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Off Topic / Tillykke til Mads
« Dato: November 15, 2013, 04:02:48 pm »
Mads-wm3 bliver i dag en smule ældre! Tillykke med dagen!


Teams, Clans & Communities / Torsdag kl. 20 eller 21: Decaying Crypt Runs
« Dato: November 14, 2013, 01:43:27 pm »
Det nye sort er jo at lave Decaying Crypt runs, så hvem er klar i aften? Jeg regner med, at vi prøver at optimere så meget som muligt. Dvs. at vi gerne skal have en barb med, der kan løbe igennem krypten og aktivere alle monstre. Og dertil tænker jeg også, at vi optimerer processen med at finde selve krypten. Dvs. at dem der gerne vil være med, hver opretter et spil og råber op, når de har fundet krypten, hvorefter alle kan joine det pågældende spil.

Hvis man er i tvivl om, hvordan man hurtigst finder Decaying Crypt, kan jeg henvise til Mikkels post her: http://diablo3x.dk/diablo_3_generelt/info_info_crypt_map_13817.0.html

Information fra D3X / D3X 100
« Dato: November 09, 2013, 08:26:47 pm »
For nogen tid siden var der en del, der fik deres characters i Diablo 3 i Paragon Level 100. Jeg nævnte i den forbindelse, at der var planer om at lave en form for Club 100 her på siden. Jeg vil gerne vende tilbage til denne tanke nu, og spørge, hvem vi har herinde, der har characters i D3 i Paragon Level 100.

Kom frisk :) Don't be shy!

Du kan anmode om at blive medlem her: http://diablo3x.dk/profile/area.groupmembership/

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Reaper of Souls trailer - BlizzCon 2013
« Dato: November 08, 2013, 09:49:13 pm »
I denne omgang sakset fra diablo.incgamers.com - har ikke haft held med at finde den oprindelige kilde. Hm.

Reaper of Souls BlizzCon 2013 Trailer

Off Topic / BlizzCon 2013 - løbende opdateringer
« Dato: November 08, 2013, 09:09:07 pm »
Denne tråd bruges til løbende opdateringer fra BlizzCon. Jeg er selv på Virtual Ticket, men er desværre ikke til stede hele aftenen eller i morgen. Men jeg vil forsøge at opdatere regelmæssigt, når der kommer nogle store overskrifter :)

Lige nu er åbningsceremonien i gang, mens Mike Morhaime er den første på talerstolen for at byde alle velkomne. Ikke noget nyt endnu.

Alle andre er velkomne til at hjælpe med opdateringen af denne tråd. Tråden er absolut ikke en officiel nyhedstråd fra min side.

Off Topic / BlizzCon 2013 starter i aften - forventninger?
« Dato: November 08, 2013, 05:03:38 pm »
Kl. 19.00 dansk tid starter BlizzCon 2013. Vi har fået lovning på, at der kommer en del nyheder om Diablo 3. Skulle vi ikke prøve med en forventningsafstemning?

Personligt håber jeg på, at vi hører mere om planerne for et eventuelt ladder-system i D3. Derudover håber jeg selvfølgelig på at høre mere om, hvad vi allerede har fået præsenteret om RoS - især nye items. Selve historien behøver jeg egentlig ikke høre mere om, før jeg sidder med spillet. I denne omgang vil jeg gerne have en masse smagsprøver og teasere på, hvad der kommer til at gøre D3:RoS til den succes, vi håber på.

Og så håber jeg egentlig også lidt på, at der kommer et eller andet om StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void. Men jeg tror ikke helt på det :)

Hvad forventer I jer af BlizzCon?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Design a Legendary part 2 - grafisk fremtoning
« Dato: November 08, 2013, 02:20:29 pm »
Som vi skrev for nogle uger siden, er Blizzard gået i gang med et projekt ved navn 'Design a Legendary', hvor de ønsker, at fanbasen i større grad skal være med til at bestemme, hvordan bestemte legendary items skal se ud, hvilke attributter de skal have mm. I første runde blev det valgt, at der skulle designes et nyt 1-handed sword, og nu er det tid til at se på den grafiske fremtoning af våbnet.

Blizzard har derfor oprettet en ny afstemning med i alt syv valgmuligheder, hvoriblandt temaerne tæller Caldeum, Westmarch, Serpent, Diablo, Ancient Culture, Mephisto og Duriel..

Kig forbi og stem (husk at logge ind): http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/11516520/design-a-legendary-part-2-choose-your-theme-11-7-2013

Min egen personlige favorit et Mephisto-tema. Han var nærmest indbegrebet af Diablo 2 for mig, og jeg savner lidt den karakter i Diablo 3.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Ny titel på bnet forum
« Dato: November 06, 2013, 07:10:09 pm »
Så fik jeg da lige ny titel på bnet-forummet ;) Må se, om jeg kan skrive fornuftigt derinde så.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / D3X QUIZ: VIND DIABLO 3 TIL PLAYSTATION 3
« Dato: Oktober 31, 2013, 10:20:14 pm »
Ærede D3X'ere!

Så er det nu, du kan vinde Diablo 3 til PlayStation 3 - sponsoreret af selveste Blizzard. Vi skal i gang med en klassisk D3X Quiz.

Alt du skal gøre, er at følge anvisningerne på denne side:

Quiz overstået

Du kan deltage i quiz og efterfølgende lodtrækning fra i dag til og med onsdag 6/11-2013! Der bliver trukket lod 7/11-2013.

God fornøjelse :)

/mange af svarene kan findes i nylige nyheder her på siden, ved søgninger på Google og i din egen hukommelse.

Tech. Support / Optage skærm på PC
« Dato: Oktober 29, 2013, 11:25:42 am »
Hej hej

Hvilket program er bedst til at optage video med på PC? Jeg tænker her på at optage eksempelvis handlinger på en hjemmeside. Det skal gerne være med lyd.

Hvad bruger folk eksempelvis til at optage D3-klip?

På forhånd tak.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Reaper of Souls: Et historisk kig på Westmarch
« Dato: Oktober 28, 2013, 09:22:04 pm »
Nevalistis, en af de nyere tilkomne community managers, har for nylig oprettet et indlæg på diablo3.com, hvor vi får et historisk indblik i Westmarch, som vi altså besøger i Reaper of Souls.

Reaper of Souls First Look: Historical Westmarch

"But one must remember that the Westmarch of modern times is vastly different from what it was at the moment of its creation." - Deckard Cain, Book of Tyrael

What first comes to mind when one thinks of Westmarch, the first zone players will encounter in Diablo III's upcoming expansion, Reaper of Souls? From the home base of an eponymous order of knights to an architectural wonder built of monuments to King Rakkis's conquests, it is a city steeped in tales both heroic and bloody.

But what of its founding? Or the secrets that drove King Rakkis to be buried in a fetid swamp rather than his shining capital? It is said that the best preparation for the future is to study the past, so let's take a closer look at these legends as we steel ourselves for the impending destruction and chaos of Malthael, the Angel of Death.

Product of Conquest
Nearly two and a half centuries past, at a time when the Zakarum faith was quickly gaining momentum, the empire of Kehjistan was beset by a myriad of troubles. From famine and disease to rioting amongst the citizenry, the stage was set for a new faith to rise and stoke the fires of hope in the hearts of the desperate. While many politicians and nobles saw this evangelical traction as a threat, Emperor Tassara, fresh to his rule, realized the teachings of Akarat could be used as a tool to solidify his reputation. By embracing the burgeoning religion, Tassara would hasten the rapid acceptance of the Zakarum doctrines, allowing him to ensure the people would stay devoted to his cause.

The Rise of Rakkis:
Soon after his ascension, competitors for Tassara's throne banded together in an attempt to overthrow the emperor before his position was fully secured. Anticipating this insurrection, Tassara enlisted the help of one of the most zealous Zakarum converts and a skilled military general: Rakkis. The exploits of Rakkis echo through the annals of history, but it is important to note that his undeniable strength and his series of victories to protect the crown were an inspiration to the common folk.

Rakkis's popularity proved a double-edged sword, however, as Tassara began to consider the general a potential threat to his own rule. Thus, he ordered Rakkis to venture west and spread the Zakarum faith through conquest.

As this crusade tore across the land, Rakkis's army faced steep resistance, especially from the nation of Ivgorod and the barbarians of Mount Arreat. Despite these setbacks, Rakkis eventually banded together nine warring clans of the subcontinent under his banner, slowly integrating the Zakarum faith into their culture. This new force allowed him to crush the remaining resistant natives of the south.

Rakkis' army marches forth after a victorious battle.

Soon, it came time for the general to claim proof of his deeds. To this end, he declared the land he seized Westmarch, in honor of the task to which Tassara had assigned him. Its capital, which would share the same name, was settled as a river port, and its convenient proximity to the sea allowed the city to quickly flourish into the mighty martial and mercantile power it is today.

The City Under Siege
Westmarch enjoyed many decades of peace and prosperity, as few would dare the wrath of its intimidating military. Those who did, such as Khanduras’s ill-fated invasion during the Darkening of Tristram, were slaughtered, with few survivors left to tell of their decimation. In the two hundred plus years since Westmarch’s founding, no outside force would visit harm upon those within the city’s formidable walls, until the arrival of Malthael, intent on slaughtering the entire population of the capital for an as yet undetermined purpose.

This begs the question: Why Westmarch? What secrets does the city hold that would lure the Angel of Death to its doorstep?

A Secret History
Generally speaking, if one were to carve a vast nation from the wilderness, the least appealing location to build one's new home would be next to a sprawl of fetid marshes. Yet, that is precisely what Rakkis did when he chose the location for his nation’s capital. Was there an ulterior motive? Surely there must have been, as the site would later draw forth the interest of not one, but two independent members of the Angiris Council.

Near Westmarch lay a treasure far more valuable than anything Rakkis had procured during his campaign. After his coronation, the king spent many years of his reign wandering the cyclopean ruins that lay forgotten beneath the adjacent marsh. At his behest, King Rakkis was laid to rest within it after his death. It was whispered by some that the ruins were not those of just any civilization, but rather, a lost city of the Nephalem

Left: A curious adventurer explores the Nephalem ruins. Right: The Angiris Council discuss the fate of the Black Soulstone.

This location holds undeniable power, and few have managed to pry secrets from its ancient corridors. The greatest quality the lost city is said to possess, however, is remarkable warding against the trespass of both angels and demons. Mentions of this warding were well hidden, but the new mortal Aspect of Wisdom, Tyrael, learned of the ancient protection in a time of great need. Seeking a place of refuge on Sanctuary for the Black Soulstone, he planned on using these ruins to hide the terrible artifact, shielding it from both demonic and angelic intervention alike. With power of the Prime Evil stored within the stone’s murky facets, not even the High Heavens could be trusted with its safekeeping.

Unfortunately, no one, not even Tyrael himself, could have foreseen the adversary who would pluck the Black Soulstone from its refuge. . .


Like Tyrael, Malthael had undergone a transformation, and his new incarnation as Death allowed him to cross the threshold of the ruined city unhindered.

The Future of Westmarch
Now, dangers beyond imagining threaten to lay waste to Westmarch, and only you, brave Nephalem, can save the historic city from ruin. Its residents are being culled and raised as an undead army bent on serving Maltheal’s every whim. How will you help cleanse Westmarch of the evil that’s befallen it? What unknown horrors do you imagine wait to stop you?

Let us know in the comments below, and remember: Be careful what you wish for!

Blizzard har her til aften lagt en infoside op om The Mystic, som vi kommer til at stifte bedre bekendtskab med i Reaper of Souls, end det var tilfællet i det originale spil. The Mystic hedder Miriam, og hun er sød dame, når du har hjulpet hende ud af hendes problemer. Hun vil fungere som ny artisan i spillet, og hun vil tilbyde to former for item-crafting; crafting og transmogrification. Læs hele molevitten nedenfor i citatboksen.

Reaper of Souls First Look: The Mystic

Thanks to you, hero, the Prime Evil has been vanquished and the Lords of Hell locked away within the Black Soulstone. You've saved countless lives on your adventures through the High Heavens and back, but your journey isn’t over. A terrible evil rises to threaten Sanctuary again—thankfully, another skilled Artisan has emerged to aid you.

(Re)Introducing, The Mystic:
In Reaper of Souls, you'll have the opportunity to join forces with a new and powerful ally: Myriam Jahzia, the Mystic.

Myriam Jahzia is a wise woman who will offer you sage advice during the turbulent times ahead. She and her clan are nomads known as the Vecin—a spiritual people, blessed with magical visions. They hail from a matrilineal society who worship a powerful deity known as the Allmother. The Vecin believe that the Allmother is the source of their visions, and that it is because of her that all Vecin possess a sixth sense they call the Sight. While the Sight always manifests more strongly in Vecin women, it's especially strong in Myriam.

Although she is quite a resourceful individual, Myriam proves no match for Malthael's forces and is trapped by their relentless advance. You will have the chance to save Myriam while adventuring in the city of Westmarch, and shortly after encountering her, she will offer her Artisan services to you, regardless of your level.

Like your companions Haedrig Eamon the Blacksmith and Covetous Shen the Jeweler, Myriam the Mystic is a skilled Artisan, capable of altering the very nature of even the most elaborate armor and weapons. Over the years, Myriam has learned to harness her craft, and as thanks for rescuing her from Malthael’s vicious constructs, she offers two unique services to aid you on your mission: one that strengthens and enhances your items (Enchanting), and one that allows you to further customize your appearance (Transmogrification).

Have you ever looted an item whose stats were almost perfect, but one property just wasn't quite what you had hoped for? Or perhaps you found an item you love, but are starting to outgrow its power? With Enchanting, you will be able to reroll one property on a Rare or Legendary item simply by speaking to Myriam, opening up her Enchant menu, and then paying a material cost. It's that easy!

While not all properties can be rerolled, most can, and you'll be able to reroll a single property over and over again, as many times as you like. This allows Enchanting to feel meaningful, while still allowing lots of room for you to hunt for even better base items (which, of course, you can then Enchant into even more powerful items, and so on).

How Enchanting Works:
Enchanting an item is simple:

1.) Talk to Myriam and select her "Enchant" Menu.

2.) From there, place an item onto the Enchanting window. A list of properties will appear under your item. You can choose to reroll any one of these properties, and you can find out what resulting properties you have the possibility to obtain by clicking on the question mark to the right of each property.

3.) Once you've decided what property you want to reroll, simply gather the required crafting materials and the necessary gold, select the property you wish to reroll, and then hit "Replace Property" to lock in your choice.

4.) Select your replacement property from the list of available choices. You can view the possible replacement properties to the right on the advanced Enchanting window.

5.) After you've Enchanted an item, you will have the option of replacing its previously Enchanted property with a new property for an additional gold and crafting material cost.

Further Enchanting Details:

Since the resulting property you receive during Enchanting will be random, it's possible that the new properties you're provided may end up being less desirable to you than the one you are replacing. But fear not! In order to mitigate this type of buyer's remorse, Myriam will also offer the previous property in the list of options when using Enchanting. So if you don't like the new property that Enchanting offered you, you can always choose to keep the old one.

Keep in mind that when choosing which property you wish to reroll, you will only be able to reroll that one property from then on out. After a single property has been changed via Enchanting, all other properties will become "locked in" and cannot be rerolled. Also, once you Enchant an item, it will become bound to your account and can no longer be traded to other players.

As you travel through Sanctuary on your quest to vanquish Malthael and his minions, you're sure to encounter a wide array of new and familiar armor and fearsome weapons. While you will still want to carefully check and compare stats on these items to make sure your hero is as powerful as can be, thanks to Myriam, you will also be able to access a new feature in Reaper of Souls called Transmogrification, which will allow you to change and customize the appearance of your hero’s items without having to sacrifice any of their power!

How Transmogrification Works:
All items with a visual appearance are currently planned to be eligible for Transmogrification, including Legendary and Set items. In order to use a specific visual appearance, you’ll first need to unlock it; once unlocked, however, that appearance will be available to all heroes on your account. Common, Magic, and Rare item appearances will unlock as you level up the Mystic, while Legendary and Set item appearances will unlock only after you’ve identified them.

Transmogrifying an item is easy:

1.) Talk to Myriam and select her "Transmogrify" Menu.

2.) From there, place an item onto the Transmogrification window.

3.) A list of new visual options will appear under your item. You can select any of these appearance options and check out their look on your character in the Preview panel on the right.

4.) Once you've decided what item look you like, simply gather the necessary gold, select the new item look you crave, and then hit "Transmogrify" to lock in your choice.

5.) Adventure on, in style!

Additional Details:
There are a few restrictions to keep in mind whenever Transmogrifying an item:
Item appearances you collect in Normal mode will be separate from the unique item appearances you collect in Hardcore mode.

While all items with a visual appearance are eligible for Transmogrification, the item appearance you want to use has to have the same underlying animation set as the item you want to Transmogrify. (For example: You could replace the appearance of one two-handed sword with another two-handed sword, or a one-handed sword with a one-handed axe or one-handed mace.)

- As you acquire new items you're eager to Transmogrify, you'll need to return to the Mystic again in order to have her work her magic on your armor and weapons. This is because

- Transmogrification affects an individual item, not the item slot.

- You can dye Transmogrified items; however, if you Transmogrify an equipped item that’s dyed, that dye will be overridden with the current color of the item appearance you’ve selected.

- Legacy items (items that drop before [the expansion/pre-expansion patch] goes live) will not unlock unique item appearance, but they can be Transmogrified.

- As with Enchanting, Transmogrifying an item will also bind it to your account, so it pays to plan ahead.

Rolling the Cart Forward:

Myriam the Mystic will be a powerful ally on your journey through Westmarch and beyond. Whether you’re looking to improve a property on an existing item or eager to show off a unique outfit you’ve created, her Artisan services will help you get some extra mileage out of your arsenal and exotic wardrobe.

While there is sure to be a plethora of new weapons, exquisite armor, and other trinkets to discover in Reaper of Souls, what item looks are you eager to collect for Transmogrification purposes after Reaper of Souls launches? Do you have any current items you're looking forward to Enchanting? Let us know in the comments below!

Jeg er personligt intet mindre end ligeglad med transmogrification, men enchanting lyder som noget, der bliver en game changer. Hvad tænker I?

Tak til TraXz, Lars og nex0r for notits om nyheden!

Der er ingen tvivl om, at items er og bliver det bærende element i drivkraften i Diablo-universet - og det er ikke uden grund, at vi alle venter spændt på itemization-opdateringen, der rammer os i forbindelse med Reaper of Souls. Det er Blizzard udmærket klar over, og det virker til, at de gerne vil spinde lidt buzz på dette faktum, og de har besluttet sig for at introducere forløbet "Design a Legendary". Her lover de indsigt i skabelsen af Legendaries, og desuden at vi som spillere og fans får lov til at få indflydelse på skabelsen.

Introducing: Design a Legendary

Have you ever wondered what kind of sweat, tears, and ritual sacrifice goes into designing a Legendary item in Diablo III? Or perhaps even entertained the idea of creating a Legendary of your own?

Well, hang on to your hauberks, Sanctuary, and ready your anvils. It’s time to get crafty.

The "Design a Legendary" Project
Inspired by the many passionate discussions we've seen about itemization (particularly Legendary itemization) in Diablo III, we wanted to take some time to expand on our evolving design philosophies and practices, as well as reiterate our goals for Legendaries in Reaper of Souls.

As we started to put our pens to the proverbial paper, though, we had an epiphany: "Hey, instead of just telling players about item design, why not actually show them?"

And so the Design a Legendary project was born.

So, How's It Work?
Over the next few months, we'll take you through the all the different design stages behind bringing a single Legendary item to life, from concept to creation to iteration, all the way through animation and implementation. We'll chat with each developer involved and share progress updates along the way, giving you a unique behind-the-scenes look at what goes into making a Legendary item that looks epic, feels epic, and fits within the larger network of hero skills, monster tuning, and overall game balance.

Pretty sweet, huh?

But wait -- that’s only one part of this project! (Oh snap.)

Tell Us More, Lylirra!
We'll also be involving you, our awesome community, in various parts of the design process. Leading up to release of Reaper of Souls, you'll have the opportunity to not only weigh in, but actually help guide development on a Legendary item that will be implemented and playable. We'll be holding global community votes, hosting podcasts, soliciting ideas, and even running a contest or two to ensure that this is truly a worldwide, player-driven initiative.

The result? We hope this activity will help give players a better understanding of everything that goes into item design, as well as wind up being something that's both fun and uniquely interactive. Also, once everything is said and done, there will be a Legendary item in the game that you had a hand in making. How cool is that?!

We'll be kicking off the first stage of this project next week, so stay tuned to diablo3.com and get ready to Design a Legendary!

Kilde: Design a Legendary

Fra 8. til 9.- november finder Blizzards BlizzCon sted, og Blizzard har netop offentliggjort planen for showet, der finder sted i Anaheim. Nedenfor den officielle tekst fra Blizzard, hvor det springer i øjnene, at Reaper of Souls vil være spilbart på ikke kun PC men også PlayStation 4. Den havde jeg ikke set komme.

Reaper of Souls at BlizzCon® 2013 on PC and PS4

Malthael, the Angel of Death, grows restless. Having sieged the historic city of Westmarch, he now sets his sights on a new metropolis: Anaheim, California—the great gamer haven of the West. Soon, his forces will begin their march on the hallowed halls of BlizzCon and only you, mighty Nephalem, can defend its denizens and help put a stop to the coming apocalypse.

Are you ready?

Join the Crusade, November 8-9
Summon your allies, ready your best weapon, and prepare to make a stand against Malthael in Hall A of the Anaheim Convention Center.

With 300 demo stations at their command, attendees will have the opportunity to join the fight for Westmarch, seek fame and treasure in all-new Nephalem Rifts (previously called Loot Runs), and journey through Adventure Mode, where the world itself is your battlefield. All five of the original Diablo III classes will be playable, as well as the recently-unveiled Crusader, a fierce mid-range melee warrior who wields punishing weapons (and an even more punishing arsenal of spells and abilities).

Reaper of Souls Invades PlayStation® 4
We're also excited to announce that Diablo III: Reaper of Souls will be making its public debut on the PlayStation® 4 at BlizzCon 2013!
In our action-packed single-player and same-screen co-op demos, players will get to explore the haunted streets of Westmarch as one of our five original classes or test their mettle as the unyielding Crusader. Attendees will also be some of the first in the world to take on Death itself using a DUALSHOCK®4 controller, featuring touch pad technology designed to help keep heroes out game menus and focused on what they do best: killing monsters.

For those of you who are BlizzCon-bound, we salute you! If you can't make the show in person, be sure to check out the Virtual Ticket, which includes over 60 hours of high-definition footage so you can catch all the action from the comfort of your home.
Head on over to BlizzCon.com for panel schedules, event maps, hotel and travel information, forums, and more, and be sure to stay tuned to diablo3.com for all the latest news for Reaper of Souls on PC and PS4!


Hele planen for BlizzCon kan ses her: BlizzCon 2013 oversigt

Off Topic / Windows 8.1 ude nu!
« Dato: Oktober 17, 2013, 09:56:35 pm »
Der er godt nyt til brugerne af Windows 8. 8.1 er netop udkommet. Jeg henter selv right away - har store forventninger til start-knappen. Og dog... Har lige læst, at den er noget pjat den startknap. Men nu henter jeg alligevel :)


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