg er i hvert fald spændt på at se hvilke system changes vi får at se!

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