Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls > Characters og Skills
Follower massivt Underrated
en text jeg har haft til at ligge noget tid som da skal deles
Things to bear in mind:
1) Legendary procs!
2) your followers gain 2.5 x base stats from items
3) gear them so they can survive = win
I build up all 3 of my follower then played around with some legendary procs and decided on 3 different builds which I have listed below, they all cost less than 30m to make
Scoundrel (For Ranged Classes and Low Geared Meele)
My Scoundrel: 54% knockback, 85k health, 250 all res
The key item I found here is Windforce, go for one with 50% chance to knockback and then just get the highest as on it you can afford.
Windforce is the key to this companion, you want to get max AS on each item so as to increase proc chances. Also get a much vit, int and all res as you can.
Most people will go for dex so these items are cheap :P The key here is int gives you resistance, when x 2.5 actually adds up
Crippling, dirty fighting, mutlishot and anatomy. You get passive dps buff and multi-shot with high AS means enemies are constantly knocked back.
Shopping List:
Weapon : Windforce (50% knockback)
Amulet : 9% attack speed (priority), vit, % Life, all res, int, (I went for a kybo's gold with 4% knockback on)
Rings: 9% attack speed (priority), vit, % Life, all res, int
Token: As high as Vit as possible, all res, int
Templar (For Ranged Classes Also)
My Templar : 210k health, 25% block, 500 all res, 5k armour
The key to his guy is getting sockets on every item, and max vit, with % life on everything.
Intervene, Loyalty, charge, inspire
Shopping List:
Weapon: 340-350 vit, strength or int
Shield: 290-330 vit , % life , socket
Rings: 140 - 160 vit , % life , socket, all res
Amulet: 200-250 vit, % life, socket, all res
Gems = 4 x 58 vit or a close as you can get
Enchantress (Melee Classes)
My Enchantress : 15k dps, 50k health, 15% crit chance, 350 crit damage
For this gal I decided to go all out dps with alot of health. Key is max int on everything and a skorn. the bleed is mental, can have up to 200% crit damage and 550 int!
Force push, powered armor, erosion, focused mind
Shopping List
Weapon: Skorn - 500 int +, highest bleed you can find, vit of 100+, highest dps possible after that
alternative as it has a high uptime and can offtank for you with the summoned pet
Focus: 200 int +, 100 vit +, all res, crit damage
Amulet: 8.5 crit chance, int 200+, vit 100 + all res
Rings: 4.5 crit chance, int 150+, vit 100 + all res
Bulgur aka Rasmus:
Vil give dig fuldstændigt ret i at followers er meget undervurdere især kontrakt spille alene. Men de slår ikke at spille med nogle venner med ts håber dog de gør lidt mere ved dem. Evt legendary relics
Man kan da ikk lave de der followers for 30 mil ? Eller er det mig der er helt fra den?
Og så er 30 mill ret meget at bruge på noget du kun får glæde af når du spiller alene.. Jo followers er skamok og gode, men deres roller i spillet er for ikke eksisterende..
Bulgur aka Rasmus:
--- Citat fra: Pecenetra efter November 12, 2012, 06:09:16 pm ---Og så er 30 mill ret meget at bruge på noget du kun får glæde af når du spiller alene.. Jo followers er skamok og gode, men deres roller i spillet er for ikke eksisterende..
--- Afslutning på citat ---
Er for en gangs skyld ikke bare 99% men 100% enig med dig Kim :-) jeg savner sgu d2 mercs
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