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Chest farming bliver hotfixed

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Chest farming bliver hotfixed

Det helt store nummer siden patch 2.0.1 kom ud, har været chest farming. Nu bliver det umuligt efter hotfix.

Som de fleste af jer nok ved, så kan man lige nu farme exp i meget store mængder - meget hurtigt i Act 1. Jeg fandt lige denne post fra Blizzard af, og det ser ud til at det bliver hot fixet - snart!


--- Citér ---Powerleveling is a tad too fast right now, which is certainly not intended. We are working on a hotfix that will address this, but we do not intend to kill of powerleveling completely. We generally do not mind powerleveling, just not the way it is happening right now.

Q: So is it safe for us to farm paragon levels on the cursed chest event? Right now it's easy to pull 2-3b xp/h.

At this moment in time I cannot say if there are any plans to take action against those who are powerleveling this way, so all I can say currently is that it would be worth to consider not doing it if you wish to be 100% safe.

Players find clever ways of utilising game mechanics all the time, often in ways that were never even considered by the developers. That is normally not a problem in most cases, but there have been times in the past when a "clever use of game mechanics" gets classified as an exploit after it became widespread, which resulted in action taken against the accounts of players who made use of said exploit. I'm not saying this will happen in this case, but generally speaking, if you have any doubt if certain methods of playing might become classified as an exploit, then it is always the safest option to not do it.

Q: Really? After the chest farming on Inferno after release you have not considered people farming THIS chest?
Personally I really don't mind people farming that chest, leveling is half the fun but that line just makes you look silly :)

I was speaking in general terms with that sentence, and as such I was not referring to this particular method of farming, which is clearly not intended.

Q: If you punish anyone now, I'd consider it unfair.

I can certainly see why you would consider it unfair, but as I said, I do not yet know if anyone will be punished. This is also why I urge people to refrain from doing it now, as that is the only guaranteed way for individual players to avoid such an ugly situation. That said, I doubt we will be taking any serious actions here, it is just that I cannot guarantee that we will not. i.e. better be safe than sorry.

Q: he is saying if you think something is wrong dont do it to be safe nothing more

This. I apologise if it seemed like I was fearmongering, that is not my intention.
--- Afslutning på citat ---


Correcting the experience granted by enemies spawned by certain Cursed Chest events to the appropriate amounts*
--- Afslutning på citat ---

Helt ærligt. Hvis de begynder at straffe folk - ligefrem banne folk - for at spille spillet, som det er, så kan de fandme rende og skide :) De kan ikke forvente, at alle følger med på deres forum, hvor der skrives, at man måske vil blive straffet for at gøre noget bestemt i spillet. Der er jo ikke tale om snyd.

Derudover er det selvfølgelig på sin plads, at de får nerfed chestruns.

Enig! Det skal selvfølgelig fixes, men så skal de også bare lade det være ved det!

Ja, det må de godt fikse... Hader de der meget "korte" games, men hvis det ikke blev fikset ville jeg nok med tiden ty til den metode for at skrabe xp sammen hurtigere.

Uanset hvordan de vender og drejer det - så kan dette ikke blive til en exploit - kun en fejl fra deres side. Jeg gætter dog på at fixet bliver noget i stil med at monstrene som kommer via denne "challenge" bliver gjort exp løse eller begrænset rimelig meget.

Men nej de kan ikke straffe nogen for det gøre det - det er en feature de selv har valgt at putte ind - og igen var det kendt allerede under PTR.


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