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Forfatter Emne: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål  (Læst 6720 gange)

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Offline Camelo

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Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Dato: April 05, 2012, 10:43:19 am »
Vi har netop modtaget en mail, hvor vi informeres om, at Blizzard gerne vil have en række spørgsmål stillet fra fansites. Spørgsmålene skal være omkring 'game mechanics' - hvordan komplicerede ingame-mekanikker virker.

Eftersom mailen egentlig er mere rettet mod jer brugere, synes jeg lige så godt, I kan få den i sin fulde længde.

Diablo III gameplay systems hold many secrets and mastering those will allow us to better prepare for the war on prime evils. We are opening the gates of our archives to share ancient knowledge with you, so that we all stand ready when all hell breaks loose…
We are preparing a game guide project for Diablo III and require both your feedback and that of your community. The aim of this project is to provide all our players with information on the intricacies of game mechanics so they can explore them according to their needs and sharpen their skills.
Feel free to reach out to your valiant community to come up with questions on complex game systems and mechanics that they crave to be answered so that they can hone their craft. Don’t hesitate to ask about the basics as well. We are eager to find out which basic concepts you would like to have explained and what specific details and data you’re interested in for in-depth analysis of gameplay.
Please limit your questions/subjects to the specific area of raw gameplay mechanics and reply to us no later than Thursday 12 April, 5pm CEST, to be sure your input is received by us in time.
Thank you for joining us in the effort to make the Diablo III community even stronger.
Kind regards,
The Community Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

I kan bruge denne tråd til at stille jeres spørgsmål. Jeg foretrækker, at I skriver dem på engelsk - gerne formuleret, så de er klar til at blive sendt til Blizzard. Hvis det er helt galt med den engelske kunnen, er dansk fint.

Det er nu, I har chancen for at blive hørt, folkens! Og der lægges både op til spørgsmål vedrørende 'basics' og mere 'komplekse' systemer. Sørg endelig for at gennemtænke jeres spørgsmål, så vi har en chance for at få nogle interessante svar. Jeg ved ikke, hvordan selve svarene bliver leveret, men håbet er, at de sender os en mail tilbage med svarene, så vi får lov til at publicere det hele selv. Dog lyder det som om, at de er ved at etablere en database af en art, hvor en masse info vil være tilgængelig. De skal bare lige vide, hvad spillerne gerne vil vide. Om spørgsmålene så skal tjene udelukkende til dette formål, eller om vi får helt konkrete svar tilbage, er svært at gennemskue. Men vi får se...

Alt afhængigt af mængden og kvaliteten af spørgsmål, tillader vi os at vrage og vælge mellem dem, I måtte stille.

Denne mulighed skyldes udelukkende, at vi er officiel fansite. Der er ikke andre danske sider, der får samme mulighed :)
« Senest Redigeret: April 05, 2012, 10:53:32 am af Camelo »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #1 Dato: April 05, 2012, 11:53:44 am »
Jeg stiller nok nogle stykker så :) men her kommer lige den første, da jeg ikke lige har tid til flere nu her, men flere kommer til senere ^^ er der en end dato for hvornår i skal have spørgsmålene?

I would like to know whether or not there will be armor ignoring or penerating abilities on monsters in the game? Why? Why not?

The monk's passive "One With Everything" states that it increases all elemental resistances to the highest elemental resistance. Does this imply and mean that there are other "non"-elemental resistances that doesn't benifit from the passive, such as poison? Or does it apply to all resistances. Please clarify which it adds to and which it doesnt.

Det var det for nu :) more to come! :D

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #2 Dato: April 05, 2012, 01:13:46 pm »
Jeg stiller nok nogle stykker så :) men her kommer lige den første, da jeg ikke lige har tid til flere nu her, men flere kommer til senere ^^ er der en end dato for hvornår i skal have spørgsmålene?

reply to us no later than Thursday 12 April, 5pm CEST


Offline Revoltage

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #3 Dato: April 05, 2012, 01:53:35 pm »
Aner ikke om det her allerede er vidst, og hvis det er så bare ignorér den her post  ;D

Here goes: Will there be any visually unique armor designs beyond the 1-16 tier sets?
« Senest Redigeret: April 05, 2012, 01:55:56 pm af Revoltage »
"Legends don't die, they reload."

Offline mads-wm3

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #4 Dato: April 05, 2012, 03:00:32 pm »
ved ikke om vi har fået noget at vide om det men:

If you are close to an enemy and they initiate their attack, but you move out of their range, the damage is still applied after they finish the hit animation (meaning that you are standing several meters away from them when you take the damage); is this intended or not?

Offline Nilsson.

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #5 Dato: April 05, 2012, 06:57:13 pm »
Aner ikke om det her allerede er vidst, og hvis det er så bare ignorér den her post  ;D

Here goes: Will there be any visually unique armor designs beyond the 1-16 tier sets?

Umiddelbart har jeg ikke hørt noget om det, men der er jo unikke items, så mon ikke de får deres egne designs..

Nu spørger de dog efter spørgsmål vedrørende 'Game Mechanics', så lad os holde os til netop det :)

Offline Arnull

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #6 Dato: April 05, 2012, 09:07:44 pm »
Why are the hit boxes on mobs so large? You can move your cursor slowly towards an enemy, and suddenly the cursor changes to a sword, even though you're not even near the mob. On world items, such as urns and doors, there are correct hit boxes and the cursor only changes when you actually hit the object.
« Senest Redigeret: April 05, 2012, 09:09:56 pm af Arnull »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #7 Dato: April 06, 2012, 10:44:07 pm »
Så kom jeg lige med et par mere :)
Den ene er lidt en anden måde til spørgsmålet om hitboxes:

People say that hitboxes are too large, but can you explain if the size of the hitbox might be based on your current ping?

og en demon hunter spørgsmål:

Regarding the skill Spike Trap, runed with "Scatter". The tooltip reads: "Simultaneously place all 3 traps." Does this mean that all 3 traps will be placed for the cost of the original 30 hatred, or does it mean that it will place all 3 traps, but at the multiplied cost of 90 hatred?

And in conjection to the question about Spike Trap, if you placed 3 traps on top of each other and a monster walked across it, all three would tripper, but would it tripple the damage (so 3 times 275% dmg) or would only 1 apply?

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #8 Dato: April 07, 2012, 12:30:53 pm »
Lad os få nogle flere interessante spørgsmål på banen :)

Offline NinjA'

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #9 Dato: April 08, 2012, 02:39:10 am »
Ville gerne vide mere om selve game-core'en :) Tidsmæssig opbygning og sådan..
How are the time based animations going be controlled?
-In d2 we saw breakpoints based on fps and percentages on fcr, fhr, frw and ias. Please tell more about the cast/hit/struck mechanics.

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #10 Dato: April 08, 2012, 12:26:56 pm »
Ville gerne vide mere om selve game-core'en :) Tidsmæssig opbygning og sådan..
How are the time based animations going be controlled?
-In d2 we saw breakpoints based on fps and percentages on fcr, fhr, frw and ias. Please tell more about the cast/hit/struck mechanics.

Jeg er enig. Den er god. Jeg er ikke sikker, men jeg mindes at have læst noget om emnet tidligere fra Blizzard. Det var vist ikke helt fyldestgørende dog.

Kom endelig med flere :)

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #11 Dato: April 08, 2012, 12:49:22 pm »
Så fandt jeg lige på nogle stykker mere :)

Regarding the Monk Passive: "Combination Strike". Each time a spirit generator is used it adds 8% dmg for 3 seconds. How will this stack and how will it refresh? Will it stack on top of each other, to a maximum of 5 stacks and then all stacks refresh each time 1 spirit generator is used? Or will each of the 5 generators give their own buff, so that you will have to refresh each stack individually?

How will DPS work in regards to DoT's? Since they are based off weapon damage instead of DPS, doesn't that make a slow weapon with high damage, better for using DoT's than a fast weapon with low damage?
For instance with WD's poison dart: If used with a weapon that attacks once every 2 seconds and deal 100 damage, you get 100 initial damage, and another 40 over 2 seconds for a total of 140 damage, while with a fast weapon doing 50 damage, hitting every 1 sec, you get 2 times 50 initial damage = 100, but only 2 times 10 poison damage (20% of 50 = 10, applied 2 times, since the timer is reset with the second cast) for a total of 120 damage over 2 sec.
So while spamming, the slow weapon deals 140 damage, while the fast only does 120.
Is this how it is working and is this working as intended? Please elaborate on DoT's.

Bonus Experience per kill. Does this get split out over the party same as gold find and magic find?

After the reviving of stats, in which order does damage reductions apply? Resistances first, then regular damage reduction and then block? Or block first, then damage reduction? Does magic attacks get reduced both by the given resistance AND damage reduction, and how do they add together? Additive or multiplicative?

Offline Rosenskjold

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #12 Dato: April 08, 2012, 01:26:34 pm »
How will DPS work in regards to DoT's? Since they are based off weapon damage instead of DPS, doesn't that make a slow weapon with high damage, better for using DoT's than a fast weapon with low damage?
For instance with WD's poison dart: If used with a weapon that attacks once every 2 seconds and deal 100 damage, you get 100 initial damage, and another 40 over 2 seconds for a total of 140 damage, while with a fast weapon doing 50 damage, hitting every 1 sec, you get 2 times 50 initial damage = 100, but only 2 times 10 poison damage (20% of 50 = 10, applied 2 times, since the timer is reset with the second cast) for a total of 120 damage over 2 sec.
So while spamming, the slow weapon deals 140 damage, while the fast only does 120.
Is this how it is working and is this working as intended? Please elaborate on DoT's.

Den er god, den glæder jeg mig til at de svaret på.
"Pligttroskaben bærer lønnen i sig selv, men den er beskeden.
Hæderlighed er smuk, men mager.
Retfærdigheden stolt, men enøjet.
Kærligheden er sød, men kostbar.
Venskab og kammeratskab, det er godt at tænke på når man bliver gammel.
Men det eneste der betaler sig, det er forbrydelse!"

Offline Rosenskjold

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #13 Dato: April 08, 2012, 01:37:06 pm »
I would like to know, if you have found a way to prevent mf leeching in any way?
"Pligttroskaben bærer lønnen i sig selv, men den er beskeden.
Hæderlighed er smuk, men mager.
Retfærdigheden stolt, men enøjet.
Kærligheden er sød, men kostbar.
Venskab og kammeratskab, det er godt at tænke på når man bliver gammel.
Men det eneste der betaler sig, det er forbrydelse!"

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #14 Dato: April 08, 2012, 05:12:39 pm »
Kom lige på et par mere :)

Regarding duelwielding, how will attack speed be damage be calculated? (formula?) Is it a simple Att.sp. of weapon 1 + Att.sp. of weapon 2 divided by 2, or is it more complex than that? Same question for calculation of damage in duelwielding.

Some tooltips aren't explained very explicitly. For instance monks Fist of Thunder runed with Lightning Flash states "Increases your chance to Dodge by 16% for 2 seconds." But when does this dodge chance occur? On the first hit? Whenever the skill is used just once? It doesn't even say that you have to use it, but seeing as it has a 2 second timer, I recon that's the idea? Some tooltips could use a little fixing in their wording.

Way of the Hundred Fists runed with Hands of Lightning states that it: "Increases the number of hits in the second strike from 7 to 10." But what does this actually mean for the skill? Does it do more damage on the second strike then? Does it have a higher chance of proc'ing certain item affixes? Or is it just cosmetic that it just strikes a few more times?

Can you elaborate on the way that item drops are calculated. How much greater are chances a great item from a champion pack compared to say a regular mob or even a chest? Can you share some of the formulas used?


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