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Seasons kan nu afprøves på PTR


Seasons kan nu afprøves på PTR

Hvis du har mod på det, kan du nu logge på PTR og oprette seasonal characters.

En meget ventet feature i patch 2.1 er seasons - et koncept, der er næsten identisk med ladder-systemet i D2. Season-konceptet er nu sat til afprøvning på PTR, som du altså kan logge på og teste nu.

Our first Seasons test begins today! To create a Seasonal hero, simply check the "Seasonal Hero" box located below the class selection list.

Please note that over the course of the patch 2.1.0 PTR, we may periodically "end" a Season to test the rollover process and ensure that Seasonal character data migrates correctly. To get the most out of this PTR, we will likely start and end a Season several times before our public test phase concludes.

For more information about Seasons, click here.

If you have any feedback to share regarding Seasons (including, but not limited to Conquests, Leaderboards, character creation, and data roll over), be sure to post in this forum. Any and all feedback is welcome. :)

Thanks for your support and participation, and good luck with those Conquests!

As a follow-up, Seasonal Legendary items are not yet enabled and therefore will not drop in the current build of the patch 2.1.0 PTR. We're currently working to enable Seasonal Legendaries with the next PTR build and will provide an update in this thread once they're live.Kilde

Wow, det udsatte godt nok release af 2.1 en del, men godt at vide man kan få en forsmag på det også :)

Det passer fint med mig, at det bliver lidt udskudt. Har en travl august :)

Jeg fik spillet lidt season med MP i går. Det var en ret nice oplevelse at starte from scratch i patch 2.1 - og med alle de ændringer spillet har undergået siden udgivelsen. Det er jo første gang, de fleste skal til at starte forfra igen.

Det bliver godt, når patchen går live!


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