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"Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I think she could use a special potion. Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'… No. 'Ray of Sunshine'… No, that's not it. Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This should help her out."
- Alkor the Alchemist

Forfatter Emne: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes  (Læst 4925 gange)

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Offline MonsterPool

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Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 10:18:11 am »
Patch nr. 13 er nu udgivet til Diablo 3 beta.

Diablo III Beta Patch 13 – v.
Released 2/18/2012

A number of significant changes have been made to the character skill and rune systems, as well as to the gold and currency-based auction houses. To learn more about these changes and why they were made, please read the Skill and Rune Changes blog written by Jay Wilson and the Beta Auction House Changes Incoming forum post.

All characters have been wiped. Please note that this wipe will also affect gold, achievements, items, followers, and artisans.

Intelligence now grants 0.1 per point to resistances, and will no longer award any bonus to healing from health globes

When dual-wielding, certain skills will now always use your main-hand weapon to determine damage
For example, Cyclone Strike will use your main-hand weapon damage even if your off-hand weapon is set to swing next

An option to permanently enable Advanced Tooltips has been added to the Gameplay Options

Auction House
The gold auction house is once again available for testing
The listing fee for all auctions has been removed
The transaction fee for auctions in the currency-based auction house has been increased to 1.25 Beta Bucks
The minimum listing price for an item in the currency-based auction house has been increased to 1.50 Beta Bucks
Players may now only have 10 active auctions per auction house
Tooltips have been added which will allow players to compare items on the auction house to the items they're currently wearing

Public chat is now available to test
Cross-game support has been added! You can now chat with Real ID friends playing the World of Warcraft PTR or StarCraft II PTR, as well as view their in-game status.

The levels at which both active and passive skills unlock have been adjusted for all classes
Skill runes are now available for testing
The first skill rune will unlock for all characters at level 6, and players can unlock additional runes as they level up
In total, players will be able to gain access to 5 skill runes for each skill by level 60

Character skills have been broken down into categories, and each category has been assigned to a specific mouse button or action bar slot in the skill UI
The following categories will be shared by all classes:
Primary Attack
"Primary Attack" applies to skills that typically generate resources and can be used frequently
By default, Primary Attack is assigned to the first mouse button

Secondary Attack
"Secondary Attack" applies to more powerful skills that are commonly limited by a cooldown or resource cost
By default, Secondary Attack is assigned to the second mouse button

"Defensive" applies to skills which can be used to escape or control the flow of combat
By default, Defensive is assigned to the first action bar quick slot

Each class will also have three additional categories which are unique. By default, these categories will be assigned to the second, third, and fourth quick slots in the main action bar.

Elective Mode: For players who wish to explore character builds which cannot be accomplished with the provided categories, an “Elective Mode” has been provided. When activated, Elective Mode will allow you to place any skill in any skill category slot, as freely as you could before.
To enable Elective Mode, simply check the corresponding box located in the Gameplay Options menu.
The cooldown on swapping skills has been decreased from 30 seconds to 15 seconds

Active Skills
Weapon damage increased from 145% to 150%

Weapon damage increased from 115% to 120%

Weapon damage increased from 100% to 110%

Ground Stomp
Base skill no longer deals weapon damage
Stun duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds

Hammer of the Ancients
Weapon damage increased from 180% to 200%

Leap Attack
Weapon damage increased from 100% to 125%

Threatening Shout
Damage reduction decreased from 50% to 25%

Passive Skills

Weapons Master
Swords/Daggers: Damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%
Maces/Axes: Chance to critically hit increased from 5% to 10%
Polearms/Spears: No change
Mighty Weapons: Fury generated per hit increased from 1 to 3

Demon Hunter
Active Skills
Bola Shot
Weapon damage to main target increased from 100% to 130%
Weapon damage to other targets in range increased from 75% to 110%

Movement speed reduction decreased from 65% to 60%

Weapon damage increased from 135% to 150%

Entangling Shot
Hatred generation decreased from 4 to 3

Evasive Fire
Weapon damage increased from 115% to 125%
Pathing has been improved when performing a backflip

Hungering Arrow
Weapon damage increased from 85% to 115%

Weapon damage decreased from 275% to 250%

Pathing has been improved

Passive Skills
Steady Aim
Damage bonus when no enemies are within 10 yards increased from 10% to 20%

Maximum Hatred bonus decreased from 50 to 25
When healed by a health globe, Hatred gain increased from 10 to 20 and Discipline gain increased from 1 to 2

Active Skills
Breath of Heaven
Spirit cost reduced from 50 to 25
Heal amount increased
Now has a 15 second cooldown

Dashing Strike
Weapon damage decreased from 160% to 80%
Pathing has been improved

Exploding Palm
Weapon damage from bleed effect decreased from 65% to 60%

Lashing Tail Kick
Weapon damage decreased from 225% to 200%

Mantra of Evasion
Chance to dodge bonus decreased from 25% to 15%
Secondary bonus to dodge attacks, in effect for the first 3 seconds after activation, also decreased from 25% to 15%

Passive Skills
Guardian's Path
When dual-wielding, chance to dodge bonus increased from 10% to 15%
While using a two-handed weapon, Spirit regeneration bonus increased from 20% to 25%

Enemy damage reduction decreased from 30% to 25%

Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor mana has received a tuning pass

Active Skills
Corpse Spiders
Weapon damage per swing decreased from 38% to 25% per spider

Weapon damage decreased from 155% to 100%

Grasp of the Dead
Movement speed reduction increased from 50% to 60%

Duration of Haunt no longer scales per level
Now deals 350% weapon damage over 15 seconds

Damage bonus to hexed enemy decreased from 20% to 12%

Plague of Toads
Weapon damage decreased from 150% to 130% per toad

Summon Zombie Dogs
Weapon damage per hit decreased from 15% to 9% per dog

Passive Skills
Spiritual Attunement
Mana regeneration decreased from 2% to 1% of maximum Mana per second


Arcane Power regeneration has been lowered from 12.5 per second to 10 per second

Active Skills
Arcane Orb
Weapon damage increased from 225% to 250%

Diamond Skin
Maximum absorption amount decreased

Frost Nova
No longer deals weapon damage

Ray of Frost
Weapon damage increased from 155% to 200%
Movement speed reduction decreased from 40% to 30%
Attack speed reduction decreased from 30% to 20%
Duration of slow and attack speed reduction decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds

Shock Pulse
Weapon damage increased from 90% to 105%

Wave of Force
Weapon damage decreased from 250% to 220%
Movement speed reduction increased from 50% to 60%

Passive Skills
Glass Cannon
Damage bonus reduced from 20% to 15%

The cost to level the Blacksmith has been reduced by 50%
The gold and reagent cost of Blacksmithing recipes has received a tuning pass
The following affixes now have a chance to appear twice when crafting an item:
Min damage
Max damage
All Elemental damage types

Heal amount increased

Healing per second increased

Passive Spirit regeneration granted by the Spirit Regeneration item affix has been increased
Quivers will now grant +damage
New item affixes have been added!
Chance on hit to:

Vendors will now change their inventories more often throughout the game, and will have access to wider variety of item affixes
The chance for a white item to appear in a vendor's stock has been reduced from 30% to 10%
The vendor value of all items has been reduced

The health and damage of all monster in the game have been adjusted
The amount of gold dropped by monsters has been increased

Bug Fixes

For a full list of documented game and service bugs, please review the Known Issues sticky located in the Beta Bug Report forum.

Achievements should now awarded properly once their objectives are met
Accounts that were locked by error messages (such as ERROR_395002) should now be unlocked
Players should now be able to buy gold using their Beta Bucks

Kilde: Lylirra her
« Senest Redigeret: Februar 19, 2012, 10:20:57 am af MonsterPool »

Offline SirSoren

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #1 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 10:34:53 am »
Nåde også lige at smide patchen op haha. Men en god gerneing kan vel ikke gøres for ofte  :)

Jeg har slettet mit topic.

edit; for at kommenterer lidt på ændringer kan jeg specielt godt lide at man har nedsat prisen som de handlende vil give for dit gear mens gold drops fra monstre er hævet. igen bliver vi mindet om ikke at samle hvide genstande op  :)

Samtidig har man justeret mængden af hvide genstande der dukker op ved de handle hvilket jo også er fornuftigt nok. (hvem gider at bruge et normalt item når man kan bruge et magisk)

Ud over dette skiftes udvalget også merer ofte, det vil helt klart kunne anvendes i den indledende del af spillet.
« Senest Redigeret: Februar 19, 2012, 10:44:30 am af SirSoren »

Hvis du er i tvivl så spørg Jakob:

Offline MonsterPool

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #2 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 10:41:28 am »
Lige præcis. En del ændringer her. Bliver spændende at teste skill rune ved level 6.

Offline SirSoren

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #3 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 10:46:21 am »
Lige præcis. En del ændringer her. Bliver spændende at teste skill rune ved level 6.

Ja, kan slet ikke overskue alle skill-ændringer, så er i første omgang gået i gang med at kigge på de generelle ændringer samt det nye runesystem.

Hvis du er i tvivl så spørg Jakob:

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #4 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 11:03:23 am »
Skill ændringerne er ikke super store tbh..
Kort sammenfatning:

Barb og Wiz er blevet buffed en smule
DH er blevet buffed rigtig meget
Monk er blevet nerfed en smule
WD er blevet nerfed rigtig meget

Det jeg synes er mest synd er at mantra of evasion nu er helt useless. Den var ikke super god før fordi der er bedre mantras, men nu er den da bare til grin.

Offline mldk

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #5 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 06:29:04 pm »
Nu har jeg ikke selv adgang til betaen, men vil jer der spiller det mene vi er kommet tættere på et færdigt spil med seneste patch?
Spiller lige nu: Diablo2 & Torchlight

Offline Kyll

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #6 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 08:12:08 pm »
Må indrømme det er svært for en ikke beta spiller at gøre sig klog på disse nerfs og buffs.
Jeg synes både DH / Wiz / Barb lød til at være i lead rent skade mæssigt, og så Monk og WD i slutningen, nu har nerfbattet lige gjort det endnu værre.
Der må være en mening med galskaben, forhåbentlig er det pga deres interne test på de senere levels de har set en grund til disse ændringen, jeg kan bare ikke set det ud fra betaen ;((

Rune løsningen er jeg ikke vild med, nu får man dem serveret på et søvlfad i stedet for at finde det som loot, det er da lidt synd.

Der er i det hele taget ikke mange valg man skal foretage sig vedr sin klasse, øv øv alt for simpelt.

Offline Rage

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #7 Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 11:05:29 pm »
Vil lige add den her youtube vid med Force der forklare de nye ændringer .
Elsker at se hans videoer, da jeg hurtig mister fokus når jeg læser :)

Diablo 3 Beta - Patch 13: New Skill System, Skill Runes, Public Chat Channels and More!

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #8 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 07:53:01 am »
New item affixes have been added!
Chance on hit to:
De var der også i patch 10... Jeg gik og legede med Fear og Blind - chancen for dem var bare så lav og jag fandt dem kun på store våben så de fleste døde efter et slag...

Offline SirSoren

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #9 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 10:36:15 am »
New item affixes have been added!
Chance on hit to:
De var der også i patch 10... Jeg gik og legede med Fear og Blind - chancen for dem var bare så lav og jag fandt dem kun på store våben så de fleste døde efter et slag...

Hvad med på uniques og boss eller er de immune.

Hvis du er i tvivl så spørg Jakob:

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #10 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 10:39:57 am »
Jeg så dem ikke lige.. jeg var lidt nysgerrig efter at se hvordan de så ud når de fik det over sig, og så ville jeg snuppe et screenshot.. Men skete aldrig, der var 0,5-1,2% chance for det kun så dælme ikke lige til...

Offline SirSoren

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #11 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 11:12:44 am »
Jeg så dem ikke lige.. jeg var lidt nysgerrig efter at se hvordan de så ud når de fik det over sig, og så ville jeg snuppe et screenshot.. Men skete aldrig, der var 0,5-1,2% chance for det kun så dælme ikke lige til...

Nej okay det var dælme heller ikke meget og hvis de fleste alm. dø ved et hit så er det ikke nemt at højne chancen for at det sker.

Hvis du er i tvivl så spørg Jakob:

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #12 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 12:21:50 pm »
nej, jeg brugte to økser med 1,1% og 1,2% og så det aldrig...

Offline Benya

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #13 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 01:43:16 pm »
Spændende spændende. Må fluks lige downloade patchen og give det lidt testing!  ;D

Offline Azoq

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Sv: Diablo III - Beta patch 13 notes
« Svar #14 Dato: Februar 20, 2012, 09:18:54 pm »
Nice patch notes :D
Battletag; Azoq#2370


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