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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 Deathscreen
« Dato: August 15, 2011, 06:34:52 pm »
Jeg faldt over et screenshot af deathscreen i Diablo 3 på diablo.incgamers.com.

Klik for fuld størrelse

Synes faktisk ikke, den er særligt køn. Væk med de dér røde nuancer og så er jeg glad. Hvad siger I i øvrigt til 'straffen' - 10% mindre durability på dine items. Det virker umiddelbart fornuftigt, hvis vi antager, at guld virkelig bliver en stor del af økonomien, da mindre durability vil betyde flere guldstykker til reparation af items.

Information fra D3X / Månedens medlem august 2011
« Dato: August 12, 2011, 01:53:06 pm »

Vi kan godt lide aktive medlemmer - og vi kan endnu bedre lide piger. Især dem der til dagligt bidrager til aktiviteten på Diablo3x.dk. Af denne grund udpeges iRubMyDuck til månedens medlem i august, da hun er en kombination af begge. Hun er det eneste aktive hunkønsvæsen på disse mørke dele af the interwebz og hun er for det meste at finde i oversigten over seneste indlæg. For nogen tid siden indledte hun endda en Diablo 2-karriere (og har vist ikke givet helt op endnu). Det er jo ganske fedt!

Dermed er iRubMyDuck (eller Sammie, som hun af unævnelige og næsvise nytilkommere kaldes) det første kvindelige månedens medlem - meget kontroversielt. Mon det bliver det nye shit blandt internettets kvindelige brugere?

Tillykke til iRubMyDuck!

Månedens Medlem vælges på baggrund af en vurdering af brugerens aktivitet og grad af nyttige indlæg og desuden på baggrund af, at brugeren formår at skille sig ud fra mængden samt bidrage til denne side på fornuftig vis.
Månedens Bruger udpeges den første dag i hver måned.

Månedens bruger vil have guldstatus indtil næstkommende Månedens Bruger udpeges. Månedens bruger kan ikke være samme bruger to måneder i træk.
I fremtiden vil der givetvis være endnu en bonus til månedens member. Dette oplyses, når det er aktuelt.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Et kig på Diablo 3 login-skærmen
« Dato: August 09, 2011, 07:58:17 pm »
Nedenfor kan du se login-skærmen i Diablo 3. Om den ser sådan ud gennem hele spillet, eller den ændrer sig i takt med din fremdrift i Sanctuary, vides ikke. Ikke desto mindre er det sjovt at se og forestille os, at vi snart sidder og skriver username og password ind for at spille Diablo 3.

Billedet er snuppet fra diii.net - tak til dem.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 cinematic intro - 'sketch look',
« Dato: August 09, 2011, 12:20:30 am »
I forbindelse med det for nyligt overståede presse-event hos Blizzard i Irvine, fik de besøgende fansites lov til at se intro cinematic til Diablo 3.

Bashiok har i dag omtalt netop denne cinematic - og det lyder spændende.

Those who visited for the recent press tour saw the first minute or so of the intro cinematic, which is done in a stylized 'sketch' look. The idea being it's Cain relating his prophecy via his journal, so it's sort of his journal come alive, if you will. It's also a lot cooler than it may sound (and on that note the voice/music/sfx were temp in the version we showed).

The 10 intro class cinematics (one for each class and gender) take the same style, but beyond that everything is high detail, high realism, holy-crap cinematics we've all come to love. And there's a lot of it. And they are so bad ass. You'll be happy.

Like I said, they (fansiderne red.) only saw the first minute or so of the entire intro cinematic which was the stylized bit with Cain reciting some of his journal. You start up the game, see the intro for the first time, log in, create a character, see the character intro, then start playing. It's a logical flow.

I always skipped Diablo II's cinematics cause i was onlineand didnt want to miss the next acts rush or hold up the players. Is there a way to replay them later?

Indeed! But, they're pretty info-heavy*, I wouldn't recommend skipping them. Personally I'm going to play the game alone for the first run through Normal, you can take your time, watch cinematics, and you get the extra story from having a follower.

*Info-heavy meaning huge spoilers, meaning I would avoid youtube/forums/the world during your first playthrough (once the game is released) if you want to avoid such things.

Will the intro cinematic be included in the beta?

Good question. I'll find out.

[edit] No cinematics will be present in the beta.

Det lyder til, at der virkelig er gjort meget ud af det historiemæssige aspekt og vi vil blive taget med fra starten i form af notater fra Cain's journal.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Nye screenshots - 28 stykker
« Dato: August 07, 2011, 01:14:49 am »
Dette er egentlig et hængeparti og det beklager jeg; til Blizzards presse-arrangement i sidste uge så 29 nye screenshots dagens lys, og nu har jeg altså uploadet dem her på siden. Der er virkelig tale om nogle action-fyldte shots, som samtidig er meget mere detaljerede, end noget vi hidtil har set på screenshot-fronten. Samtidig snakkes der om, at disse screenshots er blandt de bedste hidtil; der er skruet ned for effekthelvedet og de små detaljer skinner igennem. Eksempelvis påpeger diii.net, at der er langt færre 'environmental' effects - altså som fygende sand, tyk tåge osv. Samtidig synes der at være den lille tand mindre fesent og blåligt lys i de forskellige dungeons.

Og hvad er nu det? Kan man nu alligevel zoome i Diablo 3?

Bedøm selv!

Klik på billederne for at se den egentlige størrelse. Vises alle billederne for store på din skærm, bør du opdatere siden, hvorefter de burde blive vist i tilpasset størrelse.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Beta: Q3
« Dato: August 04, 2011, 12:32:34 pm »
Der var ikke meget nyt under solen i går, da Activision/Blizzard afholdt conference call; betaen forventes at gå i luften i løbet af Q3, som vi tidligere har erfaret. Samtidig understreges det, at Blizzard stadig håber på at have Diablo 3 på markedet i løbet af 2011.

Nedenfor ses hovedpointerne fra konferencen.

Off Topic / Birth of D2X
« Dato: August 03, 2011, 03:12:42 pm »
Faldt lige over en gammel cached version af D2X. Det er tilbage fra september 2003, hvor d2x blev lanceret. Ganske sjovt at tænke på, at det er så længe siden.


En liste over alle de ansvarlige dengang. Respekt til dem.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 press event: Crests
« Dato: August 01, 2011, 09:51:37 pm »
En af de mere mystiske oplysninger fra pressebegivenheden i sidste uge er de såkaldte 'Crests'. Det vides ikke, hvilken rolle de spiller eller hvordan de bruges. Ikke desto mindre kan de ses her nedenfor.
(Store filer og derfor lidt loadtid. Klik for at se fuld størrelse)

Til presse-begivenheden hos Blizzard blev det afsløret, at der er sket 'ændringer' i Diablo lore. Det viser sig nemlig nu, at den spilbare karakter The Warrior fra Diablo 1 i den opdaterede/nye lore, var King Leorics ældste søn. Senere hen blev The Warrior til The Dark Wanderer, som vi kender fra Diablo 2.

Personligt er jeg ikke vildt glad for sådanne ændringer i historien, der mere eller mindre ikke stemmer overens med, hvad vi kender fra de tidligere spil. Diablo 1 er selvfølgelig et gammelt spil og jeg tvivler på, at de havde tænkt så langt som til et tredje spil i rækken, da de lavede spillet. Alligevel mener jeg, at de burde være tro mod originalens historie og ikke begynde at pynte på den for at tilpasse den til Diablo 3.

Hvad synes I?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 press event: Beta overview & FAQ
« Dato: August 01, 2011, 11:51:08 am »
Beta overview
After 10 years of anticipation following Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo II (2000) and its expansion, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (2001), the iconic action-RPG gameplay of the Diablo series is back with a vengeance in Diablo III. In the upcoming Diablo III beta test, selected participants will be among the first in the world to rejoin the battle against the minions of the Burning Hells as they explore part of the game’s foreboding first act.

Stay Awhile And Listen!
Meet up with Deckard Cain in New Tristram and get up to speed on what’s been happening in Sanctuary since the events of Diablo II. Interact with the townspeople and introduce yourself to Leah to immerse yourself in the world and lore of Diablo.

Choose Your Hero Wisely
All 5 character classes will be playable in the beta test: the dual-wielding barbarian, the fearsome witch doctor, the elementally adept wizard, the dexterous monk, and the notoriously deadly demon hunter. Each character brings the pain to the demons and undead of Sanctuary in unique and spectacular ways.

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Skeleton King?
Evil is alive once more in the bowels of the Tristram Cathedral as the once-vanquished Skeleton King returns to plague the tiny village with gruesome horrors. The beta will pit players against this returning Diablo villain as they battle to restore peace and tranquility to New Tristam -- and to finally put the tortured soul of King Leoric to rest.

Good Company In Bad Times
Players will be able to meet and interact with some of the Artisans and Followers of Sanctuary during the beta test. These characters will aid your hero in different ways along his or her journey, providing some valuable services and much-needed martial companionship.

Something Looks Different…
Each play-through of the beta test will feel like a new experience thanks to the randomized elements of Diablo III. Randomized maps, monster distribution, scripted events, and loot all make for highly replayable gameplay.

A (Treasure) Hunting We Will Go
Finding, collecting, enhancing, and trading items has always been a core component of the Diablo series, and like its predecessors, Diablo III was designed from the ground up to make the rewards as much fun as the challenges. During the beta test, players will experience the joy of anticipation and discovery with every enemy they lay waste to, ever-searching for that amazing upgrade that will take their character to a whole new realm of power.

Make It Your Own
Each character is brimming with possibilities. Which potent combination of skills, weapons, armor, and enhancements -- including gems, charms, and runestones -- will you assemble? With countless ways to customize each hero, players will definitely get a taste of what it means to be unique in the Diablo III beta test.

Beta FAQ
Q: What are your goals for this beta?

A: The primary reason for the Diablo III beta test is for us to test out our new hardware, see how the server–client infrastructure holds up, and look for bugs in the installer and patcher as well as the game. We’re also looking to get some quality feedback about the beginning game experience and how the different classes feel. The beta test will help us ensure that the release is stable and fun, and that we’re ultimately able to deliver the experience we intend with Diablo III.

Q: How do I sign up for the Diablo III beta test?

A: To sign up for the Diablo III beta test or future Blizzard Entertainment beta tests, you first need to create a Battle.net account. You can then opt-in to the beta test for Diablo III, as well as beta tests for future Blizzard Entertainment games, through the beta opt-in process. To get started, simply click Beta Profile Settings in Battle.net Account Management. Please note that opting in to a beta test through this method does not guarantee that you will be selected.

Q: If I opted in to the Diablo III beta, how will I know if I’ve been selected to participate?

A: If you are selected, you will receive an email from Blizzard instructing you to log in to your Battle.net account at www.battle.net if you don’t already have one. You’ll then be able to download the beta client directly from within Battle.net Account Management. We plan on inviting players in waves, so if you do not receive an invitation in the beginning of the testing period, there’s a chance you might receive one in a later wave.

Q: 1,000 Diablo III beta keys were promised at BlizzCon; how do I know if I am winner?

A: We will be sending out emails with beta keys to winners along with detailed instructions on how to access the beta test. Players who receive a beta key via email will need to create a Battle.net account, click “Add or Upgrade a Game” in Account Management, and enter the key there. The beta client will then be available for download from within Battle.net Account Management.

Q: How long will the beta test last?

A: We have not determined an exact date for the end of the beta test. We will notify participants when the beta test is nearing completion.

Q: How many players do you plan to invite to the beta test?

A: The number of players we invite will be based on our testing needs. If during the course of testing we determine we need more players to participate, we’ll invite more.

Q: How are beta test participants selected from the opt-in pool?

A: Beta testers are chosen according to their system specs and other factors, including luck. Our goal is to have a good variety of system types to best test compatibility.

Q: Which regions will be able to participate in the beta test?

A: All regions will be able to participate in the Diablo III beta test; however, to keep the process as efficient as possible, and ultimately to release the game as soon as possible, we plan to roll out the hardware infrastructure for Diablo III in waves, starting with North America. This means that players outside of North America who are granted access to the beta test may experience some latency issues.

Q: What game content will be available in the beta?

A: You’ll be able to try out all 5 character classes and experience the early stages of Diablo III from the start of the game through the Skeleton King encounter. You’ll be able to interact with new and returning characters in New Tristram and fight the reawakened evils emanating from the cursed Tristram Cathedral. You’ll also experience the randomized elements of Diablo III as well many of the new system designs that take many of the core Diablo design elements to a whole new level.

Q: Will the progress I make during the beta test carry over when the game launches?

A: No, the purpose of the beta test is to ensure that the game and hardware infrastructure are ready to go as soon as possible. The main benefit of participating is being able to be among the first to play the game extensively prior to release. However, everyone will start on equal footing once the game is launched.

Q: Will the Diablo III Auction House be available in the beta?

A: Yes, we plan on testing the functionality of the Diablo III gold-based auction house during the beta phase.

Q: Will Mac users be able to participate in the beta?

A: Yes, Mac users will be able to participate in the beta at the same time as Windows-based users.


En af de mere kontroversielle nyheder fra pressebegivenheden hos Blizzard for fansider; et to-delt Auction House, hvor man betaler for items med enten ingame gold eller ægte real-life valuta. Foruden trade i Auction House vil det også være muligt at trade ingame, som i Diablo 2. Nedenfor har jeg citeret Sixen fra Diablofans.com om emnet.

After Jay's presentation of the new gameplay features and skills, Rob Pardo stood up and flipped on his power point presentation about Battle.net. He began by reminiscing about the old Bnet 1.0 days, when the service was first launched with Diablo 1, and later updated with Diablo 2. He then went on to explain to us that Battle.net 2.0 will include public games, a PvP matchmaking system, a quick-join system, and co-op option to play with our party members. He also introduced to us what is called the "Banner System," and that is simply what it sounds like: a banner that is used to represent our characters. This banner can be completely customized, based on whatever achievements we've gained, level we are, PvP matches we've won, difficulties completed, among a number of other things. In addition, while in-game, players may also click on our banner from town to teleport directly to us and join us in the action.

Here comes the bombshell: he also introduced to us the auction house. The real money auction house. Yes, an auction house that you pay/sell items for real cash and vice versa. As soon as this dropped, it was silent, though I couldn't stop myself from spitting out "Bwhat?!" to break the silence permeating throughout the room. He went on to tell us that it would be a regional AH, based completely on money. On the AH, there will also be an autobidding system, with a smart search, and secure item transfers. It seemed to me like he waited a few slides before he actually let us know that there would also be a gold-based auction house, as well as in-game trading... Maybe just to see our reactions or something, but do not fret! You will not be forced to use real money. In addition, we'll be able to pull items from our shared stash to place into the AH. Their reasoning behind doing this is simply because the players want it. If the players didn't want it, they would not have been using shady third party sites, like d2jsp in the D2 era of the series. Essentially, all Blizzard did was make something that was previously unofficial and sketchy, official and supported. Though, I should also mention that they are planning on selling/buying characters at some point in time as well, not at launch.


Jeg fornemmer allerede nu, at Blizzard virkelig har haft kig på, hvordan eksterne parter, især d2jsp, har taget folk ud af selve spillet, når de skulle handle i Diablo 2. Dette har man ønsket at imødekomme. Dertil virker det også til, at Blizzard har bemærket, at mange spillere rent faktisk er villige til at betale med ægte penge for items og ydelser - ganske ligesom man indirekte har mulighed for på d2jsp. Nu er det hele blot integreret i Auction House og Blizzard har virkelig indset, at der kan etableres en hel kultur og e-økonomi, der giver spillere mulighed for rent faktisk at tjene ægte penge på deres bedrifter i Sanctuary. Især synes der at blive åbnet op for dette, når der senere vil blive mulighed for at sælge hele characters til andre spillere. Auction House skulle desuden efter sigende fungere meget som Auction House i WoW - det må WoW-spillere gerne fortælle mere om.

Det er for mig et meget kontroversielt tiltag, om end det måske bliver en ufattelig god løsning på de problemer, vi har oplevet med Diablo 2 og eksterne trade sites som d2jsp. Real money-elementet vil desuden uden tvivl engagere spillere på en helt anden måde, end vi tidligere har været vant til. Nu vil man altid have i baghovedet, at man rent faktisk kan tjene penge på at finde et stykke grafik ingame. Vil vi nu for alvor se folk blive afhængige af et online spil, idet de konstant vil være på jagt efter de gode items, der kan sælges for xxx dollars, kroner, euro og you name it? Det er svært at spå om, men Blizzard har helt sikkert set, hvad der er foregået uden for Diablo 2 og lavet en løsning til Diablo 3, hvor det hele synes at blive integreret.

Auction House Overview
We’re introducing a powerful auction house system that will provide a safe, fun, and easy-to-use way for players to buy and sell the loot they obtain in the game. Items can be sold and purchased using real-world money or in-game gold.

An Easier Way To Trade
Sure, slaying monsters, demons, and cultists is a surefire way to obtain a ton of random new loot in Diablo III, but with the new auction house feature, it’ll be easier than ever to gear up your character with the exact items you’re looking for. You can also post the items you don’t need for players who are desperately searching for what you’ve got!

Don’t Need It? Put It Up For Auction!
Nearly everything found in the game, including gold, can be exchanged with other players directly or through the auction house system. So say you’re a witch doctor and you’ve just found an incredibly rare, incredibly powerful axe that only barbarians can use. In the previous Diablo games your best option might have been to sell the axe to an in-game vendor, but in Diablo III, you now have the ability to list that axe in the auction house for your fellow barbarian players to bid on. And you know another player will probably appreciate the true value of that axe more than some heartless vendor who’ll likely just melt it down for scrap….

Amazing Search Functionality
The auction house’s "smart search" functionality can automatically sort items in the auction house based on which upgrades would be most beneficial to your character. Also, searching for the best gear for multiple characters on the same Battle.net account can be done all from the same interface without having to log out.

The Choice Is Yours
Use of either the real-money or gold-based auction house is completely optional -- that decision can be made on a per-item basis, and both versions of the auction house are functionally the same. In addition, players have the option to simply sell the items they obtain to in-game vendors for gold. They can also trade items to other players through a direct character-to-character trading system in the game in exchange for gold, other items, or just an overwhelming sense of goodwill.

Players Only
Blizzard does not plan to post items for sale in the auction house. The driving purpose of the auction house is to provide players with a fun additional in-game option for what they do with the items they obtain in the game. Items sold in the auction house will be posted by players and purchased by players.

Safe and Sanctified
The real-money auction house provides players with an easy-to-use, Blizzard-sanctioned way to collect money for items they obtain while playing Diablo III. It also helps protect players from the scams and theft often associated with questionable third-party sites by providing a secure, completely in-game method for purchasing and obtaining the items they want for their characters.

Faster Than A Seven-Sided Strike
Sellers can post items for auction from any of the Diablo III characters on their Battle.net account, or from their shared stash (extra inventory space accessible with any of the characters on their account), without logging out. And after a buyer has won an auction, the item will become immediately available to be equipped and put to good use in the ongoing struggle against the forces of the Burning Hells.

Auction House FAQ
Q: What is the Diablo III auction house system?

A: Acquiring epic new gear for your characters has always been a big part of the Diablo experience. Because of this, players have found a number of different ways to trade and otherwise obtain items both within and outside of the game. Many of these methods were inconvenient and either tedious (for example, repeatedly advertising for a desired trade in Battle.net chat channels and waiting for responses) or unsafe (e.g., giving credit card information to third-party trading sites). With Diablo III, we’re introducing a powerful auction house system that will provide a safe, fun, and easy-to-use way for players to buy and sell the loot they find in the game, such as weapons, armor, and runestones. Two different versions of the auction house will be available in Diablo III: one based on in-game gold, which players acquire through their adventures, and one based on real-world currency.

Q: What’s the difference between the gold-based auction house and the currency-based auction house?

A: The gold-based auction house uses in-game gold for purchases and sales. With the currency-based auction house, players will be able to conduct these transactions using actual currency from an authorized payment method or from funds that have been added to their Battle.net account. Players can choose to participate in whichever version of the auction house they prefer, on a per-transaction basis.

Q: How does the auction house system work?

A: Players can open the auction house interface from anywhere in the game to make purchases or list items for sale. Items can be sold from the shared stash (storage shared among all the characters on your Battle.net account) or from any individual character’s inventory. When posting the item, the seller picks whether it will be sold in the gold-based auction house or the currency-based auction house. The item is then held by the auction house system until the listing expires or a purchase is made. Items that are not sold are returned to the seller’s shared stash, and items that are sold are delivered to the winning bidder’s shared stash. In either case, the auction house system will deduct a nominal fixed transaction fee from the seller, the amount of which is determined by whether or not the item was sold (see below). For the currency-based auction house, players will have a few different options for how to pay for item purchases and receive funds for item sales, as discussed elsewhere in this FAQ. There may be differences in how this system will work in different regions of the world. We’ll provide further details at a later date.

Q: How is the transaction fee determined?

A: A nominal fixed transaction fee will be deducted from the seller for each item listed in the auction house. This fee consists of a fixed charge to list the item, which is assessed whether or not the item is successfully sold, and an additional fixed charge that is assessed only if the item is sold. Because the listing portion of the fee is charged even if the item doesn’t sell, it will be in the seller’s interest to list items he or she believes other players will be interested in, and to do so at a competitive price. Specific details related to the transaction fee for the currency-based auction house will vary by region and will be announced at a later date.

Please note that we plan to waive the listing portion of the fee for a limited number of transactions per account. In other words, for these transactions, the seller will only pay a transaction fee if the item is successfully sold, and that fee will not include the listing charge. We’ll have further details on this as well at a later date.

Q: Why are you creating a currency-based version of the auction house?

A: Our goal with all of our games is to ensure players have a highly enjoyable, rewarding, and secure experience. Acquiring items has always been an important part of the Diablo series, but the previous games have not had a robust, centralized system for facilitating trades, and as a result players have turned to inconvenient and potentially unsafe alternatives, such as third-party real-money-trading organizations. Many of the transactions between players and these organizations led to a poor player experience and countless customer-service issues involving scams and item/account theft, to name a few. To that end, we wanted to create a convenient, powerful, and fully integrated tool to meet the demand of players who wished to purchase or sell items for real-world currency, and who would likely have turned to a less-secure third-party service for this convenience.

Q: How will the currency-based auction house work?

A: Players will be able to make purchases in the currency-based auction house using a registered form of payment attached to their Battle.net account. As with other popular online-purchase services, players will also have the option to charge up their Battle.net account with a balance of funds that can be drawn from for purchases of any digital product available through Battle.net -- this includes not only auction house items but also things like World of Warcraft subscription time and paid services, to name a few examples. On the flipside, when players sell an item in the currency-based auction house, the proceeds of the sale are deposited into their Battle.net account and can then be used as described above. Note that this process might be different for certain regions; we’ll provide further region-specific details as we get closer to launch.

Q: Can players choose to get cash from currency-based auction house sales, instead of having the proceeds deposited into their Battle.net account?

A: Yes, as an advanced feature, players will have the option of attaching an account with an approved third-party payment service to their Battle.net account. Once this has been completed, proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house can be deposited into their third-party payment service account. “Cashing out” would then be handled through the third-party payment service. Note that this process will be subject to applicable fees charged by Blizzard and the third-party payment service. Also, any proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house that have been deposited into the Battle.net account will not be transferrable to the third-party payment service account. Not all regions will support this advanced feature at launch. Region-specific details, as well as details regarding which third-party payment services will be supported and the fee that Blizzard will charge for the cash-out process, will all be provided at a later date.

Q: Is the currency-based version of the auction house optional?

A: Yes, the currency-based auction house is available as an option for players who wish to purchase or sell Diablo III items for real money. Players are also able to buy and sell items through the gold-based auction house, and they can trade items with each other as well through direct character-to-character in-game trading.

Q: Why would I want to pay real money to buy or sell in-game items?

A: Acquiring items has always been a core part of the Diablo series' appeal. With the previous Diablo games, many players have shown a great interest in buying, selling, or exchanging items for their characters using real-world currency, turning to potentially unsafe avenues to accomplish this goal. The currency-based version of the auction house provides players with an easy-to-use, Blizzard-sanctioned way to collect money for items obtained while playing Diablo III. In addition, it helps protect players from scams and disreputable third-party sites by providing a secure, in-game method to search for and purchase items posted by other players that are a perfect fit for their character and play style.

The currency-based auction house is completely optional. Players who aren't interested in paying real money for items will still be able to rely on items they acquire through their own adventures, and they'll also be able to trade with friends and use the full-featured gold-based auction house.

Q: Can I play on a server without a currency-based version of the auction house?

A: We want to provide a secure, fun environment for our players to purchase and sell in-game items using gold or real money and have no plans to divide the community. Players are free to participate in the gold-based auction house or the currency-based auction house, or to opt out of using any of the auction houses at all, progressing through Diablo III using only the items they obtain through their own adventures or direct trade with other players.

Q: Does Blizzard plan to post weapons, armor, and other such items for sale in the currency-based version of the auction house?

A: The currency-based auction house is a place for players to purchase or sell items they’ve obtained within the game. Blizzard does not plan to post items that affect gameplay, such as gear or character-enhancing runestones, for sale in the auction house.

Q: Will Blizzard sell anything directly through the auction house?

A: We don't have any plans at this time to post items for sale in the auction house.

Q: Does the currency-based auction house signify a shift in Blizzard’s business and revenue model?

A: We’ve always tailored our business models to match what we’ve felt would be most appropriate and effective for each game and in each region, and that’s the case with Diablo III as well. The item-based nature of Diablo gameplay has always lent itself to an active trade-based ecosystem, and a significant part of this trade has been conducted through unsecure third-party organizations. This has led to numerous customer-service and game-experience issues that we’ve needed to account for. Our primary goal with the Diablo III auction house system is for it to serve as the foundation for a player-driven economy that’s safe, fun, and accessible for everyone.

Q: What’s Blizzard’s cut?

A: As with other online auction sites and real-world auction houses, our fee structure will vary by region. However, we plan to collect a nominal fixed transaction fee for each item listed in the auction house. This fee consists of a fixed charge to list the item, which is assessed whether or not the item is successfully sold, and an additional fixed charge that is assessed only if the item is sold. The listing portion of the fee, which helps encourage sensible listing prices and discourage the mass posting of items that are very low quality or would be of little interest to other players, will be waived for a limited number of transactions per account. For players who opt to have the proceeds of their auction house sales go to their third-party payment service account instead of to their Battle.net account, Blizzard will collect a separate “cash-out” fee. Specific details regarding these fees will be announced at a later date.

Q: Why would I even want to use the gold-based auction house?

A: We recognize that not all players would prefer or have the means to participate in the currency-based auction house, and it was important to us to provide these players with a full-featured alternative.

Q: Can we buy gold from the currency-based auction house?

A: Players will be able to buy and sell gold through the currency-based auction house at whatever the current market price is, as established by the player community.

Q: If I no longer need an item I bought in the auction house, can I relist it in the auction house?

A: Yes. Once you've purchased an item you can do anything with it that you could if you had acquired it through your own adventures, whether that be using it yourself, or, after a cool-down period, trading it to another character or relisting it on either the gold-based or currency-based auction house. In fact, you can generally do any combination of these things -- for example, you can purchase an item in the auction house, use it for a while, and then relist it or trade it to another character. Aside from certain quest items, there will be very few (if any) items that will be “soulbound” to your character and therefore untradable. Please note that the duration of the cool-down period mentioned above will be discussed at a later date.


Q: What items can be traded in Diablo III?

A: Nearly everything that drops on the ground, including gold, can be traded with other players directly or through the auction house system. Aside from certain quest items, there will be very few (if any) items that will be “soulbound” to your character and therefore untradable. We are also planning to allow players to buy and sell characters in the auction house at some point in the future and will have more details to share on that at a later date.

Q: What is "smart searching"?

A: When players launch the auction house interface, they’ll be able to select any Diablo III character associated with their Battle.net account. The "smart search" feature will assess which item slots have available upgrades and will sort items available in the auction house based on which upgrades would be most beneficial to the character. You can also search for specific stats to match the requirements of a particular character build.

Q: How does bidding work?

A: Players will be able to place a current bid as well as a maximum bid if they wish to engage in automatic bidding. In addition, they’ll be able to check the status of their bids on the "Currently Winning" page and the "Outbid" page in the auction house interface.

Q: Can I buyout items that I want to purchase immediately?

A: Yes, the Diablo III auction houses will support a buyout feature as well as standard bids.

Q: How do I pay for items?

A: For the gold-based auction house, purchases will be made using in-game gold. For the currency-based auction house, players can make purchases using a registered form of payment attached to their Battle.net account. As with other popular online-purchase services, players will also have the option to charge up their Battle.net account with a balance of funds that can be drawn from for purchasing items in the currency-based auction house. Note that this process might be different for certain regions; we’ll provide further region-specific details as we get closer to launch.

Q: How do I receive the items I’ve won?

A: After winning an auction, the item will be available to pick up through the built-in auction house interface in the Diablo III client. Players will then be able to immediately send that item to their shared stash (storage shared among all the characters on a Battle.net account) or repost the item in the auction house after a cool-down period. The duration of the cool-down period will be discussed at a later date.

Q: How do I sell items?

A: From the auction house interface, players will be able to select items from their shared stash or from a specific character's inventory. They will then be able to post items for sale by listing a starting bid and buyout price.

Q: How do I cash out from the currency-based auction house?

A: As an advanced feature, players will have the option of attaching an account with an approved third-party payment service to their Battle.net account. Once this has been completed, proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house can be deposited into their third-party payment service account. “Cashing out” would then be handled through the third-party payment service. Note that this process will be subject to applicable fees charged by Blizzard and the third-party payment service. Also, any proceeds from the sale of items in the currency-based auction house that have been deposited into the Battle.net account will not be transferrable to the third-party payment service account. Not all regions will support this advanced feature at launch. Region-specific details, as well as details regarding which third-party payment services will be supported and the fee that Blizzard will charge for the cash-out process, will all be provided at a later date.

Q: Will buying or selling items in the auction house reveal my identity?

A: No. All player transactions in the gold-based and currency-based auction houses will be anonymous, and neither your real name nor your character name will be revealed to other players.

Q: Will there be a mobile or Web-based auction house?

A: We're always on the lookout for opportunities to enhance the game experience and keep our community connected to our games through the Web or mobile devices. However, we do not have any plans to share along those lines at this time.

Q: When will this be available for testing?

A: We'll share more information on our auction house testing plans as we get closer to launch.


Q: Which regions will have currency-based auction house support?

A: We plan to roll out the currency-based version of the auction house in as many regions as possible with the launch of Diablo III. In regions where the currency-based auction house will not be available, players will still have access to a gold-based auction house. We'll share more details in the future.

Q: Will there be separate auction houses in each region? Will I be allowed to bid on items from players outside my own region?

A: Due to various factors, including technology, language, and currency, there will be multiple separate auction houses serving different player communities around the world. We’ll share specific details on how the auction houses will work for each region as we get closer to launch.

Q: If I live in Australia/New Zealand/Southeast Asia, what server will I play Diablo III on?

A: As with StarCraft II, players who purchase the Australia/New Zealand/Southeast Asia version of Diablo III will have their own regional servers, offering lower latency and more action during peak hours. While we encourage players to play on these servers, we recognize that many have longstanding friendships with North American players and would like to continue playing with them. Because of this, we're again giving Australia/New Zealand/ Southeast Asia gamers access to both regions' servers so they can choose where they'd prefer to play.

Q: How does this impact the items I have purchased in the auction house?

A: Auction house purchases are bound to the servers in the region in which they're bought. Any items acquired on the Australia/New Zealand/Southeast Asia servers, in-game or otherwise, are bound to those servers and are not transferrable to the North American servers (and vice versa). Please keep this in mind when making purchases in the auction house.

Q: What currencies will be available? What currency will items in the auction house be viewed in? Can players purchase items using local credit cards or bank accounts?

A: Our goal is to make the auction house experience in each region as seamless as possible for players, and we are currently exploring various currency and payment options to help achieve that goal. We’ll provide further details as we get closer to launch.


Q: Will I be able to use third-party mods to track auction prices?

A: For a variety of gameplay and security reasons, we will not be supporting bots or mods in Diablo III, and they’ll be expressly prohibited by our terms of use for the game.

Q: Can Hardcore-mode characters use the currency-based auction house?

A: No. Hardcore characters will only have the option to buy and sell items together with other Hardcore characters via a separate "Hardcore-only" gold-based auction house; they will not be able to use the currency-based auction house. Hardcore mode is designed as an optional experience for players who enjoy the sense of constant peril that comes with the possibility of permanent death for a character. All of a Hardcore character’s items are forever lost upon that character’s death, so to avoid the risk of a player spending real money on items that could then be permanently lost when the character dies, we decided restrict the use of the currency-based auction house in Hardcore mode.

Q: If my character dies in Hardcore mode, will I lose the items that I purchased in the "Hardcore-only" gold-based auction house for that character?

A: Yes. Again, Hardcore-mode characters will only have access to a "Hardcore-only" gold-based auction house, not the currency-based auction house, and will not be able to trade with non-Hardcore characters. Hardcore is an optional mode designed for players who enjoy playing with the risk of permanently losing their character if the character dies, and that includes the items they acquired with that character.

Q: Can I just buy the most powerful items and breeze through the game?

A: Items will be level-restricted, meaning your character won't be able to use an item until he or she is at the appropriate level for that item.


Q: What happens if a player does not receive a purchased item?

A: The auction process is automated, but if a player purchases an item and for some reason does not receive it, he or she will be able to contact our customer service team to look into the issue.

Q: What happens if there is a patch and the item I purchased is altered?

A: It's important for us to ensure that Diablo III remains balanced and fun for years after launch. To that end, it may be necessary to change stats or alter abilities of items from time to time. It’s very important to note that Blizzard will not be providing refunds or making other accommodations if a purchased item is later altered in a patch. Given this, it's up to players to determine whether they're comfortable purchasing items in the currency-based auction house.

Q: Someone bought an item on my account without my permission. Can I get a refund?

A: Please note that account sharing will be forbidden in Diablo III's Terms of Use. In cases of compromise, our customer service team will look into the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

Q: I accidentally lost or dropped an item I just purchased -- can I get a refund?

A: No. After a purchase is made, players will be responsible for what they do with the item.

Q: How will you address bots or cheaters?

A: We take cheating very seriously, and we've designed Diablo III and Battle.net to include measures to detect and prevent unfair play. In addition, we will have anti-cheating policies in place and will take action to address any issues as they arise.

Nedenfor har jeg citeret Sixens interview med Jay Wilson, der hovedsageligt handler om Auction House.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 press event: Ny gameplay video
« Dato: August 01, 2011, 09:40:50 am »
Klokken er over 9.00 d. 1. august, hvilket betyder, at den tidligere så meget omtalte NDA, som fansider har skrevet under på under deres Blizzard-besøg, nu er trådt ud af kraft. De inviterede fansider har derfor frie hænder til at skrive, hvad de har oplevet under deres besøg.

Jeg læser selv om dette på www.diablofans.com og mine nyheder vil hovedsageligt stamme herfra, så småt som jeg får gnavet mig igennem det hele.

Til at starte med kan I se en helt ny gameplay video nedenfor.

Jeg har ikke selv set den til ende, så kom endelig med jeres skarpe observationer og tanker.

Off Topic / Tillykke til Shorty!
« Dato: Juli 31, 2011, 01:16:44 pm »
Shorty har f-dag. Tillykke til det!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3-ikoner og beta box
« Dato: Juli 27, 2011, 11:41:55 am »
Der er dukket billeder op på den europæiske Battle.net-server af Diablo 3 beta-box samt to skrivebordsikoner - et lille samt stort ikon.

Man får mere og mere lyst til at få fat i det spil. Men hvad betyder disse billeder? Betaen må være meget tæt på, når ikoner og billeder begynder at vrimle frem på denne måde.

Gangrel sucks

Off Topic / D3X Mix - BBQ Edition
« Dato: Juli 24, 2011, 01:04:40 am »

Sider: 1 ... 26 27 28 29 30 [31] 32 33 34 35 36 ... 54