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« Dato: August 02, 2014, 10:22:58 pm »
Jeg har så småt spillet mig en season character op på PTR, og er ved at have et par Paragon Levels og et par rifts bag mig. Har fundet to items indtil videre, hvoraf jeg aldrig havde hørt om det ene. Det første er Leonine Bow of Hashir, der giver en ret vild bonus til Bolas - især hvis man bruger Freezing Strike, der skyder tre bolas afsted. Og så er det en ret høj LoH!? Og så er der Wojahnni Assaulter (som jeg ikke havde læst om, før jeg fandt den). Den giver en ret nice bonus til Rapid Fire. Har ikke afprøvet den endnu. Hvad synes I? Jeg synes selv, det er nogle ret nice items - build changers. Har I fundet noget spændende på PTR? Eller spiller I slet ikke PTR?
« Dato: August 01, 2014, 03:43:20 am »
Endnu mere damage til two-handersSkal gøre det (endnu) mere attraktivt at svinge store sværd - første buff var åbenbart ikke nok.For kort tid siden blev to-hånds-våben (minus crossbows/bows) buffed på 2.1 PTR. Nu svinger Blizzard igen buff-tryllestaven og giver et par ekstra increased damage-procenter oveni den første buff, som vi hørte om tilbage i midt juli. Desuden bliver den øgede damage nu også tilført two-handers i level 10-70 i modsætning til kun level 70 items tidligere. På denne måder bliver det også mere interessant for characters i leveling-processen at bruge begge hænder om ét våben til at nedlægge fjender. We're planning on expanding the level range for the retroactive damage buff to 2-handed melee weapons, so that it will include item levels 10-70 in patch 2.1. One of the benefits of this change is that it should help lower level Crusaders feel like Heavenly Strength is still a good choice. The percent of increased damage will still be based on the weapon speed, and not based on item level. So, lower level items will receive the same base percent damage increase as their higher level counterparts. Additionally, we're adjusting the amount of increased damage from 23-26% to 26-30%. >> KildeDer er for øjeblikket ingen melding om, hvornår denne opdatering rammer PTR - og desuden heller ikke om, hvornår patch 2.1 rammer live servers.
« Dato: Juli 30, 2014, 06:00:05 pm »
Ændringer på vej til Greater RiftsNye forhold vedrørende Urshi, Greater Rift Guardians, Legendary Gems mm.Ovenpå feedback fra spillerne på 2.1 Patch Test Realm, har Blizzard et nyt PTR build klar til os inden længe, hvor der vil være signifikante ændringer til måden, Greater Rifts fungerer på. There has been a ton of great feedback coming our way about Greater Rifts and your experiences with them. So let me take a moment to just say thank you! It's been super helpful to us and confirmed a lot of suspicions our development team has had regarding their current reward structure. Plenty of changes are coming in the next PTR patch that reflect these concerns.
Urshi will no longer only spawn when a Greater Rift is failed; instead, she will spawn at the end of every Greater Rift level. You'll be able to choose whether you wish to upgrade your gem or, assuming that you completed that Rift within the time limit, move on to the next level.
The Rift Guardian will spawn at the 15 minute mark regardless of whether your bar has reached full progress. This should eliminate "the slog" at higher Greater Rifts where you fail, but have the rest of the level to go before you get your rewards.
The pacing for upgrading your Legendary Gems is being significantly revised. Legendary gem upgrades are now more likely to receive multiple ranks per upgrade attempt at higher Greater Rift tiers, to a maximum of 4 ranks at a time. This is in addition to the higher chance to upgrade gained at each additional Greater Rift tier. To compensate for this change, individual ranks are less powerful. The rate of power accrual will roughly be the same, you'll just experience it more frequently!
These are some pretty significant changes to the Greater Rift reward scheme and they should vastly improve your experience when completing and conquering higher Greater Rift tiers. Be sure to let us know what you think once these changes are on our PTR!
« Dato: Juli 25, 2014, 02:02:06 pm »
Rainbow Goblins - din vej til Whimsydale!Goblins kommer nu i alle regnbuens farver...Det er altid en fed oplevelse at løbe ind i goblins - de er ofte vejen til hurtige drops, og de er relativt lette at dræbe. Derfor var det også rart for MonsterPool og jeg, da vi i går på 2.1 PTR faldt over en ny slags goblin; Rainbow Goblin. En sød lille fyr, der desværre måtte lade livet. Han efterlod en portal til Whimsydale, som er et level, der er mage til Whimsyshire. Er der andre, der er løbet ind i denne lille regnbuenisse på patch test realm for 2.1?
« Dato: Juli 21, 2014, 09:16:16 pm »
« Dato: Juli 19, 2014, 12:11:57 pm »
Seasons kan nu afprøves på PTRHvis du har mod på det, kan du nu logge på PTR og oprette seasonal characters.En meget ventet feature i patch 2.1 er seasons - et koncept, der er næsten identisk med ladder-systemet i D2. Season-konceptet er nu sat til afprøvning på PTR, som du altså kan logge på og teste nu. Our first Seasons test begins today! To create a Seasonal hero, simply check the "Seasonal Hero" box located below the class selection list. Please note that over the course of the patch 2.1.0 PTR, we may periodically "end" a Season to test the rollover process and ensure that Seasonal character data migrates correctly. To get the most out of this PTR, we will likely start and end a Season several times before our public test phase concludes. For more information about Seasons, click here. If you have any feedback to share regarding Seasons (including, but not limited to Conquests, Leaderboards, character creation, and data roll over), be sure to post in this forum. Any and all feedback is welcome. Thanks for your support and participation, and good luck with those Conquests! As a follow-up, Seasonal Legendary items are not yet enabled and therefore will not drop in the current build of the patch 2.1.0 PTR. We're currently working to enable Seasonal Legendaries with the next PTR build and will provide an update in this thread once they're live.
« Dato: Juli 17, 2014, 10:03:26 am »
Nyt om legendary gems - et kig på opdaterede versionerLegendary gems, som vi kender dem fra PTR, bliver ændret en del inden endelige udgivelse af patch 2.1 - og vi får opdaterede versioner at se i næste PTR build.Game designer John Yang har været forbi og efterladt en god lang kommentar til hans tanker om legendary gems, som man finder i forbindelse med Greater Rifts. Hi everyone. I wanted to pop in here while discussion on Legendary gems is ongoing. First off, our philosophy on Legendary gems is that, when you pick one up for the first time, you should immediately want to use it (assuming it’s for your build – some gems obviously don’t apply to all builds/needs). This puts a minimum bar on the starting power level. After that, the power increase per upgrade is directly related to the frequency of upgrading, which is closely tied to the Greater Rift reward scheme and is still being iterated on. In the end, we’d like gems to be infinitely upgradeable when it makes sense, but not be outrageous. Additionally, all Legendary gems have been disabled for followers. These powers were not designed for followers in mind, and this way we can ensure the gems are of a high power level because you can only have 3 equipped. In the future, if followers need avenues of advancement we would likely make Legendary gems specifically designed for them. Now for the details. The existing stats you see on Legendary gems on the PTR today are somewhat placeholder. So, to steer further discussion in a direction that’s more in line with the next PTR build, here are the freshly tuned numbers (with some of my notes) for each gem. Bane of the Powerful- Gain 30% increased damage for 20 seconds after killing an elite pack.
- Upgrade rank grants: +1 second buff duration.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain 20% bonus damage to elites.
Enforcer- Increase the Critical Hit Chance of your pets by 20%.
- Upgrade rank grants: +0.4% Critical Hit Chance. Max +20% upgrade (+40% total).
- Rank 50 unlocks: Your pets are unkillable.
- Notes: As was discussed in another thread, allowing this this gem to rank up to +100% pet Crit would likely cause undesired gearing issues and probably be a little out of line.
Moratorium- 30% of all damage taken is instead staggered and dealt to you over 3 seconds.
- Upgrade rank grants: +0.1 second to the stagger duration.
- Rank 50 unlocks: 10% chance on kill to clear all staggered damage.
Zei's Stone of Vengeance- Damage you deal is increased by 6% for every 10 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum 30% increase.
- Upgrade rank grants: +0.1% for every 10 yards (+0.5% to max).
- Rank 50 unlocks: 30% chance on hit to Stun the enemy for 1 second.
- Notes: The max of 50 yards was added not because it was too powerful (even though it was too powerful), but so that you wouldn’t be incentivized to stay offscreen while your pets killed everything. At 50 yards, I expect you to be in range to actually still use your skills (crazy right?).
Simplicity's Strength- Increase the damage of primary skills by 25%.
- Upgrade rank grants: +0.5% damage.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Primary skills heal you for 2% of maximum health on hit.
Bane of the Trapped- Increase damage against enemies under control-impairing effects by 20%.
- Upgrade rank grants: +0.5% damage.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain an aura that reduces the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30%.
Wreath of Lightning- 15% chance on hit to gain a Wreath of Lightning, dealing 500% weapon damage as Lightning every second to 1-2 nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
- Upgrade rank grants: +10% weapon damage per second.
- Rank 50 unlocks: While under the effect of the Wreath of Lightning, gain 25% increased movement speed.
Gem of Efficacious Toxin- Poison all enemies hit for 1000% weapon damage over 10 seconds.
- Upgrade rank grants: +20% weapon damage over 10 seconds.
- Rank 50 unlocks: All enemies you poison take 10% increased damage from all sources.
Pain Enhancer- Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for 500% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds.
- Upgrade rank grants: +10% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 2% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards.
Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver- 15% chance on hit to smite a nearby enemy for 1000% weapon damage as Holy.
- Upgrade rank grants: +20% weapon damage.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Smite a nearby enemy every 5 seconds.
Gogok of Swiftness- 50% chance on hit to gain Swiftness, increasing your Attack Speed by 2% for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
- Upgrade rank grants: +1% chance.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain 2% Cooldown Reduction per stack of Swiftness.
Invigorating Gemstone- While under any control-impairing effects, reduce all damage taken by 30%.
- Upgrade rank grants: +1%. Maximum +50% upgrade (80% total).
- Rank 50 unlocks: Heal for 20% of maximum life when hit by control-impairing effect.
Boon of the Hoarder- 30% chance on killing an enemy to cause an explosion of gold.
- Upgrade rank grants: +1% chance on kill.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds after picking up gold.
Taeguk- Gain 1% increased damage for 4 seconds after spending primary resource. This effect stacks up to 10 times. Gaining a stack refreshes all existing stacks.
- Upgrade rank grants: +1 max stack.
- Rank 50 unlocks: Gain 1% increased Armor for every stack.
- Note: This buff duration on this gem was chosen so that it’s easier to keep up with cheap spenders and not trivial with expensive spenders.
As always, these numbers are not final and we’re keeping a close watch as PTR goes on. Please continue the discussions and let us know what you think. Edit: Corrected Zei's Stone of Vengeance upgrade.
« Dato: Juni 28, 2014, 11:45:24 am »
Hellfire Amulet: du kan allerede nu spare opHellfire Amulet er en helt ny amulet, der vil blive mulig at crafte i patch 2.1 - med samme ingredienser som man bruger til Hellfire Ring. Dog lidt dyrere.Hellfire Amulet kunne godt gå hen og blive det helt store i den nye patch. Der er tale om en amulet, der kan craftes i samme stil som Hellfire Ring - og det er de samme items, der skal bruges. Dog vil amuletten være ekstra 'dyr' at lave, da den blandt andet vil kræve 10 Forgotten Souls. Specielt for amuletten er, at den vil rolle et tilfældigt passive skill til din character - altså et potentielt rigtigt stort buff til alle klasser, som de fleste givetvis vil gå efter. At det er de samme ingredienser, der skal bruges til amuletten som til ringen, betyder, at du med dine characters allerede nu kan forberede dig på at finde materialerne til amuletten. Selvfølgelig spiller det ingen rolle, hvis du alligevel har tænkt dig at spille seasons (som jeg bliver ved med at kalde ladder.) Læs, hvad Lylirra har at sige til ringen nedenfor. Can I grind uber keys now and save them to use when the patch comes out? Yup, you can. The process for crafting a Hellfire Amulet is more or less the same as crafting a Hellfire Ring, and you'll be able to use your existing materials. I say "more or less" because the recipe is slightly more expensive to purchase, there's only a Level 70 version of the item, and, in addition to the normal materials required for the Ring, you'll need 10 Forgotten Souls to craft the Amulet. Hvad siger I? Vil I komme til at farme Hellfire-materialer igen nu? Og har I allerede en idé om, hvilket passive skill, I skal have på amuletten? I mine øjne i øvrigt et spændende tiltag. Man kan dog håbe, at de på tilsvarende måde gør det interessant at farme efter Hellfire Ring igen. Lige nu er den ikke decideret 'god', hvis man ser bort fra experience-delen. Det, der var smart før RoS ved ringen, var, at man kunne vælge, hvilken mainstat, ringen skulle rolle. Dette er blevet en anelse mindre exceptionelt, efter smart loot blev en realitet.
« Dato: Juni 27, 2014, 02:02:03 pm »
Patch 2.1: Ramaladni's Gift - en gave til vores våbenVi har set information om et nyt item, der tilsyneladende vil kunne tilføje sockets til items. Blizzard har uddybet - og det viser sig at være en 'weapon only'-ting.Da vi først hørte om Ramaladni's Gift - et item/consumable - der kan tilføje sockets til items, var der straks snak om, om der mon var tale om sockets som en ekstra affix, eller om den ville erstatte en eksisterende affix, som det er tilfældet, når man enchanter sig til sockets. Nu har Grimiku forklaret, hvordan Ramaladni's Gift virker, og det er, som det er nu, kun weapons, der kan nyde godt af ekstra sockets. Til gengæld bekræfter han, at sockets tilføjet via Ramaladni's Gift vil fungere som ekstra affix - altså en potentiel ret kraftig forbedring af våben. Presently Ramaladni's Gift has an incorrect tooltip and patch note, which makes it very confusing to decipher how it's supposed to work. Also, the item is not yet fully implemented, which means it can't be looted right now (even though it's dropping on the PTR). We're aware of that issue, but we don't have an ETA to share at the moment on when we expect it to be 100% functional. That said, here's how Ramaladni's Gift is currently intended to work. This is all with the caveat that it's still under development, and potentially subject to change: - It will add a socket to an unsocketed weapon - It only works on weapons - It will work on enchanted weapons, so long as they don't have a socket - It effectively adds an item affix in the form of a socket - It will be consumed on use Hvad siger I? Personligt er jeg ved at være ret begejstret for patch 2.1, da der bliver tilføjet så mange nye muligheder på item-fronten. Og denne specifikke feature er da ret cool, ikke?
« Dato: Juni 26, 2014, 11:40:36 am »
Patch 2.1 PTR patch notesPatch 2.1 PTR blev tilgængelig i går - her er patch notes med mange spændende ændringer.Below you'll find the preliminary PTR patch notes for patch 2.1.0. Please note that this isn't the final version of the patch notes and that some changes may not be documented or described in full detail.
PTR PATCH 2.1.0 - v2.1.0.25014
To provide feedback on patch 2.1.0, please visit the PTR Feedback forum.
To report any issues you experience while playing, please visit the the PTR Bug Report forum.
For additional information about the PTR, click here.
Table of Contents:
New Feature: Seasons
Seasons are an optional, recurring game mode that offers players the opportunity to periodically start fresh, leveling Normal or Hardcore characters from scratch without gold, resources, or previously earned Paragon experience. Similar to the separation between Normal and Hardcore game modes, Seasonal characters will have their own shared stash and artisan progression as well. Any items, gold, or Paragon experience earned during a Season will be rolled over to a player's non-Seasonal characters once the Season concludes.
Seasons offer unique rewards and new challenges for players, including new Legendaries, an exclusive Transmogrification set only available to those who compete in each Season, and new achievements called Conquests. Progress within a given Season will be tracked in our new Leaderboard system. 
To learn more about Seasons, click here. 
Please note that Seasons are not yet available for testing on the PTR. This feature will be enabled at a later date.  
New Feature: Greater Rifts
Formerly referred to as Tiered Rifts, Greater Rifts are a special type of timed Nephalem Rift. There are an infinite number of Greater Rift levels, and each Greater Rift level will be progressively more difficult than the last. 
Completing a Greater Rift within its alloted time will allow players to progress to the next level (and if your time is exceptionally good, you may even skip multiple levels at once). Players can continue progressing through Greater Rift levels so along as they complete the Rift before its timer expires. Once a timer expires, players will reach the end of their current Greater Rift journey and their best results will be tracked in our new Leaderboard system. 
To learn more about Greater Rifts, click here. 
New Feature: Leaderboards
With the addition of Seasons and Greater Rifts, we want to provide players with a way to measure their progress within each of those environments. To do so, we've created Leaderboards. 
Leaderboards will track a variety of competitive player data including Greater Rifts clear times, Seasonal achievement point totals, and Seasonal Conquest completion ranking across several different game styles. Designed to be informative and detailed, Leaderboards will also allow you to compare your progress to that of players within your gameplay region, on your friends list, and in your clan roster.
To learn more about Leaderboards, click here. 
New Feature: The Cesspools
In patch 2.1.0 and moving forward, players will now have a chance to spawn a new level environement while in a Nephalem Rift or Greater Rift: The Cesspools.  
Originally designed as the sewers of Westmarch, we weren't quite able to include the Cesspools in the list of playable environments in Reaper of Souls by the time the expansion launched. Still, we loved the look and feel of this festering, dank underworld and have spent some time polishing it up for use in Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts. We hope you enjoy this new randomized landscape!
To learn more about the Cesspools, click here. 
Return to Top
- An additional Stash Tab is now available for all players with Reaper of Souls
- Players will now be disconnected from Diablo III upon being inactive for 30 minutes while outside of a game
- Healing Changes
- The amount of Life restored by Health Globes from Rare monsters has been reduced from 30% to 15%
- The amount of Life restored by Health Globes from Champion and Minion monsters has been reduced from 20% to 15%
- The amount of Life Regeneration and Life On Hit granted by items has been increased
- These changes apply to all items from level 1 to 70
- These changes are retroactive and will apply to existing gear
Return to Top
- Made a number of improvements to the AI of several pets:
- Pets that belong to other players will now be less visible
- Fixed a number of issues which could sometimes cause pets to not attack a nearby enemy or stand still and stop attacking the enemy they were currently attacking
- Pets affected by these improvements include:
- Call of the Ancients
- Companion
- Fetish Army
- Gargantuan
- Mystic Ally
- Phalanx
- Zombie Dogs
- Barbarian
- Active Skills
- Call of the Ancients
- Ancients should now more reliably hit moving targets
- Korlic's Furious Charge ability now deals damage to enemies he passes through
- Mawdawc's Seismic Slam ability now has a small knock up effect instead of the knock back
- Skill Rune - Duty to the Clan
- Has been redesigned
- Enemies hit are now chilled reducing Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds
- Chilled enemies have a 10% increased chance to be critically hit
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the ancients to never use their bonus abilities
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Ancients to snapshot attack speed when summoned
- Cleave
- Damage area has been increased from 120 to 180 degrees to more closely match the visual
- Skill Rune - Gathering Storm
- Has been redesigned
- Now Chills all enemies hit and causes them to take 10% increased damage from all sources for 3 seconds
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Earthquake
- Weapon damage increased from 2600% to 4200%
- Skill Rune - Giant's Stride
- Secondary tremor weapon damage increased from 160% to 200%
- Skill Rune - Molten Fury
- Weapon damage increased from 4500% to 5100%
- Furious Charge
- Weapon damage increased from 360% to 540%
- Skill Rune - Battering Ram
- Weapon damage increased from 760% to 900%
- Skill Rune - Bull Rush
- The stun has been replaced with a freeze
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Skill Rune - Dreadnought
- Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
- Ignore Pain
- Now grants immunity to all crowd control effects while active
- Skill Rune - Bravado
- Has been redesigned
- Now increases your run speed by 40% and knocks back enemies as you run
- Skill Rune - Contempt for Weakness
- Has been redesigned
- Now instantly heals you for 35% of your maximum Life
- Rend
- Skill Rune - Mutilate
- Has been redesigned
- Now causes enemies Chilled by Rend to take 10% increased damage from all sources
- Seismic Slam
- Will now lock on to an enemy you targeted with your mouse if you hold down the button
- Rend
- Weapon damage increased from 1000% to 1100% over 5 seconds
- Skill Rune - Lacerate
- Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
- Skill Rune - Mutilate
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Skill Rune - Ravage
- Damage type changed from Physical to Fire
- Wrath of the Berserker
- Skill Rune - Slaughter
- Damage caused by this rune can now trigger procs
Return to Top
- Crusader
- Active Skills
- Phalanx
- Avatar run speed increased from 100% to 200%
- Skill Rune - Bowmen
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bowmen to stop attacking when an enemy was in range, but out of line of sight
Return to Top
- Demon Hunter
- Dexterity no longer grants Dodge chance
- Dexterity now grants 1 Armor per point
- Active Skills
- Cluster Arrow
- Skill Rune - Maelstrom
- Tendril weapon damage increased from 220% to 450%
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Skill Rune - Shooting Stars
- Rocket weapon damage increased from 400% to 600%
- Companion
- Skill Rune - Boar Companion
- Now cleaves enemies in front of him
- Entangling Shot
- Skill Rune - Chain Gang
- Damage type changed from Poison to Physical
- Impale
- Weapon damage increased from 620% to 750%
- Skill Rune - Chemical Burn
- Weapon damage increased from 220% to 500% over 2 seconds
- Skill Rune - Grievous Wounds
- Additional damage on Critical Hit increased from 130% to 330%
- Skill Rune - Impact
- Stun chance increased from 50% to 100%
- Skill Rune - Overpenetration
- Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
- Multishot
- Skill Rune - Arsenal
- Rocket weapon damage increased from 160% to 300%
- Preparation
- Skill Rune - Punishment
- The Discipline cost has been removed
- Now has a 20 second cooldown
- Rain of Vengeance
- Weapon damage increased from 1250% to 1500% over 5 seconds
- Skill Rune - Anathema
- Weapon damage increased from 5400% to 5800% over 5 seconds
- Skill Rune - Dark Cloud
- Weapon damage increased from 2650% to 3500% over 8 seconds
- Skill Rune - Flying Strike
- Weapon damage increased from 3200% to 3800% over 5 seconds
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Skill Rune - Shade
- Weapon damage increased from 2400% to 2800% over 5 seconds
- Sill Rune - Stampede
- Weapon damage increased from 4200% to 4600% over 6 seconds
- Rapid Fire
- Weapon damage increased from 525% to 685%
- Skill Rune - Bombardment
- Weapon damage increased from 465% to 545%
- Skill Rune - High Velocity
- Pierce chance increased from 40% to 50%
- Damage type changed from Poison to Lightning
- Skill Rune - Web Shot
- Slow duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds
- Sentry
- Weapon damage increased from 200% to 280%
- Skill Rune - Chain of Torment
- Weapon damage increased from 240% to 300% per second
- Skill Rune - Impaling Bolt
- Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
- Skill Rune - Spitfire Turret
- Weapon damage increased from 70% to 120%
- Shadow Power
- Skill Rune - Gloom
- Damage reduction increased from 15% to 35%
- Skill Rune - Well of Darkness
- Cooldown reduced from 14 to 10 seconds
- Smoke Screen
- Skill Rune - Special Recipe
- Cooldown has been removed
- Now reduces the Discipline cost to 10
- Spike Trap
- Weapon damage increased from 250% to 340%
- Skill Rune - Echoing Blast
- Weapon damage increased from 250% to 420% per explosion
- Skill Rune - Lightning Rod
- Weapon damage increased from 280% to 500%
- Skill Rune - Long Fuse
- Weapon damage increased from 300% to 520% per explosion
- Skill Rune - Sticky Trap
- Weapon damage increased from 680% to 800%
- Strafe
- Weapon damage increased from 400% to 575%
- Skill Rune - Demolition
- Weapon damage increased from 340% to 400%
- Skill Rune - Emberstrafe
- Weapon damage increased from 80% to 185% over 2 seconds
- Skill Rune - Rocket Storm
- Weapon damage increased from 90% to 110%
- Skill Rune - Stinging Steel
- Extra damage on Critical Hit increased from 130% to 140%
- Vault
- Skill Rune - Acrobatics
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
- Vengeance
- Skill Rune - From the Shadows
- Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
- Passive Skills
- Awareness
- Has been redesigned
- Now when you receive fatal damage, you instead vanish for 2 seconds and regenerate 50% of maximum life
- This effect has a 60 second cooldown
- Perfectionist
- No longer increases your Life by 10%
Return to Top
- Monk
- Dexterity no longer grants Dodge chance
- Dexterity now grants 1 Armor per point
- Active Skills
- Crippling Wave
- Weapon damage increased from 143% to 175%
- Skill Rune - Mangle
- Weapon damage increased from 216% to 265%
- Skill Rune - Rising Tide
- Spirit generated on Critical Hit increased from 4 to 6
- Skill Rune - Tsunami
- Every third hit now also Freezes enemies for 1.5 seconds
- Cyclone Strike
- Skill Rune - Wall of Wind
- Has been redesigned
- Now Freezes enemies for 1.5 seconds after pulling them in
- Deadly Reach
- Weapon damage increased from 109% to 120%
- Skill Rune - Foresight
- Buff duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
- Skill Rune - Keen Eye
- Has been removed
- New skill rune added: "Searing Grasp"
- Increases weapon damage dealt to 200%
- Skill Rune - Piercing Trident
- Chance to knock enemies up on the third hit increased to 100%
- Skill Rune - Scattered Blows
- Third hit weapon damage increased from 156% to 185%
- Skill Rune - Strike from Beyond
- Has been redesigned
- Now reduces the Spirit cost of your next Spirit spender by 8% for each enemy hit by the third hit
- Exploding Palm
- Weapon damage increased from 1179% to 1685% over 9 seconds
- Skill Rune - Essence Burn
- Weapon damage increased from 1623% to 2620% over 9 seconds
- Weapon damage of the explosion DoT effect increased from 258% to 640% over 3 seconds
- Skill Rune - Impending Doom
- Weapon damage increased from 2149% to 3265% over 12 seconds
- Fists of Thunder
- First and second hit weapon damage increased from 122% to 255%
- Third hit weapon damage increased from 183% to 510%
- Skill Rune - Bounding Light
- Weapon damage increased from 195% to 240%
- Skill Rune - Quickening
- Spirit generated on Critical Hit increased from 4 to 6
- Skill Rune - Static Charge
- Additional weapon damage dealt to enemies affected by Static Charge increased from 125% to 180%
- Skill Rune - Thunderclap
- Shockwave weapon damage increased from 95% to 105%
- Skill Rune - Wind Blast
- Freeze duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds
- Seven-Sided Strike
- Significantly increased proc coefficient
- Skill Rune - Fulminating Onslaught
- Explosion weapon damage reduced from 977% to 877% per hit
- Significantly increased proc coefficient
- Skill Rune - Pandemonium
- Has been redesigned
- Now removes the Spirit cost and Freezes all enemies hit for 7 seconds
- Significantly increased proc coefficient
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Skill Rune - Sudden Assault
- Weapon damage increased from 6477% to 8285%
- Damage type changed from Physical to Lightning
- Significantly increased proc coefficient
- Skill Rune - Sustained Attack
- Cooldown reduced from 17 to 14 seconds
- Significantly increased proc coefficient
- Sweeping Wind
- Weapon damage increased from 30% to 60% per stack
- Skill Rune - Blade Storm
- Weapon damage increased from 40% to 85% per stack
- Skill Rune - Cyclone
- Tornado weapon damage increased from 23% to 35%
- Skill Rune - Master of Wind
- Has been redesigned
- Enemies damaged by Sweeping Wind for 3 consecutive seconds while the vortex is at 3 stacks will now be Frozen for 2 seconds
- Enemies cannot be Frozen by Sweeping Wind more than once every 3 seconds
- Tempest Rush
- Weapon damage increased from 240% to 260
- Skill Rune - Northern Breeze
- Weapon damage increased from 285% to 310%
- Wave of Light
- Skill Rune - Numbing Light
- Has been removed
- New skill rune added: "Shattering Light"
- Frozen targets have a 20% increased chance to be critically hit by Wave of Light
- Skill Rune - Wall of Light
- Now has a 40% chance to stun enemies
- Removed knockback
- Way of the Hundred Fists
- Weapon damage increased from 192% to 220%
- Removed the target cap on the third hit
- Skill Rune - Hands of Lightning
- Weapon damage increased from 429% to 490%
- Skill Rune - Spirited Salvo
- Has been removed
- New skill rune added: "Assimilation"
- Each enemy hit by the third hit increased your damage by 5%
- Skill Rune - Windforce Flurry
- Wave of wind weapon damage increased from 191% to 285%
- Passive Skills
- One With Everything
- Has been removed
- New passive added: "Harmony"
- 30% of your single elemental resistances from items instead increases your resistance to all elements
- Provocation
- Has been removed
- New passive added: "Determination"
- Your damage is increased by 4% for each enemy within 12 yards of you up to a maximum of 20%
- Relentless Assault
- New passive skill
- Available at Level 30
- You deal 20% more damage to enemies that are Blind, Frozen, or Stunned
- Seize the Initiative
- Has been removed
- Will be replaced by another passive skill in the future
Return to Top
- Witch Doctor
- The collision boxes for the following pets have had their radii reduced
- Zombie Dogs
- Gargantuan
- Fetishes
- Active Skills
- Corpse Spiders
- Weapon damage increased from 324% to 576%
- Skill Rune - Blazing Spiders
- Weapon damage increased from 400% to 700%
- Skill Rune - Leaping Spiders
- Weapon damage increased from 383% to 646%
- Skill Rune - Spider Queen
- Weapon damage increased from 1575% to 2625%
- Fetish Army
- Skill Rune - Fetish Ambush
- Damage type changed from Physical to Cold
- Locust Swarm
- Skill Rune - Devouring Swarm
- Has been redesigned
- Now grants 25 mana per second as long as the first enemy hit is still alive
- Damage type changed from Poison to Cold
- Skill Rune - Cloud of Insects
- Damage type changed from Poison to Physical
- Mass Confusion
- Skill Rune - Devolution
- Chance to summon a Zombie Dog reduced from 50% to 30%
- Poison Dart
- Skill Rune - Flaming Dart
- Weapon damage increased from 425% to 565% over 4 seconds
- Sacrifice
- Has been redesigned
- Now sacrifices a single dog at a time
- The dog will now be thrown to you cursor location and detonates on impact
- Weapon damage increased from 185% to 1090%
- If you're wearing The Tall Man's Finger, the damage is tripled to 3270% weapon damage for sacrificing your dog
- You do not gain additional damage if your giant dog represents more than 3 normal dogs
- Skill Rune - Black Blood
- Has been redesigned
- Now stuns enemies in the impact area for 3 seconds
- Skill Rune - Pride
- Mana gained increased from 60 to 280 per dog
- Skill Rune - For the Master
- Has been redesigned
- All your dogs will now be sacrificed in a single cast for 1090% weapon damage each
- Skill Rune - Provoke the Pack
- Has been redesigned
- Now gain 20% increased damage for 5 seconds when you sacrifice a dog
- This buff gains a stack with each cast and has a maximum of 10 stacks
- Spirit Barrage
- Skill Rune - Well of Souls
- Damage type changed from Cold to Fire
- Passive Skills
- Circle of Life
- Chance to summon a Zombie Dog has been reduced from 30% to 15%
Return to Top
- Wizard
- Active Skills
- Arcane Torrent
- Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
- Weapon damage increased from 573% to 670%
- Skill Rune - Arcane Mines
- Weapon damage increased from 688% to 825%
- Skill Rune - Death Blossom
- Weapon damage increased from 1452% to 1725%
- Blizzard
- Weapon damage increased from 807% to 910%
- Skill Rune - Unrelenting Storm
- Weapon damage increased from 1296% to 1360%
- Disintegrate
- Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
- Weapon damage increased from 511% to 580%
- Skill Rune - Entropy
- Weapon damage increased from 649% to 745%
- Energy Twister
- Weapon damage increased from 1000% to 1525%
- Skill Rune - Raging Storm
- Weapon damage increased from 1935% to 3200%
- Familiar
- Weapon damage increased from 179% to 240%
- Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 66% to 195%
- Skill Rune - Arcane Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 111% to 245%
- Skill Rune - Blazing Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 108% to 185% over 3 seconds
- Skill Rune - Frost Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 108% to 275%
- Skill Rune - Lightning Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 138% to 305%
- Skill Rune - Mammoth Hydra
- Weapon damage increased from 178% to 400%
- Magic Missile
- Weapon damage increased from 170% to 230%
- Skill Rune - Charged Blast
- Weapon damage increased from 240% to 325%
- Skill Rune - Seeker
- Weapon damage increased from 211% to 285%
- Meteor
- Molten fire weapon damage increased from 167% to 190% over 3 seconds
- Skill Rune - Comet
- Freezing mist weapon damage increased from 197% to 224% over 3 seconds
- Skill Rune - Molten Impact
- Molten fire weapon damage increased from 549% to 625% over 3 seconds
- Ray of Frost
- Now has an initial cost of 30 Arcane Power
- Weapon damage increased from 510% to 605%
- Skill Rune - Sleet Storm
- Weapon damage increased from 375% to 455%
- Passive Skills
- Cold Blooded
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent skills from refreshing this skill when their Chilled duration was refreshed
Return to Top
- A new Legendary consumable has been added
- Ramalandi's Gift
- Use on an unsocketed item to add the maximum number of sockets that item type allows
- Several existing Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power 
- General
- Depth Diggers
- Legendary Power added
- All resource generators deal 80-100% more damage
- Kymbo's Gold
- Legendary Power added
- Picking up gold heals you for an amount equal to the gold that was picked up
- Note: This power has not yet implemented
- Sash of Knives
- Legendary Power added
- Chance on attack to throw a dagger at a nearby enemy for 275-350% weapon damage
- Barbarian
- Lamentation
- Legendary Power added
- Allows Rend to be applied twice
- Bastion's Revered
- Legendary Power added
- Increases maximum number of Frenzy stacks to 10
- Crusader
- Angel Hair Braid
- Legendary Power added
- Allows Punish to gain the effect of all runes
- Eternal Union
- Legendary Power added
- Increases the duration of all Phalanx Avatars by 200%
- Demon Hunter
- Note: Existing items will not be affected by these changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power. 
- Class-Specific Items
- Crusader
- Blade of Prophecy
- The text on this item no longer improperly states that all enemies hit by Condemn will trigger another explosion
- Demon Hunter
- Embodiment of the Marauder
- (6) Set Bonus
- Fixed an issue that caused Hatred spenders cast by the Sentries to have a slower attack speed than intended
- Natalya's Vengeance
- (4) Set Bonus
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 2 seconds per kill
- Now also triggers on assists
- The Shadow's Mantle
- (2) Set Bonus
- Now, upon receiving fatal damage you instead automatically cast Smoke Screen and are healed to 25% Life
- This effect may only occur once every 120 seconds
- (4) Set Bonus
- Has been redesigned
- Now causes Shadow Power to last forever
- Wizard
- Firebird's Finery
- (6) Set Bonus
- Weapon damage increased from 300% to 2000% over 5 seconds
- Several existing class-specific Legendary items have also been updated to include a unique Legendary power (please see above)
- New Seasonal Legendaries
- General
- Bottomless Potion of Rejuvination
- New Legendary Potion
- Restores 15% of your primary resource when used below 25% Life
- Krelm's Buff Belt
- New Legendary Belt
- Grants a 20% Movement Speed bonus
- Taking damage causes you to lose this effect for 15 seconds
- Krelm's Buff Bracers
- New Legendary Bracers
- Grant you immunity to Knockback and Stun effects
- x1_FollowerItem_Legendary_03 (Name still TBD)
- New Legendary Follower item
- Equip on Follower: Reduces the cooldown of all Follower skills by 50%
- Barbarian
- Remorseless
- New Legendary one-handed Mighty Weapon
- Grants Hammer of the Ancients a 25-30% chance to summon an Ancient for 20 seconds
- Crusader
- Amazonian Parma
- New Legendary Shield
- Allows Phalanx to summon twice as many Avatars
- Applies to all rune variants
- P1_CruShield_norm_unique_01 (Name still TBD)
- New Legendary Crusader Shield
- Removes the cooldown of Condemn
- Condemn now costs 40 Wrath
- Demon Hunter
- Leonine Bow of Hashir
- New Legendary Bow
- Grants Bola Shot a 15-20% chance on explosion to pull in all enemies within 24 yards
- Monk
- Alabaster Gloves
- New Legendary Gloves
- Increases the duration of Sweeping Wind to 1 minute
- Witch Doctor
- Seasonal Legendary not yet implemented
- Wizard
- p1_Wand_norm_unique_01 (Name still TBD)
- New Wand
- Removes the cooldown of Teleport
- Teleport now costs 25 Arcane Power
Return to Top
- Bad Time to Be a Beast
- Number of kills required has been reduced from 500,000 to 250,000
- Bouncing from Bounty to Bounty
- Number of bounties required has been reduced from 50,000 to 5,000
- Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
- Number of bounties required has been reduced from 100,000 to 7,500
- Bounteous Maximus
- Number of bounties required has been reduced from 150,000 to 10,000
- Death Death and More Death
- Number of kills has been reduced from 2,500,000 to 750,000
- The Million Monster Mortality
- Has been renamed to "Killin' It"
- Number of kills required has been reduced from 1,000,000 to 500,000
- Some Hordes
- Number of kills required has been reduced from 5,000,000 to 1,000,000
- Splinter is Coming
- Number of kills required has been reduced from 25,000 to 1,000
- Ten Grand and Counting
- Has been renamed to "Bountiful Bounties"
- Number of bounties required has been reduced from 10,000 to 2,500
Return to Top
- Bounties
- The following Bounties have had their gold and XP reward values decreased:
- Act I - Clear Khazra Den
- Act II - Complete event: A Miner's Gold
- Act III - Clear Cryder's Outpost
- Act III - Clear Forward Barracks
- Act IV - Clear Hell Rift level 2
- Act V - Complete event: The Miser
- Nephalem Rifts
- The cost to open a Nephalem Rift has been reduced from 5 Rift Fragments (total) to 1 Rift Fragment (per player)
- Each player must pay the 1 Rift Fragment cost in order to enter a Nephalem Rift
- You can no longer click the Rift Obelisk to open a new rift while one is already open
- Conduit Pylon duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds only while in a Greater Rift
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed the matchmaking system to place players in games with open Rifts where the Rift Guardian has already been killed
Return to Top
- Blacksmith 
- The number of Magic materials required to craft Legendary and set Bracers has been reduced from 120 to 72
- Mystic
- When Transmogrifying an item with existing visual effects into a Legendary item, the original item's visual effects will no longer be displayed in addition to the Legendary item's visual effects
- Torment-only Set items can now be restored to their original appearance after being transmogrified
Return to Top
- Infernal Machine
- A new reward has been added: The Hellfire Amulet
- New Legendary amulet
- Will randomly roll a passive appropriate to your class
- Recipe is available for purchase from Squirt in Act II for 5 million gold 
- Requires the same materials to craft as the Hellfire Ring plus 10 additional Forgotten Souls
Return to Top
- The Skeleton King will now drop the Leoric's Crown the first time you kill him from level 11 to level 65
- Larvas will now also drop loot
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could prevent some DoTs from dealing damage while Treasure Goblins were running
Return to Top
- Character "Minis" have been added to Profiles
- Added a text box to the friends list that will filter the list as you type
- Filter settings on the Clan News pane will now be saved even if you log out
- The Achievements drop down filter will now save your selection as long as you remain logged in
- Holding down Shift when comparing items will now exclude bonuses provided by sockets from the comparison
- Chat
- Messages will now convert to a whisper after space is pressed when entering a player name
- New messages will now prioritize your whisper targets if you are currently whispering someone
- A new hotkey has been added to display the chat window
- You can now force the chat window to be displayed by holding down the X key
- Bug Fixes
- Players will now properly be notified when the Party Leader changes the games difficulty setting
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent the last few monsters required to clear a bounty from displaying on the minimap
- Fixed an issue preventing Paragon levels and portraits from displaying on the Heroes Profile tab for offline players
- Fixed an issue causing Paragon portrait award toasts to pop up before a new portrait was actually earned
- Fixed an issue that was improperly limiting Community news posts to a character limit that was lower than intended
Return to Top
- Fixed an issue that was causing frame rate to cap at 60 FPS with Vertical Sync enabled
Kilde >> [/url]
« Dato: Juni 26, 2014, 12:25:33 am »
Patch 2.1 er nu på PTR - kan spilles nu!Patch 2.1 kan nu prøves på forhånd, inden den endelige udgivelse på live servers.Så er der nyt at komme efter på patch test realm. Vi kan nu få lov at tjekke alle de nye features ud i patch 2.1 inden den rammer live servers.
Patch 2.1.0 is currently in development and now available for testing on the PTR. To learn about major changes included in 2.1.0, please see the official PTR patch notes. For information on how to participate, copy over characters, and provide feedback, read on below!
Further details on how to access the PTR and use the Character Copy system can be found in the FAQ.
To participate in the public test, you must have a Diablo III game license attached your account in good standing (i.e. it hasn't been suspended or banned). In addition, you will also need to download and install the desktop app if you have not already done so.
Step 1: Create a PTR account. To create a PTR account, Account Managementand double-click on your Diablo III game license; this will bring you to the game management page. On this page, click "Create a PTR account.
If you've participated in any previous Diablo III PTR (including the Reaper of Souls beta), the "Create PTR account" button may not appear. This is because you've already created a PTR account and can therefore skip this step.
Step 2:Once you have created a PTR account, installed the desktop, and logged in with your credentials, select "Diablo III" from the main menu on the left-hand side of the application.
Step 3: On the Diablo III screen, there is a drop-down menu right above the "Play" button (note that this may say "Install" if you do not have Diablo III currently installed). Select "PTR: Diablo III" from this drop-down menu before proceeding.
Step 4: You should now have the option to install and play the patch 2.1.0 PTR.
The 2.1.0 PTR is available in all supported languages, and accounts from all regions are eligible to participate.
The option to copy your existing Diablo III characters from your live account to the PTR will be available and can be done directly through the PTR client. However, only one region per account can be copied at a time. So, if you choose to copy characters from your account in a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost.
Step 1: Log into PTR client and create a level 1 character. After you're done, return to the main character screen.
Step 2: Click on the "PTR Copy" button located in the upper right-hand corner. (The PTR Copy button will not appear in-game until you have created a new level 1 character.)
Step 3: Select your region.
Step 4: Click "Copy." This will copy all characters on your account from the selected region.
Step 5: You will be disconnected from the PTR client.
Step 6: Log back in. Your copied characters will be available for play.
Please note that you can only copy characters from one gameplay region at a time. If you choose to copy characters from a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost.
In addition, you can only copy characters over to your PTR account once every 72 hours. Attempting to copy characters before this cooldown is up will result in an error.
Once you've had the chance to try things out, be sure to visit the Public Test forums to discuss the patch.
As this is a test server, please anticipate uneven game performance, and note that restarts and downtime may occur without warning.
« Dato: Juni 23, 2014, 09:41:41 pm »
Reminder: har du husket at hente dine items i Auction House?
Auction House har efterhånden være lukket i et par måneder - men har du hentet dine items fra overståede auktioner?
Selvom Auction House har været lukket siden marts, er det først i morgen, at det for bestandigt fjernes fra grænsefladen i Diablo 3 og Reaper of Souls. Derfor skal du, hvis du har items liggende efter overståede auktioner, sørge for at hive disse items ud, hvis ikke du vil miste dem.
« Dato: Juni 18, 2014, 12:40:14 am »
Første kig på patch 2.1 - Seasons, leaderboards, greater rifts mm.Blizzard har udgivet første officielle artikel om patch 2.1 - den første større content patch til Reaper of Souls.De seneste uger har der været meget snak om den store opdatering i form af patch 2.1, der vil give os de længe ventede seasons. I en længere artikel løfter Blizzard sløret for nogle af de mere specifikke ændringer i patchen. Læs det hele nedenfor i Blizz-quoten.
It's almost here, nephalem! The first major content patch for Reaper of Souls™ is right around the corner and we're preparing a Public Test Region to give you a hands-on look at the upcoming changes. Before the PTR goes live, let's get started with a high-level overview of what you can expect from patch 2.1.0.
Table of Contents:
Please note that this is only a preview. The below information does not reflect all changes available in patch 2.1.0 and is subject to change. Some images represent works in progress, and may not be representative of the final product.
Similar to Ladders in Diablo® II, Seasons will offer players in Diablo® III a chance to periodically start fresh, leveling their level 1 characters and artisans from scratch. Season participation benefits include exclusive rewards and unique Legendaries as well as the the thrill of climbing all-new Leaderboards by completing achievements, earning Conquests, or running Greater Rifts.
Left: A Seasonal Hardcore Crusader gets ready to hop into the action. Right: A full overview of your Seasonal characters will be available in your Character Profile.
With the start of each Season, players will have the opportunity to earn Conquests. Conquests are special Season-only achievements (offered in addition to the suite of non-Seasonal achievements already available in the game) that represent a variety of challenging goals. These goals can vary in terms of gameplay and difficulty, and some might be easier to complete than others. With tasks ranging from killing Malthael at level 70 on Torment VI to finishing Acts I-V in an hour or less, Conquests are designed to encourage and promote an array of different playstyles.
Conquests are considered "first come, first served," and the first 1000 individuals to complete a Conquest within a given Season will be immortalized on that Season's regional Leaderboard. Right now, we're looking to provide between 10-15 unique Conquests each Season, and each Conquest will have its own Leaderboard. Conquests will also provide achievement points and will count toward your Seasonal point total. These points will be provided regardless of whether your character placed in the regional Leaderboard.
No Seasons? No Problem!
Not in the mood to start from scratch? You’ll still benefit from Seasons (which, by the way, are completely optional). New Seasonal Legendaries will roll over to non-Seasonal loot pool after a Season concludes. In addition, Greater Rift leaderboards will also become available to non-Seasonal characters, so you can compare the progress of your friends and clanmates with that of your most veteran heroes!
Formerly referred to as Tiered Rifts, Greater Rifts are a special type of Nephalem Rift that are designed to provide players way to measure their gear progression and efficiency.
How to Access Greater Rifts:
To access a Greater Rift, simply complete a regular Nephalem Rift in any difficulty. When you defeat the Rift Guardian, they'll have a chance to drop a Greater Rift Key. You can then use this new key at the Nephalem Obelisk, similar to other Rift Fragments—this will open a Greater Rift. If you have members in your party, each player will be prompted to use one of their own Greater Rift keys to join the fun!
Entering a Greater Rift requires its own type of Rift Keys.
How Greater Rifts Work:
While Greater Rifts are a type of Nephalem Rift, there are some key differences between the two features. In Greater Rifts:
- You'll race against a clock to fill a progress bar by accruing monster kills.
- Most monsters do not drop loot; rewards have been completely shifted to the Rift Guardian.
- This removes conflicting pressure from attaining a better time versus picking up all your loot.
- Monsters grant differing amounts of progress for your progress bar; the tougher the monster, the more they fill up your progress bar.
- You cannot resurrect at your corpse or in town while in a Greater Rift—only at the last checkpoint.
- Note that, currently, if you die in a Greater Rift on a Hardcore character, that death will be permanent.
- You cannot use player banners or the Teleport option if the target player is in a Greater Rift.
- Higher Greater Rifts levels are progressively more difficult.
- This difficulty is separate from the standard difficulty settings (Master, Torment I-VI, etc.)
If you complete a Greater Rift before time expires you'll advance to the next difficulty level. Should your time be exceptionally good, you might even skip a few levels! If time instead expires, you'll have reached the end of your current Greater Rift journey and your best results will be posted to the appropriate Leaderboards.
Your progress bar is a little different inside a Greater Rift, to allow you to gauge your completion compared to your efficiency.
Legendary Gems:
Greater Rifts are truly a challenge, and conquering such challenges should be met with great reward. To provide a unique and upgradable incentive, we're introducing Legendary Gems.
Legendary Gems are still undergoing significant iteration at this time, so you won't see them available on the PTR right away. The gist is that these gems are infinitely upgradeable, and provide special Legendary powers when socketed into the appropriate gear slot. They can only be socketed into Rings and Amulets, and can be upgraded by completing additional Greater Rifts. The higher you place in a Greater Rift, the more likely your gem will be successfully upgraded. We'll have more details in the future as we continue development on these powerful baubles, so stay tuned!
Coming to a Nephalem Rift Near You:
Some of the changes in Greater Rifts are also coming to regular Nephalem Rifts—like the way the completion bar will advance based on monster difficulty. In addition, we're slightly modifying the entry mechanism for all Rifts. All players will need to have a Rift Fragment in order to enter a Nephalem Rift; however, we’ve reduced the cost for entering a Nephalem Rift down to one Rift Fragment per character to compensate.
With so many ways to compete, we want to provide players with a quick and easy way to measure their progress. Enter our next big feature for patch 2.1.0: Leaderboards.
Leaderboards will track progress for Greater Rifts, Seasonal achievement points, and Seasonal Conquests across a variety of game styles. Designed to be informative and detailed, Leaderboards will allow you to compare your progress to that of your gameplay region, friends, and clan members, and each type of board will track progress a little differently.
Leaderboards offer a variety of ways to compare your accomplishments to your friends and clanmates.
Greater Rift Leaderboards:
Greater Rift leaderboards will be split between both Hardcore and Normal gameplay modes as well as Seasonal and Non-Seasonal characters. To help encourage a variety of play styles and allow you to measure yourself against similar competitors, we've also broken up Greater Rift leaderboards into the following categories:
- Solo play for each class (e.g. top players for Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Crusader, etc.)
- 2-Player Groups
- 3-Player Groups
- 4-Player Groups
Season-Only Leaderboards:
Some Leaderboards will be Season-only. For example, Conquests are only tracked on Seasonal characters, so these Leaderboards won't have a non-Season equivalent. The same will be true for Seasonal achievement points. In addition, because Conquests and achievements are account-wide, their associated Leaderboards will not be split between Normal and Hardcore (even though some tasks may require playing a particular mode).
Of course, with so many competitive elements hitting the PTR, we're also reviewing each class thoroughly to ensure no matter what you play, you have a fair chance at reaching your Seasonal goals. While we won't be getting into class specific details here, we wanted to share with you a few examples of overarching adjustments we plan on experimenting with during the Public Test phase.
Dexterity Survivability:
A major change is coming to Dexterity to benefit Demon Hunters and Monks. Each point of Dexterity will grant 1 point of Armor instead of Dodge chance. Dodge isn’t as reliable as Armor or Resistances and doesn’t protect you from some of the most dangerous monster affixes like Plagued or Thunderstorm. In light of this buff, the existing passives that grant 30% of your Dexterity as Armor (Seize the Initiative and Awareness) will be completely redesigned.
The next change will be to Healing. Currently, Healing provided by gear isn't very valuable because you receive the vast amount of your healing from Health Globes. During internal testing, we discovered that as you reached higher Greater Rift levels, you really wanted more of your healing to come from your gear in order to survive. To facilitate this, we are reducing the amount of healing Health Globes provide, but buffing Life on Hit and Life Regeneration on gear to compensate. This change should make a more consistent experience when you turn up the difficulty (or reach a higher tier in a Greater Rift) in situations where you’re not killing as quickly and actually require the increased Healing.
While Seasons and Greater Rifts are definitely taking center stage with this patch, we're also providing some additional content to add more variety and flavor to your Adventure Mode exploration.
Originally designed as the sewers of Westmarch, we weren't quite able to include the Cesspools in the list of playable environments in Reaper of Souls by the time the expansion launched.
Expect to encounter (and slaughter) a variety of creatures in the Cesspools!
Still, we loved the look and feel of this festering, dank underworld and we've spent some time polishing it up for use in Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts. You'll have a chance to spawn Cesspool levels while in a Rift, and we hope you enjoy this new randomized landscape!
We may have additional treats on the horizon, but let's not get too Greedy. . . . You'll have your hands on the PTR soon enough to find out more.
We are incredibly excited to share patch 2.1.0 with you and can't wait to see your reactions once the PTR goes live. Be sure let us know what you think of the changes and features, and send any bug reports our way as you explore Seasons, Greater Rifts, Leaderboards, and more.
What new feature are you most excited about? Are you going to climb the Greater Rifts leaderboard, or will you race to be the first to complete as many Conquests as you can? Let us know in the comments below, and we'll see you soon™ on the PTR!
« Dato: Juni 11, 2014, 05:09:23 pm »
Achievement bugs meldes fiksetDet har løbende siden udgivelsen af Diablo 3 været alment kendt, at der har været problemer med visse achievements. Nu melder Blizzard, at de har løst problemet.Hi Everyone, I just wanted to pop in here and let you all know that we deployed an update to our back end services today that we believe should “heal” a fair amount of the issues that some of you in this thread have been reporting with achievements that have become stuck or “broken” since the game was released. Without going too deep into the technical details, basically what we did was implement a system that looks at your account upon login to try and identify any achievements for which you have fulfilled all the criteria, but have not been awarded the actual achievement. If the system identifies a broken achievement, the server will attempt to immediately “heal” your broken achievement and grant it to you. I say “try” because each server will only attempt to run a certain number of instances of this healing operation at one time. What this means is it may take several logins to heal any achievements that are broken on your account in this way. This is expected behavior, and just because you haven’t seen any changes to your achievements just yet, doesn’t mean that the fix did not work for you at all. I know that many of you have been waiting for this for a long time, but it is somewhat likely that this fix may not resolve every single achievement issue that every player has. This particular fix is specifically targeted at achievements with tracked criteria (basically this means requirements that were tracked with checkboxes). Also as I said above, this fix may not take effect for everyone immediately. What this means is that we are going to need to let the dust settle over the next few days to see what other types of issues remain. So, where do we go from here? At this point, we encourage you to simply play as you normally would for the next several days and see what happens with your achievements. If you are still experiencing erroneous behavior or are missing a particular achievement that you believe is broken, we encourage you to reply to this thread and let us know about it. Include detailed information if you can such as the full achievement name, when you earned it, and what the exact problem with it is with as thorough a description as possible. Steps are good too, if you have them! I’ll be watching this thread very closely, and will likely be popping in here again in the days and weeks to come. Thank you all again for your patience and all of your reports about this. Jeg har ikke selv været særlig interesseret i achievements, så jeg har ikke bemærket, hvilke achievements, der skulle være bugged. Hvad med jer? Mangler I nogle af de achievements, I egentlig burde have? Har det ændret sig nu?
« Dato: Juni 10, 2014, 09:06:23 pm »
Patch 2.0.6 er live - legendary crafting materials overflødiggøresPatch 2.0.6 er gået live på US servers, og i morgen sker det også på EU servers.Det er ikke meget, vi har hørt til patch 2.0.6, da det meste af vores fokus har været rettet mod patch 2.1. Derfor er det lidt af en overraskelse, at 2.0.6 rammer os nu. Der er nogle spændende buffs iblandt ændringerne, og så er der nogle nyttige tilføjelser til visningen af elemental damage og skill damage. Dog må den største nyhed være, at legendary crafting materials nu overflødiggøres. Tjek alle patch notes nedenfor. Diablo III patch 2.0.6 is now live in the Americas. Check out the full patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes.
Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download patch 2.0.6 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from a European or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is in the Americas, you will be unable to log into Europe or Asia using Global Play after patch 2.0.6 is live until those regions have also patched.
Diablo III Patch 2.0.6 - v2.0.6.24641
Visit our Bug Report forum for a list of known issues.
For a list of recent hotfixes, please go here.
Table of Contents
- Barbarian
- General
- The animation speed for Leap has been increased
- The new speed is now faster than it was for both male and female Barbarians pre-patch 2.0.5
- The animation speed for Earthquake has been slightly increased
- Monk
- Philosophy
- We felt that Momentum was not as strong as some other Monk passives. The buffs to Momentum should help bring it more in line with its peers.
- While there are no additional changes at this time, we intend to buff other abilities in a future patch to open up more build diversity.
- Active Skills
- Wave of Light
- Skill Rune - Pillar of the Ancients
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue causing the pillar created by this rune to have collision
- Passive Skills
- Momentum
- Reduced the distance required from 30 to 25 yards
- Damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%
- Duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds
Return to Top
- General
- Increased the drop rate of all class-specific Set items 
- Affected Sets:
- Immortal King's Call, Natalya's Vengeance, Inna's Mantra, Zunimassa's Haunt, Tal Rasha's Elements
- The Legacy of Raekor, Armor of Akkhan, Embodiment of the Marauder, Raiment of a Thousand Storms, Helltooth Harness, Firebird's Finery
- Might of the Earth, Thorns of the Invoker, The Shadow's Mantle, Monkey King's Garb, Raiment of the Jade Harvester, Vyr's Amazing Arcana
- This change will affect the drop rates from all eligible sources including monsters, chests, destructibles, and Kadala
- Class-Specific Items
- Monk
- Philosophy
- Legendary items are just as important to class power as class skills. We recognize that the Monk class sets went out underpowered, and are substantially increasing their damage to be closer in comparison with the sets of other classes. Additionally, the Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6- piece bonus has been redesigned slightly to allow the damage to be higher, more controlled, and more deliberate.
- Monkey King's Garb
- (4) Set Bonus
- Explosion weapon damage increased from 100% to 1600%
- Lowered explosion delay from 1 to 0.5 seconds
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that cause the Spirit spent counter to reset when an item was picked up
- Raiment of a Thousand Storms
- (6) Set Bonus
- Will now be triggered only by Dashing Strike
- Weapon damage increased from 100% to 3000%
- Damage radius decreased from 20 yards to 15 yards
- Damage dealt can now be a Critical Hit
- Removed the target cap
- The visual effect will still be capped at six targets
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue introduced in Patch 2.0.5 that prevented the +% Haunt Damage, +% Locust Swarm Damage, and +% Rend Damage item affixes from being applied
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- Legendary crafting recipes have received several changes:
- Philosophy
- Legendary crafted items are meant to be both a stepping stone into end game items and a good place to spend crafting materials at the end game. While we like the fantasy of having the unique crafting materials, obtaining them was either keeping too many people from being able to complete the recipes in a timely manner or encouraging game flipping and similar less than ideal patterns of play in order to acquire them. As such, we are removing the requirement for unique items when crafting Legendaries.
- Unique crafting materials are no longer required
- Legendary crafting materials will no longer drop
- Existing Legendary crafting materials will now be grey and have had their sell prices increased
- Level 70 crafted sets and Legendary items with unique properties now require additional Death's Breath
- Level 70 crafted Legendary items without unique properties have had their Death's Breath costs removed
- Death's Breath is no longer required for most Artisan training costs
- The Mystic no longer requires any Death's Breath to train
- The Blacksmith and the Jeweler now only require 1 each to learn the first rank of level 11
Return to Top
- +% Skills damage bonuses will now display on the details page
- +% Elemental damage bonuses will now display on the details page
- Paragon bonuses will now be reflected in Character Profile Damage, Toughness, and Healing values
- Community chat will now be joined by default and the settings for which channels you have joined or left will be saved
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