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"Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I think she could use a special potion. Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'… No. 'Ray of Sunshine'… No, that's not it. Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This should help her out."
- Alkor the Alchemist

Forfatter Emne: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1  (Læst 2107 gange)

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Offline Arnull

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Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 10:39:25 pm »
I forbindelse med launch på mandag er der kommet info om de bugs, den første patch endnu ikke har fjernet:

The description of the Feat of Strength for "One of the Chosen" does not specifically state that it was granted to Closed Beta players, not all Beta players.
The description of the achievement "Why’d It Have To Be Snakes?" is misleading.
The description of the achievement "Crispy Critters" implies that all critters are found in one zone, but they are not. Good luck finding them!

Auction House
You cannot list equipped items that have been bought from a vendor.

It is possible to get ERROR 37 (The servers are busy, please try again) when logging in if the servers are under heavy stress. This error literally means that the servers are busy and that you should try again, so please try again in a minute or so!
Very quickly entering, leaving, and switching chat channels over and over can cause a player from getting locked out of chat channels.
It is possible for a friend to be on your friend's list with no name if that friend has a BattleTag but has never logged into Diablo III and is offline.
Changing your account's Parental Controls while you are in Diablo III can disconnect you from Diablo III.
Workaround: Exit Diablo III before changing Parental Controls.

Damage over time debuffs are not benefiting from items that grant crit chance.
The resurrection animation speed is being calculated by the player's attack speed. It actually should be a set amount across all players.

[Act 2] Players who cast Town Portal while standing in a tar pit will cause the tar pit slowing debuff to stay on your character until you leave the game or manually walk into and out of a tar pit.

The gold dropped from Treasure Goblins can be picked up by all members of the party. Items dropped by the Treasure Goblins are still individual player drops.
It is possible for Champion-class monsters with the Waller affix to cast their walls at their location rather than at the player's location.

The total life for Followers is rounding incorrectly and is off by 1.

Starter Edition
When a Starter Edition character hits level 13, the experience bar will read 0/0. If the player upgrades, they will start a 0 experience towards level 14.

If the user has any connections configured in "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings" and they're set to "Dial whenever a network connection is not present," the install won't proceed past 10%.
It is possible for your cinematics to stutter and not play well if you begin playing Diablo III immediately when reaching Yellow Data.
Workaround: Exit Diablo III and fully patch your game. Your cinematics should play fine then.

Running programs that put an overlay over Diablo III (such as Mumble, Xfire, and MSI Afterburner) can cause Diablo III to crash. Use these overlays at your own risk.

The Restore Hero button does not become available after deleting a hero until leaving and returning to the Select Hero page.
Game client window becomes unresponsive when a dialog box is opened in the background.


Jeg bemærkede dette:

Running programs that put an overlay over Diablo III (such as Mumble, Xfire, and MSI Afterburner) can cause Diablo III to crash. Use these overlays at your own risk.


(Jeg har lige lånt din tråd Arnull   /Angst)
« Senest Redigeret: Maj 12, 2012, 01:37:40 am af Angstskrig »

Offline Bennemus

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #1 Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 11:26:56 pm »
Det kan godt gå hen at blive et problem for mig da jeg skal bruge mumble på release dagen :-(

Offline Dammmeister

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #2 Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 11:34:34 pm »
Med Mumble kan man jo bare fjerne Overlay, så burde det vel løse problemet.
It matters little how we die,
so long as we die better men than we
imagiend we could be -
and no worse then feard.

Offline Bennemus

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #3 Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 11:40:37 pm »
Med Mumble kan man jo bare fjerne Overlay, så burde det vel løse problemet.

Må jeg lige rode lidt rundt med når jeg installerer det senere ;) tak!

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #4 Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 11:43:15 pm »
derfor man brur skype jo


Hate Lemming And Project Despise

Offline Angstskrig

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #5 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 01:38:04 am »
Har opdateret den oprindelige tråd.  :o

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #6 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 02:02:08 am »
derfor man brur skype jo
Den seneste skype bruger også overlay - den går dog som regel ikke ind over spil

Offline Dammmeister

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #7 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 09:33:34 am »
Og så bruger Skype også 5 gange så meget regnekraft i forhold til Mumble. Det har jo også sin indvirkning på valget. Og som jeg forstår det så er det Overlayet der giver problemer og ikke programmet i sig selv.
It matters little how we die,
so long as we die better men than we
imagiend we could be -
and no worse then feard.

Offline scarface

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #8 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 09:50:34 am »
Brug TS istedet for, det er efter min mening også meget bedre end mumble :)

Offline mads-wm3

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #9 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 12:30:41 pm »
overlayet kan måske give problemer men burde ikke gøre det ;) så prøv det lige før i afskriver det med det samme ;)

hvis du aktiverer TS overlay får du også en warning om at det kan give problemer med spil, både i forhold til crashing, men også som at det måske bliver detectet af anti-cheat programmer... men det er altså ikke noget problem ;)

Offline Devilrance

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Sv: Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Svar #10 Dato: Maj 12, 2012, 01:21:30 pm »
Jeg er også glad for at jeg bruger TS, og overlay er ikke så vigitigt i d3 imo.

BattleTag: Devilrance #1638


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