Diablo 2 / LoD > Diablo 2 / LoD Generelt

Jeg buggede Meffe på en ny måde :O

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--- Citat fra: Pecenetra efter April 25, 2011, 09:27:12 pm ---Countess' særskilte rune drop (den som gør at hun altid smider en runer) kan på Hell gå op til Ist, og Nightmare op til Io..

Men hendes almindelig drop som boss monster tillader op til Lo på Hell og Ko på Nightmare...

--- Afslutning på citat ---

--- Citat fra: mads-wm3 efter April 20, 2011, 01:35:32 pm ---
    Normal: El (r01) - Ral (r08).
    Nightmare: El (r01) - Io/Ko (r18); above Io (r16) is much rarer.
    Hell: El (r01) - Ist/Lo (r28); above Ist (r24) is much rarer.

Why are two runes listed as her top drop? She has normal item drops like any other monster; these can go up to the highest runes listed; Ko on Nightmare and Lo on Hell. She also has special rune drop calculations for her bonus rune drops; these do not allow her to drop such high level runes; Io on Nightmare and Ist on Hell. Her odds of dropping a high level rune from her normal drop tables are as astronomical as they are for every other monster in the game. Her odds to drop one from her special rune drop tables are far better. If she drops a rune from her special TC then she drops a rune from "Runes 12" TC. This TC has a 3/5045 chance for Mal and a 2/5045 chance for Ist.

--- Afslutning på citat ---

jaja, skrev det bare mere tydeligt og på dansk ;)


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