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BETAKONKURRENCE #8 - Design din egen expansion-karakter

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I de tidligere udgaver af diablo har jeg savnet en true melee class, der ikke var over-brutal og pakket ind i rustning. Jeg savnede en letvægter, som ikke endte ud med at være en sneaky rogue eller lign.

Derfor kommer mit bud på denne class:

(Tryk for at forstørre)

Kort info:
Rolle: Melee
Gear: Light armor, Swords, Blade (Class-Item)
Skilltræer: Balance, Finesse og Surprise
Primære stats: Dexterity og Vitality

Kamp teknik:
Grundet den tynde armor, er det nødvendigt for Specialist at være præcis og hurtig. De 3 skilltræer tilbyder hver sin force. Balance er træet hvor specialist får flere kamp stillinger til rådighed, som gør ham til en varieret kæmper. Finesse giver ham præcision og styrke til sit sværd - aktive kræfter der igennem komboer kan sætte en stopper for enhver modstander. Surprise giver specialist mulighed for at forvirre og gøre sin modstander sårbar, hvor også det class specifikke item kommer i brug, blade, en forgiftet dagger.

Specialist stammer fra det vestlige rige, Westmarch. Et tropisk militær rige - hvor general Torin er øverstbefalende for ridderne af Westmarch. Det siges at han stammer fra sønnerne af Rakkis, dem der i sin tid dræbte Astrogas følgere og var lysets beskyttere.

Tankerne bag skillsystemet:
Balance - Parry, Speed Stance, rapid attacks m.m... Det vil altså sige det abillities der skal bruges aktivt alt efter hvilken situation du står i. Et aktivt kampsystem der opfordrer til hurtige skift, hvilket reflekter karrakterens essens. Dette kan også anses som en videreudvikling af auras, hvor dette dog ikke giver effekt til gruppemedlemmer.

Finesse - Kernen af specialists slag. Dette er de aktive offensive slag, hvor der kan specialiseres den kampstil der passer en bedst. Valget om man vil specialisere sig i grupper eller enkelte fjender.

Surprise - Bruger overraskelses momentummet i en påbegyndt kamp. Hurtige små afstikkere fra de normale slag - med anvendelse af "Blade", hvis der ikke er equipped et class item vil et knytnæveslag anvendes. Påfører diverese debuffs til modstanderen, som man igennem finesse og balance kan drage nytte af. Debuff eksempel: Blade påfører debuff til fjenden der giver større crit chance inden for de næste 20 sekunder, for at udnytte dette skifter specialist stance til rapid attacks for at udnytte crit chancen bedst muligt.

Ressourcen - Specialist anvender ressourcen Agile - lidt ligesom Babarians fury er det en ressource der skal charges op igennem passive eller aktive abillities. Agile charger dog ikke på ingående skade, men derimod på mere snedige bevægelser så som dodge/parry/crit.

Passive - Grundet at specialist er en letvægter, har han en passiv bonus der giver ham forbedret angrebs fart og mere liv, så længe han kun anvender light armors. Ligeledes er dette også en passiv der er med til at genere Agile, så længe han er i kamp.

Dette var mit bidrag :) Tak for nu!

Crazed Sentry

(Kilde: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/080/5/d/Skeleton_Warrior_by_AdamSundstrom89.jpg)

Tasked with the duty to protect their lord Mephisto, these were once proud and honorful skeletal warriors. Being unable to fulfill their duty was the greatest shame imaginable for such sentinels.

When tragedy befell and their Lord was vanquished, they were exiled to a remote place. Inhabited by neither demon or man. They lived for centuries in these wastelands, with nothing but their shame and the ferocious animals to keep them company.

It slowly began to drive the warriors insane and madness started to take over and rule the skeletons. They now roam the lands like a pack of savages, devouring anything in their way.

Combat Style
Well-deserving of their name, these sekeletal brutes fight fiercely, like rabid animals. No longer able to indulge themselves in the fine art of weaponcraft themselves, they instead use whatever sharp objects they come across.

While not choosy when it comes to the tools of war, they do seem to share a fondness for simplistic weapons such as swords and axes. They have shown ability to wield even the largest of these weapons quite effortlessly.

They have even been known to break apart the skeleton of a recently fallen comrade, only to use his bones as weapons.

OBS! Jeg deltager kun for sjov! Har vundet en key. Synes dog kunne være sjovt at finde på en ny class. Det kunne være fedt, hvis det nu var noget lignende Blizzard vælger, når de skal finde helte til expansion.

The Dragonkin

Jeg har tegnet den i illustrator.

Sanctuary is at a state where balance is none existing. Trag'Oul the mysterious dragon-like being who guards Sanctuary can no longer sit back in silence. He who once started the Necromancer order to defend Sanctuary has once again started another order who will do what is needed to keep the balance. This time Trag'Oul created them in his own image. Welcome the dragonkin! The ferious melee fighters who attack with agile moves, burst attacks and tormenting necromancy.

Power & Burst
With the dragonkin we introduce a new system. Like the Demon Hunter you got 2 resources, but they work a lot different. You got signature abilities that you can use for free. You got special abilities running on Power - it regnerates quite fast. Beside that you got Burst resource. Whenever your Burst is on 100 % your next special ability will get a bonus. The bonus varies from spell to spell and is also varied by runes. You regenerate burst slowly, but you can save it up for later battles. Think of it as a dragon's inner fire. Once it is used it needs time to build up before bursting again.


Wraith Claw
A signature spell that requires melee range. Dragonkin attacks with claws burning through the soul of his victims. When dragonkin's enemies die they will be bound to Sancturay because of the holes in their souls. They are bound to serve dragonkin as wraiths to regain their soul essence. They do area of effect damage and last a couple of seconds adding extra damage to dragonkin's arsenal.

Mighty Fangs
A signature spell that requires melee range. Dragonkin bites his victims leaving them bleeding. It's good at single targets.

Dragon Flame
A special ability that requires Power. It is a ranged attack. The dragonkin fires a firebolt at a target. It has an area of effect. It can set enemies on fire.

Wing Jump
A special ability that requires Power. Dragonkin cannot fly as a true dragon, but he can make a mighty jump to his targets using both wings and legs for power. Can be used to enter or escape battle. It has 10 second cooldown.

Tormenting Roar
A special ability that requires Power. Dragonkin roars and everyone in range is cursed. It will create chaos. Anyone hit will attack the weakest around them. Survival of the fittest begin! This effect lasts 5 seconds.

Dragon scale
Passive ability that makes dragonkin tougher.

The Convert

When Sanctuary was still young, and Uldyssian ul-Diomed (http://www.diablowiki.com/Uldyssian) found himself in the middle of the great conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, something unbeknownst to many inhabitants of Sanctuary happened by the hands of his brother Mendeln (http://www.diablowiki.com/Mendeln).

Even before Mendeln had reached his full potential in necromancy he was still able to command the dark forces with great skilfulness. In a close encounter with a pack of Morlu (http://www.diablowiki.com/Morlu), Mendeln successfully held them off by draining the very bloodlust that gave them their life force.

After the skirmish, Mendeln spent some time studying their seemingly lifeless corpses. To his surprise, he sensed a tiny flicker of light in these defeated creatures. It was without a doubt the same light that his brother, Uldyssian, sensed in every nephalem/human (http://www.diablowiki.com/Nephalem) of Sanctuary. With this perplexing discovery, Mendeln became eager to find out how these vile creatures of evil could in any way be connected to the same light that Uldyssian was fighting to prove was contained in every creature capable of good. The same light that dimly rested in even the plants and soil of this world.

 (...) Mendeln joined forces with his brother and a party of their trusted warriors, whose job was to observe, hand on sword, and be ready to step in if things at any point went out of hand. After several hours of Mendeln's necromancy and Uldyssian's trying to reinforce the light within these creatures, they proved successful in reanimating the formerly defeated Morlu. As their once lifeless bodies began to heave, the party of soldiers began to rummage, some drawing their swords, others looking to Uldyssian and Mendeln for notions of what to do.

 Although sapped for energy, the brothers were able to calm the soldiers, for they could see that a new light shone in the eyes of the Morlu. The once black pits filled with a reddish glow were now intensely light, radiating a feeling of warmth and a faint, yet noticeable feeling of trustworthiness that can only be found in good-hearted men.

When the Morlu had recuperated, the brothers were able to find out the horrifying truth behind all Morlu. Lucion (http://www.diablowiki.com/Lucion), the son of Mephisto (http://www.diablowiki.com/Mephisto), in need of loyal soldiers, had contrived a plan that involved kidnapping the strongest and most loyal soldiers from different cities in Sanctuary. He then performed despicable acts of torture and witchcraft upon these soldiers until they, deprived of any hope of returning to their former lives, were forced to submit to Lucion's might.

(...) The reverted Morlu were now to be called Converts, and they eagerly joined forces with Mendeln and Uldyssian and their men, seeking their vengeance.

The Convert takes on the role of a melee character capable of dual-wielding weapons as well as equipping a shield, much like the Barbarian of Diablo II. They are also able to wield two-handed weapons as well as Mighty Weapons. They are restricted from the use of Daibo. To not wind up as a complete copy of the Barbarian, Converts will also be equipped with a wide array of spells.

Resource system
The Convert is driven by Vengeance which is the name for his resource system. It will function similarly to the Wizard's Arcane Power in the sense that it will be maxed by default and will quickly regenerate. Similarly to the Wizard, "signature spells" will not cost any Vengeance, and may even be runed or otherwise enhanced to actually replenish Vengeance. Any another active abilities will cost Vengeance, preventing the spamming of the most powerful abilities.

Swing at a single enemy causing 115 % weapon damage. The Convert is healed for 20 % of the damage done
Signature Spell, no cost

50 % chance to become active when hit by an enemy melee or ranged attack (not activated by spells)
Instantly swing at target enemy dealing 170 % weapon damage. Does 135 % weapon to any additional enemies within 8 yards range
Cost: 20 Vengeance

Fuelled by Hate
In a fit of rage perform 7 instant consecutive swings at any target enemy. Will attack additional targets if a struck target dies. Each swing deals 175 % weapon damage
Cost: 35 Vengeance

Blood Debts Must Be Paid
Drain the life force from surrounding enemies causing 130 % weapon damage to a maximum of 5 enemies within 8 yards. Heals for 50 % of the damage done
Cost: 30 Vengeance

Drain Life
Perform a ritual on a single enemy, dealing 270 % weapon damage. Heals the Convert for 100 % of the damage done.
Cooldown: 15 secs
Cost: 30 Vengeance

Unforgiven Past
The Convert returns to his former Morlu shape. Increases damage output by 30 %. Increases attack speed by 30 %. Take 20 % less damage. Provide an aura for party members within range to increase their Damage output and Attack speed by 15 %. Aura also instils fear into any enemies within 15 yards range reducing their Attack damage and Attack speed by 20 %.
Duration: 30 sec
Cooldown: 150 sec
Cost: 80 Vengeance

Combat technique
The Convert is well-suited for tanking a pack of mobs while his teammates are pelting them from a safe distance. As a tank, the Convert is given several abilities with life-stealing/regenerating properties to enhance his endurance in combat. With his resource system he should focus his abilities on the monsters that pose the greatest threat to his teammates. He can allow minions to slip away as long as he is able to keep the more difficult monsters away from his party.

I butchered the lore on this one, I know. I drew inspiration from the Diablo®: The Sin War: Book One: Birthright (http://eu.blizzard.com/store/details.xml?id=210000099) as well as the Diablo Wiki (http://www.diablowiki.com/Diablo_III_Wiki). For a character like this, the actual story behind the "Converts" would have to be different from the one I wrote, if it should fit the description of Morlu in the book.

Anyways, it was fun to write the lore part, although I had to cut it short, otherwise I would have ended up with several pages! In any case, I hope my idea of these converted Morlu still shines through.

With the spells, the resource system etc. nothing is set in stone, but I think this is a pretty cool draft for a character!

Art concept is not originally by me, but I DID draw what you are seeing here!

The (...)s in the Lore part are places where I decided to cut the text short. A lot more depth could be added to it, but I already felt like I was writing an actual short story lol.

Kings Guard

...Even a common soldier can rise to match the tales of the heroes of old.


Amongst the footsoldiers in the armies of Sanctuary, the only chance of advancement is to rise above others and get selected for the King's Guard.
Once every year the best is handpicked for the trials consisting of several months of testing and training to select those few that has what it takes be part of the elite as a King's Guard.
A King's Guard are trained to weaken their enemy by delivering precise attacks designed to penetrate the weak spots in the armor, and deliver precise cuts and blows to bleed the enemy before finishing them off.
Years of training makes this soldier a proficient barricade against any kind of enemy, and those that survive to the end of service are highly sought as bodyguards or commanders of private armies or guards.
While a King's Guard commonly are male, women are allowed to enter the trials on even footing. And those that make it as King's Guard are rumored to be extraordinarily skilled warriors.

Strength: Increases damage done with weapons, increases armor.
Dexterity: Increases dodge chance, increases crit chance.
Stamina: Increases hitpoints.

Ability resource: Resolve
Years of training Makes the King's Guard a steadfast soldier, always able to keep his/her emotions under control, always seeking to keep on top of the fight.
Being outsmarted and damaged only makes the guard even more determined to overcome his foe.
A Guard maintains a constant state of vigilance, keeping his/her Resolve at the ready.
During the heat of battle, resolve regenerates a slower rate as there are more for the Guard to keep track off.

A King's Guard recieve training in all weapon and armor types.
The King's Guards are fabled for their mastery of spear and halberd weapons, and are said to be able to find weak spots in any armors delivering bleeding wounds to their opponents.
A King's Guard are commonly seen wearing chain- or scale-mail to maintain the ability to move fast, while still being offered protection against most attacks.

Active Skills:

Swipe: Swings the weapon in a wide arc hitting 3 enemies within range for 80% weapon damage and an additional 30% over 5 seconds.
   Runes:   Increase number of enemies hit.
                 Increase the amount the bleed effect hits for.
Jap: Strike an enemy with 3 quick thrusts of the weapon dealing 50% weapon damage and 20% as bleed damage on each hit.
   Runes:   Decrease Cooldown by x seconds
                 Decreases initial damage by 20%, but adds 25% as bleed damage over 2 seconds.
Impale: Attempts to finish off an enemy by impaling it - only works on enemies below 30%
   Runes:   Stuns up to 5 nearby lesser enemies in fear for 1 second
                 Gives Impale a 100% crit chance.

Thrust: A hard thrust designed to penetrate the weak spots in the opponents armor. if the ability crits, the target will suffer an additional 25% weapon damage as bleed effect.
   Runes:   Increases crit chance by 25%
                 Increases Bleed effect by 10%

Passive Skills:

Veteran Survivor: Having survived countless battles and training matches makes the Guard highly agile, increasing dodge chance by 10%
Keen Eye:            Polishing the weaponskills to the outmost, Makes the King's Guard hit the opponents weak spots more efficiently increasing bleed damage by 10%
Weapon Master:  Will gain 10% increased range with spear and halberd type weapons.
Second Skin:        Customfitted armor allows the King's Guard to move more freely, increasing attackspeed by 10%
Leech:                 Gains 50% of bleed critical hits as health
Vigilant:               Whenever there is more than 3 enemies within weaponrange, Resolve regenerate 20% faster.

Til trods for mine manglende tegneevner ville jeg have noget visuelt jeg selv havde lavet med:
Så her er min late night kuglepens doodle af en King's Guard.


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