For nogen, blandt andet mig er dette problem stadigvæk ikke fixet og hvis det heller ikke er for dig så gå herind: solution post fra Blizzard europæiske D3 forum: Hey guys,
For those who haven't seen it, Vasadan updated(well nothing different actually) status after 6 days on US forums 11 hours ago. It's still we're working hard etc.
Hey guys,
Thank you very much for your logs and information. We got a lot of good info out of this thread.
This is just to let you know that we are still hard at work on the problem. Your information has helped a lot, so we are checking out just what is wrong with our authentication servers."
Source:, it seems the solution below discovered by Mentor been working for a lot of people including myself. Sorry can't quote as there's maintenance on US forums but here's what Mentor says;
"Guys i got a solution but for this u need 3 E-Mail accounts:
1 Has to be yours with D3 Beta on it ( obviously the one who doesnt work )
1 Has to an old never e-mail changed account which had a game on it ( like wow but frozen account)
and 1 E-mail to drop the no-D3 Beta Account. Kinda hard to understand but hear me out:
1.) U try to login with the Account which has NOT D3 Beta on it, u should get an "Error 12", if this shows up u got a right account.
2.) U change the E-Mail of the Non-D3 Account to the "Drop-Email" so obviously the E-Mail address will be free for ur Main Account.
3.) Change the E-Mail from ur D3-Beta Account to the one which had the "Error 12" before.
4.) Try to log in with the changed E-Mail --> Profit. it worked for me

You can follow the topic and questions about this temporary solution at the link below. again sorry for bad English and mistakes.