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Blær og Tud / Vis dine støvler!
« Dato: April 05, 2013, 01:18:37 pm »
Det må da være på tide at vise lidt fod-mode her på blæreboardet.

Jeg har brugt disse par Ice Climbers på min Wizard over et længere stykke tid. Det eneste jeg savner, er movement speed. Ellers er de da meget søde :) Eller hvad?

Hvad går I rundt i for tiden?

Blizzards game designer på Diablo 3 Wyatt Cheng har kort efter midnat dansk tid lagt en opdatering vedrørende patch 1.0.8 ud. Vi har hidtil hørt om, hvordan identify all-funktionen og monster density-forøgelsen ville være hovedindholdet i den kommende patch, men jeg skal da lige love for, at der nu også synes at være meget i vente på multiplayer- og social play-fronten. Læs det hele nedenfor.

Developer Journal: Multiplayer Improvements

In sitting down to plan out features for patch 1.0.8, we decided as a team that we really wanted to improve multiplayer co-op. We have other more long-term improvements planned as well (like the itemization updates Travis discussed earlier), but we knew there would be a lot of immediate benefit if we could just made it easier and more rewarding for people to play with each other.

Making Two Heads Actually Better Than One

From day one, it’s been our goal to make Diablo III a great co-op experience, but right now it's not living up to its full potential. Even if you enjoy playing with your friends, it can often feel easier and more efficient to play solo.

Playing solo has a number of advantages. For instance, you can choose your own route. If you're farming for something in particular (like a specific recipe), you can do it as many times as you want. And you can pause the game and attend to things in real life without making anyone wait.

Of course, multiplayer is awesome, too, and comes with its own benefits. For example, leveling up characters with a group of friends can be an amazing experience. Working together with other players to take down bosses or destroy Elite packs super quickly makes for great farming runs. There's resurrections and the banner system, and don't forget farming for Infernal Machine keys and organs. But, there are also disadvantages, like having to coordinate where you're walking and what you're attacking, losing your followers, and trying to find groups that have similar goals to yours without a defined matchmaking system in place.

The point is that multiplayer can be lot of fun, but given the downsides it can often feel not worth the effort. By making it easier for players to find one another, improving social features, and providing direct buffs to co-op groups, we hope to change that perspective.

Multiplayer Improvements in 1.0.8
Here are some changes going into 1.0.8 that we feel will help achieve our multiplayer goals:

Matchmaking Tags
Patch 1.0.8 introduces the ability to specify what we call a "matchmaking tag" for Public Games. The way this new system will work is pretty simple: in addition to selecting a difficulty, quest, and MP level, you can also select a tag that will identify what kind of gameplay you're looking for from a Public Game. The tags going onto PTR are Questing, Full Act Clear, Keywarden, and PvP. Selecting one will tell the matchmaking server to place you in a group with other players who have selected the same tag as you.

The goal is make it easier for players to find groups that fit their personal play style or will yield the best experience during any given play session. We'll be evaluating these tags during PTR, so if you have suggestions for other tags please don’t hesitate to let us know!

Multiplayer Bonuses
Many players have already figured out that if you coordinate well with your party, you're more efficient. That's definitely true, but we'd like this benefit to be more explicit. So, we're going to straight up add a bonus for playing in multiplayer.
We're still working on the details of what that buff is going to be, but at the moment we're looking at 10% more XP per extra player in the game for a maximum bonus of 30% more XP in a 4-player game. This bonus will be multiplicative with MP bonuses. For example: suppose you are playing on MP10 with an XP bonus in Inferno of 510%. This means a monster is worth 610% of its normal XP (510% more). If you are playing in a 4-player game the monster will be worth 793% as much XP as normal. On top of this, you will also earn a flat 10% Gold Find and 10% Magic Find for each additional player in the game, and this bonus can exceed the 300% Gold Find and Magic Find caps.

Monster Health
Monsters currently gain 70% extra health per additional player in the game. This is being reduced from 70% to 50%. This means in a two-player game, monsters have 150% as much health as a single-player game. In a three-player game, they have 200% as much health. And in a four-player game, they have 250% as much health (compared to 310% on live).

This further compensates for some of the inefficiencies that come with playing in a group. Ideally, this will allow you to play with someone who is less geared than you and still be better off than playing solo. It also means if someone strays from the group temporarily in a 4-player game (which inevitably happens from time to time), you'll still be at a greater advantage than if you were playing on your own.

Identify All
As previously mentioned, 1.0.8 adds Identify All to the game. In addition to being a huge quality of life improvement, ID All is good for co-op play too!  We found during our playtests that a common time for players to get separated from one another is when somebody's inventory was full and they spent a non-trivial amount of time in town identifying items, so this should help keep players together.

Archon Kills
For the Wizards out there, many of you don't play multiplayer because you need those kills to fuel your Archon. In 1.0.8, your Archon duration will also be extended by assists, so as long as you’re around when a monster dies, your Archon duration will be extended. (We have it on our radar to review other mechanics such as Life on Kill bonuses, but that's not something we'll be addressing this patch.)

Combat Alerts
When you're playing co-op, one common practice is to say "e" in chat when you come across an Elite pack.  So we thought—why doesn't the game just do this for you?

Starting in 1.0.8, when a player deals damage to or takes damage from an Elite pack or Treasure Goblin for the first time, a notification will be sent out to the entire party to let your teammates know what you've found. This will be accompanied by a "combat" icon on the mini-map so other players in your group can locate those enemies. On top of that, we're also going to put a combat icon over your banner in town. This way, players who are in town will know that you're fighting an Elite pack or Treasure Goblin and be able to quickly determine whose banner to take to get right into the action.

Players Near You
Similar to the feature in StarCraft II, the "Players Near You" window will display all players who are logged into Diablo III from your local network. This feature is great if you're playing while at a university dorm or frequent Internet cafes, and will help you easily connect with other local players.

Private Chat
We're also adding private conversations in 1.0.8, which will allow you to chat with up to 99 of your closest friends. Think of private conversations in Diablo III as being similar to multi-user conversations in your favorite IM client. You're not making a permanent "channel," you're simply inviting multiple people to chat for the duration of that session.

This is really just the first step in the process of improving the social experience in Diablo III and supporting its vibrant community. We know that players want bigger and more varied group chat functionality (like guilds and chat channels that are more permanent), and we do have concrete plans for additional features in the future. In the meantime, we hope private chat is a useful tool and look forward to delivering more systems that foster player interaction.

Testing, Testing 1 . . . 2 . . . 3
This is just a snapshot of the improvements coming in 1.0.8, and you'll be able to test out these changes and more before they go live by hopping onto the PTR. We definitely encourage you to participate, test out what's new, and let us know what you think!

Wyatt Cheng is a senior technical game designer for Diablo III. He is currently toying with molecular gastronomy recipes. For science!


Der er altså tale om en hel bunke nye tiltag på den sociale front, når det drejer sig om, hvordan spillere interagerer i selve spillet, og de muligheder de har for dette. Personligt ser jeg de omtalte tags som en rigtig stor ting i Diablo 3, hvor jeg altid har følt det yderst anonymt at joine public games. Med tags når vi lidt ad vejen tilbage mod 'create games', som de fungerede i Diablo 2 - så mangler vi bare muligheden for at give spillet et navn.

Jeg må sige, at jeg får mere og mere tro på, at Diablo 3 med tiden kommer til at leve op til sit navn.

Endnu flere udmeldninger vedrørende patch 1.0.8; monster density vil ikke være den eneste ændring i patchen - også identify all vil være klar, når patchen udgives.

Samtidig loves vi flere ændringer end bare monster density (og, går jeg ud fra, ID all-featuren). Dette antyder Blizzards Vaeflare i hvert fald i et indlæg, som du finder citeret nedenfor.

We’re still hard at work on patch 1.0.8, so we haven’t yet released the patch notes for it. I can tell you, though, that there are definitely more changes currently planned for the patch than monster density alone.

Once the patch is up on the PTR, we encourage you to try it out and give us your feedback. While it’s true that playing on the PTR won’t benefit your regular characters directly through gear upgrades and the like, the time you spend on the PTR is still extremely valuable. Taking part in the PTR will give you a hands-on glimpse into the latest changes and allow you the opportunity to give us your informed feedback concerning the patch and helps us address bugs that might try to rear their little antennaed heads. On the whole, participating in the PTR allows us to ensure that the patch we release is as polished as possible. :)


Som en ekstra smagsprøve, fortæller Travis Day på Battle.Net-forummet, hvordan ID all-featuren vil fungere i praksis. For mig at se vil den virke præcis som Identify All i Diablo 2 (miss you, Cain).

Currently the only way to identify your items is by clicking them one at a time. Our next content patch will be introducing the ID all feature. The decision was made that while maintaining that sense of opening presents is valuable, even with ID all players will still go through the process of evaluating the items in their bag one by one and that's effectively the same way to get the sense of excitement without forcing players to spend 2 minutes to identify a bag of items one by one.

There will be a cast bar and at the end of the cast bar all items will be identified.


Ja ja. Vi kan blive ved med at glæde os, men nu vil vi gerne snart have nogle ændringer!

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Endlesss dungeons - ikke umuligt i D3
« Dato: Marts 30, 2013, 12:55:18 pm »
Blizzards Travis Day har udtalt sig om muligheden for endless dungeons i Diablo 3 - et koncept hvor spillerne kan dræbe monstre i en uendelighed i bestemte levels/områder, der bare bliver ved og ved. Selvom Travis Day kan afsløre, at det er noget, der bestemt tales om blandt udviklerne, er det ikke noget, han overhovedet vil love. Omvendt virker han heller ikke afvisende.

Han nævner samtidig andre mulige tiltag, der kan give alternativer til den evindelige farming i act 3. Læs det hele nedenfor.

Replayability and ideas like Endless Dungeons come up a lot around the office. We definitely have plans to expand the game in these areas. Adding more monster power levels is also something that we have discussed. I personally love the idea of an endless dungeon, don't take that as a quote that I promised we are adding them though! At the heart of that idea is something really compelling, wave events, endless dungeons, hold out missions etc. Standing as the lone hero, or one of a party of heroes, against an onslaught of demons really sells the fantasy of Diablo, it's just a matter of taking the seed of that idea and iterating on it to a point where it feels like it fits into the game as a piece and not just "the only thing to do". I do hope that down the road we can find some way to make that idea a part of the content options players have at their disposal. I've said one numerous occasions, in a perfect world, when a player sits down at their computer for the evening to play the Diablo the question I want them to say to themselves is "What do I feel like doing tonight?" not "Ok time to run Act 3 again".


I første omgang må vi nok bare glæde os til monster density-ændringerne, som vi ser i næste patch.

Ovenpå de sidste par ugers snak om ændringer til droprates og legendary items, nedtoner Blizzards Vaneras forventningerne en anelse. Han kan ikke love, at der kommer nye items, men lyder til at være overbevist om, at der hovedsageligt vil være tale om ændringer af eksisterende items.

I do feel I need to clarify something though, before people build up crazy expectations; we will not necessarily get to see a lot of new legendaries added to the game, we simply cannot promise that at this point in time - as described in the Developer Journal update, we are looking into a "Less is More" model, where you will see fewer drops overall, but a much larger percentage of those drops will be interesting.

It is still too soon to say if the game changing legendaries will be all new ones, all reworked ones, or a mix of the two. When we do have this information, then we will of course let you know, but for now the only information we have on the future of itemisation is what have been posted in the Developer Journal update and of course the "Ask the Devs" answers on the topic of itemisation.

Vi kan hurtigt konkludere, at udviklerne ikke er så langt i processen, som man måske kunne håbe. Hidtil har de fleste af os nok håbet, at ændringerne ville indtræffe i det øjeblik, patch 1.0.8 ramte os, men dette må vi skyde en hvid pil efter, som Blizzards Grimiku understreger i nedenstående citat, hvor han dog samtidig understreger, at monster density-ændringerne kommer i 1.0.8.

I'm really looking forward to the monster density changes in patch 1.0.8 as well, but we don’t have any updates for the patch schedule yet. We should have some information to share about it soon, though, and are currently planning to do a PTR.

The item changes mentioned in the Itemization blog are not going to be in patch 1.0.8, and we don’t have any additional information regarding when they'll be implemented. We know people are eager to know more about when they can expect those changes, though, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated as soon as we have more details.

Så, det korte af det lange er; ingen item-ændringer i 1.0.8 - derimod monster density-ændringer, så det vil give mening at farme andre acts end act 3.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Nye og bedre legendaries coming up
« Dato: Marts 27, 2013, 12:36:26 am »
Blizzards danske Vaneras har skrevet et par korte kommentarer til et par bruger-indlæg vedrørende ændringerne til legendary items. Igen får man et klart indtryk af, at der kommer til at ske noget fundamentalt på dette område i nær fremtid.

I think Blizzard is getting ready to introduce a lot of new legendaries and generally improve drops.

Vaneras: Pretty much this, and I am pretty sure the game will feel quite different to play once you get your hands on one of those game changing legendaries :-)

Vaneras one simple question, new or reworked ones ?

That's a good question, but unfortunately one I cannot answer yet. More information on this will be posted once it becomes available though.

Man kan da ikke andet end at være spændt og glæde sig en lille anelse. Et så bærende element som legendaries kommer til at nyde godt af en tiltrængt opdatering.


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Nye billeder af Diablo 3 på PS3
« Dato: Marts 22, 2013, 06:19:56 pm »
Blizzard har opdateret deres PS3-side om Diablo 3 med pr-tekst og nye billeder. Især billederne er interessante at kigge på, da de viser lidt om, hvordan udviklerne har tænkt sig at håndtere blandt andet behandling af skills og items på PS3's controller.

Siden kan ses her http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/console/

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Ask the Devs - itemization (del 1)
« Dato: Marts 22, 2013, 06:12:50 pm »
For to uger siden skrev vi om, hvordan Blizzard efterlyste spørgsmål til 'Ask the Devs' om itemization. Nu er første del af svarene kommet på bordene, og de kan ses herunder. Der er nogle spændende linjer iblandt.

The developers participating in this Q&A round include:

Wyatt Cheng, Senior Technical Game Designer
Travis Day, Game Designer
Don Vu, Associate Game Designer

We're doing things a little differently this time around and will be providing developer answers in several parts spread over multiple weeks. Below are the answers for part 1.

Q. Will all legendaries found on Inferno roll level 63 base stat values (armor and dps values) and level 63 "non-base" (affixes) stat values?

Travis: Yes, our plan is to handle Legendary items in a similar fashion to how we handle Rare items. Legendary items will roll at a level equal to the creature that dropped it. This means that, in addition to a Legendary’s stats rolling at the monster level, the base item stats will also roll at the monster's level. Right now, Rares don't work this way. Instead, their affixes roll at the level of the monster, but their base armor and weapon damage remain unchanged.

Q. "Love Leoric's Signet, but hate wearing a level 17 ring? Me too. Instead of farming Act II Normal to find a Leoric's Signet, let's go farm Inferno and get a level 63 version of the ring!"

Does this mean that every set and legendary item will have a chance of dropping in Inferno?

Travis: Yes, Legendary and Set items will be valid drops from monsters at whatever point in the level range they are first introduced.

I have seen some people speculate over whether or not this means the experience bonus on Leoric's Signet will increase, and the answer to that specific question is "yes," but how each bonus on a Legendary or Set items scales will ultimately depend on the bonus itself. Some bonuses (such as the +EXP bonus on Leoric’s Signet) scale equally well from level 1 to level 60. On the other hand, some bonuses like procs that generate pets, or procs that deal damage effects, don’t always scale well as you get to the higher levels, but those will be changed wherever possible to scale with the level that they drop at.

Ultimately, we want to make sure the things that make Legendary and set items interesting continue to make them interesting at the end game, and in some cases they already do, so we just need to fix the other stats on the item.

Q. Will there any way for the players to have some control over the item stats. Such as implementing the mystic?

Don: Giving players more control and customization of their item stats is something we talk about a lot in our office. There have been a lot of ideas thrown around here and some great suggestions from the community, but we have not finalized any systems yet.

To give you an idea of what direction we're heading toward, though, here are just a few ideas that we're considering right now:
The ability to change a portion of a particular stat on an item to another stat of your choice

The ability to augment an existing item with a stat bonus of your choice
The ability to create an item with one or several fixed affixes—similar to the Rare recipes introduced in 1.0.7
We've also discussed adding other types of "socketables" with a wide variety of possible affixes that you can put in your socketed items instead of gems

All of these systems have their positives and negatives, so we want to make sure we make the right choice and consider all other changes we plan on making before deciding which systems we want to implement.

As far as the Mystic goes, she's a cunning lady. I’m sure we haven't seen the last of her.

Q. Where is my add socket?

Wyatt: When the game was in development, we the Blacksmith had the ability to add a socket to an item. Adding a socket makes the item better, so you pretty much always wanted to do it, and we found adding the socket felt like a small chore that didn’t actually increase the gameplay depth. You already need to insert gems to a socketed item, and felt having to add a socket as well would be a step too many.

With that in mind, there are still some gameplay benefits to adding a socket that we’d still like to capture. Although having to add a socket every time can feel like a chore, if there was a mechanic that made it a legitimate decision, that is something we could explore. Additionally, there’s something to be said for feeling more invested in an item—taking steps to improve an item increases your emotional bond with it, which is something we could definitely do better at.

So, to answer your question, it’s something that’s definitely on the table for the future, but it likely won’t be identical to the system that was in Diablo II or the early iterations of Diablo III.

Q. Will there be new craft-able items added in the future? I'm thinking weapons and/or legendary items...

Wyatt: It’s hard to say for sure, but I don’t see any reason why not. As we revisit items in general, we’ll be looking at how crafting fits into the big picture, and it’s certainly possible that we’ll add more recipes at that time.

Q. So you have a plan to reduce the number of dropping items but increasing their quality. This will result in a smaller amount of items that can be salvaged into crafting materials for the Blaksmith, With this in mind – do you plan balance the amount of crafting materials gained from salvaging against the material requirements of blacksmith’s formulas?

Don: Yes, we plan to take all of our future changes into consideration when balancing the amount of reagents needed for crafting recipes. We haven't decided on a number to reduce the number of drops by yet, so we can't go into specifics on how or if existing and future crafting recipes are going to change.

To be continued in part 2. . .

StarCraft / Heart of the Swarm - hvad synes I?
« Dato: Marts 18, 2013, 01:19:08 am »
Jeg har lige fået gennemført Heart of the Swarm. Ganske udmærket expansion der overgår Wings of Liberty efter min mening.

Jeg har hygget mig med campaign-delen i 2-3 dage, og det var en god oplevelse. Jeg synes virkelig, man bliver taget godt rundt i Zerg-universet, og historien er langt over niveauet, vi eksempelvis har set i D3. Jeg håber, D3 kan få en lige så god expansion, når det bliver aktuelt :)

Er der nogen, der har prøvet kræfter med HotS endnu? :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Dyes og legendaries - stadig planlagt
« Dato: Marts 17, 2013, 05:12:16 pm »
Hvis nogle skulle være i tvivl om, hvad der blev af den tidligere omtalte ændring, hvor dyes skulle virke på legendaries, er her en lille update, der forsikrer os om, at ændringen kommer inden længe.

We’re working on making all dyes work for Legendary items, but there is not yet an ETA on this as our artists still need some time to redo the textures on all the Legendaries in order to make them dye-compatible.


Vi ser frem til, at vi kan lege lidt mere med farvelade og items.

Den evigt tilbagevendende snak om (eller snarere mistro til) droprates i Diablo 3, har igen været på bordet på Battle.Nets Diablo 3-forum. Denne gang udtrykker en spiller frustration omkring, at dropraten af legendary items i hans spil, simpelthen er for lov - så lav, at han begynder at tro, at Blizzard fører en form for personligt vendetta mod ham. Enhver med lidt sund fornuft vil vide, at dette ikke er tilfældet, men at tilfældighedernes spil simpelthen handler om, ja, tilfældigheder.

Således går snakken i citatet nedenfor, hvor den danske Vaneras giver et par linjer med på vejen, mens han udtrykker stor sikkerhed omkring, at de kommende itemization-ændringer vil blive en succes - i hvert fald er dette udviklernes klare overbevisning.

This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I’m beginning to think Blizzard’s got a grunge against me. Been playing for 200+ hours and I’ve found maybe 7 legendary items, 5 of them are apsolute garbage which I can’t sell for over 200k gold. Not to mention, I haven’t found a single one I could use.
This is not a fair drop rate, and I honestly can’t believe there are so many legendaries on auction house. I’m farming everyday, act 1, act 2, act 3, act 4..you name it. On Inferno of course, monster power 5, NV 5, so the MF and GF are 269 %. And I cannot find legendaries anywhere.

Vaneras: I can promise you that we do not hold a personal grudge against you, or anyone else for that matter.

Legendary drops are rare and random, and although things like Paragon levels and Magic Find gear increases your chances of getting legendary drops, you are never fully guaranteed to see a certain ratio of drops. Since drops are random in this game, it is unwise to try and rely on a system that goes something along the lines of X hours played = Y number of legendary drops.

Sometimes you can be lucky and get many legendary drops within a short amount of time, and at other times it can take a long while before you get any. Such is the nature of RNG… It does seem like you are having a streak of bad luck though, which understandably can be annoying when farming for legendaries.

You are not the first one to complain and probably won’t be the last. Apparently, they are working on improving itemization right now. Even though its good news, I think It is a bit too late if you ask me.

Vaneras: We are most definitely looking into improving itemization in Diablo III, but although these improvements might not happen over night, we are fairly optimistic that they will still be quite popular once implemented.

There have indeed been other players in the Diablo III community who have posted their feedback and concerns about legendary drop rates, like for an example this thread.

Itemization is a hot topic in the community, so in addition to the developer journal on improving itemization that we posted recently, we are also seeking to answer some of the many questions about itemization from the community.

Ser jeg bort fra indholdet om droprates og personlige forbandelser, må jeg må igen bide mærke i, at der virkelig lyder til at ske noget på udviklingsfronten, hvor man har store planer med ændringer på item-fronten, hvilket jeg kun kan bifalde.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.7a er live!
« Dato: Marts 13, 2013, 01:59:01 pm »
Der er i dag kommet en mindre opdatering til Diablo 3 i form af patch 1.0.7a. Der er tale om rettelser af bugs.

Diablo III Patch 1.0.7a – v.
The latest client patch notes can be found here.
Visit our Bug Report forum for a list of known issues.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue introduced in 1.0.7 that caused: Archon Disintegration Wave, Disintegrate, Energy Twister, Meteor and Ray of Frost to grant double the amount of Arcane Power when Arcane Power on Crit triggered.

Bug Fixes

The Enchantress should no longer sometimes cause an error to occur after casting Focused Mind.

Bug Fixes

Players are no longer prevented from progressing when another player joins or leaves the game during the “A Royal Audience: Talk to Asheara at the Gates of Caldeum” quest step.

Fixed several issues that could cause crashes to occur.
Players will no longer be killed by DoT damage after zoning out of Scorched Chapel.
The Siege Breaker Assault Beast and The Savage Behemoth will no longer reflect damage from pets.


Umiddelbart ikke en patch der kommer til at ændre måden, vi spiller på, men ikke desto mindre rart at se, hvordan Blizzard er dedikeret til at forbedre spillet løbende - også selvom det er små rettelser.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Ask the Devs Round 2: Itemization
« Dato: Marts 11, 2013, 08:34:38 pm »
Blizzard har oprettet en tråd, hvori vi brugere opfordres til at skrive spørgsmål til en ny runde 'Ask the Devs', hvor Diablo 3-udviklere vil svare på nogle af disse. Som titlen indikerer, er emnet denne gang items.

Welcome to the Diablo III Ask the Devs global Q&A. In this thread we'll be collecting your questions regarding itemization, having the community vote for their favorites, and then posting the answers we receive from the developers approximately one week later.

OPEN! Please submit your questions and/or vote up your favorite submissions from other players.

The topic for this month is itemization.

To view our latest update on itemization in Diablo III, click here. We also encourage you to check out recent posts made designers Wyatt Cheng and Travis Day for more information.

On the date and time specified in this post, we'll unlock the thread and you'll be able to submit your questions regarding itemization (as well as vote for questions you'd like to see answered).
After 48 hours, we'll lock the thread. At this point, you will no longer be able to submit questions or vote.
We'll then look for the posts with the most votes in participating regions and pass them on to the Diablo III development team.
The following week, we'll provide you a list of answers delivered directly from the developers. Depending on how many questions the developers answer, we may break their responses into multiple parts (posted on different days).

Only one question per post.
Stay on topic. Questions that don't relate to the chosen topic (even if highly-rated) won't be sent to the developers.
Discussion posts are not allowed. We ask that you only post questions in the Ask the Devs thread. If you would like to discuss related topics, please do so in another thread.
You can vote for questions at any time while the thread is unlocked.
A highly-rated post does not mean it will be answered, but we'll do our best to answer as many questions as possible.
"Dislike" votes don't count.

Please don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new projects, expansions, or release dates. By the same token, we're also not going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.
Keep your question concise. One to three sentences should be plenty to explain background and ask a question.
All "Like" votes count. While you can't see the vote tally, we can. Even if a post is already highly rated, your vote still means something to that question (potentially) being answered.
Vote for as many questions as you like, keeping the above tips in mind.

For more information about Ask the Devs, click here.

Du finder tråden her: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8197580149

Community Manager Vaeflare har i en bruger-startet tråd på Battle.Net-forummet opfordret os spillere til at komme med idéer til legendary items.

I'd be keen to hear more Legendary ideas from you guys, as well as opinions on the suggestions that other players have already made.

Let's get creative all up in here! :)


Netop legendary items vil få en ansigtsløftning i fremtiden, da Blizzard planlægger en større ændring af eksisterende legendaries samt nye legendaries. Jeg synes personligt, at tråden er ganske spændende at læse, da mange af de bruger-skabte item-idéer kunne være enormt spændende at få med i spillet engang i fremtiden. Kig forbi derinde og smid jeres idéer :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Update på patch 1.0.8
« Dato: Marts 08, 2013, 07:16:49 pm »

Der har været en del aktivitet på Battle.Nets Diablo 3-forum, hvor der er kommet lidt uddybende kommentarer omkring patch 1.0.8, og hvad udviklernes vision for patchen (og derefter) er. Der snakkes blandt andet om items, farming-effektivitet, monster-densitet (og min favorit: Identify All-knappens genfødsel). Læs citaterne fra de forskellige Community Managers og technical game designer Wyatt Cheng nedenfor.

Improved mob density for Acts 1, 2, and 4 so that you do not always feel like you have to farm Act 3 all the time.
Multi-crafting to make it easier to craft in bulk, i.e. you will be able to specify how many of any given item or gem you wish to craft.
Auction House tooltip compare that will make it easier to compare items in the AH with items you are wearing.
We will of course give you more specific information on what exactly will be in the next patch once we get closer to release.

Wyatt Cheng:
We are looking to improve co-op farming efficiency in 1.0.8. Co-op play in general is a big focus of the 1.0.8 patch and efficiency is definitely one component of that. Co-op is already more efficient for some players, but this is the exception rather than the norm. The degree of co-op efficiency depends heavily on the co-ordination of the party, skill builds, and the relative gear level of the teammates. Since launch we’ve made some modest changes to encourage co-op play but there’s still room to go farther. At the same time, we don’t want to go so far as to make multiplayer feel “mandatory” for those who prefer to play solo, but we still want to err on the side of being co-op favorable.
There’s also a number of hurdles to co-op play beyond raw efficiency, so we’ll be looking to alleviate/solve some of those hurdles too. The Identify All feature in 1.0.8 is an example of this. Sometimes the trip back to town to sort through a bag of gear is enough of a hurdle to make somebody feel playing co-op isn’t worth it. Nobody wants to be in the dungeon fighting monsters while your teammate is off in town identifying a full inventory.

Wyatt Cheng:
Lots of good comments here! Just a few quick points
1. As a point of clarification, “dropping less loot on the ground” is not slated for 1.0.8. It’s part of our general philosophy for beyond the 1.0.8 timeframe.

2. I really like the suggestions that don’t make multiplayer feel mandatory. Suggestions along the lines of “I don’t want to feel penalized for playing with my friends” or “provide a small bonus to overcome the logistical overhead” are in the scope of what we’re thinking.

3. We totally see the appeal of having more than 4 players in a game, but it has its downsides, and the big one is that the screen becomes so crowded you can’t tell what’s going on. It’s important that a player can discern important information from the game world and make tactical decisions based on this information. We know some of you may disagree and you’ll always want 8 players, and I can respect that. This is something we’ve debated heavily though, and feel strongly about.

4. We’ve discussed the “leecher” problem. Nothing to share yet but it’s definitely rough when it happens.

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