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Forfatter Emne: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten  (Læst 3629 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Dato: April 03, 2013, 03:10:22 am »
Blizzards game designer på Diablo 3 Wyatt Cheng har kort efter midnat dansk tid lagt en opdatering vedrørende patch 1.0.8 ud. Vi har hidtil hørt om, hvordan identify all-funktionen og monster density-forøgelsen ville være hovedindholdet i den kommende patch, men jeg skal da lige love for, at der nu også synes at være meget i vente på multiplayer- og social play-fronten. Læs det hele nedenfor.

Developer Journal: Multiplayer Improvements

In sitting down to plan out features for patch 1.0.8, we decided as a team that we really wanted to improve multiplayer co-op. We have other more long-term improvements planned as well (like the itemization updates Travis discussed earlier), but we knew there would be a lot of immediate benefit if we could just made it easier and more rewarding for people to play with each other.

Making Two Heads Actually Better Than One

From day one, it’s been our goal to make Diablo III a great co-op experience, but right now it's not living up to its full potential. Even if you enjoy playing with your friends, it can often feel easier and more efficient to play solo.

Playing solo has a number of advantages. For instance, you can choose your own route. If you're farming for something in particular (like a specific recipe), you can do it as many times as you want. And you can pause the game and attend to things in real life without making anyone wait.

Of course, multiplayer is awesome, too, and comes with its own benefits. For example, leveling up characters with a group of friends can be an amazing experience. Working together with other players to take down bosses or destroy Elite packs super quickly makes for great farming runs. There's resurrections and the banner system, and don't forget farming for Infernal Machine keys and organs. But, there are also disadvantages, like having to coordinate where you're walking and what you're attacking, losing your followers, and trying to find groups that have similar goals to yours without a defined matchmaking system in place.

The point is that multiplayer can be lot of fun, but given the downsides it can often feel not worth the effort. By making it easier for players to find one another, improving social features, and providing direct buffs to co-op groups, we hope to change that perspective.

Multiplayer Improvements in 1.0.8
Here are some changes going into 1.0.8 that we feel will help achieve our multiplayer goals:

Matchmaking Tags
Patch 1.0.8 introduces the ability to specify what we call a "matchmaking tag" for Public Games. The way this new system will work is pretty simple: in addition to selecting a difficulty, quest, and MP level, you can also select a tag that will identify what kind of gameplay you're looking for from a Public Game. The tags going onto PTR are Questing, Full Act Clear, Keywarden, and PvP. Selecting one will tell the matchmaking server to place you in a group with other players who have selected the same tag as you.

The goal is make it easier for players to find groups that fit their personal play style or will yield the best experience during any given play session. We'll be evaluating these tags during PTR, so if you have suggestions for other tags please don’t hesitate to let us know!

Multiplayer Bonuses
Many players have already figured out that if you coordinate well with your party, you're more efficient. That's definitely true, but we'd like this benefit to be more explicit. So, we're going to straight up add a bonus for playing in multiplayer.
We're still working on the details of what that buff is going to be, but at the moment we're looking at 10% more XP per extra player in the game for a maximum bonus of 30% more XP in a 4-player game. This bonus will be multiplicative with MP bonuses. For example: suppose you are playing on MP10 with an XP bonus in Inferno of 510%. This means a monster is worth 610% of its normal XP (510% more). If you are playing in a 4-player game the monster will be worth 793% as much XP as normal. On top of this, you will also earn a flat 10% Gold Find and 10% Magic Find for each additional player in the game, and this bonus can exceed the 300% Gold Find and Magic Find caps.

Monster Health
Monsters currently gain 70% extra health per additional player in the game. This is being reduced from 70% to 50%. This means in a two-player game, monsters have 150% as much health as a single-player game. In a three-player game, they have 200% as much health. And in a four-player game, they have 250% as much health (compared to 310% on live).

This further compensates for some of the inefficiencies that come with playing in a group. Ideally, this will allow you to play with someone who is less geared than you and still be better off than playing solo. It also means if someone strays from the group temporarily in a 4-player game (which inevitably happens from time to time), you'll still be at a greater advantage than if you were playing on your own.

Identify All
As previously mentioned, 1.0.8 adds Identify All to the game. In addition to being a huge quality of life improvement, ID All is good for co-op play too!  We found during our playtests that a common time for players to get separated from one another is when somebody's inventory was full and they spent a non-trivial amount of time in town identifying items, so this should help keep players together.

Archon Kills
For the Wizards out there, many of you don't play multiplayer because you need those kills to fuel your Archon. In 1.0.8, your Archon duration will also be extended by assists, so as long as you’re around when a monster dies, your Archon duration will be extended. (We have it on our radar to review other mechanics such as Life on Kill bonuses, but that's not something we'll be addressing this patch.)

Combat Alerts
When you're playing co-op, one common practice is to say "e" in chat when you come across an Elite pack.  So we thought—why doesn't the game just do this for you?

Starting in 1.0.8, when a player deals damage to or takes damage from an Elite pack or Treasure Goblin for the first time, a notification will be sent out to the entire party to let your teammates know what you've found. This will be accompanied by a "combat" icon on the mini-map so other players in your group can locate those enemies. On top of that, we're also going to put a combat icon over your banner in town. This way, players who are in town will know that you're fighting an Elite pack or Treasure Goblin and be able to quickly determine whose banner to take to get right into the action.

Players Near You
Similar to the feature in StarCraft II, the "Players Near You" window will display all players who are logged into Diablo III from your local network. This feature is great if you're playing while at a university dorm or frequent Internet cafes, and will help you easily connect with other local players.

Private Chat
We're also adding private conversations in 1.0.8, which will allow you to chat with up to 99 of your closest friends. Think of private conversations in Diablo III as being similar to multi-user conversations in your favorite IM client. You're not making a permanent "channel," you're simply inviting multiple people to chat for the duration of that session.

This is really just the first step in the process of improving the social experience in Diablo III and supporting its vibrant community. We know that players want bigger and more varied group chat functionality (like guilds and chat channels that are more permanent), and we do have concrete plans for additional features in the future. In the meantime, we hope private chat is a useful tool and look forward to delivering more systems that foster player interaction.

Testing, Testing 1 . . . 2 . . . 3
This is just a snapshot of the improvements coming in 1.0.8, and you'll be able to test out these changes and more before they go live by hopping onto the PTR. We definitely encourage you to participate, test out what's new, and let us know what you think!

Wyatt Cheng is a senior technical game designer for Diablo III. He is currently toying with molecular gastronomy recipes. For science!


Der er altså tale om en hel bunke nye tiltag på den sociale front, når det drejer sig om, hvordan spillere interagerer i selve spillet, og de muligheder de har for dette. Personligt ser jeg de omtalte tags som en rigtig stor ting i Diablo 3, hvor jeg altid har følt det yderst anonymt at joine public games. Med tags når vi lidt ad vejen tilbage mod 'create games', som de fungerede i Diablo 2 - så mangler vi bare muligheden for at give spillet et navn.

Jeg må sige, at jeg får mere og mere tro på, at Diablo 3 med tiden kommer til at leve op til sit navn.
« Senest Redigeret: April 03, 2013, 03:29:17 am af Camelo »

Offline RedMunch

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #1 Dato: April 03, 2013, 07:51:50 am »
Daaaaammm :D

hva sker der for de er ved at få fingeren ud af det hullet hvor solen ik skinner ;)

Matchmaking Tags
Det bliver jo nice at joine public når man sidder alene som snart både har mp levels og matchmaking system så man finder folk som vil lave samme type runs som en selv :)

Multiplayer Bonuses
Valor buff om igen ?? virker denne bonus ikke lidt kedelig eftersom mange har ramt level 100 ??? nogle nye buff ville da ha været federe som evt. movement speed eller at ens party alle har 10 gold pickup så jo flere man er jo mere guld hjælper party med at samle op til en ??

Monster Health
Som de selv nævner er det effektivt at farme i gruppe hvis man er bygget til det bliver det ikke lidt for nemt med 60% liv mindre ??

Identify All
YES så mangler vi bare cain ved siden af bordet :D

Archon Kills
Det er nok hvad jeg ser mest frem til!! den bliver crazy allerede med critical mass kan jeg i multiplayer næsten have arcon oppe hele tiden :D nu bliver det ikke noget problem !! :D

Combat Alerts
Endnu en mega nice update hvis man ikke lige sidder på ts med ens party så kan man stadig hurtig hjælpe uden kommunikation som i public :) og ekstra ikon over banner så man ikke skal til at tjekke navnene er en lækker bonus :)

Players Near You
lidt "useless" da jeg i hvert fald oftest game fra min stationær hjemme og ved hvem der spiller på mit netvært :/

Private Chat
Længe ventet!!! så det muligt at linke et item til hele d3x på en gang :D

NU kan det kun gå for langsomt med pacth !! :D

Offline Andrea8900

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #2 Dato: April 03, 2013, 08:24:35 am »
Super nice nyheder! Glæder mig til at se og prøve ændringerne!
Er der nogen der kender tidshorisonten for en frigivelse af patchen?

Diablo Profile: Andrea8900

Offline DreamWalker

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #3 Dato: April 03, 2013, 08:55:59 am »
Niiiice, det var ting som manglede, og burde jo egentligt være blevet tilføjet noget før tbh. Men bedre sent end aldrig!


Tror ikke en gang den er på ptr endnu, og hvis den er, jamen så den kun lige kommet, og mangler minimum 3-4 ugers test før den går live. Samme gælder selvfølgelig hvis den ikke er kommet på ptr endnu. 3-4 uger efter ptr announce, plejer de at gå live.
Venlig hilsen DreamWalker

Min profil: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DreamWalker-2175/hero/93745

Donnie: Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?
Frank: Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #4 Dato: April 03, 2013, 01:20:10 pm »
Den er ikke på PTR endnu. Men mon ikke det sker inden længe.

Jeg er glad for at se, at jeg ikke er den eneste, der er overvejende positiv over denne patch. Og med udsigt til en patch 1.0.9, der givetvis kommer til at byde på item-ændringer, ser det da ganske lyst ud :)

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #5 Dato: April 03, 2013, 02:59:56 pm »
Jamen det er da ikke så ringe endda ;)

Jeg savner dog "farming" som et matchmaking tag, men det er vel blot fordi de lige vil teste på PTR om folk kan og vil bruge det - kommer dog stadig til at give noget rod med farming ruter som sandsynligvis får nogle navne efter hvem der ligger dem ud osv. og det vil se lidt sært ud som et tag navn... Hvis vi så bare lige snart kommer ud af det quest system virker det nok meget godt :)

Og så er jeg enig med RedMunch i at reduceringen af helath per player og den der player bonus i form af guld og magic find og exp er en ret flad løsning.. For det første vil det blot betyde at folk der kan farme MP8 nu i en gruppe uden store overvejelser kan bevæge sig op på MP10, fordi det bliver en del lettere - og så begyner der at være snak om nyt endgame content, og så skal vi måske have en MP skala helt op til 20? Og igen hvis det er så nødvendigt at smide 10-30% mf efter spillere for at de spiller sammen med andre så er coop allerede ret dårligt stillet, det må kunne gøres bedre.

Ellers ser jeg en hel masse lys punkter med Archon kills, Combat Alerts og chat forbedringer :)

Players Near you bliver også en rar funktion, selvom ofte vil de nok være på ens venneliste i forvejen - men når der holdes lan eller man lige fovilder sig ned i netcafeen så er det måske ikke en helt tosset ting at have :)

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #6 Dato: April 03, 2013, 03:09:36 pm »
Jeg skrev i øvrigt denne kommentar inde på siden. Beklager mit engelske nedenfor, men jeg savner trade games.

How about adding a tag for trade games? I remember my best days with D2 spent trading ingame with strangers. Trading in D3 is completely anonymous and not very social (thanks to the auction house). Why not make trading a social aspect once again. I know that some channels are used for this but it just isn't the same as trading ingame.

Basically - I think there is a lot room for a lot of interesting tags. How about nation based tags? Maybe being able to choose a level 1 tag called "country" and then being able to choose your country if you want to play with people who speak your native tongue.

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #7 Dato: April 03, 2013, 03:15:09 pm »
Jeg skrev i øvrigt denne kommentar inde på siden. Beklager mit engelske nedenfor, men jeg savner trade games.

How about adding a tag for trade games? I remember my best days with D2 spent trading ingame with strangers. Trading in D3 is completely anonymous and not very social (thanks to the auction house). Why not make trading a social aspect once again. I know that some channels are used for this but it just isn't the same as trading ingame.

Basically - I think there is a lot room for a lot of interesting tags. How about nation based tags? Maybe being able to choose a level 1 tag called "country" and then being able to choose your country if you want to play with people who speak your native tongue.
Lækkert forslag faktisk :)

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #8 Dato: April 03, 2013, 03:17:36 pm »
Jeg skrev i øvrigt denne kommentar inde på siden. Beklager mit engelske nedenfor, men jeg savner trade games.

How about adding a tag for trade games? I remember my best days with D2 spent trading ingame with strangers. Trading in D3 is completely anonymous and not very social (thanks to the auction house). Why not make trading a social aspect once again. I know that some channels are used for this but it just isn't the same as trading ingame.

Basically - I think there is a lot room for a lot of interesting tags. How about nation based tags? Maybe being able to choose a level 1 tag called "country" and then being able to choose your country if you want to play with people who speak your native tongue.

Lækkert forslag faktisk :)

Tak. Hvis du støtter op om forslaget, vil jeg foreslå, at du kommenterer mit indlæg derinde, så det får opmærksomhed :)

Det er på side seks lige nu: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/9382478/developer-journal-multiplayer-improvements-4-2-2013%EF%BF%BD
« Senest Redigeret: April 03, 2013, 03:21:11 pm af Camelo »

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #9 Dato: April 06, 2013, 10:28:04 am »
Spillet tager et skridt i den rigtige retning fra patch til patch.

Offline naraziah

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #10 Dato: April 06, 2013, 03:13:01 pm »
Jeg skrev i øvrigt denne kommentar inde på siden. Beklager mit engelske nedenfor, men jeg savner trade games.

How about adding a tag for trade games? I remember my best days with D2 spent trading ingame with strangers. Trading in D3 is completely anonymous and not very social (thanks to the auction house). Why not make trading a social aspect once again. I know that some channels are used for this but it just isn't the same as trading ingame.

Basically - I think there is a lot room for a lot of interesting tags. How about nation based tags? Maybe being able to choose a level 1 tag called "country" and then being able to choose your country if you want to play with people who speak your native tongue.

Begge rigtig nice forslag, specielt det med at gøre trading social

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #11 Dato: April 06, 2013, 03:26:32 pm »
Jeg er glad for, at du er enig. Jeg vil råde dig til at støtte op om forslaget derinde, ved at skrive en kommentar til mit indlæg, Naraziah :) Jeg ved ikke helt, hvordan man ellers kan gøre.
« Senest Redigeret: April 06, 2013, 03:29:49 pm af Camelo »

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Patch 1.0.8: Stort nyt på multiplayer-fronten
« Svar #12 Dato: April 06, 2013, 04:47:34 pm »
Jeg er glad for, at du er enig. Jeg vil råde dig til at støtte op om forslaget derinde, ved at skrive en kommentar til mit indlæg, Naraziah :) Jeg ved ikke helt, hvordan man ellers kan gøre.
Jeg smed i hvertfald både en "like" og en kommentar hvor jeg fremhævede at det specielt i Europa vil være rart at have nationalitet som tag - da jeg ikke rigtig tror de tænker så meget over hvor stor forskel der er på spillere i Europa i forhold til USA...


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