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"We travelled together into the east. Always into the east."
- Marius

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10-08-2021 af Sigon

Forfatter Emne: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes  (Læst 3127 gange)

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Offline N-Sane E-T

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Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 12:08:52 pm »
De nye ændringer i patch 10, og man må sige der er en del . . .

A number of significant changes have been made to key aspects of Diablo III in this patch. To learn more about these changes and why they were made, please be sure to read the “System Changes” blog, written by Jay Wilson.

All characters have been wiped. Please note that this wipe will also affect gold, achievements, items, followers, and artisans.
The Battle.net Balance for all beta participants has been reset to 50 Beta Bucks
Core character attributes have been reworked significantly
Attack, Defense, and Precision have been removed
Dexterity, Intellect, Strength, and Vitality have been added

+Demon Hunter damage
+Monk damage
+Dodge (for all classes)

+Witch Doctor damage
+Wizard damage
+Health from globes (for all classes)

+Barbarian damage
+Armor (for all classes)

+Health (for all classes)

Armor will now supplement Defense, as well as provide +Physical resist
+Chance to Crit has been added as an item affix
Player Life per Vitality has been changed: Players will now start out with 10 Life per Vitality at level 1
Nephalem Altars have been removed and players can now swap unlocked skills at any point during gameplay via the Skills list. This will impose a 30-second cooldown on the newly-activated skill, during which time the skill cannot be exchanged for another.
Please note that the skills system is still considered a work-in-progress and will be undergoing additional changes in future patches. This iteration of the system is not final.
Scroll of Identification have been removed and players can now identify an item by right-clicking on the item’s icon
The Nephalem Cube has been removed and the salvage ability has been added to the Blacksmith artisan
The Cauldron of Jordan has been removed
Stone of Recall has been renamed to “Town Portal” and can now be accessed directly via the Skill bar UI
The fifth quick slot button has been moved next to the Town Portal ability in the Skill bar. This slot will eventually be to dedicated to potions, but can currently be used as a normal slot.
Skills will now display simplified tooltips by default
To view Advanced tooltips, press and hold the CTRL key when hovering over skill icons
The duration of the global chill effect granted by cold damage has be increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6 seconds
Achievements have been re-enabled

Active Skills
Ground Stomp
Damage increased from 70% to 110%
 Ignore Pain

Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
Duration reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds

Leap Attack

Damage increased from 70% to 100%


Damage increased from 150% to 220%
 Passive Skills

Nerves of Steel
Now increases Armor by 25% of your Vitality

Active Skills
Blinding Flash
No longer breaks on damage
Duration reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
Active Skills
Frost Nova
Damage reduced from 65% to 50%
Ice Armor
No longer increases your Armor
Wave of Force
Damage increased from 205% to 350%
Passive Skills

Temporal Flux

Slow amount increased from 24% to 30%


Leveling artisans in Normal difficulty now only requires gold
Common (white) items can no longer be salvaged and common crafting materials have been removed in all difficulty levels
Salvaging a Magic (blue) item will always give you a Magic material, as well as a chance to receive a Rare (yellow) or Legendary (orange) material
Salvaging a Rare item will always give you a Rare material and a Magic material, as well as a chance to receive a Legendary material
Salvaging a Legendary item will always give you a Legendary material, Rare material, and Magic materia


Attack, Defense, and Precision random affixes have been replaced with Dexterity, Strength, and Intellect
The base damage on slower weapons has been increased. This is because we’re also increasing the potency of elemental damage properties, and elemental damage benefits faster weapons more than slower weapons.
The drop rate of Magic items between level 1 and level 20 has been lowered. Single affix-Magic items are now introduced more slowly, and double affix-Magic items won’t appear until later in the game.


Wandering Merchants now have a 50% chance to sell a limited stock Rare item of any type
Amulets have been moved from the Collector to the Fence


Electrified monsters no longer spew lightning on death
Arcane Enchanted monsters no longer cast an extra arcane beam on death
Bug Fixes

Players should no longer be disconnected from Battle.net when moving a stack of 0 items to their Skill action bar
Rapidly moving around items in a character’s inventory should no longer cause those items to become unresponsive
Items that display full durability, but are still considered slightly damaged should now be able to be posted on the Auction House
Monsters that are killed should now always properly play their death animation rather than remain standing
« Senest Redigeret: Januar 24, 2012, 12:09:45 pm af N-Sane E-T »

Offline Andrea8900

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #1 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 12:11:56 pm »
Jeg har også lige siddet og kigget det igennem imens jeg downloadede patchen og vi kan roligt blive enige om at det er mange ting der er ændret.
« Senest Redigeret: Januar 24, 2012, 12:12:33 pm af Andrea8900 »

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Offline N-Sane E-T

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #2 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 12:15:20 pm »
Jeg har også lige siddet og kigget det igennem imens jeg downloadede patchen og vi kan roligt blive enige om at det er mange ting der er ændret.
Ja de har vel i bund og grund nået alt det som de ville ændre, så det er vel begrænset hvor meget de kan trække release på det grundlag.

Offline Andrea8900

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #3 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 12:24:36 pm »
Jeg har også lige siddet og kigget det igennem imens jeg downloadede patchen og vi kan roligt blive enige om at det er mange ting der er ændret.
Ja de har vel i bund og grund nået alt det som de ville ændre, så det er vel begrænset hvor meget de kan trække release på det grundlag.

Det kan vi da håbe på ;)

Diablo Profile: Andrea8900

Offline N-Sane E-T

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #4 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 12:26:26 pm »
Jeg har også lige siddet og kigget det igennem imens jeg downloadede patchen og vi kan roligt blive enige om at det er mange ting der er ændret.
Ja de har vel i bund og grund nået alt det som de ville ændre, så det er vel begrænset hvor meget de kan trække release på det grundlag.

Det kan vi da håbe på ;)
Ja med mindre de finder på noget nyt igen hehe, men lad os bare håbe :P

Offline Andro

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #5 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 06:02:52 pm »
Please note that the skills system is still considered a work-in-progress and will be undergoing additional changes in future patches. This iteration of the system is not final.

Synes desværre ikke umiddelbart, at de (store) ændringer, der er foretaget i denne patch, tyder på, at Blizzard er tilfredse med resultatet endnu. For mig ser det lidt ud som om, at de nu "lige prøver en anden vej..."
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Offline Camelo

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Sv: Diablo 3 Beta Patch 10 Notes
« Svar #6 Dato: Januar 24, 2012, 06:05:22 pm »
Der eksisterer allerede en tråd med samme indhold: http://diablo3x.dk/index.php?topic=4857.msg81970;topicseen#new Blev oprettet i nat af Pecenetra.

Denne tråd låses.


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