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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 2.0.3
« Dato: Marts 11, 2014, 05:23:34 pm »
Patch 2.0.3

Patch notes for Patch 2.0.3 + 2.0.3 Hot Fixes

Patch 2.0.3 er nu live på US, så mon ikke patchen kommer allerede imorgen Onsdag 2014-03-11, her er ændringerne:


Bemærk:  Patch Notes er opdateret med 1x bug fix under Items, samt Hot fixes.


Below you will find the patch notes for the most recent update for Diablo III, patch 2.0.3.

- The area of effect for the Fire Trenches in the Halls of Agony now better match their animations
    - There is now a short delay before Fire Trench damage is dealt

- Enchantress
    - Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Erosion was causing Electrified to proc too frequently

- Act Bosses now always drop a rare quality item
- The Skeleton King no longer drops a Legendary item after using the "Reset Quests" button for level 60 characters
    - This bonus has been moved to Diablo for level 60 characters

- Active Skills
    - Hydra
        - Bug Fix: Hydras should now properly dissipate when the owner dies or leaves the game
- Familiar
    - Increased the internal cooldown attack rate to roughly match the player's attack speed to a maximum of approximately 2 attacks per second.
- Magic Weapon
    - Skill Rune - Deflection
        - Added an internal cooldown to the proc rate to be roughly once per attack

- Level 1-60 crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require 2 Fiery Brimstones to craft
- All low level crafted Legendary and Set pieces now require at least 1 Demonic Essence to craft
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Legendary crafting recipes were rolling Rare level stats
    - In addition, a pass was made to ensure all Legendary crafted items are rolling with 6 total affixes

-New Affix: +Max Spirit for Monks
    - This affix rolls on Fist Weapons, Spirit Stones, and Combat Staves
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where 2-Handed Legendary weapons were rolling damage appropriate to 1-handed Legendary weapons

2.0.3 Hotfixes:


Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently applied or coming soon that address various bugs or mechanic tweaks.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require restarting the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.

 - The "Swing That Bloody Hammer!" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Life Steal to complete. *
 - The "Gorging the Forge" achievement no longer requires crafting an item with Magic Find to complete.*
 - Projectiles reflected by Sokahr the Keywarden should no longer crit.*
 - Players should no longer be incorrectly informed that they have earned a bonus chest after failing a Cursed Chest wave event.*
 - Players matchmaking for Any Quest (or All Acts) games when no existing games are available should no longer receive an error.*
 - Skills that deal Physical damage should no longer benefit from items that increase elemental skill damage.*
 - Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be unable to complete the Skeleton King fight, which would block progression.*

- The Grand Vizier:
    - This weapon will now appropriately drop with Intelligence for Wizards and Dexterity for Monks.*

- Blackfeather:
    - Now properly has an internal cooldown on its Legendary affix proc.*

- Homing Pads:
     - No longer makes players immune to crowd control effects while channeling Town Portal*

 - Unity:
    - Damage prevented by Talisman of Aranoch, The Star of Azkaranth, Mara's Kaleidoscope, or Xephirian Amulet no longer splits to party members via the Unity Ring.*

- Wizard
   - Mirror Image
    - Hydras summoned by Mirror Images should now deal the appropriate amount of damage.*

- Teleport
    - Should now properly allow Wizards to pass over walls created by monsters with the Waller affix.*

Jeg vil gætte på, at det har noget at gøre med den mængde xp% bonus, du i forvejen har fra både items og sværhedsgrad.

Så de 104,712,813 xp som din bonus pool lyder på, bliver til en del mere reelt set. Du har f.eks. 800% xp bonus på Torment 4.

Jeg er ikke sikker, men jeg vil gætte på, at det har noget med dét at gøre - altså at den mængde XP, din pool angiver, der er tilbage, er før alt andet bonus xp% lægges til.

Det var lige præcis det samme jeg var kommet frem til :) Så jeg er ikke den eneste som har den tanke :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Spørgsmål - Pools of Reflection, indikator!
« Dato: Marts 10, 2014, 10:43:28 pm »
Jeg har undret mig en del over dette siden patch 2.0.1 udkom, og håber en af jer har en god forklaring :)

Hvis i ser på dette screenshot:

Jeg har: 294,457,563 xp
For at lvl skal jeg bruge: 736,440,000 xp
Forskel: 441,982,437 xp
Bonus poolen er på: 104,712,813 xp

Men "prikken" indikere at jeg har Bonus experince til hele mit level, selvom jeg skal bruge 337,269,624 mere xp end jeg har bonus pool til!

Er der nogen som har en fornuftig forklaring? :P

Så blev jeg færdig med mit forslag. Det endte med at blive et set-item, så jeg kunne få begge mine ideer til legendary effekter med. Snedigt ;)

Jeg har hentet inspiration den nye expansions store skurk, som jeg synes har en helt unik stemning om sig.

Som legendary effekter, har jeg fokuseret på effekter som gør, at det bliver interessant at bruge primary/generater skills. Jeg forestiller mig, at man med dette sæt render rundt med fuld resource-bar og bruger en primary skill som mainattack. Jeg tror at single target primary skills vil fungere rigtig godt med bonussen.

Jeg har kaldt sættet for Reaper's Shadow og det består af 4 stykker som også ses på billedet.

Helm: Reaper's Disguise
Shoulder: Reaper's Wings
Gloves: Reaper's Touch
Chest: Reaper's Presence

Som lore-teksten beskriver, så forestiller jeg mig at sættet har tilhørt Malthael himself, og det har optaget hans kræfter, sådan at enhver der har sættet på vil kunne kontrollerer dem.

Jeg har prøvet at holde stats og bonusser på et niveau, som ikke vil være alt for OP.

Gennemført! Hvis du ikke vinder den her, så må der være snyd med i spillet! :) Genialt fundet på!

Jeg sidder ihvertfald klar kl 00.00 og er klar til at blæse til lvl 70 :D

Ved D3 release, der kom ind jeg omkring kl 01.15 og går udfra at når de siger midnat, så er det nok UK Midnat, og da vi er en time foran, så er det nok fra kl 01.00 dansk tid :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Sv: Ny her inde, hjælp!
« Dato: Marts 06, 2014, 11:39:09 am »
Hej og velkommen til siden.

Du har mange indlæg af en nykommer at være.

Der står, at du er en ny Domino? Hvad er nu det? Giver det ikke sig selv, når du er ny bruger?

Mange tak Camelo, jeg ved slet ikke hvorfor jeg har så mange indlæg.

Måske pga Rank: Retired Moderator ? :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 2.0.2
« Dato: Marts 04, 2014, 10:21:17 pm »
Patch 2.0.2

Mira runs & Caldeum Refugees bliver nerfed. Samt lidt andre rettelser

Der er nu kommet patch notes på Blizzards næste Patch 2.0.2, samt kommende hot fixes.




 - Experience requirements for Paragon 500 and above have been increased
 - Disabled sound notifications for Clan and Community chat

Bug Fixes
 - Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House
 - Items with the highest rank of "Critical Hits grant Arcane Power" affix no longer require level 61
 - Level 60 Crafted Amulets now properly require Fiery Brimstone to craft
 - Sokahr the Keywarden now reflects a more reasonable amount of damage with his whirlwind attack
 - The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier now functions properly
 - The experience bar has been removed from the Followers UI
 - The Siegebreaker Assault Beast no longer performs other actions during his grab attack animation


 - Followers and Heroes play their "Level Up" voice over upon receiving experience.*
 - Resolving a crash that can occur if too many projectiles are caught in a Missile Dampening affix*
 - Reducing the frequency of certain monster Meteor spells*


 - Fixed an issue that prevented players from selling items that were equipped on their character prior to the 2.0.1 update.*
 - Reduced the amount of experience granted by rescuing Caldeum Refugees.*
 - Reduced the amount of experience granted by subsequent completions of the quest associated with killing Mira Eamon.*
 - The game should once again automatically log you out after extended idling.*
 - Reduced the frequency of chest spawns in areas that were previously a little too generous.*

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Køb & Salg af Guld RMAH - AH Bug
« Dato: Marts 04, 2014, 01:21:38 pm »
Køb & Salg af Guld RMAH - AH Bug

Efter patch 2.0.1 har det ikke været muligt at købe eller sælge guld på RMAH

Denne fejl er opfanget af Blizzard og er sat på listen over fejl der skal rettes. Så lad os håbe at dette bliver rettet hurtigst muligt, så dem som ønsker at lave deres Euro om til Guld kan nå det, inden Auction House bliver lukket 2014-03-18.


If u did just a little research on the forums u would find that Dev's already know of this problem and listed it on the "list of bug's" that have to be fixed soon. So have some faith and be patient.

It is indeed on the known issues list.

Why is nothing done about this issue???????

It hasn't been resolved yet because it isn't something that can be done via a hotfix.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Crafting Amulet - Bug
« Dato: Marts 04, 2014, 01:03:02 am »
Crafting Amulet - Bug

Efter at patch 2.0.1 udkom, har det været umuligt at crafte Amuletter, da de nu krævede en af de nye legendary crafting materials (Forgotten Soul) Dette er en bug.

Blizzard har nu meldt ud at dette er en bug, og de planlægger at det vil blive rettet i kommende patch.
2014-03-04, vil der komme en maintenance, så vi kan håbe ændringen allerede kommer der, så vi alle kan få glæde af loot 2.0 amuletterne og forhåbenlig udskifte dem vi har nu.


There is currently a bug where crafting a level 60 amulet requires a Forgotten Soul instead of a Brimstone. It's an inconvenience for anyone who wants to craft an amulet right now, but we plan on correcting in a future patch. We'll be sure to give everyone an update when that happens, and thanks for letting us know about it!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / 50% Bonus XP buff - Community Event Buff
« Dato: Marts 04, 2014, 12:49:42 am »
50% Bonus XP buff - Community Event Buff

Der kom en tråd op her på forummet angående XP bonus´en, for at gøre det mere "overskueligt" har jeg samlet det her i denne post.

Som der er blevet nævnt førhen, så ville der komme en XP Bonus inden Reaper Of Souls release, og her til aften (2014-03-03) blev der tilføjet en passiv buff, "Community Event Buff".
Denne buff giver 50% bonus XP og er tilgængelig indtil 2014-03-24

Så indtil Reaper of Souls udkommer, så er der massere af XP at hente, så vi alle er klar til Reaper of Souls udkommer 2014-03-25.

Reaper of Souls™ launches on March 25 for PC and Mac—and as of today you can prepare for death's imminent arrival with  +50% bonus XP in Diablo III*.

This hefty XP bonus gives your heroes a leg up on the new Paragon Leveling System, which just went live in patch 2.0.1. The new Paragon Leveling system not only allows ALL of your characters to share and contribute towards a single account-wide Paragon level, but it also grants bonus ability points with each Paragon level gained, which can be discretionally assigned to your character’s stats.

In addition to the Paragon Leveling System, the pre-expansion patch delivers tailored rewards with the all-new Loot 2.0, bigger and better challenges through a revamped Difficulty system, and significant skill updates to all five hero classes. Plus, for the first time ever, Diablo III players can rally their allies with Clans and Communities, making this the ideal time to get your old adventuring group back together and dive into some serious loot hunting.

Reaper of Souls launches in just a few weeks. For more information on the upcoming expansion, be sure to visit the Reaper of Souls mini-site or the Diablo III community site.
In the meantime, slay well!

*Bonus XP ends March 24, 2014. The +50% Boost applies to the PC and Mac only.


Happy farming out there :)

Note: Det ser ud til at nyheden på battlenet´s hjemmeside er fjernet igen, men mon ikke den kommer op snart igen. Imens fanger vi den lige fra en cache.

Udfra hvad jeg ved, så når du har slået Diablo ihjel, kan du "Reset Quest" også starter du helt fra starten af Act1 af igen, og skal lave alle Quest igen :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Opdatering på legendary drops ved bosses
« Dato: Marts 01, 2014, 04:13:15 pm »
Opdatering på legendary drops ved bosses

Opdatering på garanterede legendaries ved bosses i patch 2.0.1.

Som de fleste af jer ved, så er man garanteret en legendary når man slår Skeleton King ihjel, selvom man er lvl 60 og har slået ham ihjel før. Så længe man benytter sig af "Reset Quest" funktionen kan man gøre det igen og igen. Dette er en bug!



As of patch 2.0.1 the first time you kill a major boss (Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, and Diablo) you're guaranteed to find a Legendary item, but only for characters below level 60. Characters who killed these bosses prior to patch 2.0.1 will still get their guaranteed Legendary the first time they kill one after the patch, but only if they are level 59 or below.

Also, some of you may notice an option in the Game Settings tab called Reset Quests (just under the Change option for selecting your Campaign quest). I should point out that you do not need to use the Reset Quest option in order to be eligible for the guaranteed Legendary for a first time boss kill.

I am lvl60 and everytime i reset ,Skeleon King gives a legend, that's a bug right?

This is indeed a bug.

Blizzard melder ud at de vil fixe denne bug, men samtidig vil de også tilføje et garanteret drop når man slår Diablo ihjel, så der er en ide i at benytte sig af "Reset Quest" funktionen og spille hele historien igennem - også på lvl 60.
We will be fixing the bug with the Skeleton King in an upcoming patch ("the bug" = he drops a guaranteed Legendary item each time you kill him after using the Reset Quest feature, even if you're level 60). This not an intended bonus of Reset Quest.

While we are fixing the bug with the Skeleton King, we've definitely heard player feedback that it's nice to receive a guaranteed Legendary item for killing a boss after using the Reset Quest feature. We as developers like it, too, but feel that the Skeleton King is the wrong place for it. So, we're going to add that guaranteed Legendary drop to Diablo. Again, this would be a bonus for using the Reset Quest feature and playing the campaign all the way through--even at level 60.

Blizzard vil også gennemgå dropsne på ALLE Act bosserne, så der ikke kun dropper blå items efter man har benyttet sig af "Reset Quest" funktionen.
We're also revisiting drops for all Act bosses after using Reset Quest. We agree that seeing all blues drop just feels bad. =/

Det bliver spændende og se hvad de kommer frem til , og om det pludselig bliver en god ide at spille hele historien igennem igen og igen :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Sv: Chestfarming - Bliver hotfixed!
« Dato: Februar 28, 2014, 04:43:51 pm »
@Kvill og Nemeton: Han var sarkastisk :P

Hehe jeg lod med vilje være med at svare indtil nogle bragte det her op :D

Men så ku de jo bare have nedsat xp specifikt for cursed chest mobs.

Som jeg har forstået det, så er det vist også det som løsningen bliver :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / "Ping" lyd i Clan \ Community
« Dato: Februar 28, 2014, 02:07:06 pm »
Er i også trætte af at der kommer en "ping" lyd når der bliver skrevet i Clan \ Community?

Så er der en god nyhed her fra Blizzard af :)

Just wanted to follow up and confirm that, based on player feedback, we will be disabling the notification "ping" that plays whenever a new message is sent to Clan and Community chat. This isn't something we can address with a hotfix, though; it will require a small client-side patch (which we're in the process of developing right now). No ETA to share at the moment on when that patch will be ready, but heads up! :)


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