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Diablo 2 / LoD Generelt / Diablo 2 Ladder Reset - 6. november 2012
« Dato: Oktober 29, 2012, 10:06:58 pm »
Mens de fleste af os har fokus på Diablo 3 - især efter patch 1.0.5 - har Blizzard meddelt, at Diablo 2 får et ladder reset tirsdag d. 6. november 2012.

It’s that time again! On the morning of Tuesday, November 6, we’ll be conducting maintenance in order to reset the Diablo II ladder. We anticipate the realms could be down for up to six hours, and during that time all existing ladder characters will be converted to non-ladder. All characters and items being converted to non-ladder will remain intact, but once converted these characters will no longer have access to ladder content such as creating ladder-only rune words.

This ladder reset, like all those before it, creates a clean slate where all ladder characters begin at level 1 with no previous items to help them. To participate, simply wait until the Diablo II realms return to service on November 6, log in to Battle.net, and tick the “Ladder Character” checkbox when creating a new character. You can track ladder character leveling progress by clicking on the Ladder button from the main Diablo II in-game Battle.net interface.

For more information on ladder characters please visit the Arreat Summit at http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/basics/charactertypes.shtml

Så hvis nogle af jer stadig har lyst til at spille den gamle klassiker, har I nu muligheden for at være med fra start. Aflæg jeres stemmer i poll'en ovenfor.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.5a live
« Dato: Oktober 26, 2012, 03:06:03 pm »
Blizzard har lagt en mindre patch (1.0.5a) op i forlængelse af patch 1.0.5, og der er tale om en lille mængde bug-rettelser. De fleste - hvis ikke alle - vil umiddelbart ikke bemærke nogen former for ændringer i deres spiloplevelse.

Diablo III Patch 1.0.5a – v.1.0.5a.12811

Bug Fixes

Fixed a crash that could occur on a machine with eight or more core processors
Fixed some additional service crashes
Fixed a variety of truncated tooltips (applies only to Italian, Polish, and Russian clients


I kølvandet på udgivelsen af patch 1.0.5 udgiver Blizzard i morgen et hotfix, der justerer på den skade, monstre giver i de forskellige monster power levels. Dette sker, fordi udviklingsholdet har opdaget, at monstrenes skade er uintenderet høj grundet bestemte 'abilities'/egenskaber ved rare/champion monstre, der pumper deres skade op til at være alt for høj. Hvis du ikke er bekendt med det nye system, som monster power levels er, kan du læse mere om det her.

As the title suggests, we're going to be reducing the amount of damage monsters do in Inferno whenever Monster Power is enabled. Before I detail what's changing, though, let me first explain why we're making some adjustments.

When we originally designed and implemented the bonus values for monster damage in Inferno, we were unaware that a bug was causing monster abilities (i.e. Rare and Champion affixes) to not scale correctly with each Monster Power level. While this bug was caught during testing and did not make it into the game, the result of it being fixed meant that monster damage -- specifically damage done by monster abilities -- was ultimately higher at MP1 through MP10 than we intended it to be when 1.0.5 released.

So, to bring monster damage back in line with our original goals for the system, we're implementing a hotfix that will reduce the scaling bonus to monster damage in Inferno difficulty by approximately 25% for all Monster Power levels.

Here are the new damage values that will be hotfixed in for each MP setting:

MP1: 109.60% (down from 114%)
MP2: 120.12% (down from 130%)
MP3: 131.65% (down from 148%)
MP4: 144.29% (down from 169%)
MP5: 158.14% (down from 193%)
MP6: 173.32% (down from 220%)
MP7: 189.96% (down from 250%)
MP8: 208.20% (down from 285%)
MP9: 228.18% (down from 325%)
MP10: 250.09% (down from 371%)

Please note that these changes will only apply to monster damage in Inferno difficulty. Monsters in Normal, Nightmare, and Hell will be unaffected and continue to use their current values.

This hotfix is currently scheduled to be released tomorrow morning during normal Tuesday maintenance in the Americas, which means the new bonus damage values in Inferno will take affect once the game servers come back online.

Måske det giver anledning for mange til at hoppe op på et højere monster power level fra i morgen?


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / FLYTTET: Milo's Loot Alert/LootTracker
« Dato: Oktober 21, 2012, 09:20:34 pm »

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.5 er nu live - patch notes
« Dato: Oktober 17, 2012, 11:58:54 am »
Patch 1.0.5 gik live på hovedserverne allerede i morges, og det blev altså dermed en del tidligere end kl. 13.00, som Blizzard ellers meldte ud i går.

Skynd jer at komme i gang!

Patch notes tilføjet nedenfor - direkte kopieret fra http://us.battle.net//d3/en/blog/7528695 - uden styling. Det kommer senere.


Patch Features

New System: Monster Power
Similar to the "Players X" command in Diablo II, Monster Power is a system designed to give players more control over how challenging enemies are in each difficulty. With this system, players can choose to increase the health and damage of monsters according to different "power levels" and in return they'll receive scaling bonuses to experience as well as boosts to Magic Find and Gold Find which will stack above the 300% cap. The option to increase Monster Power will be available to all players starting at level 1 in the Quest Selection window, and can be adjusted separately for Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno difficulties.

For more information on how to enable and use Monster Power, click here!

New Event: Infernal Machine
The Infernal Machine is a device that will allow level 60 players to battle "uber" versions of some of Sanctuary’s most nefarious bosses. While the rewards for defeating these bosses will be great, some assembly is required. Only the most powerful Nephalem can unlock the secrets to building the Infernal Machine, but once forged the device can be used to open portals to special encounters featuring not one, but two bosses which have been augmented from their original versions, both in terms of difficulty and appearance. Defeating each boss pair will provide players with extra items and gold, as well as a chance to find components for a new Legendary ring.

For more information on the Infernal Machine event, click here!


  • Resplendent Chests will now operate similarly to Elite packs in Inferno difficulty:
    • When players open a Resplendent Chest, they will receive a reward based on how many Nephalem Valor stacks they have active at the time
    • Opening a Resplendent Chest will grant one stack of Nephalem Valor
  • Major in-game events will now grant one stack of Nephalem Valor when completed by a level 60 character in Inferno difficulty
    • If completed in a multiplayer game, all eligible characters in the party will receive the buff regardless of whether they participated in the event or were close to the event's location
  • Major in-game events in Inferno difficulty that involve a special chest or Unique monster will now also drop additional loot for every stack of Nephalem Valor a player has active at the time of the event’s completion
    • Several events have had Unique monsters added to them for this purpose
  • Experience Shrines can now appear in Inferno difficulty
  • Two new shrines have been added to all difficulty levels:
    • Empowered Shrine – Increased resource regeneration and reduced cooldowns
    • Fleeting Shrine – Increased movement speed and pickup radius
  • Followers, pets, and summoned creatures will no longer attack enemies that are in an idle state unless the player is within 10 yards of the enemy (note: Hydra heads and Sentry turrets are not affected by this change)
  • The Watch Tower spawn has been moved from the Northern Highlands to the Southern Highlands
  • The reduction of snare effects against Elite monsters has been reduced (in the player’s favor):
    • Normal: 20% to 0%
    • Nightmare: 30% to 15%
    • Hell: 40% to 25%
    • Inferno: 40% to 25%
  • Crowd control effects will now be affected by diminishing returns. To learn more about how diminishing returns will work in Diablo III (and why these changes are an overall buff to player CC), click here!

Auction House

  • Search parameters will now save when switching  between the gold and real-money auction house
  • An option to display Auction House toasts including sales and expirations has been added to the Social options menu
  • Players can now search for +Damage on off-hand items
  • User Interface
    • An additional sortable column has been added which will allow players to sort returned results by one of their indicated Preferred Stats
    • To switch between Preferred Stats, right-click on the column and choose from the available drop-down menu
    • The Preferred Stat list is now sorted alphabetically
    • An "X"-out button has been added to allow players to quickly reset individual Preferred Stat filters
    • A "Search for Similar" option has been added for items in the Sell tab
    • Right-clicking on items in the tab and selecting “Search for Similar” will automatically populate the Search tab with that item’s stats as well as perform a search for all items currently up for auction that have similar stats
  • Bug Fixes
    • When claiming stackable items from the auction house, the claimed items will always attempt to fill out partial stacks completely before moving to an open slot in the stash
    • The color-coding for the "Quality" drop-down menu for Pages & Recipes has been updated to match the color-coding for all other categories
    • Fixed a bug that was causing the minimum value for the Spirit Regen affix to not filter items correctly


  • The "Friend of Friend" feature for finding and adding Real ID friends is now available for Diablo III
  • A new item delivery system has been added that will allow Blizzard to send license-based items directly to players (for example, Collector's Edition rewards)
  • Achievements
    • An Achievement button has been added to the in-game navigation tray
    • Players can now link Achievements in chat
  • Banners
    • Players can now customize their banner in-game while in town
    • Each banner reward type now has sub-categories organized by the content they were rewarded from (Hardcore, Crafting, Challenges, etc.)
    • New unlocked banner rewards are now highlighted so they can be found more easily
  • Chat
    • Players can now change font color (per channel) and size
    • Clicking on items linked in chat will now provide a comparison tooltip based on what you are currently wearing
    • Several additional improvements have been made to in-game chat to increase usability
  • Multiplayer
    • Leaving a multiplayer game will no longer remove you from the party
      • This means that players can leave the game to browse the Auction House or switch characters without being removed from the group (picking a hardcore character or a character not eligible to go back into the game, however, will disable the "Resume Game" button)
      • To leave a party while in-game, right-click on your hero portrait and select "Leave Game & Party"
      • To leave a party while in the hero screen, right-click on your hero and select "Leave Party"


  • General
    • Bosses will now drop improved loot the first time they are killed in each difficulty
      • All characters have had their"first kill" status reset for all bosses in the game
    • Bug Fixes
      • Azmodan should no longer be able to cast Flame Meteors or continue channeling his Laser attack while stunned


  • General
    • Defensive bonuses provided by certain class skills have been reduced. To learn more about these changes and why they were made, click here!
  • Barbarian
    • Active Skills
      • Battle Rage
        • Duration increased from 30 seconds to 120 seconds
      • Hammer of the Ancients
        • Increased Critical Hit chance is now based on the amount of Fury the player has when Hammer of the Ancients is activated:
          • For every 5 Fury a player has, Hammer of the Ancients has a 1% increased Critical Hit chance
        • Skill Rune – Smash
          • The radius of Smash has been slightly increased to help resolve an issue that caused Hammer of the Ancients to occasionally miss targets immediately in front of the player
        • Skill Rune – The Devil's Anvil
          • Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%
      • Leap
        • Skill Rune – Iron Impact
          • Now grants 100% bonus armor per enemy hit for 3 seconds
      • Overpower
        • Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
      • Rend
        • Rend should now more reliably hit enemies that are running away
        • Skill Rune – Mutilate
          • Mutilate has been redesigned to slow enemies by 60% for the duration of Rend
      • Sprint
        • Skill Rune – Run Like the Wind
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.2 to 0.08
      • Threatening Shout
        • Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 second
        • Skill Rune – Grim Harvest
          • Now also has a chance to drop a health globe
      • War Cry
        • Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
        • Fury generated reduced from 30 to 20
        • Skill Rune – Charge!
          • Fury generated reduced from 60 to 40
        • Skill Rune – Impunity
          • Bonus resistance reduced from 50% to 20%
      • Whirlwind
        • Fury cost from 16 to 10
          • Attack speed no longer influences the cost of Whirlwind. The end result is that the cost discrepancy between slow weapons and fast weapons has been greatly reduced.
        • Skill Rune – Blood Funnel
          • Healing increased from 1% to 2% of Maximum Life per Critical Hit
    • Passive Skills
      • Animosity
        • Bonus Fury regeneration increased from 10% to 20%
      • Inspiring Presence
        • Healing increased from 1% to 2% Maximum Life per second
      • Unforgiving
        • Fury regeneration has been quadrupled, increased to 2 Fury every 1 second (up from 1 Fury every 2 seconds)
  • Demon Hunter
    • Active Skills
      • Bola Shot
        • Explosion radius increased from 7 yards to 14 yards
        • Skill Rune – Volatile Explosives
          • Explosion radius increased from 14 yards to 20 yards
      • Chakram
        • Chakram will now always fire a projectile, regardless of distance or if an enemy is targeted
      • Companion
        • Added a 30-second cooldown
        • Reduced each Companion's attack cooldown from 1.5/2 seconds to 1 second
        • Weapon damage increased from 30% to 38%, but they can no longer critically hit
        • Companion's damage now scales with attack speed
        • Skill Rune – Wolf Companion
          • Wolf Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
            • Now has comparable durability to one Zombie Dog
            • New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 94% weapon damage
        • Skill Rune – Spider Companion
          • Spider Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
            • Has slightly more durability than the Wolf Companion
            • New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 38% weapon damage and Slows every enemy it hits by 60% for 2 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Boar Companion
          • Boar Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
            • Has more durability than the Spider Companion
            • New attack: Single-target attack that hits for 38% weapon damage
            • Provides (155 @ 60) Life per second and a 15% bonus to all resistances for the Demon Hunter
      • Evasive Fire
        • Skill Rune – Shrapnel has been renamed "Hardened"
          • Hardened increases your Armor by 25% for 3 seconds and replaces the backflip
        • Skill Rune – Parting Gift
          • Weapon damage increased from 45% to 55%
          • Poison bomb delay reduced from 1.2 seconds to 0.6 seconds
      • Sentry
        • Cost changed from 10 Discipline to 30 Hatred
        • Increased from weapon damage from 55% to 175%
        • Players can now have two turrets active at once, but an 8-second cooldown has been added to compensate
        • Sentry can no longer critically hit
        • Skill Rune – Spitfire Turret
          • Weapon damage increased from 8% to 30%
        • Skill Rune – Vigilant Watcher
          • Vigilant Watcher has been redesigned and now reduces the cooldown of Sentry by 2 seconds instead of increasing the duration
        • Skill Rune – Chain of Torment
          • Weapon damage increased from 80% to 125%
      • Shadow Power
        • Base spell changed from 20% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 15% Life Steal for 5 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Night Bane
          • Changed from 4 Hatred per second for 3 seconds to 3 Hatred per second for 5 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Blood Moon
          • Changed from 30% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 25% Life Steal for 5 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Gloom
          • Changed from 65% damage reduction for 3 seconds to 35% damage reduction for 5 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Shadow Glide
          • Changed from 40% movement speed increase for 3 seconds to 30% movement speed increase for 5 seconds
      • Spike Trap
        • Skill Rune – Sticky Trap
          • Explosion radius increased from 8 yards to 16 yards
        • Skill Rune – Bandolier has been renamed "Echoing Blast"
          • Echoing Blast gives your Spike Traps three charges with a minimum delay of 1 second between each explosion, and deals damage as Poison
      • Strafe
        • Movement speed increased from 65% to 75%
        • Hatred cost reduced from 16 to 12
        • All rune variants now allow you to walk through enemies while active
        • Skill Rune – Equilibrium has been renamed "Emberstrafe"
          • Emberstrafe leaves behind fire trail that deals 65% weapon damage per second for 2 seconds
      • Vault
        • Can now be used while under the effect of roots, including Jailer (and will break the effect)
        • Skill Rune – Trail of Cinders
          • Reduced damage from 1500% to 300% weapon damage over 3 seconds
          • Trail can now stack
        • Skill Rune – Acrobatics
          • Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds
    • Passive Skills
      • Custom Engineering
        • Adds the ability to have a third Sentry turret out a time
        • Now also increases the maximum number of Spike Traps you can have out to 6
      • Numbing Traps
        • Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%, but now also works with Grenades and Sentry
      • Perfectionist
        • Now also increases Life, Armor, and Resistances by 10%
      • Thrill of the Hunt
        • Thrill of the Hunt has been redesigned:
          • Every 7 seconds, your next Hatred spender roots all targets hit by it for 2 seconds. Enemies can only be rooted once every 7 seconds. (This does not affect Sentry.)
        • Now displays a buff icon when ready to use
    • Bug Fixes
      • Active Skills
        • Rapid Fire
          • Starting a channel at maximum range will no longer cause the channel to interrupt itself and attempt to close towards the mouse cursor
        • Fixed a bug that caused Companion attack and Multishot to sometimes fail to hit targets that were at a different elevation than the player
  • Monk
    • Active Skills
      • Breath of Heaven
        • Skill Rune – Infused with Light
          • Bonus Spirit regeneration increased from 6 to 8 additional Spirit per hit for 5 seconds
      • Dashing Strike
        • The strike animation after dashing now scales with attack speed
      • Mantra of Evasion
        • Skill Rune – Wind Through the Reeds
          • Run speed bonus increased from 5% to 8%
    • Passive Skills
      • Beacon of Ytar
        • Cooldown reduction increased from 15% to 20%
      • Near Death Experience
        • Cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
      • Pacifism
        • Now also works on Freeze and Immobilize effects (note: the tooltip will not say Freeze, because Freezes are classified as a Stun)
      • Resolve
        • Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%
      • Seize the Initiative
        • Conversion of Dexterity to Armor reduced from 100% to 50%
    • Bug Fixes
      • Active Skills
        • Mystic Ally
          • Skill Rune – Earth Ally
            • Earth Ally will now actively follow players
        • Dashing Strike
          • Players can no longer become stuck if they die to a damage-over-time spell while casting Dashing Strike
  • Witch Doctor
    • Active Skills
      • Firebats
        • Reduced Mana cost by 20% (from 122 to 98 per period at level 60)
      • Haunt
        • Weapon damage increased from 575% over 12 seconds to 575% over 6 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Resentful Spirit
          • Weapon damage increased from 287% to 383% over 2 seconds
        • Spirit Barrage
          • Skill Rune – Well of Souls
          • Will now seek out targets up to 40 yards (up from 25 yards)
      • Wall of Zombies
        • Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Pile On
          • Changed from 745% weapon damage with a 25-second cooldown to 550% weapon damage with a 10-second cooldown and the radius has been slightly increased
    • Passive Skills
    • Bug Fixes
      • Active Skills
        • Haunt
          • Damage now benefits from Intelligence and other skill bonuses
  • Wizard
    • Active Skills
      • Archon: Slow Time
        • Slow increased from 30% to 60%
      • Blizzard
        • Arcane Power cost reduced from 45 to 40 (Snowbound cost will remain the same at 20 Arcane Power)
      • Disintegrate
        • Arcane Power cost reduced from 20 to 18 per period
        • Weapon damage increased from 155% to 170%
        • Skill Rune – Chaos Nexus
          • Weapon damage increased from 40% to 44%
        • Skill Rune – Entropy
          • Weapon damage increased from 178% to 196%
        • Skill Rune – Intensify
          • Weapon damage increased from 202% to 221%
      • Energy Armor
        • Armor bonus reduced from 65% to 35%
        • Skill Rune – Prismatic Armor
          • Resistance bonus reduced from 40% to 25%
      • Energy Twister
        • Skill Rune - Storm Chaser
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.5 to 0.125
      • Familiar
        • Skill Rune – Ancient Guardian
          • Health threshold increased from 35% to 50%
        • Skill Rune – Dartling has been renamed "Vigoron"
          • Vigoron regenerates Life every second for the wizard
      • Ice Armor
        • Now reduces damage from melee attacks by 12%
        • Skill Rune – Crystallize
          • Armor bonus per stack reduced from 30% to 20%
      • Magic Missile
        • Weapon damage increased from 110% to 125%
        • Skill Rune – Charged Blast
          • Weapon damage increased from 143% to 162%
        • Skill Rune – Split
          • Weapon damage increased from 50% to 56%
          • Angle of damage reduced from 30 degrees to 20 degrees
        • Skill Rune – Seeker
          • Weapon damage increased from 121% to 138%
        • Skill Rune – Penetrating Blast
          • Pierce chance increased from 70% to 100%
      • Meteor
        • Delay between cast and impact reduced from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds
        • Arcane Power cost reduced from 60 to 50
        • Proc coefficient (base skill + runes not listed) reduced from 0.25 to 0.125
        • Skill Rune – Star Pact
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.25 to 0.10625
        • Skill Rune – Meteor Shower
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.1 to 0.05
        • Skill Rune – Liquefy
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.125 to 0.10625
      • Ray of Frost
        • Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
        • Duration of slow increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
        • Arcane Power cost reduced from 20 to 16 per period
        • Skill Rune – Numb
          • Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%
        • Skill Rune – Cold Blood
          • Arcane Power cost reduced from 12 to 10 per period
        • Skill Rune – Sleet Storm
          • Weapon damage increased from 215% to 280%
          • Proc scalar reduced from 0.25 to 0.1875
        • Skill Rune – Black Ice
          • Weapon damage increased from 193% to 387% over 3 seconds
      • Slow Time
        • Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
        • Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
        • Skill Rune – Time Shell
          • No longer reduces the size of Slow Time
        • Skill Rune – Perpetuity
          • Now reduces cooldown to 12 seconds (from 16 seconds)
      • Spectral Blade
        • Weapon damage increased from 135% to 165%Angle of damage increased from 60 degrees to 90 degrees
        • Range increased from 10 yards to 15 yards (range of Thrown Blades will remain at 20 yards)
        • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.222 to 0.14
        • Skill Rune – Deep Cuts
          • Weapon damage from Bleed increased from 35% to 45% over 3 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Healing Blades
          • Removed Critical Hit requirement
          • Heal amount reduced from 8% to 5%
        • Skill Rune – Thrown Blades
          • Proc coefficient reduced from 0.111 to 0.08
      • Storm Armor
        • Ability has been redesigned to periodically deal 100% weapon damage as Lightning to nearby enemies
        • Now triggers much more frequently
        • Skill Rune – Reactive Armor
          • Redesigned to deal 70% weapon damage as Lightning to ranged and melee attackers
        • Skill Rune – Strike Back has been renamed "Thunder Storm"
          • Thunder Storm increases your periodic damage to 130% weapon damage
        • All other runes remain unchanged
      • Teleport
        • Now breaks roots
        • Skill Rune – Reversal
          • Now ignores line of sight when returning to the casting location
      • Wave of Force
        • Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
        • Skill Rune – Force Affinity
          • Cooldown from 12 seconds to 9 seconds
    • Passive Skills
      • Unstable Anomaly
        • Increased health threshold from 20% to 30%
        • Now heals the player to 45% of Maximum Life and slow targets that are knocked back by 60% for 3 seconds
    • Bug Fixes
      • Active Skills
        • Archon
          • It is no longer possible to bypass the cooldown of Archon by combining Arcane Orb, Diamond Skin, and Archon
          • Archon: Teleport
            • Now properly breaks roots when cast
        • Hydra
          • All runes now properly benefit from Arcane Dynamo's five-stack damage buff
          • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the heads of the Hydra to become separated from the base when cast near a wall
        • Magic Weapon
          • Skill Rune – Blood Magic
            • Blood Magic should now work with damage over time spells (such as Archon: Disintegrate, Ray of Frost, etc)
      • Passive Skills
        • Illusionist
          • Illusionist should now reset the cooldown of Archon: Teleport when it procs


  • Crafting materials can now stack to 500
  • Jeweler Designs that drop in the world will now show up as Rare quality (yellow) to make them more visible on the ground
  • Crafting reagents can now be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith at a ratio of 10:1
  • Tomes of Training can be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith and Jeweler at a ratio of 10:1
  • Salvage now uses the required equip-level of the item instead of the base item level to determine what components the item will be salvaged into
    • Example: If an item is an iLevel 60 and has a reduced level requirement of 52, the item will salvage into Hell crafting materials instead of Inferno crafting materials
    • This is being done to accommodate the change of item affixes rolling at the monster's level rather than the item's level (detailed further in the Items section below)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a bug where crafted items were not displaying the correct Required Level to equip them


  • Templar
    • Skills
      • Heal
        • Now heals both the Templar and the player when cast
        • Can now be cast when the player is below 75% health (up from 50%)
      • Inspire
        • Mana regeneration bonus increased from 2 to 4 Mana per second
      • Intervene
        • Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
        • Affected radius increased from 6 yards to 10 yards
        • Removed the health threshold for when Intervene can be cast:
          • Spell will now cast whenever the player is hit and off cooldown, regardless of the player's currently health %
      • Intimidate
        • Now also reduces the movement speed of enemies that the Templar hits by 60% for 3 seconds
  • Scoundrel
    • Basic ranged attack weapon damage increased from 25% to 40%
    • Skills
      • Hysteria
        • Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
      • Poison Bolts
        • Weapon damage of initial hit increased from 40% to 100%
        • Poison now deals 40% weapon damage over 2 seconds (instead of over 3 seconds)
  • Enchantress
    • Skills
      • Disorient
        • Affected radius increased from 4 yards to 6 yards
        • Cooldown reduced from 45 seconds to 25 seconds
      • Mass Control
        • Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
      • Powered Armor
        • Armor bonus reduced from 15% to 5%
      • Reflect Missiles
        • Reflect Missiles has been replaced with Missile Ward:
          • Missile Ward reduces incoming damage from ranged attacks by 6%
  • Bug Fixes
    • Magic Find and Gold Find values inherited from Followers should now respect the 300% cap
    • Followers will no longer run in place or run slowly when players perform abilities that augment their movement (ex: Leap, Teleport, Vault, etc.)
    • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause followers or quest NPCs to attack idle creatures (such as treasure goblins) if they were the closest target


  • Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed rather than the item's level (this applies to all items including random affixes on Legendary and set items)
  • The location of Legendary items will now be marked by a column of light as well as a ping on the mini-map the first time they drop, and a new sound has been addedClass-specific items will now drop more often
  • The chance for Legendary and set items to drop has been doubled
  • Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
  • Square-quality gems no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
  • The cast time for identifying Rare items has been reduced to 1 second
  • The cast time for identifying Legendary items has been increased to 4 seconds
  • Lore books will now appear light blue instead of green when dropped on the ground
  • Monk class Skill bonuses can now roll on shields
  • "Extra Health From Globes" now also benefits health potions
  • Bug Fixes
    • The order in which you equip gear with a Legendary affix to add bonus Elemental Damage will no longer cause your damage output to change
    • Mara's Kaleidoscope can now correctly roll 3 random affixes in addition to its 3 fixed affixes
    • Fixed a bug with Nagelring and Unity legendary rings which caused them to not drop
    • Fixed a bug where Mempo of Twilight could not roll 170-200 of a primary stat


  • Additional health per monster in multiplayer games has been reduced from 75% to 70%
  • Damage and health of monsters levels 50-63 have been reduced to coincide with the addition of Monster Power
  • Elite modifiers have been changed slightly at higher levels:
    • The minimum stun duration required for most Elites is now 0.65 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.65 seconds will have no effect
    • The minimum stun duration required for Rares and bosses is now 0.85 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.85 seconds will have no effect
  • Sand Shark AI has been improved:
    • Sand Sharks can now use an “Under Sand Attack” while burrowed, which causes the Sand Shark to charge to the player and do a 10-yard radius earthquake-like attack for low damage
    • Sand Sharks can now walk toward you while above ground, which gives players more time to DPS them
  • Skeleton Fire Mage fire pools, Wood Wraith spore clouds, and Oppressor fire breath attacks should now do reduced damages to pets and followers
  • Two-handed skeleton executioners have had their escape radius reduced
  • The "coolup" has been increased on the Fallen Lunatic's suicide power from 1-3 seconds to 2-5 seconds, giving players a more predictable time to kill them (or run away) before they explode
  • Lacunis now have a cooldown on their combo attack
  • Treasure Goblins will now play a sound whenever they become aware of a player
  • Bug Fixes
    • Damage caused by the Reflects Damage affix can no longer be dodged
    • Fire Chains monsters should no longer link with burrowed monsters (if a monster burrows while linked with Fire Chains, the link will be removed)
    • The explosion effect of a dying Molten monster and the damage done by the effect should now always occur at the same time
    • Monsters with the Desecrator affix will no longer occasionally cast desecrator pools on players more than 50 yards away
    • Damage done by the Arcane Sentry beam attack should now properly sync with the beam graphic
    • Heralds of Pestilence will now abort their ranged attack if the player uses a power to make themselves un-targetable while the attack is casting (or "winding up")
    • Rare Heralds of Pestilence will now spawn minions
    • Arcane Enchanters will now properly reduced their damage based on a players Damage Reduction Against Elites modifier
    • Flying Moloks can no longer go invisible and become untargetable
    • The following monster types can now spawn as Rares and Champions, allowing certain achievements to be completed:
      • Mallet Lord
      • Skeletal Sentry
      • Skeletal Raider
      • Skeletal Marauder
      • Armaddon
      • Armored Destroyer
      • Subjugator
      • Dust Imp

User Interface

  • You can now change the icon for each tab in the shared stash
    • The intent of this feature is to allow players the option to visually customize their stash tabs to better reflect its contents
  • Bug Fixes
    • Switching from a weapon to a shield in your off-hand will no longer cause your Damage stat to display less damage than your character actually deals in combat

Bug Fixes

  • Shrines will now buff all players that are within the shrine’s radius or in the same level area
  • Nephalem Valor stacks are now restored whenever a player rejoins the last multiplayer game he/she was disconnected from
  • The damage stat in the Hero page should now display the appropriate values when switching main and off-hand weapons with a shield
  • Fixed a bug where buffs on other players weren’t displaying correctly in the party UI
  • Fixed a bug that was causing players to not be able to rejoin a multiplayer game if they switched to a character that was saved to a difficulty level not yet unlocked by the other party members
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when mousing over the tooltip for crafting materials
  • Removed the initial tick of damage from fire trenches in Keep Depths and slightly reduced the radius
  • Acts:
    • Act I
      • Act I - Realm of Chaos: The cut-scene no longer hangs on a black screen when you begin the Realm of Chaos encounter
      • Act I - Defiled Crypt: Loot can no longer fall inside the chest upon completion of the "Matriarch's Bones" event
      • Act I - The Festering Woods: It is no longer possible for loot to fall inside the broken pillar bases.
    • Act III
      • Act III - Stonefort: It is no longer possible for the first soldier during the event "Protect and Serve: Protect the soldiers raising the catapult" to be killed by monsters before reaching the winch
      • Act III - Rakkis Crossing: Captain Haile can no longer be killed during "Blaze of Glory: Talk to Captain Haile"
    • Act IV
      • Act IV - The Pinnacle of Heaven: Tyrael is now present in the cutscene during "Prime Evil: Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire"

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.5 live i morgen, 17/10-12
« Dato: Oktober 16, 2012, 10:25:13 am »
Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.5 udgives i morgen på hovedserverne. Serverne tages offline kl. 03.00 i nat (natten til onsdag), og forventes online igen kl. 13.00 onsdag. Serverne går sikkert online før kl. 13.00, da Blizzard plejer at være færdig med sådanne operationer før planlagt tid.

We will be performing scheduled maintenance for Diablo III starting tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. PDT in order to deploy patch 1.0.5. We anticipate that maintenance will conclude and that all services will be available by approximately 1:00 p.m. PDT.

Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 1.0.5 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from a European or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is the Americas, you will be unable to log into Europe or Asia using Global Play after patch 1.0.5 is live until those regions have also patched.

For reference, here are the scheduled maintenance times for each region:

The Americas: 3:00 a.m. PDT (10/16) to 1:00 p.m. PDT (10/16)
Europe: 6:00 p.m. PDT (10/16) to 4:00 a.m. PDT (10/17)
Asia: 1:00 p.m. PDT (10/17) to 11:00 p.m. PDT (10/17)

Please note that these times are subject to change. For time zone assistance, please visit: http://everytimezone.com

Tidszoneforskellen skulle være på plads nu.

Blær og Tud / Board flyttet
« Dato: Oktober 07, 2012, 08:07:38 pm »
Jeg har flyttet dette board til D3-sektionen. Vi skal se noget D3-lir. Jeg har desværre ikke selv så meget at vise frem, men det ved jeg, at mange af jer andre har. Opret en ny tråd, når I vil vise noget :)

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / PTR (patch test realm) patch 1.0.5 notes
« Dato: September 21, 2012, 12:21:44 pm »
Som vi skrev tidligere, har Blizzard besluttet at oprette et test realm, således at vi spillere kan være med til at teste den kommende patch 1.0.5. Dertil er også patch notes blevet frigivet - hvorvidt disse patch notes kommer til at holde helt frem til den egentlige patch-udgivelse, vides ikke. Der vil sandsynligvis forekomme nogle ændringer, når patchen bliver testet.


New System: Monster Power
Similar to the "Players 8" command in Diablo II, Monster Power is a system designed to give players more control over how challenging enemies are in each difficulty. With this system, players can choose to increase the health and damage of monsters according to different "power levels" and in return they’ll receive scaling bonuses to experience (for heroes levels 1-59) as well as boosts to Magic Find and Gold Find (for heroes in Inferno) which will stack above the 300% cap. The option to increase Monster Power will be available to all players starting at level 1 in the Quest Selection window, and can be adjusted separately for Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno difficulties.

New Event: Infernal Machine
The Infernal Machine is a device that will allow level 60 players to battle "uber” versions of some of Sanctuary's most nefarious bosses. While the rewards for defeating these bosses will be great, some assembly is required. Only the most powerful Nephalem can unlock the secrets to building the Infernal Machine, but once forged the device can be used to open portals to special encounters featuring not one, but two bosses which have been augmented from their original versions, both in terms of difficulty and appearance. Defeating each boss pair will provide players with extra items and gold, as well as a chance to find components for a new Legendary ring.

Resplendent Chests will now operate similarly to Elite packs in Inferno difficulty:
When players open a Resplendent Chest, they will receive a reward based on how many Nephalem Valor stacks they have active at the time
Opening a Resplendent Chest will grant one stack of Nephalem Valor

Major in-game events will now grant one stack of Nephalem Valor when completed by a level 60 character in Inferno difficulty
If completed in a multiplayer game, all eligible characters in the party will receive the buff regardless of whether they participated in the event or were close to the event's location

Major in-game events in Inferno difficulty that involve a special chest or Unique monster (ex: ) will now also drop additional loot for every stack of Nephalem Valor a player has active at the time of the event’s completion
Several events have had Unique monsters added to them for this purpose

Experience Shrines can now appear in Inferno difficulty
Two new shrines have been added to all difficulty levels:

Empowered Shrine – Increased resource regeneration and reduced cooldowns
Fleeting Shrine – Increased movement speed and pickup radius

Followers, pets, and summoned creatures will no longer attack enemies that are in an idle state unless the player is within 10 yards of the enemy
The reduction of snare effects against Elite monsters has been reduced (in the player’s favor):
Normal: 20% to 0%
Nightmare: 30% to 15%
Hell: 40% to 25%
Inferno: 40% to 25%

Crowd control effects will now be affected by diminishing returns. To learn more about how diminishing returns will work in Diablo III (and why these changes are an overall buff to player CC), click here!

Search parameters will now save when switching between the gold and real-money auction house
An additional sortable column has been added to the results window
This column will have a drop-down box populated with each of the Preferred Stats that players indicated for their search (only one Preferred Stat can be selected at a time)

The Preferred Stat list is now sorted alphabetically
A button has been added to allow players to quickly reset Preferred Stat filters to "None"
Players can now search for +Damage on off-hand items
When searching for items to purchase, an option to "autofill" stats based on what the player is currently wearing has been added
Similarly, when selling an item, a "Find Similar" button has been added to allow players to quickly search for items currently up for auction that have similar stats

Bug Fixes
When claiming stackable items from the auction house, the claimed items will always attempt to fill out partial stacks completely before falling back to using an open slot in your inventory
The color-coding for the "Quality" drop-down menu for Pages & Recipes has been updated to match the color-coding for all other categories
Fixed a bug that was causing the minimum value for the Spirit Regen affix to not filter items correctly.

The "Friend of Friend" feature for finding and adding Real ID friends is now available for Diablo III
A new item delivery system has been added that will allow Blizzard to send items directly to players (you may see us testing this feature over the course of the PTR)

An Achievement button has been added to the in-game hotbar
Players can now link Achievements in chat

Players can now customize their banner in-game while in town
Each banner reward type now has sub-categories organized by the content they were rewarded from (Hardcore, Crafting, Challenges, etc.)
New unlocked banner rewards are now highlighted so they can be found more easily

Players can now change font color (per channel) and size
Clicking on items linked in chat will now provide a comparison tooltip based on what you are currently wearing
Several additional improvements have been made to in-game chat to increase usability

Bug Fixes
Azmodan should no longer be able to cast Flame Meteors or continue channeling his Laser attack while stunned

Defensive bonuses provided by certain class skills have been reduced. To learn more about these changes and why they were made, click here!

Active Skills
Battle Rage
Duration increased from 30 seconds to 120 seconds

Hammer of the Ancients
Increased Critical Hit chance is now based on the amount of Fury the player has when Hammer of the Ancients is activated:
For every 5 Fury a player has, Hammer of the Ancients has a 1% increased Critical Hit chance
Skill Rune – Smash
The radius of Smash has been slightly increased to help resolve an issue that caused Hammer of the Ancients to occasionally miss targets immediately in front of the player

Skill Rune – The Devil's Anvil
Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%

Skill Rune – Iron Impact
Now grants 100% bonus armor per enemy hit for 3 seconds

Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds

Rend should now more reliably hit enemies that are running away
Skill Rune – Mutilate
Mutilate has been redesigned to slow enemies by 60% for the duration of Rend

Skill Rune – Run Like the Wind
Proc coefficient reduced from 0.2 to 0.08

Threatening Shout
Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 second
Skill Rune – Grim Harvest
Now also has a chance to drop a health globe

War Cry
Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
Fury generated reduced from 30 to 20
Skill Rune – Charge!
Fury generated reduced from 60 to 40

Skill Rune – Impunity
Bonus resistance reduced from 50% to 20%

Fury cost from 16 to 9
Skill Rune – Blood Funnel
Healing increased from 1% to 2% of Maximum Life per Critical Hit

Passive Skills
Bonus Fury regeneration increased from 10% to 20%

Inspiring Presence
Healing increased from 1% to 2% Maximum Life per second

Fury regeneration has been quadrupled, increased to 2 Fury every 1 second (up from 1 Fury every 2 seconds)

Demon Hunter
Active Skills
Bola Shot
Explosion radius increased from 7 yards to 17 yards
Skill Rune – Volatile Explosives
Explosion radius increased from 14 yards to 20 yards

Chakram will now always fire a projectile, regardless of distance or if an enemy is targeted

Added a 30-second cooldown
Reduced each Companion's attack cooldown from 1.5/2 seconds to 1 second
Weapon damage increased from 30% to 38%, but they can no longer critically hit
Companion's damage now scales with attack speed
Skill Rune – Wolf Companion
Wolf Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
Now has comparable durability to one Zombie Dog
New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 94% weapon damage

Skill Rune – Spider Companion
Spider Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
Has slightly more durability than the Wolf Companion
New attack: 120-degree Cleave with a 10-yard radius that hits for 38% weapon damage and Slows every enemy it hits by 60% for 2 seconds

Skill Rune – Boar Companion
Boar Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
Has more durability than the Spider Companion
New attack: Single-target attack that hits for 38% weapon damage
Provides (155 @ 60) Life per second and a 15% bonus to all resistances for the Demon Hunter

Evasive Fire
Skill Rune – Shrapnel has been replaced with a new rune: "Hardened"
Hardened increases your Armor by 50% for 3 seconds and replaces the backflip

Skill Rune – Parting Gift
Weapon damage increased from 45% to 55%
Poison bomb delay reduced from 1.2 seconds to 0.6 seconds

Cost changed from 10 Discipline to 30 Hatred
Increased from weapon damage from 55% to 88%
Players can now have two turrets active at once, but an 8-second cooldown has been added to compensate
Sentry can no longer critically hit
Skill Rune – Spitfire Turret
Weapon damage increased from 8% to 15%

Skill Rune – Vigilant Watcher
Vigilant Watcher has been redesigned and now reduces the cooldown of Sentry by 2 seconds instead of increasing the duration

Skill Rune – Chain of Torment
Weapon damage increased from 80% to 100%

Shadow Power
Base spell changed from 20% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 15% Life Steal for 5 seconds
Skill Rune – Night Bane
Changed from 4 Hatred per second for 3 seconds to 3 Hatred per second for 5 seconds

Skill Rune – Blood Moon
Changed from 30% Life Steal for 3 seconds to 25% Life Steal for 5 seconds

Skill Rune – Gloom
Changed from 65% damage reduction for 3 seconds to 35% damage reduction for 5 seconds

Skill Rune – Shadow Glide
Changed from 40% movement speed increase for 3 seconds to 30% movement speed increase for 5 seconds

Spike Trap
Skill Rune – Sticky Trap
Explosion radius increased from 8 yards to 16 yards

Skill Rune – Bandolier has been replaced with a new rune: "Echoing Blast"
Echoing Blast gives your Spike Traps three charges with a minimum delay of 1 second between each explosion, and deals damage as Poison

Movement speed increased from 65% to 75%
Hatred cost reduced from 16 to 12
Skill Rune – Equilibrium has been replaced with a new rune: "Emberstrafe"
Emberstrafe leaves behind fire trail that deals 65% weapon damage per second for 2 seconds

All rune variants now allow you to walk through enemies while active

Can now be used while under the effect of roots, including Jailer (and will break the effect)
Skill Rune – Trail of Cinders
Reduced damage from 1500% to 300% weapon damage over 3 seconds
Trail can now stack

Skill Rune – Acrobatics
Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds

Passive Skills

Custom Engineering
Adds the ability to have a third Sentry turret out a time
Now also increases the maximum number of Spike Traps you can have out to 6

Numbing Traps
Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%, but now also works with Grenades and Sentry

Now also increases Life, Armor, and Resistances by 10%

Thrill of the Hunt
Thrill of the Hunt has been redesigned:
Every 7 seconds, your next Hatred spender roots all targets hit by it for 2 seconds. Enemies can only be rooted once every 7 seconds. This does not affect Sentry.
Now displays a buff icon when ready to use

Active Skills
Breath of Heaven
Skill Rune – Infused with Light
Bonus Spirit regeneration increased from 6 to 8 additional Spirit per hit for 5 seconds

Dashing Strike
The strike animation after dashing now scales with attack speed

Mantra of Evasion
Skill Rune – Wind Through the Reeds
Run speed bonus increased from 5% to 8%

Passive Skills
Beacon of Ytar
Cooldown reduction increased from 15% to 20%

Near Death Experience
Cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds

Now also works on Freeze and Immobilize effects (note: the tooltip will not say Freeze, because Freezes are classified as a Stun)

Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 20%

Seize the Initiative
Conversion of Dexterity to Armor reduced from 100% to 50%

Witch Doctor
Active Skills

Spirit Barrage
Skill Rune – Well of Souls
Will now seek out targets up to 40 yards (up from 25 yards)

Wall of Zombies
Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
Skill Rune – Pile On
Changed from 745% weapon damage with a 25-second cooldown to 500% weapon damage with a 10-second cooldown and the radius has been slightly increased

Passive Skills
Gruesome Feast
Now shows a buff icon when you have active stacks

Fetish Sycophants
Proc chance increased from 3% to 5%

Jungle Fortitude
Damage reduction reduced from 20% to 15%

Active Skills
Archon: Slow Time
Slow increased from 30% to 60%

Arcane Power cost reduced from 45 to 40 (Snowbound cost will remain the same at 20 Arcane Power)

Energy Armor
Armor bonus reduced from 65% to 35%
Skill Rune – Prismatic Armor
Resistance bonus reduced from 40% to 25%

Skill Rune – Ancient Guardian
Health threshold increased from 35% to 50%

Skill Rune – Dartling has been replaced with a new rune: "Vigoron"
Vigoron regenerates Life every second for the wizard

All runes now properly benefit from Arcane Dynamo's five-stack damage buff
Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the heads of the Hydra to become separated from the base when cast near a wall

Ice Armor
Now reduces damage from melee attacks by 8%

Magic Missile
Base weapon damage increased from 110% to 125%
Skill Rune – Charged Blast
Weapon damage increased from 143% to 162%

Skill Rune – Split
Weapon damage increased from 50% to 56%
Angle of damage reduced from 30 degrees to 20 degrees

Skill Rune – Seeker
Weapon damage increased from 121% to 138%

Skill Rune – Penetrating Blast
Pierce chance increased from 70% to 100%

Delay between cast and impact reduced from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds
Arcane Power cost reduced from 60 to 50

Ray of Frost
Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
Duration of slow increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
Arcane Power cost reduced from 20 to 16 per period
Skill Rune – Numb
Movement speed reduction increased from 60% to 80%

Skill Rune – Cold Blood
Arcane Power cost reduced from 12 to 10 per period

Skill Rune – Sleet Storm
Weapon damage increased from 215% to 333%
Proc scalar reduced from 0.25 to 0.1875

Skill Rune – Black Ice
Weapon damage increased from 193% to 387% over 3 seconds

Slow Time
Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 60%
Skill Rune – Time Shell
No longer reduces the size of Slow Time

Skill Rune – Perpetuity
Now reduces cooldown to 12 seconds (from 16 seconds)

Spectral Blade
Weapon damage increased from 135% to 165%
Angle of damage increased from 60 degrees to 90 degrees
Range increased from 10 yards to 15 yards (range of Thrown Blades will remain at 20 yards)
Skill Rune – Deep Cuts
Weapon damage from Bleed increased from 35% to 45% over 3 seconds

Skill Rune – Healing Blades
Removed Critical Hit requirement

Storm Armor
Ability has been redesigned to periodically deal 100% weapon damage as Lightning to nearby enemies
Skill Rune – Reactive Armor
Redesigned to deal 70% weapon damage as Lightning to ranged and melee attackers

Skill Rune – Strike Back has been renamed "Thunder Storm"
All other runes remain unchanged

Now breaks roots
Skill Rune – Reversal
Now ignores line of sight when returning to the casting location

Wave of Force
Cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
Skill Rune – Force Affinity
Cooldown from 12 seconds to 9 seconds

Passive Skills

Unstable Anomaly
Increased health threshold from 20% to 30%
Now heals the player to 45% of Maximum Life and slow targets that are knocked back by 60% for 3 seconds

Crafting materials can now stack to 500
Jeweler Designs that drop in the world will now show up as Rare quality (yellow) to make them more visible on the ground
Salvage now uses the required equip-level of the item instead of the base item level to determine what components the item will be salvaged into

Example: If an item is an iLevel 60 and has a reduced level requirement of 52, the item will salvage into Hell crafting materials instead of Inferno crafting materials
This is being done to accommodate the change of item affixes rolling at the monster’s level rather than the item's level (detailed further in the Items section below)

Crafting reagents can now be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith at a ratio of 10:1
Tomes of Training can be converted up to the next highest level at the Blacksmith and Jeweler at a ratio of 10:1


Now heals both the Templar and the player when cast
Can now be cast when the player is below 75% health (up from 50%)

Mana regeneration bonus increased from 2 to 4 Mana per second

Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
Affected radius increased from 6 yards to 10 yards
Removed the health threshold for when Intervene can be cast
Spell will now cast whenever the player is hit and off cooldown, regardless of the player's currently health %

Now also reduces the movement speed of enemies that the Templar hits by 60% for 3 seconds

Basic ranged attack weapon damage increased from 25% to 40%

Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds

Poison Bolts
Weapon damage of initial hit increased from 40% to 100%
Poison now deals 40% weapon damage over 2 seconds (instead of over 3 seconds)


Affected radius increased from 4 yards to 6 yards
Cooldown reduced from 45 seconds to 25 seconds

Mass Control
Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds

Powered Armor
Armor bonus reduced from 15% to 5%

Reflect Missiles
Reflect Missiles has been replaced with Missile Ward
Missile Ward reduces incoming damage from ranged attacks by 6%

Bug Fixes
Magic Find and Gold Find values inherited from Followers should now respect the 300% cap

Followers will no longer run in place or run slowly when players perform abilities that augment their movement (ex: Leap, Teleport, Vault, etc.)

The cast time for identifying Rare items has been reduced to 1 second
The cast time for identifying Legendary items has been increased to 4 seconds
The location of Legendary items will now be marked by a column of light as well as a ping on the mini-map the first time they drop, and a new sound has been added
Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed (rather than the item’s level)
Class-specific items will now drop more often
Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Square-quality gems no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Monk class Skill bonuses can now roll on shields

Additional health per monster in multiplayer games has been reduced from 75% to 70%
Damage and health of monsters levels 50-63 have been reduced to coincide with the addition of Monster Power
Sand Shark AI has been improved:
Sand Sharks can now use an "Under Sand Attack" while burrowed. The "Under Sand Attack" causes the Sand Shark to charge to the player and do a 10-yard radius earthquake-like attack for low damage.
Sand Sharks can now walk toward you while above ground, which gives players more time to DPS them.

Skeleton Fire Mage fire pools, Wood Wraith spore clouds, and Opressor fire breath attacks should now do reduced damages to pets and followers
Two-handed skeleton executioners have had their escape radius reduced
The "coolup" has been increased on the Fallen Lunatic’s suicide power from 1-3 seconds to 2-5 seconds, giving players a more predictable time to kill them (or run away) before they explode

Bug Fixes
Damage caused by the Reflects Damage affix can no longer be dodged
Fire Chains monsters should no longer link with burrowed monsters (if a monster burrows while linked with Fire Chains, the link will be removed)
The explosion effect of a dying Molten monster and the damage done by the effect should now always occur at the same time
Damage done by the Arcane Sentry beam attack should now properly sync with the beam graphic
Heralds of Pestilence will now abort their ranged attack if the player uses a power to make themselves un-targetable while the attack is casting (or "winding up")

Shrines will now buff all players that are within the shrine’s radius or in the same level area
Nephalem Valor stacks are now restored whenever a player rejoins the last multiplayer game he/she was disconnected from
The damage stat in the Hero page should now display the appropriate values when switching main and off-hand weapons with a shield
Fixed a bug where buffs on other players weren’t displaying correctly in the party UI
Fixed a bug that was causing players to not be able to rejoin a multiplayer game if they switched to a character that was saved to a difficulty level not yet unlocked by the other party members
Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when mousing over the tooltip for crafting materials
Removed the initial tick of damage from fire trenches in Keep Depths and slightly reduced the radius


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo patch 1.0.5 test realm
« Dato: September 21, 2012, 11:57:08 am »
Forud for den egentlige udgivelse af den næste patch til Diablo 3 - patch 1.0.5 - har Blizzard valgt at oprette et decideret test realm, hvor vi spillere skal være med til at teste patchen, inden den går live på de primære servere. Lylirra har givet os en række informationer om dette test realm, som kan ses nedenfor.

Patch 1.0.5 will soon be available for testing on the PTR. Once the PTR is up and ready, we'll enable posting in this forum and the PTR Bug Report forum so you can share your feedback and report any issues you may experience while playing.

In the meantime, be sure to check out the patch 1.0.5 PTR patch notes and the information below to find out how to set up your PTR account.

How to Participate:

To participate in the public test, you must have a Diablo III game license attached your Battle.net account that's in good standing (i.e. it hasn't been suspended or banned). While the 1.0.5 PTR will only be in available in English, French, German, and Korean languages, accounts from all regions are eligible to participate.

You will also need to create a PTR account by logging in to your Battle.net Account Management page. We will be enabling PTR account creation soon (we'll provide an update once it's available), and once it's up you'll simply need to select your Diablo III game license and then click "Create a PTR account." After you've created your account, you'll be able to download the client from the Diablo III landing page, or from your Games Download page in Account Management.

Please note that will not be able to log in to the PTR client until it's live.

Character Copy:

The option to copy your existing Diablo III characters from your live account to the PTR will become available once the PTR is live. Only one region per account can be copied at a time, however, so if you choose to copy characters from your account in a different region please note that any previously copied PTR characters will be lost.

We'll be providing more details, including an FAQ, once the 1.0.5 PTR is available, so stay tuned!

Patch 1.0.5 PTR notes kan findes her


StarCraft / Heart of the Swarm - beta
« Dato: September 16, 2012, 01:47:58 pm »
Er der andre, der har fået invitation til Heart of the Swarm betaen? Den lå i min inbox i går. :) Spændende.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Followers - forbedres i næste patch?
« Dato: September 11, 2012, 05:54:27 pm »
Community manager Vaeflare kom i går forbi Battle.Net forums med et svar til en bruger vedrørende followers. Brugeren udtrykker, hvordan followers på nuværende tidspunkt er noget nær ubrugelige, hvilket vi alle vel godt kan nikke genkendende til. Svaret fra Vaeflare giver os forhåbning om, at followers måske bliver mere brugbare, ligesom mercenaries var det i Diablo 2. Måske i næste patch?

Never fear! We're actually actively looking into the relative strength of followers. :)


Er I uenige? Er followers allerede tilpas stærke?

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 Fansite Q/A fra Blizzard #2
« Dato: September 03, 2012, 02:42:23 pm »
Vi har i dag modtaget en mail fra Blizzards fansite-afdeling, der indeholder en række spørgsmål og svar på samme omkring en række gameplay-mekanikker i Diablo 3. Vi modtager disse mails som officiel fanside.

Diablo III Questions and Answers
Q: Are there any plans to raise the max bid/buyout of the RMAH above $250?
A: We do not currently have any plans to raise this amount.

Q: Have you considered adding a “Reset” button so that players don’t have to edit every single search parameter manually when switching between search types?
A: This is a good suggestion, and we will look into it.
Q: Players would really like to be able to search for TOTAL +block on shields rather than magic property “% to block.”
A: This is a great suggestion.
Q: Players would also really like to be able to filer their searches by “Bid Only” or “Buyout Only.” Saved searches and the ability to “tag” items (to be able to check back on later) would be welcomed as well!
A: Also Good suggestions. We’ll look into these as well.
Q: Any thoughts on adding the ability to “import” the stats of your currently-equipped item so that it fills the values in the search fields automatically?
A: We are currently looking into ways to search for similar items.

Q: What determines the cap on the absorb of the new force armor on Zombie Dogs? How is overflow damage determined?
“Some attacks still kill the dogs in one hit, including some pretty beefy ones.  I'm not complaining, I think they are great and it's okay for them to get smushed, just would like to know more specifics about how it works.”
A: Certain attacks and less-common environmental hazards — such as the fire created on the ground by Skeletal Mages — do lots of small, rapid attacks that can quickly damage Zombie Dogs and Gargantuans.  We know this type of damage can be difficult to predict, so we’re looking into having these spells do reduced damage to pets, much like we did for Plague, Molten, and Desecrator.
Q: Is there a cap on Magic Find/Gold Find for followers? Does your follower’s MF/GF count toward your 300% cap, or does it stack over the cap?
A: The Magic Find and Gold Find percentages for both follower contributions and Fortune Shrine bonuses are intended to respect the 300% MF/GF cap. Nephalem Valor bonuses will continue to stack beyond this cap, however. That said, we’ve seen some posts that MF/GF contributions from followers may currently be stacking above the cap, and we’re looking into those reports.
Q: Is it intended that the benefits of a Fortune Shrine do not allow the player to go over 300% MF?
A: The Fortune Shrine’s benefit also respects the 300% MF cap.
Q: The tutorial that appears on the XP bar when you start earning the Paragon XP doesn’t tell players that each Paragon level also increases base stats. Was this intended, or just an oversight?
A: That is an oversight, thanks for pointing it out! We’ll be updating this to reflect the correct information.
Q: Will we add MF/GF back in so that it affects environment object drops?
A: This is something we would like to do in the future.
Q: Are there any plans to add additional character slots per account? What about AH slots?
A: We have no current plans to add additional character slots or AH slots.
Q: Are there any plans to buff or rebalance followers? There have been (unverified) claims that the enchantress is much more popular than either the Templar or scoundrel.
A: We’re looking into it.
Q: Are thoughts on allowing the blacksmith to offer repairs for a lowered price depending on his artisan level.
A: We have no plans to add this feature.
Q: Players would like to be able to clear their “Recent players” list or to somehow disable it. Is that possible?
A: This is also a feature that we have no plans to add.
Q: Can crafting mats stack higher than 100, please? :D
A: This is a great suggestion! We’ll look into increasing it.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Undskyldning fra Jay Wilson
« Dato: August 23, 2012, 01:53:02 pm »
Game Director på Diablo 3 - Jay Wilson - har netop postet en officiel undskyldning på US battle.net-forummet. Det er ikke en undskyldning for Diablo 3's kvalitet (selvom det delvist kunne være på sin plads), men en undskyldning for det udbrud og personlige angreb, han mønstrede på Facebook, da han omtalte skaberen af Diablo og Diablo 2 - David Brevik - og skrev "Fuck that loser."

Jay har nu taget til genmæle, og undskylder sin opførsel i en forholdsvis lang besked. Læs den nedenfor.

As many of you probably know, I recently made a comment on Facebook about Dave Brevik. I want to make it clear that I am very sorry for what I said. I have higher expectations for myself than to express my feelings in such a rash way and disrespect a fellow developer like Dave, someone who deserves to be treated with greater respect.

What I said was expressed out of anger, and in defense of my team and the game. People can say what they want about me, but I don't take lightly when they disparage the commitment and passion of the Diablo III team. Dave is awesome. In Diablo and Diablo II, he made two of the games that have most affected me as a developer. I respect his vision for Diablo, but just like he said in his interview, the Diablo III team must drive a vision for the game that is true to us. We believe in Diablo and have stuck by it through years of hard development to make it a reality.

The foundation of the Diablo team was built from the remnants of Blizzard North: Our lead programmer, who built the basis of the Diablo III engine while at Blizzard North; our lead tech artist, who drove much of the combat visuals, FX, and skill direction of our classes and is one of the most avid Diablo II players you can find; our lead concept artist, who helped establish the core look of the game; Wyatt Cheng, our senior technical game designer, who writes many of our blogs and works tirelessly on the live game. All these people and many others made the commitment to Diablo even after Blizzard North shut down. It was hard for me to see their contributions be diminished by someone they worked alongside, and even harder for me not to try to jump to their defense. I only wish I'd done so in a more professional manner.

Joining the Diablo team was a dream come true for me. In my house, the name Diablo was always spoken in hushed tones. It meant late nights that turned into early mornings, moments of pure adrenaline and pure joy. It meant countless conversations, debates, scouring websites for good builds, and more than one or two sick days. :) When Diablo II was released, I took a week off work and sent my wife out of state... and she was pregnant at the time! I played Diablo II with my dad during one of the most difficult times of his life, and the experience brought me closer to him, and I hope helped him through it. I joined the Diablo team because the idea of a world without more Diablo seemed like a pretty crappy world to me. I wasn't sure if I'd be good enough. I'm still not sure. But I felt I had to try.

Regardless of how I've done, my team has been more than good enough, and I'm proud of the game we made together. We believe it's a great game. But Diablo III has flaws. It is not perfect. Sales mean nothing if the game doesn’t live on in all of our hearts, and standing by our games is what Blizzard does. Patch 1.0.4 is a step in the right direction, but we have no illusions that our work is done.

Playing Diablo III needs to be a rewarding experience. The new legendaries are a big step in the right direction, as are tweaks to item drop rates. But I'm not convinced that we've gone far enough. If you don't have that great feeling of a good drop being right around the corner -- and the burst of excitement when it finally arrives -- then we haven't done our jobs right. Out of our concern to make sure that Diablo III would have longevity, we were overly cautious about how we handled item drops and affixes. If 1.0.4 hasn’t fixed that, you can be sure we'll continue to address it.

Part of the problem, however, is not just item drops, but the variety of things to do within the game. Many of you have stated that there needs to be more to the game than just the item hunt, and we agree completely. The Paragon system is a step in the right direction, giving meta-progress for your time in the game, but it does little to address the variety of activities you can do while playing. I don't think there’s a silver-bullet solution to this problem, but I do think we can make this aspect of the game better, and as such we're planning more than just PvP for the next major patch. Not trying to be coy, but we're still firming things up and will talk about this as soon as we can.

Difficulty has been a constant source of division when discussing the game. Some players believe Diablo has never been about crushing challenges, but more about efficiency and farming. Some players want a game that tests them to their limits. Neither player is wrong. As it stands, Diablo III simply does not provide the tools to allow players to scale the game challenge to something appropriate for them. We set Inferno as the high watermark and took a one-size-fits-all approach to game challenge. Later in the development of Diablo II, the 'players 8' command -- which let people set monster difficulty -- was added to address this issue, and we're considering something similar for the next major Diablo III patch to allow players to make up their own minds about how hard or how easy is right for them.

The Auction House has also proven to be a big challenge. It adds a lot of power for players to trade and acquire items. Getting a great Monk drop that you can trade for better gear for your Wizard is obviously a great benefit, but it does come with a downside. The Auction House can short circuit the natural pace of item drops, making the game feel less rewarding for some players. This is a problem we recognize. At this point we're not sure of the exact way to fix it, but we’re discussing it constantly, and we believe it's a problem we can overcome.

While these are some of the major issues with Diablo III, they aren't the only things we're looking at. On a daily basis we ask ourselves if the classes are satisfying to play, if rares and champions are fun to fight, if they’re tuned well relative to normal monsters. Can we make further improvements to social elements of the game? How can items be even better?

We made Diablo III because we believe in the Diablo games. We think the gameplay is awesome, the world is compelling, and it's the game we all wanted to play. Because we believe in it, we'll continue to stand by it and make it better. We are committed to making Diablo III the best Diablo game to date, and we hope you'll continue to help us do just that.

Saying that, I'd like to apologize to all of you, the players in our community. You deserve better than my reaction to Dave's comments. You deserve more honest communication about the game and what we're doing to make it a more awesome experience for us all. We care about Diablo very much, and appreciate your passion for it. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do this, and for that I can't thank you enough.

En undskyldning er selvfølgelig på sin plads, og jeg kan stadig undre mig, hvordan Jay Wilson kunne præstere at overse, at hans besked ville få konsekvenser. Når noget skrives på Facebook, er det oftest vejen til hurtig omtale.

Hvad der er mere interessant i forhold til Diablo 3, er, at Jay Wilson, i en næsten nostalgisk tone, omtaler, hvordan Diablo og Diablo 2 betød meget for ham og hans familie. Samtidig erkender han, at Diablo 3 har 'flaws' (mange vil mene, at de ikke kan tælles på én hånd), og han understreger, at hans hold ikke gør sig nogen illusioner om, at de har nået målet endnu, mens den nyeste patch blot omtales som et skridt i den rigtige retning. Desuden nævnes det, at den næste patch ikke kun vil blive PvP-orienteret.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Patch 1.0.4 er udgivet
« Dato: August 22, 2012, 04:46:32 pm »
Hvis nogle af jer endnu ikke har erfaret, at patch 1.0.4 til Diablo 3 er udkommet, kan jeg hermed informere om, at det skete ved 11-tiden i dag dansk tid. Patchen downloades, så snart du starter Diablo 3 launcher.

Du kan læse patch notes her, som også beskriver det nye Paragon System.

Men er patchen overhovedet banebrydende for Diablo 3? Er det nok til at motivere de mange utilfredse spillere? Du kan være med til at tage en finger på pulsen og ytre din egen mening om sagen i denne tråd: jeres mening om patch 1.0.4.

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls / Diablo 3 Fansite Q/A fra Blizzard
« Dato: August 21, 2012, 07:36:18 pm »
Vi har i dag modtaget en mail fra Blizzards fansite-afdeling, der indeholder en række spørgsmål og svar på samme omkring en række gameplay-mekanikker i Diablo 3. Vi modtager disse mails som officiel fanside. Der er muligvis lidt nyt at hente for nogle af jer. Eksempelvis var jeg ikke bekendt med, at der er forskel på, hvordan champion og rare wallers smider walls efter dig.

Q: It seems that avenger affix affects elite monsters from a pack pulled additionally to the pack having the avenger affix originally. Is this working as intended?
A: This is working as intended.
Q: Players feel limited by enrage timers and would like to have builds made around survivability more viable, especially for Hardcore. Do you think that’s an issue limiting build variety?
A: This is something we are looking into.
Q: Does MF affect rolls for affix value range or just the roll for number of affixes there will be on an item?
A: MF affects the roll for the number of affixes there will be on an item, not the affix value range.
Q: How many random events are in the game? It has been said that the number was around 400 but players would like to know if it is accurate and what is considered an event.
A: We believe this number is somewhere between 300 and 400, but we don’t have a set definition for what an event is. They are not critical to the player’s progression path through the game, and this “special” side content can include anything from elaborate dungeons through to quick, triggered events that last just a few seconds.
Q: Some wallers create dead end corridors made of 3 separate walls and some create single walls. What is the reason for this difference?
A: This is the difference between rares and champions.
Q: Are there plans to expand upon or revisit the followers from Diablo III and their individual stories?
A: If there is interest, then perhaps.
Q: Do specific classes have a higher probability of fighting specific affix mobs? If so, what are they?
(There is a Demon Hunter player found that he is very easy to meet Damage Reflect mobs. He (DH) and his friend (Bar) made an experiment. Both of them killed 1,000 Elite mobs and got mobs with Damage Reflect/all mobs ratios: DH is 584/1000; Bar is 107/1000. Is this a coincidence? Is it real that DH is easier to meet this specific affix mobs than other classes?)
A : No, specific classes do not have a higher probability of fighting specific affix mobs.
Q: Is there any particular reason that all the selling items time is set to 1d12h?
A: No, there is not a particular reason for this precise duration.

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