Jeg kunne ikke nære mig og lavede et lille set i stedet for kun ét item, jeg tror godt i alle kan se hvor jeg har hentet inspiration.
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Set “Nightmare on Tristram Street”
Set bonuses:
2 (both gloves): Increases attack speed by 15 %
2 Increases chance to land a critical strike by 10 %
Fedoras chance to avoid increased to 15 %, attackers missing, have a 50 % chance to hit themselves instead of the wearer.
The hypnotize caused by sweater of distortion and gloves now last 3 sec.
You are now the master of nightmares, giving you mental powers over your foes.
Attackers Hypnotized will now attack enemies of the wearer for the duration of hypnotize. Hurting both the enemies and themselves for 30 % of the damage dealt.
You project your physical damage onto your enemies through their minds; any hypnotized enemy will each take 10 % of any damage you deal. And all attacks made by you to a hypnotized foe will have a 100% chance to crit.
Glove of the Night:
255 – 265 dmg/sec
127-133 dmg
2 attack pr. Sec.
Have a 2,5% chance to hypnotize the enemy when landing an attack, stunning them for 2 sec. (non-boss creatures only)
Glove of the Mare:
255 – 265 dmg/sec
127-133 dmg
2 attack pr. Sec.
Have a 2,5% chance to hypnotize the enemy when landing an attack, stunning them for 2 sec. . (non-boss creatures only)
Fedora of Dreams:
3 properties
When wearing the fedora of dreams, the wearer fades in and out of reality confusing enemies, and renders the wearer with a 10% chance to avoid any attack or spell.
Sweater of Distortion:
3 properties
The sweater distorts the reality of the foes, any attack, physical or magical, that hits the wearer has a 20 % chance to hypnotize the attacker, stunning them for 2 sec.