Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls > Teams, Clans & Communities
Arrangement: Alternative Builds
Lyder godt, Gumle.
@ Volde
Det er lige det. Jeg har intet imod at spille hele vejen uden boost - heller ikke noget imod det modsatte. Dog vil jeg mene, at det er sjovest for alle builds, at vi denne gang har lov til at købe løs med alverdens FG og andet. Vi skal have lov at skræddersy det hele.
Ville personligt syntes det ville være sjovest, hvis vi ikke fik hjælp udefra med boost.
Men ja vi bliver nok nød til at kunne bruge fg, da det ellers vil bliver svært, vil jeg tro.
Mikkeline Kakaomælk:
--- Citat fra: Camelo efter April 12, 2009, 10:31:09 pm ---Jeg står lidt splittet mellem en melee assa og en impale ama ;D Begge to lyder sjove, synes jeg. Melee assa fordi jeg godt kan lide Burst of Speed og impale ama fordi hun kan få en ret høj damage.
--- Afslutning på citat ---
Synes hellere du skal overveje en Assa med Blade Fury + Blade Sentinel Assa 8)
Why? Det er sgu lidt for lame for mig.
Lord Voldemort:
snuppet fra det her link: http://diablofans.com/forums/showthread.php?s=7f4cf92f08ac357e26e557c8fa422cf2&t=2958
you say abstract... heres some abstract chars that are totally out there, a bit item dependent, but not like grief or ebotd, just common uniques that people usualy chuck because they are not the standard HoZ, Stormshield, or Arachs...
Sword Ama -> heavy on passive skills^^. Expensive because the succesfull version requires a weapon with revenge on it, as well as an infinity merc. could be other cheaper equipment, but im out of ideas. i helped my friend make one, the zon can easily handle hell games, just when the games are full it gets hard, but usually this means you have support from a party
Ranger Pally -> dubbed as a nonserious character, this pally can actually be somewhat usefull. As u will use a elemental aura to get most your damage, you might encounter problems with immunes in hell. There are plenty unique bows with amazon skills on them, i myself want to start a pally with guided Arrow and Immolation Arrow soon . just for the kick
melee sorc -> can easily pass +6k dmg from enchant by itself with a decent chant equipment, this sorc can put heavy elemental damage with the right sword. bows arent as good because the damage from chant isnt added UNLESS you wield a bow with explosion upon impact mods on it...
lyder også fairly grineren.. havde jo selv vlagt den nederste fra start, så det er jo fint ;D
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