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Forfatter Emne: Bugfixes i patch 2.1 målrettet mod pets  (Læst 1389 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Bugfixes i patch 2.1 målrettet mod pets
« Dato: Juni 04, 2014, 11:10:24 pm »
Bugfixes i patch 2.1

Ingen dato på frigivelse af patchen, men der nævnes et par specifikke bugfixes.

Det er især Call of the Ancients (barbarian skill), der nævnes i en blue post fra Grimiku. Der er også fokus på andre characters' skills.

We’re planning to make several bug fixes to Call of the Ancients in patch 2.1 that should address some of the concerns we’ve seen players reporting with the skill. So, make sure you keep a hold of that Immortal Kings set!

- The Ancients should no longer sometimes stand idle when they have foes they could be clobbering instead.
- The Ancients should now use their secondary abilities as indicated on the tooltip.

Again, these bug fixes are currently expected to arrive with patch 2.1, but we don’t have an estimate to share for the date of that patch at this time. Thanks for all of the reports!

I find that the idle thing happens often with WD pets too. Mostly the Zombie dog w/ tall mans finger and Gargantuan

I did some digging and found out that these changes will update multiple pets, and not just Call of the Ancients. I'll go over what those changes are, and what pets it should affect. I also want to emphasize that we don’t have an estimate to share for when we expect patch 2.1, but we’re definitely working on it and are looking to provide a PTR.

 - We're making a number improvements to the AI of several pets
 - We're also fixing a number of issues that sometimes prevented some pets from attacking nearby enemies, or caused them to stand still and stop attacking their current target

Pets affected by these changes should include:

 - Call of the Ancients
 - Companion
 - Fetish Army
 - Gargantuan
 - Mystic Ally
 - Phalanx
 - Zombie Dogs
Er ovenstående problemer noget, som I, her på Diablo3x, har bemærket på jeres characters? Noget som kræver de omtalte bugfixes?
« Senest Redigeret: Juni 04, 2014, 11:15:00 pm af Camelo »

Offline Guldani

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Sv: Bugfixes i patch 2.1 målrettet mod pets
« Svar #1 Dato: Juni 04, 2014, 11:23:09 pm »
Ser tit min Gargantuan stå og kigge på kampen, det kan være lidt belastende da den udgør en stor del af min dmg. Jeg ser frem til de fixes.

Offline Rosewizard

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Sv: Bugfixes i patch 2.1 målrettet mod pets
« Svar #2 Dato: Juni 05, 2014, 01:09:02 am »
Det sker tit med gargantuan, han kan stå lige ved siden af og glo,  men man behøver måske heller ikke slå så mange gange når man critter med 120 mill... :-D  Har ikke lagt så meget mærke til det med Zombie dogs/Gargantuan dog.

Offline kran

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Sv: Bugfixes i patch 2.1 målrettet mod pets
« Svar #3 Dato: Juni 05, 2014, 09:12:42 pm »
min follower står gerne og nyder udsigten, også min mystic ally men ikke nær så tit


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