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"Fool! You have just ensured the doom of this world. You cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion this day. Go to the Temple of Light, in the eastern city of Kurast. There you will find the gate to Hell opened before you. You must find the courage to step through that gate, Marius! Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed. Now run! Take the stone and run!"
- Tyrael til Marius

Forfatter Emne: BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april  (Læst 1898 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april
« Dato: April 07, 2013, 07:36:23 pm »
I tilfælde af at du skulle have tid, penge og lyst til at deltage i BlizzCon 2013, som finder sted d. 8.-9. november 2013, skal du sidde klar d. 24. april, hvor billetterne sættes til salg.

Mark your calendars—a Blizzard is coming to Southern California! Tickets for BlizzCon® 2013 will go on sale in two batches on Wednesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. PDT and Saturday, April 27 at 10 a.m. PDT through the official BlizzCon website. In addition, a limited number of tickets to an exclusive pre-BlizzCon Benefit Dinner will go on sale Wednesday, May 1 at 7 p.m. PDT.

BlizzCon 2013 takes place November 8 and 9 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, and tickets to the two-day show will be available at $175 USD each. Tickets to the Benefit Dinner (which includes admission to BlizzCon) will be priced at $500 USD each, with proceeds benefitting Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Tickets to previous BlizzCon events have sold out within minutes, so be sure to synchronize your hourglasses.

BlizzCon 2013 takes place November 8 and 9 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, and tickets to the two-day show will be available at $175 USD each. Tickets to the Benefit Dinner (which includes admission to BlizzCon) will be priced at $500 USD each, with proceeds benefitting Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Tickets to previous BlizzCon events have sold out within minutes, so be sure to synchronize your hourglasses.

Paladins, demon hunters, and Ghosts who can’t make it to the show in person will once again have the option to enjoy BlizzCon from home by ordering a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, offering comprehensive live coverage of the event via a multi-channel Internet stream. Further details on the Virtual Ticket, including pricing, availability, and programming information, will be announced at a later date.

See the full press release or check out the BlizzCon Ticket page for more information, and be sure visit the official BlizzCon website at the dates and times above for a chance to purchase a ticket to the show. We hope to see you in Anaheim!

« Senest Redigeret: April 08, 2013, 12:14:31 am af Camelo »

Offline MonsterPool

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Sv: BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april
« Svar #1 Dato: April 07, 2013, 08:28:06 pm »
Kunne sørme godt tænke mig at være med. Helt sikkert. Det er dog ikke helt gratis med sådan en smuttur, desværre.

Offline Andrea8900

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Sv: BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april
« Svar #2 Dato: April 08, 2013, 09:43:52 am »
Du er ikke den eneste Monster :) Jeg gad også godt, men tiden, pengene og sønnike gør at det ikke helt er muligt!

Diablo Profile: Andrea8900

Offline iRubMyDuck

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Sv: BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april
« Svar #3 Dato: April 08, 2013, 09:47:16 am »
Jeg kunne også vildt godt tænke mig at være med! men jeg må nok nøjes med at se det på youtube som jeg plejer  :(

Offline Laban

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Sv: BlizzCon 2013 - billetter til salg fra 24. april
« Svar #4 Dato: April 08, 2013, 09:53:40 pm »
Jeg syntes d3x crewet skulle arrangere en pengeindsamling blandt brugerne og så sende mig afsted som repræsentant ;-)

Men spændende bliver det helt sikkert


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