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Emner - Arnull

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Siden udgivelsen af Diablo 3, har der været en del snak om, at end-game content ikke er tilfredsstillende. Blizzard, i skikkelse af Bashiok, indrømmer nu, at det er et reelt problem.

Citat: Bashiok
We recognize that the item hunt is just not enough for a long-term sustainable end-game. There are still tons of people playing every day and week, and playing a lot, but eventually they're going to run out of stuff to do (if they haven't already). Killing enemies and finding items is a lot of fun, and we think we have a lot of the systems surrounding that right, or at least on the right path with a few corrections and tweaks. But honestly Diablo III is not World of Warcraft. We aren't going to be able to pump out tons of new systems and content every couple months. There needs to be something else that keeps people engaged, and we know it's not there right now.

We're working toward 1.0.4, which we're really trying to pack with as many fixes and changes we can to help you guys out (and we'll have a bunch of articles posted with all the details as we get closer), and we're of course working on 1.1 with PvP arenas. I think both those patches will do a lot to give people things to do, and get them excited about playing, but they're not going to be a real end-game solution, at least not what we would expect out of a proper end-game. We have some ideas for progression systems, but honestly it's a huge feature if we want to try to do it right, and not something we could envision being possible until well after 1.1 which it itself still a ways out.


But honestly Diablo III is not World of Warcraft. We aren't going to be able to pump out tons of new systems and content every couple months. There needs to be something else that keeps people engaged, and we know it's not there right now.


Det bliver spændende at se, hvad de finder på efter aktiveringen af PvP-delen.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Server rollbacks?
« Dato: Juni 12, 2012, 09:31:13 am »
Synes ikke jeg kunne finde nogle posts omkring dette. Det ser ud til at i asien har der været en form for rollback grundet massive gold exploits og item duping. Hvis det sker i asien sker det helt sikkert også i USA og EU. Skal vi forvente rollback også? Hvad tror i?

Diskutionerne går heftigt for sig på det officeille forums og på diablofans.com

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.1 Day 1
« Dato: Maj 11, 2012, 10:39:25 pm »
I forbindelse med launch på mandag er der kommet info om de bugs, den første patch endnu ikke har fjernet:

The description of the Feat of Strength for "One of the Chosen" does not specifically state that it was granted to Closed Beta players, not all Beta players.
The description of the achievement "Why’d It Have To Be Snakes?" is misleading.
The description of the achievement "Crispy Critters" implies that all critters are found in one zone, but they are not. Good luck finding them!

Auction House
You cannot list equipped items that have been bought from a vendor.

It is possible to get ERROR 37 (The servers are busy, please try again) when logging in if the servers are under heavy stress. This error literally means that the servers are busy and that you should try again, so please try again in a minute or so!
Very quickly entering, leaving, and switching chat channels over and over can cause a player from getting locked out of chat channels.
It is possible for a friend to be on your friend's list with no name if that friend has a BattleTag but has never logged into Diablo III and is offline.
Changing your account's Parental Controls while you are in Diablo III can disconnect you from Diablo III.
Workaround: Exit Diablo III before changing Parental Controls.

Damage over time debuffs are not benefiting from items that grant crit chance.
The resurrection animation speed is being calculated by the player's attack speed. It actually should be a set amount across all players.

[Act 2] Players who cast Town Portal while standing in a tar pit will cause the tar pit slowing debuff to stay on your character until you leave the game or manually walk into and out of a tar pit.

The gold dropped from Treasure Goblins can be picked up by all members of the party. Items dropped by the Treasure Goblins are still individual player drops.
It is possible for Champion-class monsters with the Waller affix to cast their walls at their location rather than at the player's location.

The total life for Followers is rounding incorrectly and is off by 1.

Starter Edition
When a Starter Edition character hits level 13, the experience bar will read 0/0. If the player upgrades, they will start a 0 experience towards level 14.

If the user has any connections configured in "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings" and they're set to "Dial whenever a network connection is not present," the install won't proceed past 10%.
It is possible for your cinematics to stutter and not play well if you begin playing Diablo III immediately when reaching Yellow Data.
Workaround: Exit Diablo III and fully patch your game. Your cinematics should play fine then.

Running programs that put an overlay over Diablo III (such as Mumble, Xfire, and MSI Afterburner) can cause Diablo III to crash. Use these overlays at your own risk.

The Restore Hero button does not become available after deleting a hero until leaving and returning to the Select Hero page.
Game client window becomes unresponsive when a dialog box is opened in the background.


Jeg bemærkede dette:

Running programs that put an overlay over Diablo III (such as Mumble, Xfire, and MSI Afterburner) can cause Diablo III to crash. Use these overlays at your own risk.


(Jeg har lige lånt din tråd Arnull   /Angst)

På [******] er der en gut som allerede har fået sin CE og har postet screenshots af cinematics fra Blu-Ray disken. Jeg har dog ikke været inde og se hvad det er, men nu vælter det nok snart med billeder og cinematics. Jeg unplugger nettet nu. Ses når jeg har gennemført spillet selv!

EDIT: TheDomino, Link fjernet, folk kan ikke lade være med at gå der ind når det bliver serveret for dem :P

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Aktivering af CE key
« Dato: Maj 08, 2012, 01:31:14 pm »

Er der nogen af jer der ved om aktiveringen af en key fra CE skal foregå vi eu.battle.net/d3/en eller man kan gøre det i installeren når man installerer spillet? Jeg hælder selv til det første. Grunden til at jeg spørger er, at jeg kunne forestille mig et gigantisk pres på hjemmesiden som gør, at det er umuligt det første lange stykke tid at komme ind og registerere sin nøgle når jeg nu kommer tilbage fra midnight launch. Jeg vil ikke købe en digital download for at senere kunne opgradere denne med min CE nøgle. Orker ikke at skulle igennem support møllen for at få en key frigivet.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Undgå spoilers d. 14.
« Dato: Maj 08, 2012, 09:57:26 am »
You should be especially cautious on May 14, as with the installer unlocking and worldwide releases taking place, the entire game will be available to be discovered and datamined. We also plan to populate the Diablo3.com game guide with item data that Monday, which may themselves be spoilers. If you care about spoilers, it may just be best to not go on the internet on May 14.


Jeg ved at jeg hiver stikket til omverdenen! Ville absolut hade at få vigtige dele af historien spoilet af en eller anden idiot der synes det er sjovt.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Så er Wizard Spotlight Video oppe
« Dato: April 30, 2012, 10:02:31 am »
Diablo 3 - The Wizard Spotlight Video

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / CE hos GameStop i Bruhns Galleri, Århus
« Dato: Marts 19, 2012, 01:14:37 pm »
Jeg har lige været i GameStop i Bruhns Galleri i Århus. De holder midnatsåbent som antaget, og det ser ud til de stadig tager imod pre-orders af CE. Deres butik er plastret til med plakater hvor der står pre-order Collector's Edition. Så GO GO GO!

Som jeg forstår på Bashiok, så er der ingen pre order client download for dem der køber den fysiske CE. Derfor ville jeg høre om der allerede er nogen der har hentet klienten ned og kan dele det direkte download link til klienten? Den amerikanske klients link er allerede postet flere steder, men for at være sikker vil jeg helst have den europæiske.

Det ville være lidt surt at først skulle ind kl 24:00 og hente spillet, hjem og registrere nøglen og så først derefter i gang med at hente spillet ned...

Sorry hvis den har været oppe at vende før.


En af de ting han siger er, at Blizzard aldrig har lavet en release date annoncering ved et event før.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Er release date nu endelig besluttet?
« Dato: Januar 10, 2012, 11:41:28 am »
Et vigtigt møde hos Blizzard har fundet sted. Det skulle dreje sig om release date på D3:


Update #2: It has been confirmed to us by a Blizzard source that the meeting was regarding the Diablo 3 release date.  Unfortunately they wouldn’t divulge what the outcome was and as I’d left my bestest thumbscrews in my other handbag wasn’t able to convince them otherwise.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Forsimplede skill tooltips
« Dato: December 08, 2011, 09:13:55 pm »
Som tidligere nævnt legede Blizzard med tankerne om at forsimple tooltips på skills. Her er den officielle post:


In an upcoming beta update you’re likely to see that we’ve been working to simplify skill tooltips. This has been in the planning for a long time and we’re finally making passes at all skills. We’re doing this now, for one thing, to try to be more consistent with how we’re presenting skill tooltips and their effects, but also to make them easier to understand.

We know that this is going to cause many of you, our hardcore gamer and statistics analysts, to freak out. Please take a few moments to freak out…

Ok, now that it’s out of your system, let’s go into the what we’re planning to do for you, and also potential features for the future.

We need to make sure that the game at its most basic level is easy to understand, quick to pick up and play, and has a strong immediate focus on the gameplay, and not mathy number-crunching and novella-sized skill descriptions. These are the pillars that we believe a game like Diablo firmly rests for the vast majority of players. It is first and foremost an Action RPG, and we put a lot of weight into the first word. For you, the people here every day or week picking apart skill math and statistics, we realize you crave something deeper, and we’re absolutely intent on providing you all of the information you’d ever need.

Take a look at the skill information on the Diablo II Arreat Summit for barbarian combat skills: http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/barbarian-combatskills.shtml We think that is a great amount of insight into the mechanics of the skills, and it’s a great example of what we want to make available for you here on the Diablo III website. We all have to agree though that it’s a ridiculous amount of information to try to display in-game, especially through a tooltip. Let's be clear though that our intent isn’t to force anyone to alt-tab to get game information. The tooltip information we’ll be providing, as well as very basic concepts of players getting and equipping more powerful items, will be plenty to get all players through the game, at least on Normal.

Some of you have been discussing tooltip complexity and more than a few times the World of Warcraft solution of having two different sets of tooltips (simplified and normal) has of course not escaped us. It’s a solution we’d like to explore, but if we did it’s extremely likely that our “normal” tooltips would be the toned-down versions we’re working toward now, and the “simplified” would be even more basic, giving game intent advice in place of any numbers. It’s something we’d like to explore but it’s still something we’ve yet to design, and could very well be something we don’t end up getting into the game.

In closing we wanted to give everyone a heads up because we know there are going to be some conclusions about our intents, and we wanted to share some ideas of having something similar to what Diablo II players could find on the Arreat Summit back in the day.

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