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Forfatter Emne: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A  (Læst 3770 gange)

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Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Dato: Marts 26, 2012, 11:41:37 pm »
Man kunne håbe, at det var Diablo3x.dk som officiel fanside, der havde været så heldige at få lov at stille en række spørgsmål til Blizzard vedrørende Diablo 3. Sådan skulle det ikke gå. Heldigvis kan vi altid quote spørgsmål og svar fra Diablofans.

Der er lidt af hvert at komme efter. Generelt drejer det sig om uddybelse af allerede kendte aspekter i spillet.

Q. People keep asking about the wings perk from the Collector’s Edition:
How will your character receive this item?
Will each character have the item, or does it have to be shared across your characters (like heirloom items did in WoW)?
If a unique item, how will transferring the wings work?
Can the wings be accidentally sold or destroyed?
How will these wings work on a HC character when they die -- do you lose them?
Each character you make will receive CE items in their inventory. They cannot be dropped, but can be destroyed if you want the inventory space, for example. If you want them back you can transfer through the shared stash from another character.

Q. Also will there be items similar to the wings (fluff items) that drop in game later?
No plans for any right now, but we’re not opposed to it. The amount of equippable items we have is pretty intense.

Q. Some players are starting to suggest that the use of “yards” in elective mode skill descriptions is a bit misleading. Players feel that the area of effects are much smaller than the tooltips indicate and joke that their characters must be at least 15 feet tall if the tooltips are accurate. Have we put any thought into changing the unit of measurement or reducing the numerical values to better the distance of the abilities?
We’re well aware that it’s not entirely accurate, but once you use the ability once or twice you understand how it’s supposed to perform. With the fast and furious action of Diablo III, the exact measurements really aren’t as important as how you actually understand and use the skill.

Q. Will the Collector’s Edition dyes have any sort of "particle effect" on the items, or are they simply dying them with a unique color?
No they don’t have particle effects. For now they can technically only be single color gradients.

Q. Will dyes be shown on gear on the AH? (For example: "This gear is dyed 'Off-White.' ") This is semi-important because of Collector’s Edition dyes. Players anticipate that since this dye will be rare, it will carry more value within the community.
No, dyes are removed from items when you put them on the AH.

Q. As a follow up to that, can items dyed with Collector’s Edition dyes be placed on both auction houses?
Absolutely, but the dye color is removed. Dyes are not removed if an item is dropped/traded, though.

Q. Will the AH be a part of the game world (find an auctioneer in the city to do it) or is it staying in the game menu?
We think it’d be cool, but no it’s only within the Battle.net menu.

Q. Can we expect any achievements that aren’t strictly focused on game mechanics? For example, there’s rumor that finding and killing Bashiok in game is an achievement. Are these going to be similar achievements that are more Easter Egg-like and inspired by the community?
Yes, we have many achievements that ask you to do something weird or crazy or just difficult to pull off.

Q. We’ve already shared that cosmetic rewards will be coming with some achievements. We know about the banners, but are there any other rewards we haven’t yet mentioned that we could also share with the community?
We don’t have any now, no. Titles and cosmetic item rewards would be cool but it’s a wish list item for the future. All achievement rewards are banner related, which we think is pretty cool as it displays very prominently when forming groups, as well in-game at the waypoint hubs.

Q. Will there be feat of strength achievements (I.E. first person to hit 60)?
We do have feats of strength but not one specifically for first to 60.

Q. Will you be able to bind Force Move to a mouse key?
You can bind it to anything but primary and secondary mouse buttons, but it can be bound to any other mouse buttons.

Q. Since there seems to be a cap for adventurer stats ( +MF/+GF), will the stacks refresh on a Rare or Champion kill after you hit stack cap? Example: Say a stack cap of 5, on the 6th Rare/Champion kill, will the whole stack refreshes?
The whole stack refreshes.

Q. Will there be difficulty-exclusive random events/quests?
We don’t have any, no. It’s not a bad idea so maybe it’s something we could look into for the future.

Q. When does the exit indicator appear on the mini-map? When you are within range or when your character can see it (line of sight)?
When you’re within range.

Q. Will weapons with elemental affixes get extra damage against their elemental counter-part (e.g. Holy weapons get more damage against undead)?
No, we don’t want people to feel like they’re forced to carry around a bunch of weapons with each damage type and swap them in and out to remain effective. We actually had it in the game at one point where each damage type had a secondary effect, and we were super excited about it, and then we played it and it just sucked. It sounds super cool, but in practice it just forces too much on the player and makes decisions for them on which types of items are best based on the damage type.

Q. Will poison damage stack?
DoTs can stack, and the DoT can be poison based, but poison is not inherently a DoT.

Q. In Hardcore Mode, will players receive damage from collapsing/destroyed walls and/or parts of the décor (as it is not the case in Normal Mode)?
No. Hardcore is the exact same as “softcore” in every way, you just can’t die more than once.

Q. Will the Scroll of Companion (if/when it returns) be cute and cuddly or will it be more visually gritty and dark (keeping in line with the rest of the creatures in D3)?
If companions return, we have no idea. There may be some cute and cuddly things. Cute and cuddly things can and do exist in Sanctuary. They just may get stepped on by a demon. We’d make an effort to create more dark and gritty companions though, if we do revisit the system.

Q. Will you be looking at the visuals of the Wizard skill "Blizzard" and “Meteor” after the community's negative reaction to it? Players aren’t impressed with their current visuals as compared to those in D2.
There are plenty of people that like them, and plenty of people that like one or more of the rune variants. No, we don’t have any plans to make changes to any skill visuals.

Q. Are you guys happy with where the Witch Doctor is as of patch 15? We noticed as of the last few patches, particularly 14 to 15 the WD has received an enormous amount of tuning compared to the other classes and currently feels a little overpowered at early levels.
Balance is always ongoing. It’s possible the build for patch 15 caught us at a point where we had made a lot of witch doctor changes and not changes to other classes? We generate beta patches to test ongoing updates, and don’t wait to make sure each class has had equal attention. We’re very happy with class balance on our internal builds.

Q. Since arena is temporary out of picture. Is there any other way to take participate in PvP after D3 launch? Do you plan to implement world pvp mode like D2?
No. There are many reasons why we’re focusing PvP into the arenas and not bringing back hostility. PvP Arenas will only be a few months after release, and in that time people will be trying out classes and perfecting their gear and builds. When they do arrive they’ll be an awesome addition to the game, and players will be ready to face off in some awesome PvP action in a designed and crafted experience.

Q. How does the new “Nephalem Valor” mechanism work in multiplay game? Say if 4 player kill rare creatures separately, will they receive buffs from other players’ killing credit? Or the buff will be counted separately.
Everyone in the game gets the buff when a champion/rare is killed.
« Senest Redigeret: Marts 26, 2012, 11:42:47 pm af Camelo »

Offline Ohm

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #1 Dato: Marts 26, 2012, 11:55:02 pm »
Q. Will there be feat of strength achievements (I.E. first person to hit 60)?
We do have feats of strength but not one specifically for first to 60.

Og hvordan havde de tænkt sig at det skulle virke?
Hvis kun én pr. server (region?) kan få denne achievement, er det jo kun noget, som holder de første par dage.
Jeg håber ikke disse bliver en del af % i achievement menuen, da jeg personligt da ikke ville kunne holde ud at skulle se på 99% resten af mine spildage.

Offline Rosenskjold

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #2 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:09:53 am »
Q. Will there be feat of strength achievements (I.E. first person to hit 60)?
We do have feats of strength but not one specifically for first to 60.

Og hvordan havde de tænkt sig at det skulle virke?
Hvis kun én pr. server (region?) kan få denne achievement, er det jo kun noget, som holder de første par dage.
Jeg håber ikke disse bliver en del af % i achievement menuen, da jeg personligt da ikke ville kunne holde ud at skulle se på 99% resten af mine spildage.

Som jeg ser det, siger de at der kommer feats of strength, men ikke en der hedder first to 60. Feats of strength kunne f.eks. være at spille igennem alle levels i hardcore, hvilket mere end en person ville kunne opnå. og ligesom wow tror jeg ikke fos kommer til at blive en del af samlet %.
"Pligttroskaben bærer lønnen i sig selv, men den er beskeden.
Hæderlighed er smuk, men mager.
Retfærdigheden stolt, men enøjet.
Kærligheden er sød, men kostbar.
Venskab og kammeratskab, det er godt at tænke på når man bliver gammel.
Men det eneste der betaler sig, det er forbrydelse!"

Offline Ohm

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #3 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:20:31 am »
Som jeg ser det, siger de at der kommer feats of strength, men ikke en der hedder first to 60. Feats of strength kunne f.eks. være at spille igennem alle levels i hardcore, hvilket mere end en person ville kunne opnå. og ligesom wow tror jeg ikke fos kommer til at blive en del af samlet %.

Se det giver jo lige pludseligt meget mere mening. Men er alle achievements så ikke "Feats of Strength"?
Ved godt at der selvfølgelig er forskellige sværhedsgrader, og at det kun er de sværeste der vil blive kendt som FoS.

Jeg har en lille fetish for achievements, det er slet ikke fair at smide sådan nogle med i et spil som Diablo III.
Jeg kommer jo ikke til at sove, før end at der står 100% på kontoen! ;)

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #4 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:20:52 am »
Som Rosen nævner, tvivler jeg stærkt på at der kommer til at være uopnåelige achievements. Sværre ja, men ikke nogen der kun kan fås af én person.

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #5 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:22:41 am »

Jeg har en lille fetish for achievements, det er slet ikke fair at smide sådan nogle med i et spil som Diablo III.
Jeg kommer jo ikke til at sove, før end at der står 100% på kontoen! ;)

Jeg er heldigvis i den modsatte lejr. Achievements siger mig nada. Jeg kommer til at gå op i items only :)

Offline Rosenskjold

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #6 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:25:49 am »
Som jeg ser det, siger de at der kommer feats of strength, men ikke en der hedder first to 60. Feats of strength kunne f.eks. være at spille igennem alle levels i hardcore, hvilket mere end en person ville kunne opnå. og ligesom wow tror jeg ikke fos kommer til at blive en del af samlet %.

Se det giver jo lige pludseligt meget mere mening. Men er alle achievements så ikke "Feats of Strength"?
Ved godt at der selvfølgelig er forskellige sværhedsgrader, og at det kun er de sværeste der vil blive kendt som FoS.

Jeg har en lille fetish for achievements, det er slet ikke fair at smide sådan nogle med i et spil som Diablo III.
Jeg kommer jo ikke til at sove, før end at der står 100% på kontoen! ;)

Har jeg bestemt også. Håber bare ikke de kommer til ødelægge det ligesom i wow, hvor folk vil se at man har achievement for at se at man kan finde ud af det.

Det var sku lidt øv med den udvikling vil jeg sige.
"Pligttroskaben bærer lønnen i sig selv, men den er beskeden.
Hæderlighed er smuk, men mager.
Retfærdigheden stolt, men enøjet.
Kærligheden er sød, men kostbar.
Venskab og kammeratskab, det er godt at tænke på når man bliver gammel.
Men det eneste der betaler sig, det er forbrydelse!"

Offline Bilano

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #7 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 12:06:38 pm »
hej folkens,

jeg undrer mig lidt over denne video på youtube.
Diablo 3 - Group Difficulty, CE Exclusives, Nephalem Valor, Sword of Justice (Purgatory March 26th)

Han snakker om exclusive CE items, hvor han nævner at det kun er gældende for de personer der køber collectors edition.
Ved man hvorfor det kun er gældende for dem - og hvad er det for nogle CE items ??

49 DAGE TILBAGE!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
« Senest Redigeret: Marts 27, 2012, 12:11:14 pm af Bilano »


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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #8 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 01:18:17 pm »
Hej Bilano - jeg tror du vil blive klogere på det hvis du lige trykker på dette link http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/services/collectors-edition/ og læser om Collectors Edition :)

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #9 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 03:17:58 pm »
Seriøst er det bare det ??  :) :) hehe



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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #10 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 03:36:57 pm »
Seriøst er det bare det ??  :) :) hehe


Bare og bare.. Jeg synes nu der er mange lækkerier i CE :)

Offline Bilano

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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #11 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 03:43:53 pm »
jo jo helt enig!!!
Men jeg troede jeg måske ville få et fly billet til Blizzard og spille sammen med dem i USA  ;D ;D - det nok mig der har sat forventninger  alt for højt :)


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Sv: Lidt Diablo 3-nyt - Blizzard Fansite Q&A
« Svar #12 Dato: Marts 27, 2012, 06:00:30 pm »
jo jo helt enig!!!
Men jeg troede jeg måske ville få et fly billet til Blizzard og spille sammen med dem i USA  ;D ;D - det nok mig der har sat forventninger  alt for højt :)
Med 300.000 collectors editions på verdensplan tror jeg ikke at du får en flybillet for at spille.
Kunne dog være et ordentligt LAN :)


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