Diablo 2 / LoD > Diablo 2 / LoD Generelt

Jeg buggede Meffe på en ny måde :O

<< < (2/5) > >>

Jeg fandt den i dette reset :D og lavede kun NM countess runs, da min sorc stank :P

Jeg har fundet Vex som det bedste ved hende på Hell

Lo er højest på hell ;) ko er højest på NM :)

Ist er det højeste for mit vedkommende.

lige lidt nyttig viden;

"Starting with the v1.09 patch, The Countess was given the ability to drop one or more runes almost every time she died. This ability was enhanced and modified in v1.10, and in v1.11 she is now almost certain to drop at least one rune every time (1/64 chance of none dropping), and has the capability to drop up to six, though more than 2 or 3 is a very rare sight. The runes she can drop are:

    Normal: El (r01) - Ral (r08).
    Nightmare: El (r01) - Io/Ko (r18); above Io (r16) is much rarer.
    Hell: El (r01) - Ist/Lo (r28); above Ist (r24) is much rarer.

Why are two runes listed as her top drop? She has normal item drops like any other monster; these can go up to the highest runes listed; Ko on Nightmare and Lo on Hell. She also has special rune drop calculations for her bonus rune drops; these do not allow her to drop such high level runes; Io on Nightmare and Ist on Hell. Her odds of dropping a high level rune from her normal drop tables are as astronomical as they are for every other monster in the game. Her odds to drop one from her special rune drop tables are far better. If she drops a rune from her special TC then she drops a rune from "Runes 12" TC. This TC has a 3/5045 chance for Mal and a 2/5045 chance for Ist.

Her Treasure Classes are uniquely modified, and as a result the odds of her dropping multiple runes are actually increased when there is only one player in the game. (Even though she'll never drop more than two items, her rune drops come from special treasure class sequences that are accessed if the game doesn't think she should drop other items. Since she's more likely to roll to drop additional items when more players are in the game, even though her drop is hardcapped at two magical items, this cuts down on her odds of dropping a rune.) "

specielt er det vel godt at lægge mærke til den sidste del der siger noget om antallet af droppede runer ;)

kunne evt. være noget info der skulle oversættes og smides ind et eller andet sted?  :D ved dog ikke om den nye patch med bedre chance for runes er taget med ind i beregningen af "This TC has a 3/5045 chance for Mal and a 2/5045 chance for Ist.".


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