Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls > Teams, Clans & Communities
HCL Reset / Patch 1.13
Ja, vi arrangerer noget ordentligt HC når det endelig sker - ladder reset :D
Post Holiday PTR Update 01/11/2010 04:36:03 PM PST
The legacy team met late last week to decide how to proceed on the 1.13 patch and the decision was made to go back into development to incorporate a few additional changes. While this patch has already seen its fair share of delays we still want to ensure we’re releasing a patch that hits some key community issues. I do want to stress though that while we did look at feedback and responses we’re obviously not going to be able to include everything requested. Our hope is to hit at least a decent portion of what we saw people discussing and correct some of the more severe issues while keeping additional development time as brief as possible.
We don’t have a current estimate for release, and because work is only just beginning on these new changes we won’t be announcing their details. We’ll be keeping everyone updated as to the progress of the patch though, and we hope to see this update on the PTR as soon as possible and then off quickly to a release and ladder reset.
Det lyder da meget godt.! måske det snart sker. jeg krydser fingre.
Så fik jeg skrevet en nyhed omkring den update, Tyraels-Warrior.
Lord Voldemort:
ffs hvor er der gået lang tid med den patch. lige nu irriterer det mig mere end på andre tidspunkter
Lord Voldemort:
bare lige en advarsel til alle jer der venter i spænding.. er grundet mangel på bedre at tage mig til, gået i træning med noget HC, og det har i aften spawnet en lvl 19 necro-summoner.. sig til, hvis der er nogen der er friske på at spille lidt her inden patchen kommer.
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