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"Jeg har slettet en masse sperm fra det her topic."
- Headbanger


The Wizard var den tredje character class der blev offentliggjort til Diablo 3. Dette skete 10/10-08.
The Wizard er Diablo 2's The Sorceress' arvtager. Blizzard beskriver denne character class som yngre og mindre lært end en egentlig sorceress/troldkvinde.

Fra Abd Al-Hazirs skrifter
Owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My quarrel is with those sorcerers who dismiss the ancient traditions and teachings – teachings that have been honed over millennia in order to preserve respect for authority and the rule of law.

Recently the youth of Caldeum have fallen prey to the overblown stories of just such a delinquent wizard. That is correct: I used the uncouth term wizard, not sorcerer. It seems that even the title of a civilized magic wielder is too restrictive for this young upstart. Through my contacts at the Yshari Sanctum of the mage clans, I am one of the few who actually know the truth behind the rumors now sweeping our streets regarding this hellion who flaunts her magic irresponsibly.

This wizard was sent here to spend her formative years under the tutelage of the best mages in the world. Well, it seems they neglected to teach our wizard manners on her native island of Xiansai, for she was a rude and uncooperative student from the very beginning. Originally under the guidance of the Zann Esu mage clan, she was eventually handed over to the Vizjerei in the hopes that their strict and unbending discipline would break her anarchic spirit. Yet even the esteemed Vizjerei instructors were unable to rein her in. She was continually being caught seeking out dangerous and forbidden magics, heedless of the consequences to herself or anyone around her.

Although there is no truth to the tales that she actually ventured into the infamous Bitter Depths below the Sanctum, she was caught in the Ancient Repositories, where the most dangerous incantations are housed for the safety of the public. When confronted by the great Vizjerei mage Valthek and demanded to account for herself, she brazenly attacked him rather than face the punishment merited by her acts. Exaggerated stories of the battle are already being inflated to mythic proportions by the more rebellious of our city's youth, but suffice it to say that she did not actually best Yshari's most powerful mage in single, honorable combat. The details of the encounter remain unclear, as Valthek has yet to regain consciousness, but it has been verified by reliable sources that she relied on trickery and deceit to bring the great man low. I have also been assured that the extensive property damage was chiefly the result of Valthek's magical prowess, not the upstart wizard's. As to where she is now, no one rightly knows, for she fled the city immediately after the encounter.

It is not my goal to alarm, but I find this situation disturbing. We now have a rebellious wizard, young and inexperienced, wandering the world, dabbling in powerful magics she does not understand. Those wiser than you or I determined long ago that certain schools of magic were too dangerous and forbade their practice. It is those magics that this wizard seems determined to explore – magics centered on manipulating the primal forces from which reality is constructed. Imagine, a headstrong nineteen-year-old youth, able to warp time itself to her will! The thought is truly terrifying. It is my honest hope that this self-styled wizard chooses never to return to Caldeum.

Arcane Skill Tree

Tier 1 Skills

Magic Missile
Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Fires X missiles of energy at your enemies causing Y-Z arcane damage.
Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 seconds.

Expanded Mind
Max Rank: 0/15
Max rank: 5
Description: Increasing the Wizard's mana by X%

Tier 2 Skills
Wave of Force
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: Projects a wave outwards, repelling enemies and projectiles, dealing X-Y damage.

Tier 3 Skills
Arcane Orb
Direct Damage
Max rank: 5
Description: The Wizard summons an orb of pure energy dealing X-Y arcane damage on contact and an additional Z-A arcane damage to all enemies in the blast area.

Energy Shield
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: A protective barrier absorbing X incoming damage in exchange for mana.
Each point of damage absorbed costs 2 mana.

Tier 4 Skills
Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Emanates a constant piercing beam of pure energy dealing X-Y arcane damage per second. Damage is reduced to 80% for each target the beam passes through.

Slow Time
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: Creates a bubble, warping space and time, slowing nearby monsters and projectiles. Also increases the attack cooldown of enemies.

Tier 5 Skills
Arcane Torrent
Damage Over Time
Max rank: ?
Description: Meteorites showers the targeted area dealing X-Y damage per second.

Arcane Weakness
Max rank: 5
Description: Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are affected by Arcane Weakness, increasing damage taken by X% for 5 seconds.

Tier 6 Skills
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: Teleport to the selected location up to X feet away. Teleport can only be used every Y seconds.

Conjuring Skill Tree

Tier 1 Skills
Spectral Blade
Direct Damage
Max rank: 5
Summons a spectral blade that strikes each enemy in front of the Wizard 3 times causing X-Y physical damage with each hit.

Tier 2 Skills
Mirror Image
Active Skill
Max rank: 5
Create an illusionary duplicate of yourself for X seconds, with Y% of caster's health.

Stability Control
Max rank: 5
Description: Health globes restore X% mana when picked up.

Tier 3 Skills
Explosive Blast
Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: A blast of energy explodes at the target causing X-Y damage in a small radius.

Stone Skin
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: Shield yourself with a crystalline skin, absorbing X damage.

Tier 4 Skills
Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Summons a hydra that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire. Hydras deals X-Y damage per attack.

Max rank: 5
Description: Health globes increases your critical hit chance by X% for Y seconds.

Tier 5 Skills
Mighty Impact
Max rank: 5
Description: Increases critical hit damage by X%.

Magic Weapon
Active Skill
Max rank: ?
Description: Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it an increase of X-Y damage for 120 seconds.

Storm Skill Tree

Tier 1 Skills
Charged Bolt
Direct Damage
Max rank: 5
Description: Launch a volley of 3 electric bolts that deal X-Y lightning damage each.
Critical hits from lightning damage stuns targets for 2 seconds.

Ice Armor
Active Skill
Max rank: 5
Description: A field of ice slows movement and attack speed of enemies that attack you at close range, causing X cold damage.

Tier 2 Skills
Frost Nova
Direct Damage
Max rank: 5
Description: An explosion of ice pelts hits nearby enemies for X-Y cold damage. Has an additional 50% chance of a critical hit.

Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Shoots lightning from the fingertips of the Wizard towards an enemy, electrocuting it for X-Y lightning damage.

Tier 3 Skills
Empowered Armor
Max rank: 5
Description: Increases your armor by X%

Energy Twister

AoE Damage Over Time
Max Rank: ?
Description: Summons an Energy Twister that deals X damage per second to everything in its way.

Tier 4 Skills
Bonechilling Cold
Max rank: 5
Description: Deals an additional X% damage to Frozen targets.

Ray of Frost
Direct Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Projects a constant beam of cold energy that deals X cold damage per second.

Tier 5 Skills
Damage Over Time
Max Rank: ?
Description: Call down shards of ice to pelt an area dealing X-Y cold damage per second for 3 seconds.

Storm Armor
Retroactive Damage
Max rank: ?
Description: Surrounds the Wizard in electrical energy. Electroc bolts are automatically fired at attackers for X-Y damage. Armor spells affect both you and all nearby allies, and you can only be affected by one armor spell at a time.

Tier 6 Skills
Storm Power
Max rank: ?
Description: Increase damage of all lightning and ice spells.

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