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Afsluttede / Sv: BETAKONKURRENCE #10: Beta Bazinga Bingo
« Dato: Marts 15, 2012, 08:38:42 pm »
05 07 21
45 55 56
63 77 85

Afsluttede / Sv: BETAKONKURRENCE #8 - Design din egen expansion-karakter
« Dato: Marts 10, 2012, 01:40:25 am »
Crazed Sentry

(Kilde: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/080/5/d/Skeleton_Warrior_by_AdamSundstrom89.jpg)

Tasked with the duty to protect their lord Mephisto, these were once proud and honorful skeletal warriors. Being unable to fulfill their duty was the greatest shame imaginable for such sentinels.

When tragedy befell and their Lord was vanquished, they were exiled to a remote place. Inhabited by neither demon or man. They lived for centuries in these wastelands, with nothing but their shame and the ferocious animals to keep them company.

It slowly began to drive the warriors insane and madness started to take over and rule the skeletons. They now roam the lands like a pack of savages, devouring anything in their way.

Combat Style
Well-deserving of their name, these sekeletal brutes fight fiercely, like rabid animals. No longer able to indulge themselves in the fine art of weaponcraft themselves, they instead use whatever sharp objects they come across.

While not choosy when it comes to the tools of war, they do seem to share a fondness for simplistic weapons such as swords and axes. They have shown ability to wield even the largest of these weapons quite effortlessly.

They have even been known to break apart the skeleton of a recently fallen comrade, only to use his bones as weapons.

« Dato: Marts 02, 2012, 07:03:55 pm »
Jade Talon Wrist Sword

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