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Forfatter Emne: Beta problemer  (Læst 12588 gange)

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Sv: Beta problemer
« Svar #15 Dato: Februar 27, 2012, 07:31:02 pm »
Mon ikke de fikser problemet i løbet af aftenen? Den mødte jo først ind for et par timer siden.

Dog er topic'en på battle.net forummet rimelig lang :P Men den er også eksploderet idag.

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Sv: Beta problemer
« Svar #16 Dato: Februar 27, 2012, 07:48:26 pm »
Alright .. har leget med Cache filer osv osv .. intet løst ..
Så det må være en konto problem ..
Må bare vente til de fixer det  ...

Offline TheAlienGamer

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Sv: Beta problemer
« Svar #17 Dato: Marts 02, 2012, 04:31:00 pm »
For nogen, blandt andet mig er dette problem stadigvæk ikke fixet og hvis det heller ikke er for dig så gå herind: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/3429854312
Andet solution post fra Blizzard europæiske D3 forum: Hey guys,

For those who haven't seen it, Vasadan updated(well nothing different actually) status after 6 days on US forums 11 hours ago. It's still we're working hard etc.

Hey guys,

Thank you very much for your logs and information. We got a lot of good info out of this thread.

This is just to let you know that we are still hard at work on the problem. Your information has helped a lot, so we are checking out just what is wrong with our authentication servers."
Source: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4079845931?page=46#903

Also, it seems the solution below discovered by Mentor been working for a lot of people including myself. Sorry can't quote as there's maintenance on US forums but here's what Mentor says;

"Guys i got a solution but for this u need 3 E-Mail accounts:
1 Has to be yours with D3 Beta on it ( obviously the one who doesnt work )
1 Has to an old never e-mail changed battle.net account which had a game on it ( like wow but frozen account)
and 1 E-mail to drop the no-D3 Beta Account. Kinda hard to understand but hear me out:

1.) U try to login with the Battle.net Account which has NOT D3 Beta on it, u should get an "Error 12", if this shows up u got a right account.
2.) U change the E-Mail of the Non-D3 Account to the "Drop-Email" so obviously the E-Mail address will be free for ur Main Account.
3.) Change the E-Mail from ur D3-Beta Account to the one which had the "Error 12" before.
4.) Try to log in with the changed E-Mail --> Profit. it worked for me :)"

You can follow the topic and questions about this temporary solution at the link below.

Once again sorry for bad English and mistakes.
« Senest Redigeret: Marts 06, 2012, 02:48:07 pm af TheAlienGamer »

Battletag: AlienGamer#2597

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« Svar #18 Dato: Februar 14, 2017, 11:36:27 am »
But now is not whether one can say that it is the world's first true gaming laptop ..

Bot spam?
« Senest Redigeret: Februar 15, 2017, 09:31:04 pm af mads-wm3 »
D4 Sorcerer

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Sv: Beta problemer
« Svar #19 Dato: Februar 14, 2017, 06:15:42 pm »
Jep, har fjernet linket fra posten, og så må Camelo/MP slette brugeren. Kan desværre ikke gøre noget ved linket i hans sig.

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« Svar #20 Dato: Februar 16, 2017, 07:50:04 pm »
Jep. Han er slettet og banned :)

Tak for link-slet, Mads!


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