Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls > Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
Loot Hotfixes - endnu større legendary droprate
Loot Hotfixes - endnu større legendary droprate
Der er nu endnu større chance for at finde legendaries i Rifts - og der er lavet andre spændende ændringer.
Legendary bliver nu en reward som er overkommelig at hunte i stedet for alt det gule crap der siden RoS har fyldt en stor procentdel af vores loot hvilket ikke føltes særlig fedt da meget af et er fuldstændig ubrugeligt.
Unique mobs dropper nu mindre loot
Da der før droppede for meget loot i forhold til deres sværhedsgrad sammenlignet med drops fra rare mobs.
Færre chest i alle act
Da mange begyndte at farme chests på torment VI uden at dræbe mobs har Blizzard valgt at nerfe antallet af chest dog skal de stadig føles gode at åbne. (så måske et buff på loot fra dem men færre af dem)
Kadala's giver flere legendarys
Der bliver nu større mulighed for at gå efter specifikt loot uden at det skal føles som om det kommer til at tage en uendelighed.
Rift 25% -> 100%
Sidst men ikke mindst kommer der en kæmpe buff på chancen for at finde legendary i rift hvilket betyder at der som standart er dobbelt så stor drop chance for at finde legendary i rift i forhold til alle andre steder.
Min kommentar:
Dette er en kæmpe og vigtig opdatering da det før har føltes lidt som en umuligt opgave at anskaffe sig godt gear da der næsten aldrig droppede noget i forhold til det arbejde man lagde i det.
Dog tænker jeg at det er lidt for voldsomt at buffe det så meget på en gang da jeg formoder at alle kommer til at køre Rift på torment nu som det eneste hvilket er lidt ærgerligt da det gerne skulle føles værd at farme over alt så hvorfor ikke bare buffe alle områder lidt i stedet for et rigtig meget...
--- Citat fra: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/12471197317#1 ---Edit: These hotfixes are now live in the Americas and Europe. They will be deployed to ANZ at approximately 5:00 a.m. PT and to Asia at approximately 1:00 p.m. PT on April 10.
Hey all,
A series of hotfixes will be deployed today making more adjustments to overall reward structures within the game.
I wanted to take a minute to explain the reasons for the changes that we are making. A driving goal of our design has been to make killing monsters feel rewarding, we want you all to find tons of cool items that you are excited about but more importantly we want you to have fun while doing it.
Rifts have always been intended to be the most efficient play method in the game, currently they aren’t for a number of reasons. Part of this has to do with the high level of efficiency in farming that players find doing things like farming Manglemaw, Razorclaw and any other number of unique monsters. Another contributing element is that farming chests without having to actually fight monsters is far more effective than actually fighting the monsters. It is very important to us that chests are exciting to find and feel rewarding but presently they are far too common and reliable to farm in certain areas of the game.
Finally Kadala, she has always been intended to give players some degree of control over their item upgrades. While we don’t want players to simply pick and choose from a list of items at an excessively high cost, we do want you to have an answer to the question “How do I upgrade my boots?” Kadala is meant to be that answer, she is meant to give you some direct control over the types of items you find. Since we are increasing the overall reward structure of the game she is also going to be increasing but by a larger amount than the rest of the changes since she didn't feel rewarding enough to us.
Without further delay here is a list of the changes that will be coming in the hotfix.
The Bad!
Unique monsters now drop less items.
*Uniques were dropping far more loot than their difficulty would warrant.
Chest spawns have been thinned out across all acts of the game.
*Ideally chests become less common and something that players can’t flip games to farm. It is our goal to make them feel exciting and rewarding when you find them.
The Good!
The bonus legendary drop rate for rifts is being increased from 25% to 100%!
*This means that while in a rift your chance to find a legendary item from monsters, chests, elites, and everything else is double what it is outside of rifts. No this does not mean opening bounty bags in rifts is the new hotness. ;P
Kadala’s legendary drop rate has been significantly increased.
*Blood Shards are meant to be a compelling element of rift rewards and something players are excited to get.
Loot is an incredibly important aspect of Diablo games and we will continue to keep a very close eye on it. If more problems arise we will continue striving to address them. It isn’t our goal to take loot away from people, we just want to make sure they are having as much fun as possible while finding it and these changes all support that goal.
Good hunting and link the loot!
Travis Day
Edited by Lylirra on 4/9/2014 10:29 PM PDT
--- Afslutning på citat ---
Imo synes jeg det er skide åndsvagt... De burde buffe mængden af mats der skal bruges til at crafte legendaries, sygeligt meget, i stedet for. Hvis legendary drops bliver hyppigere ender det med at alle står med sygt overpowered gear og ens karakterer rimelig hurtigt. De burde lave det som i wow, med at man skal samle specielle crafting mats til legendaries i stedet for, så det kun kunne opnås at få legendaries igennem crafting, så havde der været en pointe med at samle gult op. Ikke at det ikke er fedt at det dropper, men det ville give spillet langt mere levetid på denne måde:-D
Mike JezZ:
Er patchen blevet lagt op?
Det er blevet så latterligt nemt efterhånden.
Det sejler i forvejen med legendaries når man spiller rifts (også udenfor rifts) og så buffer de dropraten alligevel.
Man kunne tidligere trøste sig med at legendary crafting materials var bare lidt svære at finde, men nej, det har de også buffet.
Jeg tror desværre at D3 hurtigt går dødt på denne måde. :(
- Derimod fedt at de har sat mængden af chests ned, der kom godt nok mange legendaries ud :o
syntes nu ikke jeg har fundet specielt mange legendary i rift :/ så jeg er godt tilfreds med buff men syntes det skulle være over alt og ikke 100% ...
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