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Forfatter Emne: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål  (Læst 6718 gange)

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Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #15 Dato: April 08, 2012, 06:26:08 pm »
Tænkte at jeg lige ville samle alle spørgsmålene:

  • I would like to know whether or not there will be armor ignoring or penerating abilities on monsters in the game? Why? Why not?
  • The monk's passive "One With Everything" states that it increases all elemental resistances to the highest elemental resistance. Does this imply and mean that there are other "non"-elemental resistances that doesn't benifit from the passive, such as poison? Or does it apply to all resistances. Please clarify which it adds to and which it doesnt.
  • People say that hitboxes are too large, but can you explain if the size of the hitbox might be based on your current ping?
  • Regarding the skill Spike Trap, runed with "Scatter". The tooltip reads: "Simultaneously place all 3 traps." Does this mean that all 3 traps will be placed for the cost of the original 30 hatred, or does it mean that it will place all 3 traps, but at the multiplied cost of 90 hatred?
  • And in conjection to the question about Spike Trap, if you placed 3 traps on top of each other and a monster walked across it, all three would tripper, but would it tripple the damage (so 3 times 275% dmg) or would only 1 apply?
  • Regarding the Monk Passive: "Combination Strike". Each time a spirit generator is used it adds 8% dmg for 3 seconds. How will this stack and how will it refresh? Will it stack on top of each other, to a maximum of 5 stacks and then all stacks refresh each time 1 spirit generator is used? Or will each of the 5 generators give their own buff, so that you will have to refresh each stack individually?
  • How will DPS work in regards to DoT's? Since they are based off weapon damage instead of DPS, doesn't that make a slow weapon with high damage, better for using DoT's than a fast weapon with low damage?
    For instance with WD's poison dart: If used with a weapon that attacks once every 2 seconds and deal 100 damage, you get 100 initial damage, and another 40 over 2 seconds for a total of 140 damage, while with a fast weapon doing 50 damage, hitting every 1 sec, you get 2 times 50 initial damage = 100, but only 2 times 10 poison damage (20% of 50 = 10, applied 2 times, since the timer is reset with the second cast) for a total of 120 damage over 2 sec.
    So while spamming, the slow weapon deals 140 damage, while the fast only does 120.
    Is this how it is working and is this working as intended? Please elaborate on DoT's.
  • Bonus Experience per kill. Does this get split out over the party same as gold find and magic find?
  • After the reviving of stats, in which order does damage reductions apply? Resistances first, then regular damage reduction and then block? Or block first, then damage reduction? Does magic attacks get reduced both by the given resistance AND damage reduction, and how do they add together? Additive or multiplicative?
  • Regarding duelwielding, how will attack speed be damage be calculated? (formula?) Is it a simple Att.sp. of weapon 1 + Att.sp. of weapon 2 divided by 2, or is it more complex than that? Same question for calculation of damage in duelwielding.
  • Some tooltips aren't explained very explicitly. For instance monks Fist of Thunder runed with Lightning Flash states "Increases your chance to Dodge by 16% for 2 seconds." But when does this dodge chance occur? On the first hit? Whenever the skill is used just once? It doesn't even say that you have to use it, but seeing as it has a 2 second timer, I recon that's the idea? Some tooltips could use a little fixing in their wording.
  • Way of the Hundred Fists runed with Hands of Lightning states that it: "Increases the number of hits in the second strike from 7 to 10." But what does this actually mean for the skill? Does it do more damage on the second strike then? Does it have a higher chance of proc'ing certain item affixes? Or is it just cosmetic that it just strikes a few more times? Same for Seven-Sided Strike runed with Sevenral-sided Strike
  • Can you elaborate on the way that item drops are calculated. How much greater are chances a great item from a champion pack compared to say a regular mob or even a chest? Can you share some of the formulas used?
  • The monk has several abilities, increasing the damage of attacks, and the damage done to enemies. Do all of these stacks, or do some overwrite each other? For instance, do Combination strike (+8% "increase your damage) stack with Breath of Heaven - Blazing Wrath? (+15% "increases your damage)
    Likewise, Mantra of Conviction causes enemies to take 12% additional damage, does this stack with Sweeping Wave - Breaking Wave? (Enemies hit take 10% additional damage)
    If some doesn't stack, then which does stack, and which doesn't?

  • Will there be any visually unique armor designs beyond the 1-16 tier sets?

  • Why are the hit boxes on mobs so large? You can move your cursor slowly towards an enemy, and suddenly the cursor changes to a sword, even though you're not even near the mob. On world items, such as urns and doors, there are correct hit boxes and the cursor only changes when you actually hit the object.

  • How are the time based animations going be controlled?
    -In d2 we saw breakpoints based on fps and percentages on fcr, fhr, frw and ias. Please tell more about the cast/hit/struck mechanics.
  • Will the runed teleport (wormhole) allow the Wizard to teleport continously, as long as mana is available, assuming you re-cast teleport within the 1-second window/delay?

  • I would like to know, if you have found a way to prevent mf leeching in any way?
« Senest Redigeret: April 11, 2012, 11:08:09 pm af Fifikus »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #16 Dato: April 08, 2012, 06:53:12 pm »
Endnu et spørgsmål:

The monk has several abilities, increasing the damage of attacks, and the damage done to enemies. Do all of these stacks, or do some overwrite each other? For instance, do Combination strike (+8% "increase your damage) stack with Breath of Heaven - Blazing Wrath? (+15% "increases your damage)
Likewise, Mantra of Conviction causes enemies to take 12% additional damage, does this stack with Sweeping Wave - Breaking Wave? (Enemies hit take 10% additional damage)
If some doesn't stack, then which does stack, and which doesn't?

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #17 Dato: April 10, 2012, 03:54:51 am »
Regarding duelwielding, how will attack speed be damage be calculated? (formula?) Is it a simple Att.sp. of weapon 1 + Att.sp. of weapon 2 divided by 2, or is it more complex than that? Same question for calculation of damage in duelwielding.
Det her burde besvare dit spørgsmål:
First formula is used when you have only one 1-handed weapon or 2-handed weapon equipped:
 DPS = W1 * (1+0,01*A) * (1 + cd)
Second formula is used when you are dualwielding (two 1-handed weapons):
 DPS = (W1 + W2)/2 * 1,15 * (1+0,01*A) * (1 + cd)In both formulas:
 W1 = dps of the weapon W2 = dps of the other weapon (dw situation) A = Attack (all damage increased from Hero tab) c = critical strike chance (for example c = 5,5% = 0,055) d = critical strike damage (if 0% from gear, then d = 50% = 0,5)As you can see, in the dualwield situation the weapons damage is divided by 2 (you take turns with striking/firing with the weapons), but you get an extra 15% attack speed when dualwielding, hence the multiply with 1,15 (= basic attack speed of 100% and +15%)
Jeg husker ikke hvor jeg har det fra præcist, men læste det på D3's US forum og tænkte det var praktisk lige at gemme...

Orv, og så lige et par spørgsmål her fra:
In the description of the Wizard skill Archon it states that when in Archon Form your skills are replaced by other more powerful - which skills it that, and what % of weapon damage do they deal? Also 2 of the runes add another skill, so do they simply replace a skill or does Archon form have less the 6 skills?

Why isn't it possible to see the damage range of my abillities?

Was the 7th attack key removed? If so, why?

Looking at the armor tiers for all the characters, the end tiers seems to focus very much on plating even for the agile heroes, why is that?

Skills' percentages, costs or durations tend to be affected by various factors such as weapon speed. Will it be possible to see anywhere how these increase? And does level affect any of them?
« Senest Redigeret: April 10, 2012, 10:21:21 am af Pecenetra »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #18 Dato: April 10, 2012, 09:43:07 am »
Så basicly er duelwield altid 15% hurtigere. Interresant.

Offline Camelo

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #19 Dato: April 10, 2012, 09:55:48 pm »
I har to dage endnu til at få nedskrevet nogle spørgsmål. Jeg havde regnet med, at der var lidt flere end 4-5 personer, der havde noget på hjertet :) Husk; der er ingen dumme spørgsmål!

Offline Rosenskjold

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #20 Dato: April 10, 2012, 11:59:33 pm »
Fifikus fyrer den ellers godt af for os. :-)

Havde forresten engang en hund der hed Fifi... hmmm...
"Pligttroskaben bærer lønnen i sig selv, men den er beskeden.
Hæderlighed er smuk, men mager.
Retfærdigheden stolt, men enøjet.
Kærligheden er sød, men kostbar.
Venskab og kammeratskab, det er godt at tænke på når man bliver gammel.
Men det eneste der betaler sig, det er forbrydelse!"

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #21 Dato: April 11, 2012, 10:46:11 am »
Hehe jeg gør hvad jeg kan ;) når jeg nu sådan får chancen for at spørge direkte ind til Blizzard, lader jeg mig da ikke det gå til spilde :D

Offline NinjA'

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #22 Dato: April 11, 2012, 04:06:03 pm »
Sad lige på YouTube og kiggede på Wizard spells, bl.a. teleport runed (wormhole); det lader til at hvis man teleporterer indenfor det givne sekund, før cooldown aktiveres, kan man blive ved, så længe manaen tillader, kan det passe? Se vedlagte link, herunder:
Diablo 3 Beta - Wizard: Teleport Runed

Will the runed teleport (wormhole) allow the Wizard to teleport continously, as long as Arcane Power is available, assuming you re-cast teleport within the 1-second window/delay?
« Senest Redigeret: April 11, 2012, 06:43:38 pm af Pecenetra »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #23 Dato: April 11, 2012, 04:37:56 pm »
Ninja: Ja det skulle gerne være sådan at den fungere. Men video'en stammer fra en emuleret server tilbage fra patch 12 eller 13 så vidt jeg husker. Så nok meget godt at få spurgt alligevel.

Offline Pecenetra

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #24 Dato: April 11, 2012, 06:43:59 pm »
Arcane Power, ikke Mana - det er Witch Doctor stuff :P

Om 2 måneder har jeg sikkert 50 spørgsmål... Men lige nu synes jeg bare ikke der kommer de store - det er jo svært at stille spørgsmål til noget man i grunden ikke ved, eller ting som man ikke har taget stilling til endnu fordi det ikke har været relevant..
« Senest Redigeret: April 11, 2012, 06:45:39 pm af Pecenetra »

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #25 Dato: April 11, 2012, 11:06:19 pm »
ved ikke om vi har fået noget at vide om det men:

If you are close to an enemy and they initiate their attack, but you move out of their range, the damage is still applied after they finish the hit animation (meaning that you are standing several meters away from them when you take the damage); is this intended or not?

Bashiok har lige svaret på netop dette spørgsmål på US forums:
Så jeg tillader mig at tage den ud af de samlede spørgsmål, da vi ikke behøver "waste" spørgsmål, da vi sikkert alligevel ikke får svar på alt ^^

Rigtige kilde
« Senest Redigeret: April 11, 2012, 11:07:51 pm af Fifikus »

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #26 Dato: April 12, 2012, 12:48:28 am »
jamen det er da helt i orden :) regnede næsten også med at det ville være noget de commented på ;)

Offline Fifikus

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #27 Dato: April 12, 2012, 09:29:05 am »
Yeah. Vidst efterhånden mange der har spurgt. Også på US forums :) var ellers et rigtig fint spørgsmål.

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #28 Dato: April 12, 2012, 12:01:05 pm »
Fifikus, nu hvor du har haft gang i at samle spørgsmål, kan vi lige så godt bruge din liste. Er den up to date med de seneste spørgsmål, og er den cleared for spørgsmål, som egentlig er overflødige? :)


Jeg tog mig lige tid til at se det hele igennem, og det ser godt ud, Fifi. Fin liste :)
« Senest Redigeret: April 12, 2012, 12:10:30 pm af Camelo »

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Sv: Blizzard vil svare på vores spørgsmål
« Svar #29 Dato: April 12, 2012, 12:31:53 pm »
Spørgsmålene er nu sendt. Tak for jeres bidrag :)


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