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Beskeder - Zeilx

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Afsluttede / Sv: BETAKONKURRENCE #12 - The Final Round
« Dato: Marts 18, 2012, 07:55:24 pm »
Jeg vil gerne deltage

Afsluttede / Sv: BETAKONKURRENCE #8 - Design din egen expansion-karakter
« Dato: Marts 10, 2012, 12:55:57 pm »
Dette er mit forslag et hvordan en expansion karakter muligvis vil kunne se ud og en som jeg ville elske at spille. Jeg er ikke specificeret skills med tid eller nogen former for tal, da det er et in-game balance problem og er derfor ikke nødvendigt i mine øjne at beskrive.
Brood Knight:
Background: The Brood Knight’s life has not been easy nor will it ever. The brood knight is an offspring descended from knights of little valor but great whit, charm and ferocity. The Brood Knights were given birth by whores and peasants, which is why the offspring always was sent away to live like a savage and never know who they are or where they came from. Some were raised in the wild others were given to villages far away but the outcome were always the same, to fight any evil standing in their way to uncover who gave them a cruel fate. You see, at birth the knight always made sure his offspring never were able to get a child!

Lore: The knights live in a kingdom with no king. Long ago the knights killed the king and told the peasants their great king was in a spiritual place and could never be interrupted. With this lie the knights slowly claimed power of the throne but they were uncertain of whom where to lead the knights. This lead to an agreement between the knights that no one was permitted lead the knights and they could do as they pleased.
Not every knight was happy with the murder of the king and the agreement, which let to even more mutiny and death. Many knights were murdered while whoring around with peasants and when they had finally cleansed the kingdom of the evil knights they could only look upon a kingdom that had fallen into darkness and with no future, yet the kingdom persevered. The few knights whom hadn’t been murdered lived on but slowly started to feel no pain or pleasure. It was then they realized the kingdom had been under attack by evil sorcery and had corrupted the knights to kill the king and destroy the kingdom. But it was too late. And the kingdom’s only hope is the sons of knights to uncover and defeat the evil sorcery so the kingdom again can flourish into a better future.

Combat style: The Brood Knight can fight with various kinds of weapons but prefers the spear to keep an enemy at little range. This skilled has been perfected throughout the young years of the Brood Knights life and has saved the Brood Knights life countless times. The skilled has been perfected to the extent of being able to use a shield while fighting with the spear.
The Brood Knight does outstanding damage to foes when fighting one by one but do also have the ability to defend itself against many enemies at once. The ability to defeat an enemy one by one with outstanding damage comes from wandering the lands defeating powerful men and monsters while looking for clues. Yet the Brood Knight has a tendency to become too eager when finding clues which has gotten him into trouble with many enemies at once.
The Brood Knight uses his darkblood to perform devastating attacks and defending against many foes. The darkblood replenishes itself but when gaining life by using potions the pure blood mixes with the darkblood, making the Brood Knight’s darkblood replenish even faster.

Skills: Skillsets are shown below with a description of the general idea of what the Brood Knights capabilities.
Primary skills contains abilities that generate more darkblood, Secondary skills uses small amounts of darkblood in various combinations to destroy the enemy, Resistance is a collection of skills that in many ways defends the Brood Knight, Tactics is a skillset which focuses on dealing damage to a great number of foes, Ferocity contains abilities that uses great amount of darkblood but will also deal a devastating amount of damge to a single target, Dark Magic is a skillset also uses alot of darkblood but focuses on imbueing the brood knight and his allies with magical powers, Passive..

 (Havde ikke tid til at sætte mig ind i hvordan jeg uploadede billede :( - Sov over mig så det blev i sidste øjeblik!
(Picture is from http://kodclan.the-talk.net/ - I do not own the picture)

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