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"Fool! You have just ensured the doom of this world. You cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion this day. Go to the Temple of Light, in the eastern city of Kurast. There you will find the gate to Hell opened before you. You must find the courage to step through that gate, Marius! Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed. Now run! Take the stone and run!"
- Tyrael til Marius

Medlemsliste A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Status Brugernavn E-mail Webside AIM YIM Position Dato for registrering Indlæg
Offline Rhazmuz 2012-05-15 2
Offline cumcd 2012-05-15 2
Offline BimmerDK 2017-07-18 2
Offline Rothbard 2012-05-16 2
Offline MrAllstar 2012-05-17 2
Offline dmem 2012-05-20 2
Offline ---Caiser--- 2013-05-24 2
Offline ravetech 2012-05-20 2
Offline Schwarzenegger 2012-05-21 2
Offline Nysted 2012-05-21 2
Offline icronRDS 2012-05-21 2
Offline kaptajn kalle 2012-05-22 2
Offline Stift69 2015-02-10 2
Offline Sverkel 2012-05-22 2
Offline Surge 2012-05-23 2
Offline sixth 2012-05-24 2
Offline Stryker 2012-05-26 2
Offline Pitski 2012-05-27 2
Offline eLmasten 2012-05-27 2
Offline wjeztar 2012-05-27 2
Offline lotuslars 2012-05-28 2
Offline Falcken 2012-05-29 2
Offline paradoxs 2012-05-30 2
Offline Acosmo 2012-05-31 2
Offline Qudubz 2012-05-31 2
Offline Bruhns 2012-05-31 2
Offline zeyn 2012-06-01 2
Offline TentpoleLOL 2012-06-02 2
Offline Leaske 2012-06-03 2
Offline Lajsen 2012-06-08 2
Offline Undefeatable 2012-06-07 2
Offline wolfgang 2012-06-09 2
Offline MadsHansen 2012-06-11 2
Offline Smartis 2012-06-12 2
Offline trolldad 2012-06-17 2
Offline Blazorman 2012-06-16 2
Offline Purplephatcat 2012-06-15 2
Offline Diawo 2012-06-16 2
Offline Djeap 2012-06-18 2
Offline fantatic 2012-06-19 2
Offline arntos 2014-06-21 2
Offline Hugzy 2014-03-22 2
Offline Bmach 2014-01-04 2
Offline Fandango 2012-06-23 2
Offline Moccabear 2012-06-23 2
Offline christinalahn 2012-06-25 2
Offline zeneex 2012-06-25 2
Offline hfubbe 2012-06-25 2
Offline Shortae 2012-06-25 2
Offline mabiom92 2012-06-25 2
Offline jkkruse 2012-06-25 2
Offline Halvor 2012-06-25 2
Offline Danielxb 2012-06-26 2
Offline sjhc26 2015-02-23 2
Offline mzungu1 2012-07-01 2
Offline Kazcal 2014-07-03 2
Offline The Scorpion 2012-07-04 2
Offline Animal 2012-07-08 2
Offline MrSikker 2013-11-16 2
Offline Forsing 2012-08-01 2
Offline deras4 2012-08-05 2
Offline bu084 2012-08-08 2
Offline Erratic2804 2013-07-17 2
Offline Ranalape 2012-08-23 2
Offline Wallemgk 2012-09-05 2
Offline Niko 2013-02-17 2
Offline AntonOlin 2013-01-31 2
Offline DanielStidsen 2014-02-13 2
Offline pela-9 2013-04-25 2
Offline Pokerfrande 2012-11-07 3
Offline wendigo 2009-02-15 3
Offline oolicks_rNb 2009-09-02 3
Offline serafhin 2013-01-22 3
Offline Biggyh 2011-03-28 3
Offline Chuck Norris 2012-10-20 3
Offline Rocks 2011-06-18 3
Offline Ringholm 2013-03-02 3
Offline sink 2012-02-17 3
Offline madsbasse12 2012-02-18 3
Offline Klog 2012-02-23 3
Offline Azular 2012-02-20 3
Offline Bjarkelaust 2012-02-20 3
Offline hardyguy 2012-02-22 3
Offline Rosendal 2013-02-19 3
Offline cmain 2013-02-05 3
Offline Zarw 2012-11-12 3
Offline Herbie2100 2013-02-23 3
Offline jakester 2012-05-15 3
Offline Kinnu 2012-05-15 3
Offline Collins 2012-05-15 3
Offline storke 2012-05-17 3
Offline Bebop 2012-05-18 3
Offline steen 2012-05-22 3
Offline Bøllemis 2012-05-24 3
Offline thedanishcast 2012-06-01 3
Offline talbot 2012-06-02 3
Offline YKondi 2012-06-05 3
Offline planke1167 2012-06-05 3
Offline EXORCIM 2012-06-09 3
Offline Adec 2012-06-13 3
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  • MonsterPool: [link]
    Juni 09, 2024, 10:59:16 pm
  • mads-wm3: Bøh!
    Januar 20, 2024, 11:41:03 pm
  • MonsterPool: Back online!
    November 21, 2022, 08:12:14 pm
  • mads-wm3: Yes, det har vi - er du kommet ind på den endnu eller?
    Oktober 03, 2021, 08:03:54 pm
  • darkdk: Har vi egentlig en discord?
    September 27, 2021, 04:04:14 pm
  • RedMunch: Hvis nogle skal med kl. 17 så join discord eller tilføj mig på battlenet :P
    September 23, 2021, 08:54:02 am
  • Subtonic: 18 timer aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh
    September 22, 2021, 11:10:42 pm