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* Random Quotes

"Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I think she could use a special potion. Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'… No. 'Ray of Sunshine'… No, that's not it. Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This should help her out."
- Alkor the Alchemist

Forfatter Emne: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13  (Læst 4039 gange)

0 Medlemmer og 1 Gæst læser dette emne.

Offline Camelo

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Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 09:33:04 pm »
Som det har stået skrevet rundt om på Diablo3x i dag, er patch 1.0.8 endelig nær sin udgivelse. Mens Americas-serverne har fået implementeret patchen, må vi europæere vente til i nat. Alt tyder nemlig på, at serverne tages offline kl. 03.00, hvorefter vi, når serverne igen går online, kan spille med den nyeste patch. Ifølge breaking news-teksten i Diablo 3, er serverne oppe igen omkring kl. 11.00.

We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Wednesday May 8th, at 03:00 CET and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 11:00 CET. During this time the game will be unavailable for play.

Patchens indhold har vi flere gange set en masse til i forbindelse med de forskellige PTR-udgaver op til den egentlige udgivelse. Skulle du dog alligevel ikke have fulgt med i processen, kan du finde alle patch notes nedenfor.


- Players can now identify all items in their inventory by speaking to Deckard Cain or by using the Book of Cain that can be found near the shared stash in all Acts
- The cooldown incurred by changing skills outside of town on Inferno difficulty has been reduced to 30 seconds (down from 60 seconds)
- The bonus experience granted by Enlightened shrines is now also calculated multiplicatively
- The Magic and Gold Find granted by Fortune shrines can now exceed the 300% cap
- There is now an option in Video Settings to lock the cursor to the window when in fullscreen windowed mode, if Diablo III is the active window

Multiplayer Co-Op
- Players now receive a 10% bonus to Magic Find, Gold Find, and Experience per additional player in a multiplayer game, up to a maximum of 30% in a four-player game
- The Magic Find and Gold Find bonuses can exceed their respective 300% caps
- The Experience bonus can stack with other bonuses from items and Monster Power (the bonuses will stack multiplicatively)
- A notification is now sent to all players in a multiplayer game whenever a party member engages an Elite monster or Treasure Goblin in combat, and their location will be shown on the mini-map
- In addition to this, an icon will also appear over player banners in town to indicate if they're in combat with a monster, Elite monster, or Treasure Goblin

Bug Fixes
- The "Massive Blow" achievement should once again be obtainable
- The "Fallen Angel" achievement now only requires the player to kill Izual within 120 seconds
- The "Bashanishu" achievement no longer requires the player to use Basic Attack to complete it
- The "Hero's New Clothes" achievement no longer requires the player to deliver the fatal blow to meet the criteria
- Fixed a bug that prevented monsters killed by a follower or pet, before being attacked by a player, from counting toward achievement criteria

- The stack size for gold sales on the auction house has been increased from 1 million to 10 million

User Interface
- Tooltips in the Auction House will now show an item comparison for a player's currently selected character


- Players will now be able to search for games that were started on any quest once they have reached level cap
- Matchmaking "Tags" have been added
- In addition to selecting your Difficulty, Monster Power, and Quest, players will also be able to choose from the following tags when searching for Public Games: Monster Slaying, Brawling, and Key Warden
Note: When the Brawling tag is selected, your Monster Power selection will not be taken into account

- Players can now add a note about a friend by right-clicking the name in their Friends List
- Players can now enter a message that will be broadcast to their friends
- Players can now create multi-user conversations
- There are multiple ways to start a conversation or invite other players to an existing conversation:
To start a conversation, open Public Chat Options, then select Invite Friends > Start Conversation or use the "Start a Conversation" option in the Social window by right-clicking on a friend's name
To invite or add friends to an existing conversation, open Public Chat Options, then select Invite Friends or use the "Invite to a Conversation" option in the Social window by right clicking a friend's name and selecting the desired conversation
- Similar to public channels, private conversations can support up to 99 players
- A new section has been added to the friends list called "Players Near You"
Any player who is on your local network will be displayed here (even if they're not currently your friend)
If needed, this feature can be disabled from the Social Options of the Game menu
- Players may now be marked as a "Party Guide"
- The Party Guide is assigned to the first person who joins a Public Game
- If multiple characters join a Public Game at the same time, the game will choose the hero with the highest level or Paragon level to be Party Guide
- When a Party Guide leaves the Public Game, a new one will be chosen automatically
Alternatively, the Party Guide can right click on a party member's portrait and pass them the Party Guide title
- The Party Guide will have a unique icon that will appear on the mini-map
Names in your "Recent Players" list will now expire if they become older than a month
Blocked players will no longer appear in your "Recent Players" list.

Bug Fixes

-Skeleton King
The Skeleton King and The King of the Dead will now play an animation when performing their Whirlwind attack

- Active Skills
      - War Cry
         Skill Rune – Invigorate
          Now regenerates 620 life per second (up from 310)

- Passive Skills
      - Inspiring Presence
          Now affects all party members

- Bug Fixes
The sound that plays whenever a Barbarian's Overpower ability comes off cooldown is no longer similar to a Legendary item dropping
Male barbarians no longer run faster than the other heroes while feared.

Demon Hunter
- Active Skills
      - Companion
         Skill Rune – Boar Companion
           Now regenerates 310 life per second (up from 155)

      - Rapid Fire
           Base weapon damage increased from 276% to 438%
           Hatred cost while channeling has been reduced from to 6 (down from 10)
        - Skill Rune - Bombardment
           Weapon damage increased from 345% to 414%
           Explosion radius increased to 8 yards (up from 4)
        - Skill Rune - Fire Support
           Weapon damage of Homing Rockets increased from 35% to 145%
        - Skill Rune - Withering Fire
          Now reduces the initial Hatred cost to 10 (up from 5)

      - Sentry
         - Skill Rune – Aid Station
            Now heals nearby allies for 2% of max life per second (up from 1%)

- Passive Skills
       - Brooding
         Now regenerates 2% of maximum life per second (up from 1%)

- Active Skills
      - Mantra of Healing
         Now causes party members to regenerate 620 life per second (up from 310)
       - Skill Rune – Sustenance
          Now increases Mantra of Healing’s life regeneration to 1240 per second (up from 620)

- Passive Skills
      - Guiding Light
         Damage bonus increased from 16% to 20%

Witch Doctor
- Active Skills
      - Firebats
        Now has a larger initial cost but a much lower continual cost while channeling
        Base weapon damage increased from 180% to 385%

      - Skill Rune – Cloud of Bats
         Initial damage increased from 234% to 500% weapon damage
         - Skill Rune – Plague Bats
            Maximum damage increased from 270% to 578% weapon damage

- Passive Skills
       - Blood Ritual
         Now regenerates 2% of maximum life per second (up from 1%)

- Active Skills
      - Arcane Torrent
        Base weapon damage increased from 210% to 285%
        - Skill Rune - Arcane Mines
          Weapon damage increased from 180% to 340%
        - Skill Rune - Cascade
          Weapon damage of bonus missiles increased from 210% to 285%

      - Archon
        The duration of Archon should now be extended by assists from players in          multiplayer games, in addition to kills

      - Disintegrate
         Base weapon damage increased from 170% to 220%
          - Skill Rune - Entropy
            Weapon damage increased from 196% to 253%
          - Skill Rune - Intensify
            Maximum damage increased from 221% to 286% weapon damage

      - Familiar
        - Skill Rune – Vigoron
          Now regenerates 620 life per second (up from 310)

      - Ray of Frost
        Base weapon damage increased from 215% to 280%
        - Skill Rune – Black Ice
          Ice patch weapon damage increased from 387% to 504%
        - Skill Rune – Sleet Storm
          Weapon damage increased from 280% to 364%
        - Skill Rune – Snow Blast
          Maximum damage increased from 280% to 364% weapon damage

      - Teleport
        Players may now Teleport to any location within range, as long as a path is available

- Passive Skills
      - Galvanizing Ward
        Now regenerates 620 life per second (up from 310)

- Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug causing Teleport – Safe Passage to only reduce damage from physical attacks

- Players can now queue up multiple items and gems at a time within the same tier to be crafted, so long as they possess the necessary materials
- Players can now craft items using materials located in the shared stash

- Salvaged item information will no longer be displayed in the chat log
- Players can now disable the confirmation dialog when salvaging items of Rare quality

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing players from salvaging an item by dragging it onto the Blacksmith's anvil icon

- Skills
      - Loyalty
        Now regenerates 310 life per second (up from 155)

- Players should now encounter more monsters in Acts I, II, and IV in Inferno difficulty when playing at Monster Power 1 or greater
- In multiplayer games, the increase in monster hit points per additional player has been reduced to 50% (down from 70%)
- The damage dealt by the fire pool left by Blazing Guardian attacks has been reduced by 50%, but it's minimum damage has been increased
- Poison damage dealt by Brood Hatchlings has been reduced by 40%
- Damage dealt by Tormented Stingers has been reduced by 75%
- The health of normal Spiderlings has been reduced by approximately 68%
- The health of Elite Spiderlings has been reduced by approximately:
4.5% for Champions
3% for Rares
9% for Rare minions
- The following monsters have their experience and chance to drop loot modified to better align with their hit points:
Accursed, Betrayed, Bile Crawlers, Blazing Guardians, Blazing Ghouls Brood Hatchlings, Cavern Spiders, Charged Constructs, Chilling Constructs, Crazed Cultists, Crazed Summoners, Dark Conjurers, Dark Cultists, Dark Moon Clan Impalers, Dark Summoners, Dark Zealots, Deranged Cultists, Doom Wraiths, Dust Shamblers, Enraged Zealots, Fallen, Fallen Grunts, Fallen Peons, Fallen Soldiers, Foul Conjurers , Frost Guardians, Ghouls, Hungry Corpses, Moon Clan Impalers, Murderous Fiends, Noxious Guardians, Ravenous Dead, Retching Cadavers, Reviled, Savage Fiends, Spiderlings, Shade Stalkers, Shadow Vermin, Shock Guardians, Skeletal Crawlers, Smoldering Constructs, Spine Lashers Stygian Crawlers, Tormented Stingers, Toxic Constructs, and Vicious Ghouls

- Nekarat the Keywarden now has a chance to drop a random Key (of Destruction, Hate, or Terror) in addition to the Infernal Machine plans
- All Keywardens will now only appear in Inferno difficulty

Bug Fixes
- Monsters with the Avenger affix now correctly gain +25% damage each time a monster in their pack dies
- Monsters with the Vampiric affix now correctly heal for 200% of their damage done in all difficulties

- Experience earned by completing a quest is now granted to players that have reached the level cap

- A maximum of eight buffs and debuffs will now be displayed on the UI
- The maximum number of debuffs that will be displayed is three

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing damage numbers from being displayed if a monster was affected by a spell such as Hex
« Senest Redigeret: Maj 07, 2013, 10:02:37 pm af Camelo »

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #1 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:00:07 pm »
Nå. Skal der spilles Diablo 3 i morgen?

Offline MonsterPool

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #2 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:02:46 pm »
Der skal games i morgen aften! Ja da. :D Fed nyhed.

Offline nex0r

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #3 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:06:58 pm »
ENDELIG ! :) glæder mig :) bliver så godt

Offline Milo

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #4 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:14:45 pm »
Til LootAlert brugere: Der er en opdatering på vej når maskinen kan tænde.
Jeg gennemlæser aldrig mine beskeder en sidste gang. Så undskyld for ord der ikke passer ind, eller tastefejl.

Offline Koala

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #5 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:19:13 pm »
Så skal der farmes på livet løs! :)

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #6 Dato: Maj 07, 2013, 10:31:31 pm »
Det skal der.

Er der nogen, der har fundet nogle nye favoritspots med den øgede monster density? :)

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #7 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 10:06:18 am »
Tror jeg vil bruge weekenden på at game :D

Offline DreamWalker

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #8 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 10:15:59 am »
-Skeleton King
The Skeleton King and The King of the Dead will now play an animation when performing their Whirlwind attack

Wohoo! så sidder folk ikke længere i ubers og siger 'WTF i didnt even know what killed me there...' Being bad killed you ;)
Venlig hilsen DreamWalker

Min profil: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamWalker-2175/hero/93745

Donnie: Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

Offline DreamWalker

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #9 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 11:21:34 am »
Åh hvis bare timerne ville speede lidt op, vil hjem og prøve ny patch!
Venlig hilsen DreamWalker

Min profil: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamWalker-2175/hero/93745

Donnie: Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

Offline Mazie

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #10 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 11:28:48 am »
Så er det vel nu man skal have fundet en gruppe til at nørde hele weekenden :)

Nogen som er friske?

Offline iCoke

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #11 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 02:25:22 pm »
Det var sgu da en god nyhed, må jeg hellere komme ind og prøve! ;D

Offline Unklemac

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #12 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 03:23:31 pm »
Dejlig nyhed!  Tilføj endelig mig, hvis nogle vil game :-) Har ingen danskere på min liste, kun svenskere og finnere ;D


(350k dps buffed)

Kan spille alt fra Mp0 til Mp10

Offline iCoke

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #13 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 04:30:36 pm »
Så fik jeg lige kørt et A3 og A1 run. Damn man får meget exp!!! :D 2 planer, 2 designs og 3 legendaries blev det også til. Tror min lyst til D3 er på vej tilbage. :)

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Endelig: patch 1.0.8 live 8/5-13
« Svar #14 Dato: Maj 08, 2013, 06:00:17 pm »
Jeg spillede lige to levels op fra 44-46. Fik kun to legendaries - rent lort. Kørte MP 8 i act 1.


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