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Beskeder - GroB

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Men vi er i gang. Skal nok skrive når pengene går ind på Paypal.

Can I convert my Battle.net Balance into cash?
Any amount you add to your Battle.net Balance, either through an approved payment method or by adding Diablo III auction house earnings to your Battle.net Balance, will not be refundable (except as otherwise provided by law), and you are not able to convert that Balance into cash. Battle.net Balance can only be used to buy designated Blizzard Entertainment products and services or to acquire items from Diablo III's currency-based auction house. In certain regions, Diablo III players may choose to receive cash, rather than add to their Battle.net Balance, from the sale of an item from the currency-based auction house. Those players will be able to do so via PayPal for an additional fee. Players will need to determine which method they wish to use at the time they post their auction. For more information on the currency-based auction house, see the Auction House FAQ.


Ellers havde vi heller ikke lavet det her nummer :-)

Det selvfølgelig rigtigt, kunne bare godt være at de gjorde alt for at holde på deres penge :-) Men tak det vil vi prøve!


Mig og en ven har begge lidt over 200€ på battle.net kontoen. Men vi vil hellere have vores penge ud på Paypal. Er der nogle som ved om det er tilladt at vi begge køber et item til omkring 5€ og sætter det til salg for 200€(med udbetaling til Paypal) og køber hinandens items?

Blizzard bruger jo noget tid på at godkende handlen og vi vil helst ikke miste vores penge hvis det ikke er tilladt?


Sider: [1]