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Emner - TheDomino

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Tech. Support / Mening om Samsung SyncMaster T27A550 (skærm)
« Dato: Marts 04, 2012, 11:01:54 am »
Hej Folkens, står og skal investere i en god skærm så jeg kan få skudt D3 op på 27".

Jeg har fundet frem til denne skærm, Samsung SyncMaster T27A550 så budgettet er omkring 2500 kr. Nogen der kender til skærmen og kan sige go for den eller er der andre bud på hvilken skærm jeg bør erhverve mig?

Afsluttede / LIVESTREAM - Lodtrækning i Betakonkurrence#EKSTRA
« Dato: Marts 03, 2012, 07:05:14 pm »
Så er der nu det sker folkens, vi skal have fundet de 2 vindere af lodtrækningen i

Vi livestreamer lodtrækningen så I kan følge med, og se hvem der løber med en beta nøgle.

Det vil ske ved et udskildelsesløb som vil komme til at forløbe således:

Først er der 73
Så er der 50
Så er der 40
Så er der 30
Så er der 20
Så er der 10
Så er der 9
Så er der 8
Så er der 7
Så er der 6
Så er der 5
Så er der 4
Så er der 3
og SÅ har vi fundet de 2 vindere!


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Jay Wilson spøger på Twitter
« Dato: Februar 27, 2012, 10:04:51 am »
For kort tid siden kom Jay Wilson med dette tweet.

Jay Wilson
‏ @Angryrobotics
The Mayans weren't counting down to the end of the world, they were counting down to the release of Diablo III. :)

Tror I vi skal vente til den 21. december i år før vi ser release, eller laver han bare sjov?  ;D

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 - Opdateret Game Guide - Del 1
« Dato: Februar 25, 2012, 03:05:05 am »
Blizzard har opdateret deres Game Guide så vi nu kan gå ind og se hvert enkelt skill i aktion, og effekten ved de forskellige nye runer.

Denne post er tage direkte fra battle.net.

Diablo III In-Development -- Class Skills

Starting today, we're going show off some new, some improved, and some previously unseen class skills that you'll use to slaughter your way through Diablo III's acts.

The skills we’re spotlighting are drawn from a variety of classes and levels, and most of them aren't available in the Diablo III beta. We've decided to showcase only "base" skills, unaffected by runes, but their rune variants are no less explosive (there are just a few too many of them to display here).

You can find each skill video we've posted on the appropriate skill page in the Game Guide, or simply click the links below to watch them in action. Keep your eyes on the environments that these demon-slaying displays take place in, too — you'll notice a few unfamiliar, exotic locales.

In the future, we'll release more videos on this blog exhibiting different skills you'll unlock throughout Diablo III. Remain vigilant.


Ancient Spear
Furious Charge

Demon Hunter

Rain of Vengeance
Cluster Arrow
Spike Trap


Mantra of Conviction
Mystic Ally

Witch Doctor

Acid Cloud
Big Bad Voodoo


Energy Armor
Mirror Image
Ray of Frost


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Store ændringer i Skill og Rune systemet!
« Dato: Februar 19, 2012, 10:22:15 am »

Last August we held a Diablo III press tour, and it was with a small group of fansites that I first revealed significant changes were still in store for the rune system. Since then, we’ve been hard at work on the rune and skill systems, and today we’d like to share details on the changes you’ll see in Beta patch 13. We’re confident that these changes will make Diablo III a better game, and to help illustrate why, I'll start with a high-level explanation of our goals for these systems as well as the feedback we were responding to in making these changes.

I'll start with the skill system. Our high-level goal with this system has always been to give players a great degree of power to customize their characters. We believe we accomplished that early on by abolishing skill trees and moving toward an open-ended system where skills, rune variants, and passives are chosen at-will by the player in a flexible customization system.

That goal and the system have been great successes, but the amount of customization we have available doesn’t mean anything if it’s not useful in combat situations. Combat depth is another one of our goals; Diablo III is designed to be a modern action game, built on the mantra of “easy to learn, difficult to master.” What that means for the player is picking a set of skills and abilities that work together, and then executing them in ways that lead to success: the wholesale slaughter of the demonic invasion. With that combat-depth goal in mind, we’ve been internally categorizing the skills since the inception of the system. Many of you could probably identify what these categories were if we asked, and some players have even mapped out what they are fairly accurately.

For every class we essentially created three common types of abilities, and then a handful of class-specific ability types. All classes have skills that fit into categories we call Primary Attack, Secondary Attack, and Defensive. Primary Attack skills are frequently used abilities that typically generate resources. Secondary Attacks are more powerful attacks that are limited in use through resource cost or cooldown. Defensive abilities are used to escape or control the flow of combat. Beyond that, classes have unique categories, like armor spells for the wizard or mantras for the monk. We used this methodology to help us design the classes and their skills, but we weren’t exposing this to the player despite the fact that these categories would give the player, like they did our own team, a better understanding of how the classes work.

One of our other goals is to ensure our game controls and interfaces are easy to use so that players spend their time trying to master game mechanics rather than fighting an interface. Giving players complete freedom to choose “anything” with no direction as to how our systems are intended to work was a failure in our design. There was also a detached relationship between the bottom-bar UI and the skill system. We have six skill slots, and six spots to put skills, but the two interfaces didn't really interact, and stocking abilities in your interface felt awkward.

To fix these issues, we focused on two core changes: (1) exposing the skill design intent by categorizing the skills and (2) linking skill selection directly to the bottom-bar UI to make assigning skills a clearer process. When viewing the skill screen, you’ll be presented with your six skill selection slots; each of these correspond directly to your bottom bar, and each will provide a specific list of skills from which to choose. By providing a clear-cut guide on how to best maximize your build potential, we hope to cover that “easy to learn” half of the mantra.

(A Nightmare-level monk choosing skills and runes from the specified categories)

You may already be fuming because you’re a “difficult to master” type of person, but before you run to the forums, we have you covered. In the Gameplay options, we’ve added an ‘Elective Mode’ for the skill system. With this checkbox ticked you’ll be able to place any skill in any skill slot, as freely as you could before. The Elective Mode option is available at any time with no requirements or need to unlock it. We hope the new, more guided interface will give you an in-game heads up as to the intent of each skill -- and maybe even be the way you play through the game in Normal -- but if you eventually have a build that simply can’t be accomplished the way we’ve laid things out, you’re free to pop on Elective Mode and take the skills you want.

(This screenshot depicts an 'Elective Mode' build made entirely of Primary and Secondary skills. Note that the skill slot names do not accurately reflect from which category a skill is selected in Elective Mode.)

While the skill system is largely unchanged save for some UI improvements and the helpful new (but optional) skill categories, we’ve been working to make some rather intense changes to the runestone system. Before we get too far, it’s probably best to clarify our terms: First, they’re now called skill runes, and they’re called skill runes because they’re no longer a physical item, but built directly into the skill system. Let’s back up, though, and go through some of the problems we were encountering and how this final design is intended to resolve those issues.

Our goal with the rune system has always been to provide additional character customization by allowing players to augment or completely alter their skills in new and significant ways. Originally, we tied this in to the itemization system because it felt like a good fit, as Diablo is all about the item drops. But with around 120 base skills, that meant there were around 600 rune variants; on top of that, each variant had five quality levels each, meaning ultimately there would be something like 3,000 different runes in the game… and we knew we were heading toward a problem.

Diablo is certainly about the items, but later in the game, having to juggle all of those various runes was not only un-fun, it was a serious and tedious inventory problem. We went through a number of different iterations, some of which we fully implemented and tested, to try to solve these fundamental issues while still keeping the customization intact. Ultimately we developed, implemented, and have been playing and testing a new system which we’re confident hits all of the desired mechanics and solves all of the related issues – and that’s what I’m going to talk about today and what you’ll see in Beta patch 13.

With the new skill rune system, you’ll be unlocking new skills as you level up just like you always have… but in addition you’ll also be unlocking skill runes. Now, when you open the skill window, you’ll choose which skills you want in which slots, the skill rune variants you’d like, and your passives. All of this is done directly through the UI, and all of the options from the skill, skill rune, and passive systems are unlocked through character leveling progression, leading to a cleaner overall integration of these systems. Just as we set different skills to unlock at specific levels, skill rune choices unlock at different levels as well.

Another thing we strive for in our games is “concentrated coolness,” and while rune quality levels made sense when we were attempting to itemize them throughout the game, they make far less sense as runes are unlocked through the UI. We didn’t want to get back into a situation where you’re clicking a button to pump points into skills. It’s far more concentrated (and cool) when your rune choices have a single and powerful benefit to your skill choice. The new skill rune system does not have ranks, and we’ve instead made each around the equivalent to what the rank 4 or 5 rune was previously. One click, you make your rune choice, and you get an explosive benefit to that skill. That feels a lot cooler.

Runes have been by far the biggest design hurdle we’ve had in the game, and as you know we’ve been continually iterating on them. We fully expect that some of you will be disappointed that runes won’t be part of the itemization system. Internally, it took us a long time to let go of that notion too and stop trying to force them into being items, and instead embrace the intent of the system. Integrating runes with the skill system directly gave us a bunch of great benefits, and even without runes we’re launching with more item types than Diablo II had. We knew we were making the right choice by letting go of runes as items and focusing on the core objective of the system: to customize your skills in awesome ways.

Before I wrap up, I did want to cover that one of the added benefits of the new system is that you’ll be unlocking something every level all the way up to the level cap (60). Now, with each level you’ll unlock at least one new skill or rune, and in most cases you’ll be unlocking three or four. The most immediately exciting part of that system is that skill runes begin unlocking at level 6, which means that players in the beta test will finally be able to play around with some rune variants.

Phew. Well, there you have it -- the new skill and rune systems! We strongly believe that these changes are going to make for a better Diablo III, and we’re looking forward to you trying it out in patch 13, which should be live any minute now (if it isn’t already). As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on your experiences with these changes. To help center the conversation on these changes to a single location, we’re going to lock comments on this blog and encourage you to post in a thread we’re specifically making to discuss this: Skill and Rune Changes Discussion.

Thanks for reading.

Jay Wilson is Game Director for Diablo III and won first place in the team’s chili cook-off competition. Recipe available upon request.

Det var en rigtig lang smørre, når I er kommet her til kan I lige sidde 2 minutter, tænke det igennem og komme med jeres feedback. Er I glade for at se disse ændringer?

For at se billederne i fuld størrelse så hop ind og tryk på dem på http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4475014/Skill_and_Rune_Changes-2_18_2012#blog

(tak til salle og SirSoren for at give et heads up på nyheden)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Beta Patch 13 - kommer snart!
« Dato: Februar 16, 2012, 07:00:00 am »
For et par timer siden kom Lylirra med denne BluePost:

We're currently in the process of preparing the next beta patch for release and wanted to provide all beta testers with a heads-up that a character wipe will be included. Please note that, as with previous character wipes, this wipe will also affect gold, items, followers, and artisans. (Beta Bucks will be reset, as well.)

We're hoping to release Beta Patch 13 before the weekend, but we don't yet have a precise ETA. As always, we'll provide more information as it becomes available, and patch notes will be posted here once the patch is live.

Thanks for your continued feedback and testing!

De håber på at den bliver released allerede inden weekenden, det er jo i dag eller i morgen!?!  :)
Kan det var patchen der skal introducere de rygtede "skill changes" for os? Er det mon en større beta patch?

For mange er det en principsag, om man vælger at bruge Real Money Auction House eller ej. Hvad vil du gøre og hvorfor? Regner du med at kunne tjene penge på at spille Diablo 3?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / You Will Die. We Promise.
« Dato: Februar 10, 2012, 08:30:50 am »
Blizzard har netop lagt en ny video op på deres hjemmeside hvor de kommer med nogle oplysninger og lidt gameplay for de senere difficulties..

Diablo III -- You Will Die. We Promise.

Ready to get your ass kicked?!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Blizzard Q4 Conference Call - Opsummering
« Dato: Februar 10, 2012, 12:35:29 am »
Vi har her til aften kunnet følge Blizzards Conference Call for 4. kvartal 2011 via livestream her på siden.
Først efter 40 minutters tid blev det spændende, da Mike Morhaime kom med lidt nyt info omkring udgivelsen af Diablo III.

Vi fik en officiel udmeldelse på, at release nu er sat til 2. kvartal i år - det går meget godt i spænd med hvad Bashiok har sagt om en "early release" - så nu kan vi forvente at spillet bliver udgivet i tidsrummet april - juni.

Ydermere blev der sagt, at vi får mere information om release datoen i løbet af de næste par uger.

Tak til alle jer der fulgte med her på siden :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Blizzard Q4 Conference Call
« Dato: Februar 09, 2012, 11:32:43 pm »
Følg med på www.diablo3x.dk i denne tråd kl. 22.30 i aften, når vi igennem live fra Blizzards Conference Call for 4. kvartal 2011. Måske vi er heldige at høre noget om en release date for Diablo 3.

Afspiller fjernet, MP.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 får alligevel public channels!
« Dato: Februar 09, 2012, 09:18:09 am »
Blizzard har ændret sin mening omkring public channels i Diablo 3.. Nedenstående er et indlæg fra Bashiok for ca 6 timer siden..

Det er STORT!..

Soooooo... hey everyone. How's it going? Good? Weather ok? Great... so, right... You know how sometimes you say something that's stupid and wrong and then people very reasonably get upset and create a lot of threads and discussions and demands with some pretty reasonable reasons for the thing you said wouldn't happen but then it turns out that you're stupid and wrong and the things you said are completely the opposite of what's actually true?

Yeah. So that happened. Public chat channels will be in Diablo III, barring any catastrophe that requires we remove them, because they're already implemented. In fact they'll be in an upcoming beta patch so you'll get to see and play around with them yourselves.

I'm not sure I can offer any explanation as to the incorrectness of my statements, except that I believed them to be correct when I made them. I apologize, and I'll strive to not be stupid and wrong in the future.

More info on the chat feature, and others, to come in the weeks ahead. Thanks for sticking with it, and me.

Kilde: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4015205370?page=11#210

Are you happy now?  ;D

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Chat-funktionen i Diablo 3
« Dato: Februar 07, 2012, 09:40:38 am »
Bashiok er kommet med et uddybende svar på hvordan det er tiltænkt at chat-funktionen skal fungere i Diablo 3.

It seems there's been some confusion taken from the above statement I made back in September. The chat in Diablo III is exactly as I described, you do all of it in a single window. StarCraft II has a system where each chat is broken out into a separate window, chat program-style, but Diablo III keeps it all in one. The same single window that's used for chat when you eventually jump into a game, too.

As far as having open public channels, there's far more negative to them than positive and we maintain a stance that creating an open chat environment without a social structure behind it is an invitation for moderation and support disasters. Most people that want chat channels though are referring to guild channels, or otherwise channels they themselves can operate and choose to invite others to, and we see those as completely valid forms of chat (there's a social structure backing the channel). As I said, back in September, it's unlikely to be anything we attain for ship, but the social group-type chat features are still very much a desire for the future.

Kilde - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4015163779#20

Hvad synes I om denne beslutning fra Blizzard? Kommer I til at savne chat-chanels som de var i Diablo 2?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Battle.net Balance - Klar til at tage i brug
« Dato: Februar 07, 2012, 07:36:54 am »
Battle.net Balance er en ny funktion som giver dig muligheden for at købe Blizzards produkter og tjenester direkte igennem din Battle.net konto. Det har været vigtig for Blizzard at få denne tjeneste færdiggjort, da det netop er denne tjeneste man kan tage i brug når man vil til at lege med auktionshuset, RMHA, i Diablo 3.

Battle.net Balance is now live! As we announced previously, Battle.net Balance is a new feature that gives players an alternate way to purchase Blizzard digital products and services directly through their Battle.net accounts. Players are now able add to their Battle.net Balance using a variety of payment methods, and then use that balance toward Blizzard Entertainment products and services such as World of Warcraft game time; paid services, such as realm transfers and character name changes; digital versions of select Blizzard games, including Diablo II and StarCraft II; and in-game pets and mounts. In the near future, players will be also able to use Battle.net Balance for the digital World of Warcraft Battle Chest and WoW digital upgrades. In addition, with the upcoming launch of Diablo III, players will have the option to use Battle.net Balance to buy and sell items in the game’s currency-based auction house.

For more information, check out the Battle.net Balance FAQ, or head to the Battle.net Balance page in Account Management to manage your balance.

Kilde - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4434651/New_Battlenet_Balance_Feature_Now_Available-2_6_2012#blog

Det ser ud til at en af de vigtige brikker for en snarelig release er faldet på plads.. Hvad tror I?

I patch 10 blev Cauldron of Jordan, Nephalem Cube, Common Scrap og de guldsamlende 'kæledyr' blandt andet fjernet.
Samtidig blev Town Portal indført. Mange snakker om, at spillet i højere grad har et Diablo-feel over sig nu.

Hvad mener I? Og hvad er Diablo-ish - hvad er ikke?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 for farveblinde?
« Dato: Februar 05, 2012, 09:22:13 pm »
Her til aften faldt jeg over denne lille nyhed - for nogen ret ligegyldig, for andre (inkl mig selv) af stor betydning! Det ser ud til at Blizzard overvejer at give "os" farveblinde lidt ekstra opmærksomhed..

The_Devils_Hand Derek China:
Hey @Bashiok will D3 have a colorblind mode?

@The_Devils_Hand We're attempting to build the base game with it in mind. We'd like to know if anyone's encountering any issues.

Det er ikke meningen at dette indlæg skal skabe en debat, det er mere ment som info til jer det berører :)

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