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« Dato: August 21, 2012, 12:24:40 pm »
Blizzards Lylirra har beskrevet, hvornår patch 1.0.4 til Diablo 3 udgives. Vi kan forvente udgivelse af patchen i nat i Europa. Desuden kan samtlige patch notes findes her, hvor nedenstående citat også stammer fra. We will be performing scheduled maintenance for Diablo III starting tomorrow (8/21) at 3:00 a.m. PDT in order to deploy patch 1.0.4. We anticipate that maintenance will conclude and that all services will be available by approximately 1:00 p.m. PDT. Patch notes are available below.
Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 1.0.4 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from a European or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is the Americas, you will be unable to log into Europe or Asia using Global Play after patch 1.0.4 is live until those regions have also patched.
For reference, here are the scheduled maintenance times for each region:
The Americas: 3:00 a.m. PDT to 1:00 p.m. PDT (8/21) Europe: 8:00 p.m. PDT (8/21) to 6:00 a.m. PDT (8/22) Asia: 11:00 a.m. PDT to 11:00 p.m. PDT (8/22)
Please note that these times are estimated and subject to change. For time zone assistance, please visit:
« Dato: August 17, 2012, 09:10:47 am »
I skrivende stund kører følgende bil afsted mod Gamescom i Köln - The world's largest trade fair and event highlight for interactive games and entertainment
Ved første øjekast, kan den let forveksles med et rullende tivoli, men tag ikke fejl - besætningen er dybt seriøs og har en mission! Camperen har i sig fem medlemmer af D3X; Monsterpool, Devilrance, TheDomino, Hessi og jeg selv. Vi er af Blizzard venligt blevet inviteret til at besøge dem på på spilmessen, som vi rammer senere i eftermiddag. Her vil vi selvfølgelig forsøge at fange en Blizzard-ansat eller to. Hvem ved; måske få et par eksklusive nyheder til Danmarks officielle Diablo 3 fansite. Vi vil forsøge at dække vores eskapader på messen på bedste måde. Dette vil hovedsageligt indebære billedreportager, da vi sandsynligvis ikke vil bruge ekstremt lang tid på at skrive, mens vi er på messen. Snart krydser vi grænsen til Tyskland, hvor vi lige skal proviantere (øl, sodavand, mad). Der kommer en billedopdatering til den tid. Indtil da kan I jo fundere over, om der er nogle bestemte events, I gerne vil have, vi deltager i og dækker. I kan læse mere om Gamescom via linket nedenfor. Gamescom
« Dato: August 12, 2012, 04:05:07 pm »
Mange af jer har sikkert bemærket, at D3X har været meget svær at komme i kontakt med i dag og til dels de sidste par dage. Fejlen er fundet, og det viste sig, at vores BlizzBlues-feeds var grunden til de lange loadtider.
Vi arbejder på at få gang i disse feeds igen.
« Dato: August 08, 2012, 05:20:57 pm »
Selvom det godt kan se ud som om, at D3x' Diablo 3-sektion står helt stille, er det ikke helt rigtigt. Vi arbejder på at få nye sektioner på løbende. Lige nu mangler vi en person til at beskrive en række aspekter om Auction House; hvordan det fungerer med gold, real money, hvordan bud-systemet fungerer osv. Her snakker vi beskrivelser og lidt billeder/screenshots til at vise eksempler. Når sektionen er færdig, bliver den tildelt et menupunkt i Diablo 3-menuen her til venstre. Hvis en eller flere kunne tænke sig at påtage sig denne opgave, vil det være værdsat. Skriv eventuelt i denne tråd eller send mig en PM. Hvis man gider hjælpe med denne opgave, kan man hurtigt blive en del af D3X Crew og få mere indflydelse her på siden, hvad angår dens indhold
« Dato: August 07, 2012, 12:19:35 am »
Det er nu muligt at se andre spilleres characters, deres items, skills og generel fremdrift i Diablo 3. Denne feature har Blizzard valgt at kalde "Profiles" - ganske enkelt. Man finder profiles ved at skrive følgende adresse understregede del af adressen viser, hvilke profil, man vil se - i dette tilfælde min egen. Yup, they’re ready.
All you need to do is log in with your account (look for the login box in the upper-right hand corner of your screen) to access character profiles from any page on the Diablo III community site. Make sure that you've selected your Diablo III BattleTag in the login box, and, once you've selected your BattleTag, choose 'view profile'.
Profiles give you the power to:
- View your heroes’ gear, stats, and skills. How high have you raised your characters’ attributes? What are they wielding in each slot? What are their most prominent gear bonuses? What skills comprise their current build? Nuance awaits you in the Heroes tab.
- Track your game progress. How many acts have you cleared? What bosses have you shredded in each difficulty? How far have you leveled up your hardcore and normal artisans? Find out in the Career tab. You can also check your play time (by class) throughout your entire Diablo III career, and learn how many monsters and elites you’ve slain.
- Share with your friends. The Friends tab lets you check out your BattleTag friends’ characters, so that you can quickly compare notes on gear, skill & rune choices, and everything in between. You can also click on a BattleTag in the Diablo III forums to go directly to that player’s profile.
We like that profiles provide for easy sharing, comparing, and refining of your heroes as you pursue monster-slaying mastery. In fact, we like profiles so much that we plan to add even more functionality to them as Diablo III evolves, including detailed statistics and tabs for achievements and artisans.
If there’s something else you’d like to see appear in a character profile, please make sure to let us know in the comments below or on our website forums.
Happy Clicking!
-Blizzard Web Team Kilde
« Dato: August 03, 2012, 11:21:50 am »
Lylirra har været aktiv på Battle.Net, og har her givet respons på en af de mest savnede features i forbindelse med Auction House i Diablo 3. Muligheden for at søge efter seks forskellige stats på items frem for kun tre, som det er tilfældet nu, synes at være på vej. Thanks for the feedback! We're looking to bump the number of Preferred Stats slots from 3 up to 6. We're also looking to bump the number of digits in the "Min Value" window from 3 to 5 (so you can search for Preferred Stat values higher than "999"). Desuden anerkender Lylirra, at der mangler en række stat-søgemuligheder på AH; We're definitely working on filling the missing gaps. On a somewhat related note, we also want players to be able to search for stats on Legendary items.
Desuden oplyser Lylirra, at man også vil tilføje mulighed for at se stats på solgte items - et aspekt som hidtil kun har været muligt ved hjælp af et uintenderet 'workaround'. You mean stats of items in the Completed tab? If so, yes -- that is functionality we're looking to add. We're also looking to make it so that you can see the listing price of unsold and cancelled items in the Completed tab, as well. Det er helt bestemt nogle tiltrængte tilføjelser. Hvornår alt dette bliver implementeret, er dog som altid et kæmpe spørgsmål, og Lylirra har kun kunnet svare, at nogle af ændringerne vil se dagens lys i patch 1.0.4, mens andre først bliver aktuelle i patch 1.1.0. Just to be clear, the things I've commented are changes we're working on right now. Some of these changes are planned for 1.0.4, and some are planned for 1.1.0. Due to implementation and testing needs, however, those plans may change and get moved around, so just keep that in mind. Kilde
« Dato: August 01, 2012, 11:59:33 am »
I går postede Blizzard billedet nedenfor på deres Diablo-facebookside. Den generelle opfattelse er, at de tilføjer et såkaldt armory, således at det bliver muligt at linke til sine character builds, som det er kendt fra WoW.
« Dato: Juli 20, 2012, 08:17:07 pm » har desværre været utilgængelig i dag og givetvis det meste af natten. Jeg er faktisk ikke klar over, hvad der forårsagede dette. Jeg tror, at en server-genstart muligvis har fikset problemet.
Jeg håber, at siden kan holde sig oppe nu. Dog er jeg klar over, at der er store loadtider i øjeblikket. Dette er noget, der vil blive forsøgt udbedret.
« Dato: Juli 13, 2012, 11:50:01 pm »
Velkommen til endnu en quiz her på Diablo3x. Denne gang quizzer vi om i alt tre eksemplarer af Book of Cain samt hovedpræmien; en Diablo 3-plakat signeret af Russel Brower, der er hovedmanden bag musikken i Diablo 3. Plakaten er sendt til os fra Blizzard. Herunder kan du se Russel signere den: Førstepladsen vinder denne signerede plakat samt én af de tre bøger. Anden- og tredjepladsen modtager hver én kopi af Book of Cain. DU DELTAGER HER: - Kun én deltagende bruger pr. IP (dette er vores sikkerhed for, at der ikke er oprettet flere brugere af samme person for at øge chancerne). - Vinder du, skal du nok få yderligere instruktioner. - Yderligere instruktioner får du på sidste side af konkurrencen. - Vi forholder os retten til at tilføje regler, som det måtte være nødvendigt for at undgå alle former for snyd eller uhensigtsmæssig deltagelse i konkurrencen.Du kan deltage i konkurrencen senest 20/7 kl. 12.00. Kvalificerede til lodtrækning:Aggie Andrea8900 AlocDrol Bulgur Cena DGR Farbehind Fireenze Friis Fubar iCoke iRubMyDuck jalockin Jandersen Jubs-Smadder Karlsen Kenzzo LemmingProject Lulaine Maestrolite MaxMotor Mightyz Mikkeline Kakaomælk Moderkaka Roadley SaltyPops Sarox Shred#2864 Superknys TheDownDiabloer Tomatpasser Xanethia
« Dato: Juli 12, 2012, 12:26:56 pm »
Forsinket nyhed men bedre sent end aldrig; patch 1.0.3b er som bekendt gået live, og nedenfor ses ændringerne. Diablo III Patch 1.0.3b – v. Auction House General The following commodities are now available for trading in the real-money auction house (gold commodity trading is coming soon): Gems Dyes Crafting materials Blacksmithing Plans and Jeweler Designs Pages of Training
Bug Fixes The "Bid" and "Buyout" buttons will now be correctly grayed-out in the confirmation window when attempting to purchase an item with insufficient gold Bug Fixes General Fixed a bug where leaving a heavily-populated General chat channel would prevent players from rejoining any General chat channel until they logged out and logged back in Fixed several tooltip-related bugs that were occurring when viewing items with 2 or more sockets in the auction house and profile pages Fixed a rare crash with tutorials on item pickup
« Dato: Juli 08, 2012, 02:11:39 pm »
Til dem af jer der venter på beta access til MoP.Eftersom jeg får pænt mange pm's vedrørende betakeys, vil jeg med dette topic informere jer alle om, at det er ude af vores hænder, mht. hvornår I får jeres adgang. Oplysningerne blev sendt til Blizzard for over en uge siden, og jeg fik en bekræftelse på, at de havde modtaget dem, og at de håbede, de kunne begynde at aktivere jeres betaadgange inden længe. Venligst kontakt mig ikke for at høre, om jeg har jeres betakeys til jer, eller om jeg ved, hvornår I får dem. Der er ikke andet at gøre end at vente på, at Blizzard sender ud til jer. Brug gerne denne tråd til at skrive, når I har modtaget jeres key. Det er altid rart at få bekræftelse på, at det sker noget. Tak
« Dato: Juli 04, 2012, 02:18:01 pm »
Det er nu muligt at tilføje battletag til jeres profil, således at det bliver vist under jeres avatars. Det skal tilføjes under jeres profilindstillinger. Et eksempel kan ses til venstre her i min profil. Jeg tænker, at det umiddelbart er lettere at få fat i folk på denne måde, ud over at vi har vores battletag-liste. Jeg vil anbefale jer at tilføje jeres battletag med det samme. Desuden bliver muligheden vist for alle nye medlemmer, når de registrerer sig, så det skulle gerne blive en standardting for alle
« Dato: Juli 03, 2012, 07:11:47 pm »
Blizzard har bemærket, at der tilsyneladende er utilfredshed med, hvordan Magic Find-funktionen fungerer - især muligheden for at swappe items for at få MF før kills. I dag har de budt op til dans, og vil have vi spilleres mening omkring en række løsningsforslag. Since release it has become an increasingly common practice to keep a Magic Find (MF) set in your inventory, and swap it in shortly before a kill. Philosophically we don't have a problem with the practice. While players getting more Magic Find for their kills isn't a game breaker for us, many players have said they don't enjoy doing it but feel the benefit is too large to ignore. Since the call for a solution really comes from all of you, we'd like to invite you to chime in with your opinion on what the solution could be. It's worth keeping in mind that if we do implement a method to alleviate gear-swapping in combat, we'll simultaneously be looking at ways for players to get an added MF bonus to compensate.
Here are the solutions we're currently considering, and would appreciate your feedback and opinion on what seems the most reasonable for you, and why:
Option 1: Set a Magic Find Cap
We could set an MF cap between something like 100% and 200%. Nephalem Valor provides 75%, so you would need between 25% and 125% to reach the hard cap. Everyone could find ways to hit the cap for MF% on their gear and then stop.
Pros: Creates a gearing-game around trying to hit the "MF% cap" that some players enjoy. It also solves the swapping issue for people with enough gear to hit the cap. Players who want to min-max and gear swap can do so, and players who think it's stupid but feel "compelled" can try to hit the new cap instead.
Cons: Depending on where the cap is set, it may not actually alleviate gear swapping, and players who wish they didn’t have to will feel compelled to do so. It also devalues a highly valuable stat, and desired stats mean desired gear, which helps diversify the item hunt.
Option 2: Slowly Adjust Magic Find Over Time When you equip an item with Magic Find, we don't let your MF% change right away. Instead your Magic Find slowly "drifts" towards the target Magic Find -- potentially something like 1% every 3 seconds. If you open up your Character Details sheet, you can see the number change "8%... 9%... 10%." Even though you could in theory switch to Magic Find gear for the killing blow and get a few extra percent, it’s probably not worth it.
Pros: High degree of visibility as your stat sheet updates. Still allows you to swap your gear when you get an upgrade in the world without having to feel bad about putting the item on.
Cons: May not alleviate the problem for players who still feel compelled to get a few extra MF%. Depending on the rate, some players may just swap in an item during the last 20 seconds of a fight even though they don’t want to.
Option 3: Use your average MF% or your lowest MF% of the last 5 minutes We could sample your MF% every 30 seconds or so and create a moving average, or use the lowest MF% the game has seen on your character in the last few minutes.
Pros: A lot of the same benefits as Solution 2, but harder to game. Still allows you to switch gear when you get an upgrade, which is great.
Cons: Difficult to communicate. We'd have to communicate this on the Details page somehow, but during normal gameplay there could be the sense of not knowing what your "moving average" is and wanting to look at it. Magic Find is already a difficult number to feel at any point in time, so hidden rules that modify Magic Find feel that much worse.
Option 4: Zero-Out Your MF% for 3 Minutes After Swapping Gear When you swap gear, your Magic Find is disabled for 3 minutes.
Pros: Absolutely effective at discouraging gear swaps. Still allows you to swap gear when you find an upgrade, and the 3 minute duration is probably short enough that if you kill an Elite pack and get an upgrade, you can put that upgrade on and have your Magic Find active again by the time you get to the next pack.
Cons: Players who are unfamiliar with the system may open up their details page and see their Magic Find as 0% and not understand why. We could mitigate this by making the 0% MF colored with a tooltip stating the countdown until your Magic Find would work again, as well as what your Magic Find will be when the time expires.
Option 5: Gear Swapping Interacts with Nephalem Valor There's a whole class of solutions that interact with Nephalem Valor. For example, we could remove a stack of Nephalem Valor when you swap a piece of gear.
Pros: Stops gear swapping just for the last kill, while still allowing the player the option to do so.
Cons: Some players will lose a stack by accident. We could put a confirmation box in to address accidental loss of a stack, but game-interrupting popups are potentially character-killing. It also causes co-op players to drop out of sync. One person may switch gear and lose a stack or two, and if it happens before a boss they'll want to clear two more packs before hitting the boss, but the other party members may not want to -- causing some tense social situations in co-op play. Finally, it tightly couples two systems together and generally tightly-coupled systems don't function over the long haul as well as loosely-coupled systems. In other words, future changes to the Nephalem Valor system or the Magic Find system (or systems related to those two systems) become harder to make as both systems would be impacted.
While we're having our own discussions and tests of how well these options could work, we’re interested to hear your thoughts. We’d mainly like to hear which approaches you like, if there are any specifics you like or don't like about it, and why. Having the context of how this affects you personally really helps us. We're going to be locking down comments in this article to focus feedback to one location, so please head to the forum thread link below to discuss.
KildeHvad tænker I om dette? Er det noget, der overhovedet går jer på? Er der brug for ændringer?
« Dato: Juni 28, 2012, 12:16:47 pm »
Patch 1.0.3b bliver ikke udgivet i denne uge: In general we tend to not provide release dates or specific timeframes for patches due to the complexity of the updates, and the possibility that we’ll discover an issue that keeps us from releasing it on time. We discovered a few such issues late into the testing of 1.0.3b, which means it won’t hit this week as previously mentioned.
However, we know that a number of changes in 1.0.3b have been highly anticipated, and so we spent the better part of today pulling specific changes that did not run into testing issues out of 1.0.3b, and turning them into hotfixes. These include the Inferno drop increases among a couple others, and will be applied with off-peak rolling restarts tomorrow morning. We’ll also be updating the June hotfix blog with specific changes (including new drop rates) tomorrow morning after we manage to wrangle up a cup of coffee. KildeI stedet vil der altså ske et par hotfixes, som eksempelvis vil ændre på droprates på Inferno. Dette skulle ske i løbet af i morgen. På Diablo 3 Hotfix Blog kan du finde en liste over alle hotfixes, der udgives over tid.
« Dato: Juni 23, 2012, 04:25:29 pm »
Dette indlæg indeholder mulige spoilers, hvis ikke man har gennemført act 1 i Diablo 3 - hvilket jeg går ud fra, at de fleste har Hvad synes I om Cains rolle i Diablo 3? Jeg blev enormt skuffet over hans død - der var alt for tidlig. Desuden synes jeg ikke, han får en værdig død. Dræbt af en random kælling som Maghda. Han havde fortjent at dø ved Diablo eller lignende. Jeg savner hans røst i de resterende acts. Men jeg er et eller andet sted med på, at han måtte dø på et tidspunkt. Jeg synes bare ikke, det håndteres ret godt i Diablo 3.
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